Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 44 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Does anyone have a quit aegislash/doublade/honeedge? ivs does not really matter, though a couple would be nice! I have: fletchlind (adamant or jolly; HA), bagon (Timid, naive and adamant) and squrtle (moddest)
So, I'm an idiot and managed to start SR'ing for Latios without a sync on my team :(

What IV spread is good for Latios? Hasty 31/31/x/31/x/31 and Timid 31/x/x/31/x/31 ?

I know for a fact that if you're doing the in-game Latios you can fly back on Latias to prepare your team and come back, I had to do it on my playthrough so yeah... If it's the Eon Ticket one I don't know because I haven't got one yet but I would assume you could leave as it wouldn't make sense if you couldn't...
Any one willing to trade a beedrillite? I have nothing but if you could it would be helpfull. FC 3625 7823 7932

I need some ORAS friends because everyone is still playing X and Y

Moderator edit: Don't double post.
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Hello! Is anyone here able to RNG Dream Radar Pokémon or has a HA Togepi in B/W? I'm looking for someone that can RNG a Togepi with 29 IVs in every stat.

Got one!

Best ball for shiny Manectric?
I'd say:
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OMFG I wanted to softreset heathran literaly the first encounter turns out to be a shiny heathran

edit I cought it with the first pokeball I threw at it:)

edit 2 synco worked this are its ivs

30 0 14 30 30 2
31 1 15 31 31 3
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Any one willing to trade a beedrillite? I have nothing but if you could it would be helpfull. FC 3625 7823 7932

Beedrillite is easily found by exploring the Sea Mauville in ORAS (requires Surf + Dive) so there's no need to trade for it unless you're doing some sort of egglocke and want the mega stone earlier in the playthrough. If you're playing XY, the stone cannot be traded to those games so don't even bother...
How do you get master rank in pokemon contests? Do you have to go to every town's contest hall? Is it easy to get master rank?

Also, what's the best strategy in singles and multi battle battle mansion? Is that easy to win?
How do you get master rank in pokemon contests? Do you have to go to every town's contest hall? Is it easy to get master rank?

Also, what's the best strategy in singles and multi battle battle mansion? Is that easy to win?
Give your Pokemon Pokeblocks that raise the contest stat that you want to go for "Cool" "Beautiful" whatever, use moves that are neutral in the contest you choose or use moves that are the same stat as the contest you choose. Combos work well, jamming/startling work well, spamming high attraction moves in early levels of contests is an easy way to win, but pretty stupid. Contests aren't rocket science they're also easier than they used to be.

Edit: And no you don't need to travel around the world to get Super, Hyper, Master Rank anymore. They all just unlock everywhere when you win the rank below it.
How do i get a shiny charm? And what i put it on the first pokemon in the party
Complete the National Pokedex. It's a Key Item.

Pro tip: you may want to browse through the various parts of this section listed in the right sidebar. You seem to be asking a lot of questions that are common knowledge, and just doing a bit of reading up will help you a lot: It's always my go-to place if I have a Pokemon related question, then I come here if there's something I can't figure out.
Guys, I have a question (might be a little out of context): which pokemon is more viable for a fairy/ice weak team? Tyranitar or magnezone? I get that tyranitar is also weak to fairy but it's special defense is so many levels above magnezone's that it might not even matter. Also, magnezone's move pool is kind of shallow, while tyranitar's allows it to set up. But, with magnezone's ability, he gets a life orb and an assault vest (due to analytic). Just a question for my team, thanks to anyone who gives advice:)

Tyranitar@weakness policy
Careful 252 sp. def.,56 Atk, 202 Hp
-hone claws
-stone edge
-stealth rock


magnezone@assault vest (ability:Analytic)
Quiet 252 sp. Atk, 252 Hp, 4 def (spe iv: 0)
-flash cannon
-volt switch
-hidden power [ice]
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