Smogon Tournament #6 Round 4

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hi, don't complain about hax since this round was supposed to be bo3, but it isnt since there were so many complaints. in other news, contacting tay now
Tell me where I complained bout hax, I just said my opinion about this, in fact, ridicioulos game. I'm sure you would have complained about hax even more btw so please don't annoy me ._.
Pidge and I have made contact with one another, and scheduled a time.
Intro1827 vs Junior
The Fourth Chaser vs Deep Thought
DarkLucario vs zorbees
panamaxis vs Hipmonlee
hanke vs Subtle Enigma
ZandgaiaX vs Bogmire
Kinneas vs Coronis
Arin vs Stathakis
Sapientia vs undisput3d
vashta vs Pidge
Delta 2777 vs Nauar
imperfectluck vs Toaster
Zak91 vs zarator
Earthworm vs DarkLynx
TAY vs Bad Ass
Atticus vs reachzero

I lost against zorbees. He critted like all my pokemon so it was somehow funny lol, well gg

Good luck in future rounds, keep your luck alive
<reachzero> hi
<reachzero> when do you want to play?
<Atticus> ugh
<Atticus> well i still havent gotten around to making a team, so ill say for sure friday but if i make a team sooner then ill let you know

Just to let everyone know I'm not the reason this is taking so long.
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