Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

What are some good Pokemon to partner with sub-roost :Kyurem:

Pokemon such as Corviknight and Landorus-T, and Victini are great since they can get in Sub Roost Kyurem in reliable and safely due to Uturn and they're able to give it momentum. The former two are also great to support it with Corviknight being a reliable Defogger and Landorus-T a reliabler Stealth Rock setter. Furthermore Weavile pairs well with it or a Dual Dragon core with Dragapult or Garchomp are worthful to put on a team. You can also pair it up with Urshifu-R, as it appreciates Toxapex being pressured further by Kyurem. Other Pokemon could be Alolan Ninetales making with the Aurora veil the sub even harder to break.

Hopfeully that helped :)

Trying to build a team around SD Kommo-o, but I'm having some trouble making it work due to fairies. Other set up sweepers like Volcarona have their own roadblocks (Heatran, Tapu Fini on occasions) but setting up a sweep for it still isn't too difficult since its easy to wear them down in the early / mid-game. However, with the Kommo-o squad I'm using, I'm finding that the opponent doesn't even use their Fairies till the endgame, which is a bit problematic since Kommo-o can't really sweep w/ them on the field.

The set I'm running on Kommo-o has been able to do some work when the opponent let their Fairy die early on or vs squads that have no fairies, so I don't think it needs to be changed.. Sub / Taunt gives it easier set up opportunities vs something like Ferrothorn or Heatran, Drain Punch gives it good longevity when paired with Leftovers, and the combination of SD and Scale Shot can let it snowball pretty well.

The three Pokemon I have been running as partners (Landorus-T, Slowking-G, and Tapu Fini) have all been consistent game-to-game performers so I don't want to swap them out (I could do a little EV and moveset optimizations here and there, but that's about it). However, I normally find the last two Pokemon I run to be suboptimal choices. I've tried Scizor, Kartana, Tornadus-T, Melmetal, and Dragapult and none of them really felt like a good fit to the team. I mostly ran them for defensive integrity since the current squad I'm running is a bit weak to Hail, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele, but the issue is that these mons are not good at luring or weakening Fairies. .

So with that long-winded explanation out of the way, here are my 2 questions:
  • Should I swap out Sub / Taunt on Kommo-o for Poison Jab to pressure Fairies in the early / mid-game easier?
  • Which two Pokemon would give me the best defensive integrity (specifically against Ice-Types & Tapu Lele) while also luring in Fairies?

Trying to build a team around SD Kommo-o, but I'm having some trouble making it work due to fairies. Other set up sweepers like Volcarona have their own roadblocks (Heatran, Tapu Fini on occasions) but setting up a sweep for it still isn't too difficult since its easy to wear them down in the early / mid-game. However, with the Kommo-o squad, I'm using, I'm finding that the opponent doesn't even use their Fairies till the endgame, which is a bit problematic since Kommo-o can't really sweep w/ them on the field.

The set I'm running on Kommo-o has been able to do some work when the opponent let their Fairy die early on or vs squads that have no fairies, so I don't think it needs to be changed. Sub / Taunt gives it easier set up opportunities vs something like Ferrothorn or Heatran, Drain Punch gives it good longevity when paired with Leftovers, and the combination of SD and Scale Shot can let it snowball pretty well.

The three Pokemon I have been running as partners (Landorus-T, Slowking-G, and Tapu Fini) have all been consistent game-to-game performers so I don't want to swap them out (I could do a little EV and moveset optimizations here and there, but that's about it). However, I normally find the last two Pokemon I run to be suboptimal choices. I've tried Scizor, Kartana, Tornadus-T, Melmetal, and Dragapult and none of them really felt like a good fit to the team. I mostly ran them for defensive integrity since the current squad I'm running is a bit weak to Hail, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele, but the issue is that these mons are not good at luring or weakening Fairies.

So with that long-winded explanation out of the way, here are my 2 questions:
  • Should I swap out Sub / Taunt on Kommo-o for Poison Jab to pressure Fairies in the early / mid-game easier?
  • Which two Pokemon would give me the best defensive integrity (specifically against Ice-Types & Tapu Lele) while also luring in Fairies?
I have been toying around with SD Kommo-o lately, tho unlike you I go with Life Orb > Leftovers for additional braking power and use it more as a wallbreaker and then pair it with a late-game cleaner like Scarf Kartana or Tapu Lele, or Weavile which they both overwhelm Fairy-types. If you feel like you wanna pressure Fairies better you could run Poison Jab, though Toxapex and Slowbro become more roadblocks for you, which you could also do Trapper Tapu Fini to help with that. For the last question, you could do something like Buzzwole with Poison Jab, to deal with Ice-types and lure in Fairies. However, this does make you a lot weaker to Future Sight.
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Trying to build a team around SD Kommo-o, but I'm having some trouble making it work due to fairies. Other set up sweepers like Volcarona have their own roadblocks (Heatran, Tapu Fini on occasions) but setting up a sweep for it still isn't too difficult since its easy to wear them down in the early / mid-game. However, with the Kommo-o squad I'm using, I'm finding that the opponent doesn't even use their Fairies till the endgame, which is a bit problematic since Kommo-o can't really sweep w/ them on the field.

The set I'm running on Kommo-o has been able to do some work when the opponent let their Fairy die early on or vs squads that have no fairies, so I don't think it needs to be changed.. Sub / Taunt gives it easier set up opportunities vs something like Ferrothorn or Heatran, Drain Punch gives it good longevity when paired with Leftovers, and the combination of SD and Scale Shot can let it snowball pretty well.

The three Pokemon I have been running as partners (Landorus-T, Slowking-G, and Tapu Fini) have all been consistent game-to-game performers so I don't want to swap them out (I could do a little EV and moveset optimizations here and there, but that's about it). However, I normally find the last two Pokemon I run to be suboptimal choices. I've tried Scizor, Kartana, Tornadus-T, Melmetal, and Dragapult and none of them really felt like a good fit to the team. I mostly ran them for defensive integrity since the current squad I'm running is a bit weak to Hail, Kyurem, and Tapu Lele, but the issue is that these mons are not good at luring or weakening Fairies. .

So with that long-winded explanation out of the way, here are my 2 questions:
  • Should I swap out Sub / Taunt on Kommo-o for Poison Jab to pressure Fairies in the early / mid-game easier?
  • Which two Pokemon would give me the best defensive integrity (specifically against Ice-Types & Tapu Lele) while also luring in Fairies?
for your first point about something good vs lele and ice types, scizor is a viable, if a bit high maintenance cost mon which performs decently well into lele,kyurem and hail.

for your second point, and now I'm going to say something a bit out there, but AV ttar with heavy slam is actually a pretty decent lure for several popular fairies. AV grants ttar an absolutely insane special bulk which allows it to even eat a focus blast from modest specs lele, and no one in their right mind would expect there being a mon that can take a 4x super effective move from specs lele. Heavy slam does heavy damage to fairies as most of them are quite light, and is capable of 2hkoing defensive clef if it tries to come in on you, or just straight up OHKOing lele even uninvested.
EQ does heavy damage to koko, or you can even go for sand tomb for some real trapping and kill lele, heavily damage koko, and trap clef and bonk it over the head with heavy slam until you crit.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 276-328 (68.3 - 81.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

0 Atk Tyranitar Heavy Slam (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 194-230 (49.2 - 58.3%) -- 66% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 Atk Tyranitar Heavy Slam (120 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tapu Lele: 282-332 (100.3 - 118.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

EDIT: it also brings a ghost resist(always useful,especially against blace, but also pult if it is locked into not uturn) and a flying resist to cover for kommo-o, also yknow,sand removes hail and heavy slam mauls kyurem(or rock blast which even works through subs) so thats something
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could someone run me through the differences in scarf and band gapdos(the way they are used and their respective merits) please?
One is a cleaner, one is a wall-breaker. They function the same way with one giving you a better edge against offense and the other a better edge against bulkier builds. Scarf Dos for example can get stalled out by fat teams while Band gets outrun by the usual offensive threats.
What’s the reason for alowak never seeing use out of trick Room? Is it just not bulky enough to have a niche when it’s outsped?
What’s the reason for alowak never seeing use out of trick Room? Is it just not bulky enough to have a niche when it’s outsped?

Alola Marowak is just a bit too slow for a standalone breaker and the Fire / Ghost typing might seem intriguing but its just too slow to bypass most threats in the metagame. It can get outsped by a lot of metagame staples and Pokemon like Weavile, Dragapult, Blacephalon, Volcanion, Tapu Fini, and Tyranitar are just very hostile towards it as a standalone wallbreaker. However, on Trick Room it can work very well and has no trouble in breaking through the opposition with teammates like Melmetal, Glastrier, Azumarill, Conkeldurr, Cresselia, and Porygon2 with the latter two acting like great setters for the Trick Room. But as far as I am concerned, its just too slow for a fast paced metagame as a standalone wallbreaker and has not many opportunities to come in. If you want to make it work, I would recommend strong VoltTurn cores or support via Teleport to get it in safely and to strike your opponent with its STAB moves in Poltergeist and Flare Blitz and preferred coverage. This is the best way to get it in on non-Trick Room teams with preferrably slow VoltTurn support, which can be given by Landorus-T, Corviknight, Slowbro, or Blissey.
Which is a better trick room setter, Porygon2 or Cresselia?

Both are really good having a very high bulk and being able to Trick Room + Teleport or Lunar Dance, and they deal with different threats. Would recommend using both if you wanna run a Trick Room team. (Hatterene is the third setter of choice and the lead in these teams because of Magic Bounce + Focus Sash mainly).

Now if you were to chose one between these two, would say it depends on the team you have and what you need to check.
Abomasnow is one of my favorite Pokemon and I'd like to make a team around it. What exactly would be the best use of it in OU? It's obviously worse in a lot of ways than A-Ninetales but it has slightly better movepool giving it the opportunity to either be offensive with Blizzard / Leaf Storm / Earth Power or go defensive with Leech Seed. In either case it's primarily just being used to set Hail for Arctozolt but I guess I'm just wondering what people think the best way to squeeze some viability out of this thing would be.

Poor thing seems painfully outclassed at pretty much everything.
Abomasnow is one of my favorite Pokemon and I'd like to make a team around it. What exactly would be the best use of it in OU? It's obviously worse in a lot of ways than A-Ninetales but it has slightly better movepool giving it the opportunity to either be offensive with Blizzard / Leaf Storm / Earth Power or go defensive with Leech Seed. In either case it's primarily just being used to set Hail for Arctozolt but I guess I'm just wondering what people think the best way to squeeze some viability out of this thing would be.

Poor thing seems painfully outclassed at pretty much everything.
You'd probably use Aurora Veil / Blizzard / Earth Power / Leaf Storm with Heavy-Duty Boots or Icy Rock. It would provide a more versatile offensive presence and provide a check to Tapu Fini, Slowbro, and Rotom-Wash. It is still likely worse than Ninetales-Alola, but the offensive presence is enough to at least try it out for some niche and usefulness.
Where does the nickname "demon" come from in "demon mew"?
What's the most obnoxious mew set to face between this one and the Transform/Imprison/Block one?
You'd probably use Aurora Veil / Blizzard / Earth Power / Leaf Storm with Heavy-Duty Boots or Icy Rock. It would provide a more versatile offensive presence and provide a check to Tapu Fini, Slowbro, and Rotom-Wash. It is still likely worse than Ninetales-Alola, but the offensive presence is enough to at least try it out for some niche and usefulness.
Earthquake and Ice Shard also seem useful to me; the first provides a stronger hit vs heatran and slowking-g, the second adds a layer of defensive utility; leaf storm has more synergy with them as well. you do indeed lose an easily spammable attack in blizzard. that is, unless you drop aurora veil and use 4 attacks: ik veil is one of the main appeals of hail but abomasnow might just be better off attacking anyway. finally, leech seed is a fringe option worth mentioning but probably not worth running.
Can someone direct me to the list of new gen 8 Pokémon available due to the release of BDSP? Is Manaphy coming back?

There is no determined list yet. We have to wait for more information from Game Freak and the games itself. But so far it isn't that reliable to make a list yet, as this list might contain incorrect informations or simply a lack of informations. I think the best is to wait for when the games are out and all Pokemon have been figured out and also to establish if they are merged with SwoShi or if they are a sidegame like Lets Go Eeve and Pikachu.
Can someone direct me to the list of new gen 8 Pokémon available due to the release of BDSP? Is Manaphy coming back?
There’s no conformations so far outside of what’s been seen in trailers, but Manaphy is coming back since I believe there is a Mystery Gift distribution for it (hopefully with tail glow since that’s like the only reason it was ever used ever).
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what are the best sets and especially spreads for slowking-galar atm? i've seen some variations of nasty plot + psyshock with loads of different items and moves
what are the best sets and especially spreads for slowking-galar atm? i've seen some variations of nasty plot + psyshock with loads of different items and moves

Best set for Glowking is still the Assault Vest one I would say (with enough SpD invest to take 2 Shadow Ball from Dragapult).
Three other sets that could put some work are:
- a Nasty Plot one with double STAB + Flamethrower, enough Speed for Pex, max Spa and the rest in HP (or maybe some Def invest if there's a spread that help you take a hit from one physical breaker in the tier, like you can calc and see with Urshifu-R, Scarf Kartana, Buzzwole...)
- a Black Sludge + Trick set with Slack Off and Two offensive moves (you could probably run different spreads with this)
- a Shuca berry set with Ice Beam to lure Landorus-T, Garchomp and Earthquake Dragonite could be cool too, even though a bit specific. I don't have an exact spread for this but some Def and Spa investments seem required.
what are the best sets and especially spreads for slowking-galar atm? i've seen some variations of nasty plot + psyshock with loads of different items and moves
Assault Vest is still the most used set, however you can use Nasty Plot with Psyshock and Ice Beam, combined with a Shuca Berry as it can lure in Ground-types such as Garchomp and Landorus-T and it does a significant amount to Blissey as well. The thing is you want Slack Off then to maintain longevity so it needs to be build with good partners. If you run Psyshock + Ice Beam + Slack Off on a NP set you should have a consistent answer to Heatran, as Heatran can wall this set and you should also get good answers to other Steel-types to break through them Good answers are Landorus-T, Magnezone (traps Corviknight), and you can get your own TankChomp to consistently answer Heatran and it also checks Magnezone. Tankchomp can also set up Stealth Rocks for Slowking Gaara to break easier in the lategame. Other partners would consist of Weavile, Urshifu-R, and Tapu Lele, They can break down checks for each other with relativ ease.
Why does species clause still apply to regional forms?
I think it's rather clear that regional forms of mons are different enough from each other to be considered different mons.
To me it seems like this is an oversight that's not been addressed due to a lack of interest from players, or perhaps so as to not shake up what is a fairly stable metagame.
But if there is some other logic behind this application of species clause I'd be interested to find out what that is.
Why does species clause still apply to regional forms?
I think it's rather clear that regional forms of mons are different enough from each other to be considered different mons.
To me it seems like this is an oversight that's not been addressed due to a lack of interest from players, or perhaps so as to not shake up what is a fairly stable metagame.
But if there is some other logic behind this application of species clause I'd be interested to find out what that is.
Because they’re still the same mon on the dex. Different forms are not considered different mons on the dex, therefore they are the same species.