Physical Electrics tend to be quite abysmal. They lack a remotely usable stab move and the physical coverage options to pair with it are sparce or too weak (ie ice punch). Furthermore, Electivire struggles to find a niche for itself even as a physical electric when it is so much slower than Zebstrika (who is also UR I believe). It also take a ludicrous amount from Mowtom Leaf Storm, which doesn't help its case. It's basically not worth using over the other electrics like Lanturn, Magneton, Rotom-Mow, Jolteon and Ampharos for these reasons.Asking a similar question to the one that Samsuro did, why isunranked? Great Atk and Speed tier, good ability if you are able to predict Volt Switch from the new Rotom-Mow for example and great coverage options in my opinion (being even possible to use it as an special attakcer)