Cloning is possible. RNG isn't. Only got my 6IV mons from GO Park by soft resetting.What's the status of RNG/cloning on LGPE? Is there any interest in legit 5 IV good nature mons? I have a good bit from shiny hunting.
Bump.This might be along shot but, is anyone able to RNG breed a shiny female Impish Magikarp for me (in gen 6)? I'll provide a female parent with the desired spread and ball.
I can trade TSV shinies for it.
Did you need help with leveling it up seeing as it's not a trade evo?Can someone help me with evolving my Inkay please?
Did you need help with leveling it up seeing as it's not a trade evo?
No. It evolves at level 30 while having the 3DS (or the Switch once the gen 8 games come out) turned upside-down.Oh wait, it's not a trade evo? What
Anyone willing to help me evolve 3 Porygon into Porygon2 on gen 6?
PM me what you need. I have several breedjects that i don't need.Hello! There are quite a few Pokémon I want to breed and add to my collection, but I have no means of acquiring them with HAs. If anybody has them and wants to help me, I'd be so glad! (I don't care too much for IVS, natures, etc, as I will breed them myself later)
Can help!Hey hey peepol! Looking for someone to help me tradevolve a Haunter ^-^
Hey hey! Thanks a lot but ChrisDoukas already helped me out ^-^Can help!
Hai haii! I have a shiny sassy HA tangela in safari ball that you can haveLooking for any HA Tangela.
Also any Mienfoo, but preferably one in a Dream Ball.