Are spikes any good in ZU? Cause it seems every spike setter in ZU is weak to Stonjurnor.
these quick one-line questions are better suited for our simple questions, simple answers thread, but since we're here, i'll answer anyways! :BAlso how good is Slaking? Even though it has Truant, it still hits quite hard with Giga Impact.
Oops, sorry about that. I'm quite new to the smogon forums so I did not know that. Thanks for letting me know.these quick one-line questions are better suited for our simple questions, simple answers thread, but since we're here, i'll answer anyways! :B
Ok, understood. Thanks for the help. I'm also new to ZU as well since I am primarily a OU player.spikes, and hazards as a whole, dominate zu currently, and have throughout the generation. hazard removal has been dire in lower tiers because the better the remover, the higher the tier they end up. additionally, many of our available pokemon are not fully-evolved and therefore reliant on eviolite. together, these create an environment that thrives on hazard setting and has little responses. we do have spikes setters that beat stonjourner though, with frogadier and quilladin being the most viable.
giga impact from slaking hits extremely hard, but truant really hampers its ability to be all that viable. if you have questions on how well a pokemon does in the metagame, you can check out our viability list. there are much better pokemon that fill similar roles as wallbreakers or as strong normal-types, so slaking is currently unranked here.
we just had a massive tier shift and the metagame is going to look wildly different. we’re in the process of creating a new metagame discussion (np) thread and the viability list was locked until we can update it to reflect the new tierWhy are the metagame discussion and viability list threads locked?
Spidops now has competition from Ariados, they're probably about equally good as Web setters. Spidops has Spikes and Circle Throw as its niche, Ariados is faster and can actually hit stuff.How good is spidops on hazard stack teams and is hazard stack even good anymore?
Metagame discussion either happens in this thread: there a thread here that just talks about the ZU metagame discussion?
It recently got banned from ZU, alongside Falinks, so it's technically 'ZUBL' (BL = Borderline).What’s the deal with Lycanroc-M? Is it ZU or PU, it doesnt really say on Showdown
Now that Lycanroc-M has been banned, will stonjourner become the dominating pokemon it was before or is it still bad?
Why would do some people use mareenie on stall or fat hazard stack teams
it barely inheritates any of its mothers bulk to the point that its bulk is borderline un meaning knock off completely removes it from the game and it has toxic and regenerator and maybe its solid typing but not much else really.
it seems people just use it for toxic since crocalor and clefairy outclass it as eviolite walls since they have defensive ability that make them stellar at what they do,
regenerator is obviously a top 3 defensive ability but as regenerator defensive pokemon,
its outclassed by slowpoke which isn’t that good and foongus is a (pretty mediocre) alternative if you need a specially defensive mon since it has spore too , is just it really just because it has unique access to toxic and toxic spikes?
Can someone please explain to me the zu viability rankings and explain what the hell new means on them?
new just means that a mon does not currently have a place on the viability list because it recently dropped into the tier and has not been placed yetCan someone please explain to me the zu viability rankings and explain what the hell new means on them?
klawf is one of the best mons in the format in my opinion. it can function has a physically defensive pivot with stealth rock, a stab move, knock off, and high horsepower thanks to its high base defense and attack, even when the latter is uninvested, and access to regenerator, or as a sweeper with swords danceIs Klawf any good yet and how to use it with the recent shifts?
Nope, Sticky Web is a notable playstyle in ZU but it's not overbearing. Multiple Pokemon slot in Heavy-Duty Boots and our tier's defensive staples (Tinkatuff, Swalot) are capable enough that there is no plans to vote on them any time soon.Is there any chance of sticky web being quickbanned/suspected?
No. Just like 5Dots said, Sticky Web as a playstyle isn't even problematic atm. But even if it were, we'd target individual Pokemon before acting on the move as a whole.Is there any chance of sticky web being quickbanned/suspected?