I am trying to trade Groudon and Rayquazza from Alpha Ruby to X to help complete my Dex but it refuses to let me trade. O removed red orb from Groundon but still no good. I have tried by trading and pokebank. Any ideas why it doesn't like me?
It's not you it doesn't like, it's the moves Dragon Ascent and Precipice Blades, which Rayquaza and Groudon only learn in ORAS so they can't transfer to XY.
Yep, Dragon Ascent can be retaught by the old Draconid lady in Meteor Falls, and Precipice Blades is a level-up move for Groudon in ORAS.Thanks. So if I delete the moves I should be able to trade. Can you confirm that the move relearner on ORAS will be able to teach them again?
toss, 16 special attack is trashHaven't Pokémon'd in a while... but got Sapphire for Christmas so...
Bold Latias
Keep or toss?
Thanks everyone - hope you all had a wonderful Christmas :)
Toss Spatk is to lowHaven't Pokémon'd in a while... but got Sapphire for Christmas so...
Bold Latias
Keep or toss?
Thanks everyone - hope you all had a wonderful Christmas :)
Anyone willing to help me transfer 4 items from my Y cartridge to my AS one?
Haha awesome! I'm also from Melbourne! It's rare to find people that live in the same country let alone the same city. :DI'll do it. Aus players unite!
Hey guys
Im looking for someone who has a grass or poison friend safari with Technician Roserade
If you do let know and Ill trade you something good
Also spitback would be very good too :))))))
10-12 depending in the shiny you do for them, fossils and the like count as 2-3.Roserade can't be found in Friend Safaris, but Roselia can be found in hordes on Route 7, and Pokemon in hordes have a chance of having their hidden ability.
Question: I actually don't really like receiving 5IV Pokemon because I find it much more interesting to breed from 0 IVs. How many spitback females with egg moves would you guys consider a fair trade for a custom-bred shiny?
Hey, i need help with transffering to so we can help each other :)Anyone willing to help me transfer 4 items from my Y cartridge to my AS one?
Any specifics lol just electric is pretty broad xDDoes anyone have a spare electric-type spitback they could toss my way? Started late and I'm lagging behind my RL friends who are just about to complete training their team and I need a decent electric type in mine to battle them.
Any specifics lol just electric is pretty broad xD
Well I'm sick at work for the next 3 hours but I recently won a shiny eleckid in jebus giveaway lemme see red is rights and I may be able to give ya thatnope. anything thats not a legendary! if you have any spare 6iv or spitbacks, I'd be happy to take them off you :D
This is a little late, but 4-6. 10-12 is absurd.Edit:
Question: I actually don't really like receiving 5IV Pokemon because I find it much more interesting to breed from 0 IVs. How many spitback females with egg moves would you guys consider a fair trade for a custom-bred shiny?