Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Hi, does any1 has the below mentioned mon:

1) Shiny Pidgey with Hidden Ability, Timid, 5IV
2) Shiny Geodude, Jolly, Sturdy, 5IV, 4 EM
3) Shiny Luvdisc, Modest, 5IV
4) Shiny Cherubi, Timid, 5IV
5) Shiny Mime Jr. ,Timid, 5IV, Soundproof
Hello Everyone!

I am looking for a level 1 jolly shiny kangaskhan with scrappy and with the moves body slam, double-edge, stomp, and foresight or counter(whichever one is more useful). I also want the Kangaskhan nicknamed Big Mama Roo. The nickname references Big Mom from the One Piece manga and kangaskhan is a large kangaroo monster.

I am also looking for a level 1 shiny female timid oblivious salandit with HP Ice stat spread, nicknamed Madame White, with the egg moves fake out, knock off, belch, and snatch. The nickname Madame White is another name for the chinese story the Legend of the White Snake. Salazzle is very similar to the main female protagonist, despite not being a snake. Thank you very much and I apologize for these relatively difficult requests. I do not have the means to acquire the body slam kangaskhan and I have difficulty breeding for an HP Ice stat spread. Again thank you.

Oh I just forgot I am going to give 2 shiny pokemon that I do not need for these 2.
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Anyone willing to help me evolve 3 Porygon into Porygon2 on gen 6?

I'll gladly help you with this again. I still have you added from last time.
Feel free to leave me a message in our private conversation from last time whenever you're ready and I'll meet you online.
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Hello! There are quite a few Pokémon I want to breed and add to my collection, but I have no means of acquiring them with HAs. If anybody has them and wants to help me, I'd be so glad! (I don't care too much for IVS, natures, etc, as I will breed them myself later)
Hello! There are quite a few Pokémon I want to breed and add to my collection, but I have no means of acquiring them with HAs. If anybody has them and wants to help me, I'd be so glad! (I don't care too much for IVS, natures, etc, as I will breed them myself later)
PM me what you need. I have several breedjects that i don't need.
Hey y’all,
Does anyone have the following for me in gen 6?
IVs don’t matter unless stated…
Perfect Softboiled Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable, HA Nidoran-male/Nidorino/Nidoking, HA Slowpoke/Slowbro, HA Magikarp/Gyarados, HA Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Poliwrath/Politoed, HA Wooper/Quagsire, Perfect Curse Scizor, HA Porygon/Porygon2/Porygon-Z, HA Shroomish/Breloom, HA Corphish/Crawdaunt, HA Starly/Staravia/Staraptor, HA Gible/Gabite/Garchomp, HA Riolu/Lucario, HA Swinub/Piloswine/Mamoswine, HA Drilbur/Excadrill, HA Venipede/Whirlipede/Scolipede, HA Foongus/Amoonguss, HA Alomomola, HA Durant, HA Larvesta/Volcarona, HA Bunnelby/Diggersby, HA Swirlix/Slurpuff, V Create + Bolt Strike Victini
Any help is appreciated!
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