Resource Solomods Megathread

Ok guys I feel like we need this: FUSION EVOLUTION NAT DEX. There are so many cool Gen 8 fusions that I’d like to see compete with Gen 9 ones in FEND. Plus it actually spells something, how cool is that? I didn’t really know where to Post this as it’s not really a new Solomod. It’s really just taking all the fe Mons, putting them in a nat dex format, and doing the tierings and bannings. The mons stats would only be changed based on changes made to the regional versions of the mods so lots more bans. I think that’s it.

P.S ability shield weezlord buff yay.
P.P.S probably some movepool changes
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The Solomod
Discord: Link
Spreadsheet: Link

Mod Description: MonoPet lets you play with your favorite Pokemon based off real life pets against other pets! The main catch is that you can only choose one type of pet. If you want to play Flareon, the rest of your team can only consist of "Fox" Pokemon. If you want to use Torterra, the rest of your team can only be "Turtle" Pokemon. MonoPet is similar to monotype but with more type diversity and a smaller roster size. This meta is can be played on DragonHeaven.

Pet Types: A full list of the Pokemon in each pet type can be found in the spreadsheet above
:Togekiss: Birds
:Meowscarada: Cats
:Zygarde-10%: Dogs
:Miltank: Farm (General)
:Gyarados: Fish
:Sylveon: Foxes
:Venusaur: Frogs/Salamanders
:Hydrapple: Lizards/Snakes
:Tyranitar: Rocks
:Pawmot: Rodents/Rabbits
:Blastoise: Turtles
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Okay so here me out: DPP OU but with flinching moves with 20% chance or higher banned.
The reasoning for this is that Jirachi would be taken care of without banning it, and paraflinching with Gyarados and Togekiss basically dies

All moves that would be banned: Astonish, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Air Slash, Fake Out, Rock Slide, Snore,-Stomp, Rolling Kick, Waterfall, Zen Head Butt
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View attachment 702327
The Solomod
Discord: Link
Spreadsheet: Link

Mod Description: MonoPet lets you play with your favorite Pokemon based off real life pets against other pets! The main catch is that you can only choose one type of pet. If you want to play Flareon, the rest of your team can only consist of "Fox" Pokemon. If you want to use Torterra, the rest of your team can only be "Turtle" Pokemon. Solopet is similar to monotype but with more type diversity and a smaller roster size. This meta is can be played on DragonHeaven.

Pet Types: A full list of the Pokemon in each pet type can be found in the spreadsheet above
:Togekiss: Birds
:Meowscarada: Cats
:Zygarde-10%: Dogs
:Miltank: Farm (General)
:Gyarados: Fish
:Sylveon: Foxes
:Venusaur: Frogs/Salamanders
:Hydrapple: Lizards/Snakes
:Tyranitar: Rocks
:Pawmot: Rodents/Rabbits
:Blastoise: Turtles
I really really love this idea, However...

Lumping in every Eeveelution as "fox" is not it I think, a lot of them are very clearly based on different animals and cultures.


Espeon and Umbreon fit into Johto's mythology focused Pokedex because, as Bulbapedia says for Espeon:

"Because of its feline appearance, Espeon appears to be based on the legend of the bakeneko and the nekomata; both are magical cat yōkai described as mysterious and intelligent, with the distinction between the two being that the latter is depicted with a forked tail. It may also be based on the mythological lynx, a feline creature that possesses the psychic power of clairvoyance. The jewel on its head may also be a reference to the carbunclo, a mythological South American creature with a jewel or mirror on its forehead, and sometimes described as a feline. The position of the jewel also evokes the idea of a "third eye".

Its large ears can be traced from various felines such as caracals, oriental shorthairs, lynxes, and possibly servals, while its fine hair is similar to that of a sphynx cat. Espeon's ability to sense minute shifts in the air with its sensitive fur mirrors a cat's ability to use its sensitive whiskers to detect the slightest directional change in a breeze."


"Umbreon may be based on a black cat, which was considered to be an omen of bad luck (in most Western countries, contrary to Japan's viewpoint in which it is considered lucky) and can be interpreted as the reasoning behind the Dark typing. Its long ears are similar to those of a hare and may originate from the East Asian legends concerning a Moon rabbit. Given some versions of the Moon rabbit legend claim it brews elixirs, this could be one such reason for Umbreon's original Poison typing.

The rings on Umbreon's body resemble Egyptian lunar markings and jewelry that have been associated with animal sculptures, such as cat statues of the Egyptian goddess Bastet. While Bastet was originally a lioness warrior and the goddess of the sun, the Greeks occupying ancient Egypt toward the end of its civilization changed her into a cat and the goddess of the moon, possibly inspiring the Pokémon's lunar theme. Furthering the lunar theme, Metamorphoses is a narrative poem that involves the Roman Goddess of the moon, Diana, changing into the form of a cat as she flees to Egypt.

Additionally, Umbreon may be inspired by Tezcatlipoca, a central deity in Aztec religion who took the form of a black jaguar that had yellow horizontal bands, and was associated with the night sky."

These two are both based on different feline mythology, fitting into how Johto is a region full of myth.

Sylveon however, is very clearly more spec'd into rabbit mythology territory, as another example. Bulbapedia:

"In contrast to the rest of the Eeveelutions' pointed ears, Sylveon's ears are large and rounded, giving it a resemblance to rabbits. Fairies were thought to be particularly active under the light of the full moon; because of this and the rabbit association, Sylveon could be based on the mythical Asian moon rabbit. The moon rabbit is often portrayed as a companion of the Chinese moon goddess Chang'e, who is frequently depicted wearing a robe adorned with many ribbons, which is likely referenced with Sylveon's feelers.

Sylveon may also be based on Kaltes-Ekwa, a moon goddess in Ugrian mythology who shape-shifted into a hare. In addition, its cries depicted in New Pokémon Snap are similar to those of a cat, and it might be based on the fictional cabbit hybrid."

If you do want to put some Eeveelutions in Fox, that's not wrong though. Glaceon is very clearly based on the arctic fox, and similarly to how Espeon/Umbreon are both based on felines, while Leafeon's design could go in another direction if you like:

Leafeon bears many similarities to cats and foxes, from their appearances, behaviors such as tree climbing, and cries; Leafeon's cry sounds similar to a cat's meow or a fox's chirp. Its coloration appears to be inspired by the markings found on animals like the Siamese cat or the red fox. As it is overgrown with leaves, it also has traits of plants, such as the ability to utilize photosynthesis. The brown marks on its paws give the appearance that they were buried.

It makes sense to assume they were likely designed closer to foxes as a core design.

I am not saying all of these are based on one core feature/design, or are specifically in one camp/were designed explicitly as these animals, but that the Eeveelutions cannot just all be put into Fox and have it be the most accurate. Many of them have very little fox-like DNA in their designs.
Okay so this one is going to sound a little weird but this md is based off Plague Von Karma's gen 1 mod but on a lesser scale

This is a mod where I added future evolutions and pre-evos plus new moves to older Pokémon. I also added regional forms while I was at it. The thing that sets it apart from Plague's is that she added beta mons but I don't plan to add those. MAYBE Meltan and Melmetal but that's iffy. I am also not adding Paradox Pokémon or cousin ones

I don't know how to code, so if anyone knows how to do so, tell me if your interested!!!
This is a mod where I added future evolutions and pre-evos plus new moves to older Pokémon. I also added regional forms while I was at it. The thing that sets it apart from Plague's is that she added beta mons but I don't plan to add those. MAYBE Meltan and Melmetal but that's iffy. I am also not adding Paradox Pokémon or cousin ones
You can just use the code I made for her way back when she first created the mod and just remove the beta Pokemon from the formats data.
Bad 'n Boosted as suggested in 2018!

Bad 'n Boosted was a successful yet rejected meta of mine in 2018, which I've always cherished and want to revive! And since I'll be working just privately on more custom mods for a bit, I decided to use my second mod slot for it! What is it? Well, the metagame has one simple rule: all base stats of 70 and lower are doubled! Let's take a look at some Pokemon as an example, starting at the (currently illegal) metagame mascot: Castform.
Special Attack
Special Defense
What I find interesting about this meta is how many Pokemon became powerful and have a niche, yet few seem truly OP due to the way the meta plateaus. There are so many possible threats to explore!

The meta is Ubers based. It currently has the rules from [Gen 9] Ubers, in addition to Eviolite, Huge Power, and Pure Power being banned (due to obviously boosting stats that are usually supposed to be much lower).

The metagame is playable on Dragon Heaven, can be discussed in the Pet Mods room (or you can find me there for a match!) and has a newly created Discord Server now! If you want to discuss the meta, I'd love to have a chat!

Hope it'll be a success again, and I hope to soon return with some sample teams.

Sample Teams
:sm/bellsprout: Sun:
:sm/cyclizar: Shed Tail Offense:
:sm/metagross: Steel Spam Balance:
:sm/blissey: Stall:
For anyone interested, I'm doing a Community Survey on some Pokemon that might be overpowered / to gauge what Pokemon people find strong right now. Here's the link for anyone interested.

Additionally, Espathra is banned officially now.
Name of Mod: Mix and Mega Expanded
Mascot (Optional): :calyrex: Calyrex
Link to Changes:
Summary of the Mod: Mix and Mega, but A: NatDex, but more importantly; B: All out of battle fusion/form change items have been turned into usable mega stones.
Competitive Overview: While there are many new toys to play with, most likely the new (legal) additions will not completely overthrow the typical meta of MnM, as most of the new stones dont grant bst at all, or only grant 80, rather than the full 100.

May end up actually coding this if theres interest, but for now i need a break from doing spreadsheets lol
(edit: added Stellar Tera Shard from :terapagos-stellar:, and Glowbronite from when :slowbro-galar: megas into :slowbro-mega:)
(edit 2: added Gracidea from both :shaymin: and :shaymin-sky:, and a bunch of Zygarde Cubes for :zygarde-10:,
:zygarde:, and :zygarde-complete:)
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Advanced To The Past

Summary of the Mod: ADV TTP is essentially just a rebalancing of ADV OU with Move buffs, Stat buffs, and different abilities. The aim of this metagame is to create an ADV OU metagame that is even more diverse and fun than it is already. However, this will not be a Hoenn Gaiden type mod as it will be limited to Pokemon found in Kanto-Hoenn. Moreover, all Gen 3 mechanics will remain. As I said, the only difference between this mod and actual ADV OU is that some Pokemon have different abilities, buffed/nerfed stats, and some moves are different.

Competitive Overview: The power level of this mod aims to be relatively the same as ADV OU. Below, I've listed Stat changes, move buffs, and ability changes in hide tags so you can get a feel for the vision of this mod. Not everything will be viable, but that's not the point of this mod. The point is to rebalance and diversify an already diverse and balanced metagame. Great Pokemon like Salamence don't need to be touched, so they'll continue to do what they always have in-game. If this is implemented and played, I see no issue with rebalancing if the need arises.

Pidgeot :pidgeot:+7+15+10
Arbok :arbok:+20+10
Raichu :raichu:+5+15
Sandslash :sandslash:+15
Nidoqueen :nidoqueen:+5+5
Nidoking :nidoking:+5+5
Clefable :clefable:+15
Ninetales :ninetales:+19
Wigglytuff :wigglytuff:+10+5
Vileplume :vileplume:+5+5
Persian :persian:+15
Golduck :golduck:-10+10
Poliwrath :poliwrath:+5+10
Alakazam :alakazam:+10
Victreebel :victreebel:+5+5
Golem :golem:+5+10
Dodrio :dodrio:+10
Cloyster :cloyster:+5
Hypno :hypno:+42
Dewgong :dewgong:+25
Kingler :kingler:+15
Electrode :electrode:+10
Exeggutor :exeggutor:+20
Weezing :weezing:+15
Tangela :tangela:+60
Kangaskhan :kangaskhan:+10
Seaking :seaking:+25
Electabuzz :electabuzz:+5
Lapras :lapras:+15+5
Ditto :ditto:+52+52+52+52+52+52
Noctowl :noctowl:+14
Lanturn :lanturn:-18+18
Ampharos :ampharos:+15
Bellossom :bellossom:+5+5
Azumarill :azumarill:+10+10
Sudowoodo :sudowoodo:+15
Politoed :politoed:+5+10
Jumpluff :jumpluff:+5+10
Sunflora :sunflora:+5+15
Misdreavus :misdreavus:+10+10+10
Qwilfish :qwilfish:+15
Shuckle :shuckle:+30
Magcargo :magcargo:+10+40
Piloswine :piloswine:+20+15
Corsola :corsola:+10+10
Octillery :octillery:+25-35+5+5
Mantine :mantine:+20+15
Houndoom :houndoom:+15
Swellow :swellow:+5+5
Pelipper :pelipper:+10
Masquerain :masquerain:+25
Shedinja :shedinja:+20
Exploud :exploud:-1-1+22
Sableye :sableye:+35+5+5
Mawile :mawile:+20+15
Lunatone :lunatone:+20
Solrock :solrock:+20
Banette :banette:+5
Tropius :tropius:11++9
Dusclops :dusclops:+30
Chimecho :chimecho:15++5
Glalie :glalie:+10+10


Venusaur :venusaur:
+ Chlorophyll

Blastoise :blastoise:
+ Damp

Fearow :fearow:
+ Early Bird

Persian :persian:
+ Limber

Golduck :golduck:
+Swift Swim

Slowbro / Slowking :slowbro: :slowking:
- Own Tempo

Dewgong :dewgong:
+ Swift Swim

Muk :muk:
+Poison Point
- Stench

Hitmonchan :hitmonchan:
+ Guts

Hitmonlee :hitmonlee:
+ Guts

Pinsir :pinsir:
+ Intimidate

Ditto :ditto:
+ Arena Trap (does not carry over after transformation)

Dragonite :dragonite:

+Shed Skin

Meganium :meganium:
+ Thick Fat

Feraligatr :feraligatr:

Forretress :forretress:
+Shell Armor

Piloswine :piloswine:
+ Thick Fat

Donphan :donphan:
+ Rock Head

Linoone :linoone:
+ Guts

Pelipper :pelipper:
+ Early Bird + Damp
- Keen Eye

Sableye :sableye:
+ Pressure
- Keen eye

Manectric :manectric:
-Lighting Rod

Glalie :glalie:
+ Intimidate

Exploud :exploud:
+ Vital Spirit

Zangoose :zangoose:
+ Guts

Tropius :tropius:
+ Thick Fat

These move changes will follow a simple format. Either a move becomes another move such as the case of Fury Cutter turning into X-Scissor or a moves BP, accuracy, and effect will change. Please keep in mind that these still fall under the rules of ADV move mechanics and therefore the physical special split DOES NOT exist.

Sky Attack
120 BP 100% Acc
Deals 1/3 recoil

Poison Tail
95 BP 100% Acc
High Crit Ratio 10% Chance to Poison

Skull Bash ---> Head Smash

Fury Cutter ---> X-Scissor

Arm Thrust ---> Force Palm

Astonish ---> Shadow Sneak

Iron Tail ---> Flash Cannon

Icicle Spear ---> Ice Shard

When I refer to moves that are being changed into another move such as Astonish, I am referring to what move they are changed to. So, for example dropping Fury Cutter on say Roselia means that it DOES NOT have access to X-Scissor

- Astonish

Ludicolo :ludicolo:
Cradily :cradily:

Exploud :Exploud:
Wailord :wailord:

+Poison Tail
Nidoking :nidoking:
Nidoqueen :nidoqueen:

Arbok :arbok:
Breloom :breloom:

Gorebyss :gorebyss:
Huntail :huntail:

- Iron Tail
Breloom :breloom:
Charizard :charizard:
Flygon :flygon:
Suicune :suicune:
Tyranitar :tyranitar:
Ninetales :ninetales:

+ Superpower
Poliwrath :poliwrath:
Feraligatr :feraligatr:

Hariyama :hariyama:
Machamp :machamp:

Primeape :primeape:
Hitmonchan :hitmonchan:

Hitmonlee :hitmonlee:
Entei :entei:

Nidoqueen :nidoqueen:
Nidoking :nidoking:

Exploud :exploud:
Flareon :flareon:

- Skull Bash
Marowak :marowak:

+ Skull Bash
Donphan :donphan:
Armaldo :armaldo:

Tauros :tauros:
Golem :golem:

Granbull :granbull:
Aggron :aggron:

Crawdaunt :crawdaunt:
Rhydon :rhydon:

Entei :entei:

- Fury Cutter
Metagross :metagross:
Breloom :breloom:

Salamence :salamence:
Tyranitar :tyranitar:

Slowking :slowking:
Slowbro :slowbro:

Aggron :aggron:
Roselia :roselia:

+ Arm Thrust
Blaziken :blaziken:
Poliwrath :poliwrath:

Swampert :swampert:
Hitmonchan :hitmonchan:

- Sky Attack
Aerodactyl :aerodactyl:
Dodrio :dodrio:

+ Heat Wave
Xatu :xatu:
Salamence :salamence:

Dragonite :dragonite:
Pelipper :pelipper:

Noctowl :noctowl:

+ Slack Off
Gligar :gligar:

+ Bulk Up
Pidgeot :pidgeot:
Feraligatr :feraligatr:

Meganium :meganium:
Venusaur :venusaur:

Piloswine :piloswine:
Arbok :arbok:

Tropius :tropius:

Players cannot use Pokemon from the Uber Tier


Sand Veil
Sound Proof

Baton Pass + Mean Look
Baton Pass + Spider Web
Baton Pass + Block
Ingrain + Smeargle

Metal Powder
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Retiring Forgottenmons. It's a very simple concept, someone else can pick it up or submit something similar if they would like to. (you have my permission to remove it from DH if necessary)

I might have a more unique mod heating up in the oven, so be on the lookout.