Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 44 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I'm about to start trying to catch a hidden ability Magikarp, does the dexnav work for fishing at all or is there a better way?

EDIT: Had a look on the wiki and it seems that they would crop up over deep water tiles is this the case?
I'm about to start trying to catch a hidden ability Magikarp, does the dexnav work for fishing at all or is there a better way?

EDIT: Had a look on the wiki and it seems that they would crop up over deep water tiles is this the case?

Pokemon normally seen only by fishing appear on the surface using the dexnav (you need to have them registered in the pokedex). So you need to use surf then use the dexnav.
Actually, a fully invested 30 IV is still one point less than a fully invested 31 IV at level 50. I'd toss that Virizion.

EDIT: Also, what's up with the Battle Maison Pokemon? I'm running a Kangaskhan with a spread of 52 HP / 166 Atk / 36 Def / 4 SDef / 252 Spd. Apparently a +6 return can't KO a Nidoking... I've noticed that the Pokemon there are extremely bulky. I ran this calc:

+6 166 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Nidoking: 406-478 (215.9 - 254.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Both Pokemon set to level 50 and Doubles. Seriously though, why can Nidoking survive this in game, when it shouldn't according to this calc?
That Virizion has long since been tossed. Got another one with slightly better stats but still 30 Speed that got chucked too, and am now convinced it's just trolling me now.
Should I regret keeping a 31/xx/31/30/31/28 Timid HP Fire Diancie?
Yes, toss it. Accept nothing less than perfect Speed for a +Speed nature, or you'll be told to toss it every time.
Should I regret keeping a 31/xx/31/30/31/28 Timid HP Fire Diancie?
I'd consider this honestly. Having hidden power fire means you lose to max speed base 110s anyway. The only thing that you'd lose to because of this 28 speed iv would be hidden power fire latis, which diancie forces out anyway. Plus, you still beat max speed base 108s (such as keldeo)

EDIT: didn't realize you actually kept it. I think you made the right call
I'm on pokemon y and I can't get it in super training

I can farm one up in X and Y if you would fact, I probably have plenty at this moment in my x/y game. Ill simply send it to you on a pokemon. If this is acceptable to you, send me your friend code...mine should be in my sig.
Okay, guys, first SR project for Giratina. Toss or keep?(this is like my 6th SR)


Impish, so my sync worked, and Im keeping this for personal use for the most part
Hello there, fellow homo sapiens (that means human, for the less-informed :D)! I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to give/trade me their soul dew, as I use a latias competitively. I offer... Hmm... Uhh... Oh! Shinies, I suppose? Yes?...yes! Ok, then! Thanks to anyone who responds.

FC: 4814-3048-1292

IGN: Josh
Hello there, fellow homo-sapiens (that means human, for the less-informed :D)! I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to give/trade me their soul dew, as I use a latias competitively. I offer... Hmm... Uhh... Oh! Shinies, I suppose? Yes?...yes! Ok, then! Thanks to anyone who responds.

I have a few Soul Dews but my FC list is full (I need to erase some of them).

I'll sent you a message, I'll send you one via GTS.
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