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Asking a similar question to the one that Samsuro did, why is :Electivire: unranked? Great Atk and Speed tier, good ability if you are able to predict Volt Switch from the new Rotom-Mow for example and great coverage options in my opinion (being even possible to use it as an special attakcer)
Physical Electrics tend to be quite abysmal. They lack a remotely usable stab move and the physical coverage options to pair with it are sparce or too weak (ie ice punch). Furthermore, Electivire struggles to find a niche for itself even as a physical electric when it is so much slower than Zebstrika (who is also UR I believe). It also take a ludicrous amount from Mowtom Leaf Storm, which doesn't help its case. It's basically not worth using over the other electrics like Lanturn, Magneton, Rotom-Mow, Jolteon and Ampharos for these reasons.
Why is Vivillon considered unviable in this metagame? Which common Pokemon counter it most easily or outclass it the most?
It's outclassed by most every Quiver Dance user; Oricorio-formes and Venomoth especially. It doesn't really have the bulk to setup quite as well, is 4x weak to Stealth Rock so doesn't work on Terrain teams nearly as well, and Sleep is banned so it doesn't have an advantage in boosted Sleep Powder anymore. Just generally better options in its role.