Smogon Premier League XII - Week 9

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Welcome to the twelfth iteration of SPL, SPL XII. In this tournament, 10 teams containing the most bestest players on Smogon duke it out every week, attempting to gather as many wins as they can to reach playoffs. Many of them will fail, while some will bloom. Whatever the case, the matches will be exciting, so without further ado, here are tournament rules and the matchups!

Tournaments Rules and General Guidelines


Team Raiders (6) vs (4) Stark Sharks

SS OU: H.M.N.I.P vs reiku
SS OU: FlamingVictini vs 1 True Lycan
SM OU: frisoeva vs Welli0u
ORAS OU: Corckscrew vs jonfilch
BW OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs SoulWind
DPP OU: BIHI vs Void
ADV OU: CyberOdin✝ vs watermess
GSC OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Fear
RBY OU: Aliss vs Kiichikos

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (7) vs (2) Cryonicles

SS OU: Quaze vs Posho
SS OU: TPP vs Serene Grace
SS OU: talah vs Leo
SM OU: Tace vs Lusa
ORAS OU: Relous vs z0mOG
BW OU: GaryTheGengar vs Finchinator
DPP OU: shawyu 1313 vs Malekith
ADV OU: Star vs roystopror
GSC OU: ABR vs Vileman
RBY OU: Leru vs Nails

Alpha Ruiners (5) vs (5) Dragonspiral Tyrants

SS OU: mncmt vs John W
SS OU: watashi vs Eo Ut Mortus
SS OU: Aurella vs Rumor
SM OU: Empo vs Sabella
ORAS OU: Santu vs CrashinBoomBang
BW OU: Frania vs elodin
DPP OU: Emeral vs Christo
ADV OU: Hclat vs Gilbert arenas
GSC OU: Hyogafodex vs Conflict
RBY OU: Heroic Troller vs spies

Congregation of the Classiest (6) vs (4) Circus Maximus Tigers

SS OU: Garay oak vs Jordy
SS OU: Luthier vs Separation
SS OU: lax vs beatiful
SM OU: obii vs robjr
ORAS OU: London Beats vs BK
BW OU: soulgazer vs Bushtush
DPP OU: Tamahome vs ToF
ADV OU: august vs Golden Sun
GSC OU: TDK vs gorgie
RBY OU: rozes vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal

Indie Scooters (4) vs (6) Ever Grande BIGS

SS OU: Niko vs Eternal Spirit
SS OU: Sacri' vs ima
SS OU: Xizaaa vs Storm Zone
SM OU: Gondra vs Insult
ORAS OU: Chaitanya vs ElectricityCat
BW OU: Caetano93 vs Vulpix03
DPP OU: snøfall vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: baddummy vs FMG
GSC OU: vani vs ziloXX
RBY OU: Serpi vs Hayburner

Deadline: March 14th, 10 PM EST (GMT-5)

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks

SS OU: H.M.N.I.P vs reiku
SS OU: FlamingVictini vs 1 True Lycan
SM OU: frisoeva vs Welli0u
ORAS OU: Luigi vs xray
BW OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs SoulWind
DPP OU: BIHI vs Void
ADV OU: CyberOdin✝ vs watermess
GSC OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Fear
RBY OU: Aliss vs Kiichikos

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Cryonicles

SS OU: Quaze vs Posho
SS OU: TPP vs Serene Grace
SS OU: talah vs Leo
SM OU: Tace vs Lusa
ORAS OU: Relous vs z0mOG
BW OU: GaryTheGengar vs Finchinator
DPP OU: shawyu 1313 vs Malekith
ADV OU: Star vs roystopror
GSC OU: ABR vs Vileman
RBY OU: Leru vs Nails

Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants

SS OU: mncmt vs John W
SS OU: watashi vs Eo Ut Mortus
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs 100percentpureheat
SM OU: Empo vs Sabella
ORAS OU: Santu vs CrashinBoomBang
BW OU: Frania vs elodin
DPP OU: Emeral vs Christo
ADV OU: Hclat vs Gilbert arenas
GSC OU: Hyogafodex vs Conflict
RBY OU: Heroic Troller vs spies

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers

SS OU: Garay oak vs Jordy
SS OU: Luthier vs Separation
SS OU: lax vs beatiful
SM OU: obii vs robjr
ORAS OU: London Beats vs BK
BW OU: soulgazer vs Bushtush
DPP OU: Tamahome vs ToF
ADV OU: august vs Golden Sun
GSC OU: TDK vs gorgie
RBY OU: rozes vs dice

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS

SS OU: Niko vs Eternal Spirit
SS OU: Sacri' vs ima
SS OU: Xizaaa vs Storm Zone
SM OU: Gondra vs Insult
ORAS OU: Chaitanya vs ElectricityCat
BW OU: Caetano93 vs Vulpix03
DPP OU: snøfall vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs McMeghan
GSC OU: false vs ziloXX
RBY OU: Serpi vs Hayburner
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Don’t get mad, get even.
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a defending World Cup of Pokemon Championis a Two-Time Past SCL Champion
Playoff Scenarios: What does YOUR team need to make Playoffs?

The 100% Cutoff this year is 11

  • :boatogostandode:

  • The Wolfpack qualify if and only if talah changes their discord avatar
  • If the Tyrants win OR tie against the Ruiners:
    • They qualify for playoffs
  • If the Tyrants lose to the Ruiners, two or more of the following cases cannot happen:
    • Classiest win against the Tigers
    • Classiest tie against the Tigers while the Tyrants lose to the Ruiners 1-9 or 0-10
    • The winner of the Raiders and Sharks series jumps the Tyrants BD advantage of +4 or +6 respectively
    • The Scooters win against the BIGs while the Tyrants collapse their BD advantage of +10
    • The Tigers win against the Classiest while the Tyrants collapse their BD advantage of ... +14
  • If the Classiest win against the Tigers:
    • They qualify for playoffs
  • If the Classiest tie with the Tigers, they need the following to qualify:
    • Case 1: Sharks tie with the Raiders
      • Either:
        • The Ruiners win at least 8 games in their series vs the Tyrants OR
        • The BIGs get at least 4 games on the Scooters
    • Case 2: There emerges a non-tie winner from the Sharks and Raiders series
      • Both:
        • The Ruiners win at least 8 games in their series vs the Tyrants AND
        • The BIGs get at least 4 games on the Scooters
  • If the Classiest lose to the Tigers:
    • They cannot qualify for playoffs
  • If the Raiders win against the Sharks, they need:
    • Case 1: The Tyrants win against the Ruiners, tie against the Ruiners, or lose to the Ruiners while not collapsing the +4 BD that they have over the Raiders
      • The Tigers to win against or tie with the Classiest
      • The BIGs to win at least one game against the Scooters if the Raiders only win 6-4
        • [Winning 7-3 or better skips this condition]
    • Case 2a: The Tyrants lose to the Ruiners while collapsing the +4 BD that they have over the Raiders while the Raiders win 7-3 or better against the Sharks
      • They qualify
    • Case 2b: The Tyrants lose to the Ruiners while collapsing the +4 BD that they have over the Raiders while the Raiders win 6-4 they need:
      • Either:
        • The BIGs to win one game against the Scooters OR
        • Tigers to win against or tie with the Classiest
  • If the Raiders tie against the Sharks:
    • They cannot qualify for playoffs
  • If the Raiders lose to the Sharks:
    • They cannot qualify for playoffs
  • If the Sharks win against the Raiders, they need EITHER:
    • The Classiest to tie with or lose to the Tigers OR
    • The Tyrants lose to the Ruiners while collapsing the +6 BD that the Tyrants have on the Sharks
  • If the Sharks tie with the Raiders:
    • They cannot qualify for playoffs
  • If the Sharks lose to the Raiders:
    • They cannot qualify for playoffs
  • If the Scooters win against the BIGs, two or more of the following cases cannot happen:
    • Tyrants win or tie against the Ruiners
    • Classiest win or tie against the Tigers
    • The Tigers win against the Classiest while also surpassing the +4 BD advantage that the Scooters have on the Tigers
      • [The Scooters basically want the Tigers to win marginally against the Classiest. Ex: the Tigers winning 7-3 and the Scooters winning 6-4 would nullify this conditions since the Tigers would have a +0 BD while the Scooters would have a +2 BD at the end of week 9]
    • The winner of the Raiders and Sharks series surpases the Scooters BD deficit of +6 and +4 respectively
      • [A tie in their series nullifies this condition]
  • If the Scooters tie against the BIGs:
    • They cannot qualify for playoffs
  • If the Scooters lose to the BIGs:
    • Xizaaa must eat a sock on stream
  • If the Tigers win against the Classiest, two or more of the following cases cannot happen:
    • Tyrants win or tie against the Ruiners
    • A non-tie winner emerges from the Sharks and Raiders series
      • [Tigers should pray for a tie]
    • The Scooters win against the BIGs and while upholding their +4 BD advantage they have on the Tigers
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Team Raiders (6) vs (4) Stark Sharks

SS OU: H.M.N.I.P vs reiku
SS OU: FlamingVictini vs 1 True Lycan
SM OU: frisoeva vs Welli0u
ORAS OU: Luigi vs xray
BW OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs SoulWind
DPP OU: BIHI vs Void
ADV OU: CyberOdin✝ vs watermess
GSC OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Fear
RBY OU: Aliss vs Kiichikos

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (6) vs (4) Cryonicles

SS OU: Quaze vs Posho
SS OU: TPP vs Serene Grace
SS OU: talah vs Leo
SM OU: Tace vs Lusa
ORAS OU: Relous vs z0mOG
BW OU: GaryTheGengar vs Finchinator
DPP OU: shawyu 1313 vs Malekith
ADV OU: Star vs roystopror
GSC OU: ABR vs Vileman
RBY OU: Leru vs Nails

Alpha Ruiners (5) vs (5) Dragonspiral Tyrants

SS OU: mncmt vs John W
SS OU: watashi vs Eo Ut Mortus
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs 100percentpureheat
SM OU: Empo vs Sabella
ORAS OU: Santu vs CrashinBoomBang
BW OU: Frania vs elodin
DPP OU: Emeral vs Christo
ADV OU: Hclat vs Gilbert arenas
GSC OU: Hyogafodex vs Conflict
RBY OU: Heroic Troller vs spies

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (10) Circus Maximus Tigers

SS OU: Garay oak vs Jordy
SS OU: Luthier vs Separation
SS OU: lax vs beatiful
SM OU: obii vs robjr
ORAS OU: London Beats vs BK
BW OU: soulgazer vs Bushtush
DPP OU: Tamahome vs ToF
ADV OU: august vs Golden Sun
GSC OU: TDK vs gorgie
RBY OU: rozes vs dice

Indie Scooters (6) vs (4) Ever Grande BIGS

SS OU: Niko vs Eternal Spirit
SS OU: Sacri' vs ima
SS OU: Xizaaa vs Storm Zone
SM OU: Gondra vs Insult
ORAS OU: Chaitanya vs ElectricityCat
BW OU: Caetano93 vs Vulpix03
DPP OU: snøfall vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs McMeghan
GSC OU: false vs ziloXX
RBY OU: Serpi vs Hayburner
go TPP!
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Wi-Fi Wolfpack (6) vs (4) Cryonicles

SS OU: Quaze vs Posho - Should be interesting for sure. Not sure how good Posho is at SwSh but Quaze is decent, at least to me, so yeah. Hope to see Posho to do well though.
SS OU: TPP vs Serene Grace - TPP made top 8 of OST and has been making some pretty cool stuff. I haven't seen Serene play much, but gonna go with TPP here.
SS OU: talah vs Leo - talah's been doing pretty decently for himself this tour with his teams and some of the plays. I think he'll take this one but Leo isn't bad either and wouldn't be shocked to see him take it.
SM OU: Tace vs Lusa - I like Tace's builds a good amount and consider him quite solid in SM, moreso in Lusa.
ORAS OU: Relous vs z0mOG - Relous has been alright but I like z0ms play a bit more, could go either way though.
BW OU: GaryTheGengar vs Finchinator - Gary's been doing well this tour and he's my bro, but I think Finch takes this one. Really looking forward to this matchup, one of the ones I'm making sure to catch live.
DPP OU: shawyu 1313 vs Malekith - Kith is always pretty solid in spite of some of the teams he brings. If he brings something decent, he should probably take this one.
ADV OU: Star vs roystopror - Star's been absolutely on fire this tour and racking up wins, I expect him to continue his good run here too.
GSC OU: ABR vs Vileman - ABR has looked less impressive in terms of record than in past tours, but he's starting to get his rhythm back and I think he can take this one. Another fun matchup to catch.
RBY OU: Leru vs Nails - Don't know much about Leru but Nails is Nails, so bolding him.

Alpha Ruiners (4) vs (6) Dragonspiral Tyrants

SS OU: mncmt vs John W - Close one and I like both, but going for mncmt by a small bit.
SS OU: watashi vs Eo Ut Mortus - Another close one and I like both, but Eo seems more solid to me, despite sacking Dragapult to Kyurem vs xtra.
SS OU: Ox the Fox vs 100percentpureheat - I like 100's play and think he's a bit better than Ox.
SM OU: Empo vs Sabella - I think Sabella's a pretty solid player and can take on most people, but Empo's Empo and has been on fire.
ORAS OU: Santu vs CrashinBoomBang - CBB has been a lot more solid to me throughout the tour than Santu from what I've watched. Also, ruiners are out so I think Santu's not gonna really go all in compared to CBB.
BW OU: Frania vs elodin - Elodin's brought some wild shit but I'll bold him, he's winning games.
DPP OU: Emeral vs Christo - Been liking Christo's play pretty decent amount honestly, I think he'll take this one, although this can get pretty close.
ADV OU: Hclat vs Gilbert arenas - Edit: I'm a dumbass and somehow thought this didn't happen yet. My b.
GSC OU: Hyogafodex vs Conflict - Conflict has been doing well this tour and is historically very good in GSC. Hyoga has not been doing so hot here and ruiners are out, so bad combo for him.
RBY OU: Heroic Troller vs spies - Troller speaks for himself. Spies certainly isn't bad but it's Troller.

Congregation of the Classiest (5) vs (4) Circus Maximus Tigers

SS OU: Garay oak vs Jordy - Garay has had more games on the big stage. Looking forward to see Jordy play though.
SS OU: Luthier vs Separation - Haven't been very impressed with Seperation after his OLT run while Luthier has at worst been pretty decent.
SS OU: lax vs beatiful - An SS highlight of the week, both have been doing pretty well and are established. I'm bolding lax because of his history of good play and OST quarters but bea could take it as well.
SM OU: obii vs robjr - Haven't really watched much of rob in general, but bolding here since I hear at worst decent things.
ORAS OU: London Beats vs BK - BK's play is always interesting and he can be really damn good. Think his ceiling is much higher so bolding.
BW OU: soulgazer vs Bushtush - I can't get any real read here.
DPP OU: Tamahome vs ToF - Both have been pretty good, but I've always liked how Tama plays. This is pretty close overall though. Looking forward to this matchup.
ADV OU: august vs Golden Sun - Haven't seen August ADV so don't take this as me saying he isn't good or anything. GS is never too bad though, so take this as a bold off of prior knowledge more than anything.
GSC OU: TDK vs gorgie - I've liked gorgie's play from what I've seen throughout the tour more but TDK is of course solid so this should be a fun watch and pretty close.
RBY OU: rozes vs dice - Haven't seen dice RBY outside of last week so bolding off of what I've seen from rozes, which is a lot more and he's pretty solid for the most part.

Indie Scooters (4) vs (5) Ever Grande BIGS

SS OU: Niko vs Eternal Spirit - The Bigs are out and Gama hasn't had a great tour so not sure how hard he's gonna be trying here compared to Niko, and Niko isn't that bad either so yeah.
SS OU: Sacri' vs ima - I enjoy watching both and consider them good, but I like ima a smidge more play wise so bolding there. A close one and one I wanna catch.
SS OU: Xizaaa vs Storm Zone - SZ has still been doing great in spite of an odd endgame with Glowking last week so bolding him here.
SM OU: Gondra vs Insult - Another pretty good and close matchup, bolding Insult by a hair.
ORAS OU: Chaitanya vs ElectricityCat - Don't know much about either but Chait has been on WCoP for East iirc so that's something, idk.
BW OU: Caetano93 vs Vulpix03 - Caet is honestly pretty good in BW and he has a lot more experience in the tier from what I've watched so yeah.
DPP OU: snøfall vs DeepBlueC - snofall has been doing well for himself in his first official and this matchup is pretty close imo, but DBC is always pretty good. This one's pretty close though.
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs McMeghan - Highlight of the week honestly. This match should be stellar and a nice rematch from CI4. Bolding Linear here since he's beat Roro before in the aforementioned CI4 and think he'll go harder in prep since he can still qual.
GSC OU: false vs ziloXX - zilo had a good game vs ABR for the most part and he's won GSC cup and made classic playoffs so he's certainly done well for himself to a degree. I've also just found his performance in those tours more impressive than false here (he's been pulling some wins though so can't talk too negatively). Not like a landslide or anything so should be an interesting watch.
RBY OU: Serpi vs Hayburner - Can't get a read here from not knowing much about either.

Good luck to all teams that have a chance to qualify, a big week for everyone! :blobwizard:
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I won gg

Ty bigs, its been a pleasure. It was one of my biggest tournament experiences and you made it for me. I wish nothing but the best to all of you, you guys have earned my respect and you can count on me whenever you need the magicians support. Special thanks to Stone_Cold Excal M Dragon CALLOUS and Tamahome as well, im very grateful for the way you all always trust me no matter what, and my price being so inflated just shows how many friends ive got around at this point. Good luck to you all :blobuwu:
How do 3 way ties work again? bc if the classiest lose and the sharks and raiders tie...
also who to root for in that oras game :smogduck:
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