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I've seen "SU", "FU", "DNU", and "7U" floating around, sometimes here on Smogon. What are they and what is their relation to ZU?

EDIT: SU=SubzeroUsed, DNU=Do Not Use
I've seen "SU", "FU", "DNU", and "7U" floating around, sometimes here on Smogon. What are they and what is their relation to ZU?

EDIT: SU=SubzeroUsed, DNU=Do Not Use
Besides the stuff already mentioned about Subzero Used, 7U depending on the context is either: 1) RBY 7U, based around the Pokemon Perfect tiering system. 2) Imaginary Used (IU) (that's another one), below SubZero Used (SU) but at an older state. From generations 1-4 3) SubZero Used "competitor" (okay not really, just another version of SU) From generations 5-8
FU is the older term described for ZeroUsed by the PU community around when the current gen was ORAS/XY
is there any relevant viability rankings yet?
Unfortunately the answer is no. With the fast changing meta from all the new drops each month, usually Viability Lists (more broad rankings from Top, High, Mid, Low) are more common. However, it seems like they are either behind on getting one out this month, or won’t be doing on at all. Full on Viability Rankings likely will not come until the meta has solidified and when new drops are far less common which won’t be for another few months.
Have Sun teams any potential? On paper we have strong users such as :Shiftry:, :Sawsbuck:, :Victreebel: or :scovillain: and setters such as :volbeat: or :carbink:
Also Heat Rock being legal seems pretty cool.
Have Sun teams any potential? On paper we have strong users such as :Shiftry:, :Sawsbuck:, :Victreebel: or :scovillain: and setters such as :volbeat: or :carbink:
Also Heat Rock being legal seems pretty cool.
Sun is definitely a fine strategy to use at the moment. Offense in general is quite strong at the moment, and Sun teams can outpace these teams and take advantage of the fact that the Pokemon on these teams are fairly fragile. Do be aware that some of these Pokemon will still have tools to threaten Sun abusers despite being slower when Sunny Day is active such as boosted Ice Shards from Sneasel. The best Chlorophyll abusers are probably Lilligant, Shiftry, and Victreebel, but there's definitely room to play around with the different options available. Recently love chants dropped a bunch of teams in the team bazaar thread which included a sun team so be sure to check that out also.

With its recent ban from NFE, Gurdurr is now ZU proper but unranked. What tier would it best fit in?
NFE bans have no relation to the usage tiering system. Gurdurr is already "officially" a ZU Pokemon as it had dropped from PU to ZU during the February shifts. If you mean where it would rank on a ZU VR, it'd probably sit around A- or B+.
Why isn’t Ampharos ranked?
Way too much competition over other Electric-types like Magneton, Rotom, both Raichu formes, and Eelektross. Ampharos's good SpA and capabilities as a slow pivot isn't enough when the meta has gotten much faster and stronger. Magneton, Rotom, and the Raichu's much better Speed makes them better as wallbreakers, Speed control (for Rotom and Raichus), and they all have better movepools and abilities to take advantage of their checks. Magneton, Rotom, and Raichu-Alola even have a secondary typing to give them additional offensive/defensive presence. Eelektross as a slow pivot/attacker completely outclasses it too b/c of Levitate, and better utility choices like Knock Off, Coil, and U-turn.

Ampharos probably isn't the worst thing you could use but it just doesn't stand out enough to be used over other Electric-types.
Hey y'all! Still pretty new to competitive at this point and I've been trying out this set on Venomoth does this work ok/is Venomoth viable at all?
Venomoth (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Sludge Wave
- Psychic
Hey y'all! Still pretty new to competitive at this point and I've been trying out this set on Venomoth does this work ok/is Venomoth viable at all?
Venomoth (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Sludge Wave
- Psychic
Hi! I’m glad to see you’ve been taking an interest in competitive Pokemon, and specifically ZU!!! That set seems to do the job well, but here are the sets on smogdex for reference You can also use smogdex to check out common sets for other Pokemon you may be using too. Have fun laddering!
Guys, I need some help, how to deal with :Alcremie:?
This thing can be so annoying to face: nice bulk, can boost both its defenses, reliable recovery, excellent typing and can't be Taunt'ed/Encore'd..
Guys, I need some help, how to deal with :Alcremie:?
This thing can be so annoying to face: nice bulk, can boost both its defenses, reliable recovery, excellent typing and can't be Taunt'ed/Encore'd..
alcremie is definitely one of the most annoying mons to deal with in the current meta. ways to stop it on its tracks include:
- tricking a choice item (which can be done by mons like hoopa and mesprit)
- using phazing moves to force it out of the field (roar and whirlwind can be fit into many walls, like articuno, bombirdier (after tera), bastiodon, farigiraf, and more)
- have a mon with haze to remove its boosts (both qwilfish forms, muk, articuno, and more can fit the move in their movesets)
- attack it hard before it gets going (this one is a bit less reliable since tera is a thing)

hope that helps!
Hello, is CB Snorlax any good? I'm thinking Double Edge/Crunch/EQ/Facade.
Also, are we having drop next month?
Hello! Choice Band Snorlax struggles a bit in this meta with our plethora of Ghost-, Rock- and Steel-types. An All-Out Attacker set would work better so that Snorlax can choose between moves instead of relying on correct predictions, but it ultimately functions best as a special defensive wall like recommended in its Smogdex set. We will have drops July 1st, stay tuned!
How good is Venomoth in this tier (with quiver dance)?
Venomoth has fallen off a bit since it has trouble getting past popular picks like Hoopa, Snorlax, Regirock, Dudunsparce, and Articuno, since they all easily beating it. I would refer to the VL to see what some of the other top Pokemon are right now. It’s a bit outdated but it’s still pretty on point. If you’re looking for Quiver Dance users or Special Attackers, I would look into Oricorio, Hoopa, Mesprit, Mismagius, or Alcremie (although it might get banned soon).
Venomoth has fallen off a bit since it has trouble getting past popular picks like Hoopa, Snorlax, Regirock, Dudunsparce, and Articuno, since they all easily beating it. I would refer to the VL to see what some of the other top Pokemon are right now. It’s a bit outdated but it’s still pretty on point. If you’re looking for Quiver Dance users or Special Attackers, I would look into Oricorio, Hoopa, Mesprit, Mismagius, or Alcremie (although it might get banned soon).
Good to know, because I was using a team with Venomoth on it and I seemed to be losing a lot (maybe I'm just bad lol). But thanks
What's a good move set for electivire on this team? I don't see why Electabuzz is being used here. Also, should I replace some of these Pokemon, and I noticed they were kind of low on the Viability Rankings.
this is a team from a much older version of the metagame. you can still use it to success on the ladder im sure, but as you pointed out, they are not the most viable mons in the current iteration of zu. i’d honestly recommend starting from scratch or finding more recent teams to use
Hello there! I am currently making a "Ranking the Starter Pokemon of Gen 9" video and I have a few questions regarding the ones in ZU. Unlike the other tiers, I don't have any deep metagame knowledge on ZU and there is no VR to work off of.

I can see that Decidueye-H is #5 in usage for the past month. I am assuming comes off of its incredible support movepool and bulk, with its natural typing working well against some common mons (Electrode-H, Kingdra, Jolteon, etc.).
Charizard and Typhlosion are the cookie cutter Sun mons, but I am assuming that NU's Drought ban affects ZU, so I am also assuming both are in a bit of struggle state especially with Kingdra being #1 in usage, and other special walls like Alcremie and Snorlax also being prominent in the tier.
Samurott is the one with the most question marks for me in how good it is in the tier.
Meganium needs no explanation. lol
I am guessing Decid-H > Zard > Typh > Rott > Megan.

Sorry for the somewhat lengthy post, but can you kind of confirm my glancing observations for each of these? I am curious in learning more about the tier.