Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Hey guys, trying to get a UU team together, and I find myself struggling to get ahold of a calm regenerator Foongus and a jolly Weedle. I can offer breedable mons from my spreadsheet Here for them(Shinies would require cloning which I don't have access to/time for). I would definitely entertain the idea of trading multiple mons for either one of these two if they are in color-scheme matching balls, but I really just need these guys so I can get ready for the February monthly tourney.
I can breed you a Jolly Weedle in either a Level or Fast ball.
This might be along shot but, is anyone able to RNG breed a shiny female Impish Magikarp for me (in gen 6)? I'll provide a female parent with the desired spread and ball.
I can trade TSV shinies for it.


Anyone has an HA Pachirisu in a Quick ball and an HA Bunnelby in a Premier ball in gen 6?
Looking for different country dittos each with different natures and all with 4iv or 5iv.
I am looking for one for each nature. Really want jolly, modest, adamant, bold, calm, hasty, timid, impish.
Im going to do a lot of swap breeding.
Thank you very much in advance.
Can someone trade me the past sunday giveway by blumew, the FAL2010 mew? Thanks!
Are you perhaps looking for my Mew? :blobthinking:

Looking for different country dittos each with different natures and all with 4iv or 5iv.
I am looking for one for each nature. Really want jolly, modest, adamant, bold, calm, hasty, timid, impish.
Im going to do a lot of swap breeding.
Thank you very much in advance.
Go here for Most's German Dittos, but make sure to read the rules!

Looking for cloner to clone pokemon ! Any1 can help ?

Gotcha, just PM me.
So is cloning like a legal thing to do or is it considered cheating/ hacked?

Welcome to Smogon!

Different communities have different stances towards this topic.
However, as far as Smogon's Wi-Fi sub-forum is concerned, cloning is allowed, since it only copies the data and it does not alter it in any form or way. Furthermore, cloning incentivizes trading since otherwise nobody would be trading their rare Pokémon. I hope that this answered your question!

Since we also place great emphasis on transparency here, it is also always good to let your trading partners know when a Pokémon was cloned and optionally also what methods were used to obtain the copy.

You can find further useful information in our Wi-Fi forum rules thread that will help you integrate yourself in our community.
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If anyone has it, I will LEGIT SELL MY SOUL for the event Arcues with Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, and Shadow Force.

I don't have much of worth at the moment, but I can hunt for any shinies y'all want, and I have a Shiny Japanese Ditto with perfect IVs for breeding, I have Eggs for Nincada, Nidoran (unsure of gender, haven't hatched it yet) and Rhyhorn. I'll hatch them and SR to see what they look like in a minute.

I'm playing Ultra Sun.

EDIT: I take it back, I do have some rare-ish things. I have an Inner Focus Raikou on Lv. 40, Multiscale Lugia on Lv. 52, Regenerator Ho-Oh Lv. 48, and Defiant Thundurus Lv. 50.
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Blueforce Sorry i was quoting you indeed!
If anyone has it, I will LEGIT SELL MY SOUL for the event Arcues with Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, and Shadow Force.

I don't have much of worth at the moment, but I can hunt for any shinies y'all want, and I have a Shiny Japanese Ditto with perfect IVs for breeding, I have Eggs for Nincada, Nidoran (unsure of gender, haven't hatched it yet) and Rhyhorn. I'll hatch them and SR to see what they look like in a minute.

I'm playing Ultra Sun.

EDIT: I take it back, I do have some rare-ish things. I have an Inner Focus Raikou on Lv. 40, Multiscale Lugia on Lv. 52, Regenerator Ho-Oh Lv. 48, and Defiant Thundurus Lv. 50.
I can hook you guys up with those, PM me.
Does anyone know of a calculator that can be used when leveling up with Chansey? I'm trying to balance the growth rates of different mons against the exp gained in the same party but am having problems working out how many Chansey to knock out for all mons in the party to reach the same level.
Can someone clone a few mons for me?
I'd also be super happy if someone can give me an assault vest, choice scarf, leftovers, a few pp max
I'm playing on UM
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Still looking for a sassy stakataka if anyone can help me out. Only got two days to the event I’m attending. Otherwise I’ll have to settle for my brave one... thanks
Looking for a bunch of starters with specific abilities and ball.
Egg moves and relatively good IV's prefered but I can work without.

Bulbasaur / Friend / HA
Charmander / Moon / Blaze
Squirtle / Love / HA
Cyndaquil / Level / HA
Totodile / Dive / HA
Treecko / Lure / Overgrow
Turtwig / Nest / Overgrow
Snivy / Friend / HA
Tepig / Lure / HA
Oshawott / Beast / Torrent
Chespin / Luxury / HA
Froakie / Luxury / HA

Please CMT for it or PM me.
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Looking for a bunch of starters with specific abilities and ball.
Egg moves and relatively good IV's prefered but I can work without.

Bulbasaur / Friend / HA
Charmander / Moon / Blaze
Squirtle / Love / HA
Cyndaquil / Level / HA
Totodile / Dive / HA
Treecko / Lure / Overgrow
Turtwig / Nest / Overgrow
Snivy / Friend / HA
Tepig / Lure / HA
Oshawott / Beast / Torrent
Chespin / Luxury / HA
Froakie / Luxury / HA

Please CMT for it or PM me.

I can provide the Turtwig, the Snivy and the Tepig.
Turtwig however comes with its HA (Shell Armor), so you'll have to breed a bit to get one with Overgrow.

Feel free to leave me a message on Discord whenever you got a moment and I'll trade them to you for free.
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