Trying to build a team around SD Kommo-o, but I'm having some trouble making it work due to fairies. Other set up sweepers like Volcarona have their own roadblocks (Heatran, Tapu Fini on occasions) but setting up a sweep for it still isn't too difficult since its easy to wear them down in the early / mid-game. However, with the Kommo-o squad, I'm using, I'm finding that the opponent doesn't even use their Fairies till the endgame, which is a bit problematic since Kommo-o can't really sweep w/ them on the field.
The set I'm running on Kommo-o has been able to do some work when the opponent let their Fairy die early on or vs squads that have no fairies, so I don't think it needs to be changed. Sub / Taunt gives it easier set up opportunities vs something like Ferrothorn or Heatran, Drain Punch gives it good longevity when paired with Leftovers, and the combination of SD and Scale Shot can let it snowball pretty well.
The three Pokemon I have been running as partners (Landorus-T, Slowking-G, and Tapu Fini) have all been consistent game-to-game performers so I don't want to swap them out (I could do a little EV and moveset optimizations here and there, but that's about it). However, I normally find the last two Pokemon I run to be suboptimal choices. I've tried Scizor, Kartana, Tornadus-T, Melmetal, and Dragapult and none of them really felt like a good fit to the team. I mostly ran them for defensive integrity since the current squad I'm running is a bit weak to Hail, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele, but the issue is that these mons are not good at luring or weakening Fairies.
So with that long-winded explanation out of the way, here are my 2 questions:
- Should I swap out Sub / Taunt on Kommo-o for Poison Jab to pressure Fairies in the early / mid-game easier?
- Which two Pokemon would give me the best defensive integrity (specifically against Ice-Types & Tapu Lele) while also luring in Fairies?