I really, REALLY hate to do this. Right now, I'm rolling for subs as there hasn't been enough. That really pisses me off to no extent, especially with the fact that 32 matches were incomplete. So, I'm going to end up giving byes to people who are lucky enough to hit so. I've got 6 subs lines up, so there's going to be 20~ byes. I don't want to delay the tournament as that will force lack of interest.
I based sub slots based on how often I've ran into a person/forum visitation/join date/etc. I'm sorry if you don't like my decisions, but this is something that could happen if you don't finish your battles.
If I gave you a sub last week, you have until the end of the deadline to finish your match. If you do not receive a PM soon, then you've ended up with a bye.