Resource SS UU Crown Tundra Viability Ranking Thread

hi, gonna drop a few noms/thoughts

: Call me crazy for this one ig (or call it useless since scizor is leaving in a few days) but i think it's time to swap these 2. Scizor is not as good as it used to be, and it's mostly because of how the meta adapted. Fitting checks, even hard checks for it is not hard, it finds way less opportunities to setup and take over the games and being forced to run stuff like dwb sucks because 3 attacks roost in some games achieves literally nothing. Don't get me wrong, I still think that scizor is a super good mon, but a setupper that needs a lot of support to take over games (and to me, it does right now) is not S- worthy.
I don't really have too strong of an argument for Keldeo, i just think that specs is insane and the off meta that is rising up right now helps it a ton. It's speedtier is really good, missing out only on thundurus (for the relevant ones [not azelf]), one of the only 3 relevant scarfers does nothing to Keldeo (best you can do is tricking a scarf or you have to run coverage for it) and at the same time it 2hkos the entire tier bar 2 or 3 mons(that you can flip turn on if you run that ig). It's also super easy to support and sinergies super well with spikes and stuff. I just think that Keldeo is god right now and it has way more influence on teambuilding too since it forces you to run sketch counterplay like av reun/gbro (and i'm fairly sure that av azu got tour usage for this reason too). I do believe that Keldeo deserves the S- rank more than scizor does and that these 2 should be swapped.

The A+ and A ranks look a bit weird in their current state. I agree with Adaam 's post on every single point, except that i'm not quite sure about rising amoonguss. I feel the same about it being better than tangrowth but i'm not quite sure if it's an A+ mon.

: I feel like it's finally time to rise the monkey to A+. I've been a zarude hater since it came out in dlc1 but boots just feels amazing rn. Reminds me a lot of zeraora (except that it's way slower) and operates the same way, if it gets momentum its quite obnoxious to play against because it's limited counterplay give away a ton of opportunities and drains momentum really hard. It's also quite bulky and an okay-ish Aegi check, also shits on mew which is never a bad thing.

Last points i wanted to rise up in these ranks are Kommo-o and Washtom but i'm not sure about them. Kommo-o fell off the radar really hard and it doesn't get good enough usage for A+. Half of the times it got used as of late it was bulky sr too i believe which does nothing in a lot of cases, Setupper sets are still good but being forced to run eq sucks a bit? As i said i'm not sure but I don't think it's relevant enough for A+ anymore. Washtom is also weird because the best set for it is pain split wow which is almost always unfittable (you end up wanting scarf or defog a lot of times which hurts washtom really hard), but there are some games where it literally 6-0's on preview. Zarude is annoying for it but being forced to waste a turn on jungle healing everytime it gets burned sucks for the monkey, other stuff that gets throw at washtom doesn't really enjoy a burn or gets voltswitched on.

: I'm really high on entei as a mon rn and i believe that it's place is in A-. Damage output is amazing, burn chance is cool and comes in handy often, stone edge to hit mence/strong prio in extreme speed and as last you have a few options depending on what you need. Toxic for some setuppers works well, flare blitz to trade something off before dying/have the extra power and sleep talk is good on some teams to hurt amoonguss. Entei is getting more and more usages but it's still quite underrated, it definitely deserves to rise from B- and A- looks perfect for it in my eyes.

I don't know why Bulu got dropped to C+ but it doesn't deserve it, it's bad don't get me wrong but it can get a few KOs/lure stuff which is like more than every C+ mon has ever done, while also allowing seed cheese that can still be a thing. Mantine should probably rise from c+ as well, don't know where though. Also togekiss in B and gmolt in B+ aren't both accurate imo and should both be A-. As for the discussion points, I disagree with heattom and gyara dropping and not sure about hatt rising. Gyara is amazing on offense and gets more hate than it should, it takes over games with ease and it's as good of a dder as mence. Heattom lost part of it's utility but NP is still amazing imo and nihilego's presence in current meta doesn't hurt it too much, you can also fish a para with discharge and make that mon completely useless. As for hatt, i disagree with everyone that calls it a good mew counterplay since it's really not, but the trades it can get on stuff like aegi might be good enough to rise it up a rank. I don't see it ever 6-0ing though. Also drop mamo its not a mon lol. Sorry for any typos/stuff, i'm half asleep still o/
First time posting here, just have two nominations I want to make before shifts tomorrow! One's a standard nom, and the other is more niche :)

:rhyperior: A -> A+
Rhyperior is such a fantastic glue mon right now. It's a really good defensive wall and hazard setter that avoids being passive by also having a great offensive presence. Ground and Rock are both really amazing offensive types in the meta right now, being able to hit everything but the Grass- and Bug-types for at least neutral damage. And even then, Rhyperior's last move slot is malleable, allowing it to run Heat Crash or Megahorn to hit those types. It's just a really solid Pokemon that fits well onto any team composition.

Now for my more untraditional nom...

:xurkitree: UR -> C/C+
Yeah, yeah, I know, there are like twenty thousand Electric types in the tier that are way better than Xurkitree, but hear me out. Choice Scarf Xurkitree can be an amazing late-game cleaner if you get it in at the right moment. With a Choice Scarf, maximum Speed EV investment, and a Timid nature, it reaches a whopping 436 Speed (for comparison, Noivern, the current fastest mon in the metagame, only reaches 379 Speed with maximum Speed EVs and a Timid nature). This Speed, in combination with its massive base 173 Special Attack and Beast Boost, makes Xurkitree nearly unstoppable once it begins to snowball. It has solid coverage to deal with most of its counters too, with Energy Ball for the Ground-types and Dazzling Gleam for the Dragon-types and Zarude. It also has Volt Switch to cause some chip damage and bring out other teammates safely. It does have its fair share of problems- Tangrowth and Amoonguss stop it right in its tracks, it's really frail and incredibly susceptible to being revenge killed, and it's very prediction reliant in the early stages of a match. But I still think it has enough merits to get onto the VR.

Xurkitree @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Dazzling Gleam
- Energy Ball - A semi-basic VoltTurn team that focuses on trying to set up for Xurkitree as much as possible. Zarude and Mienshao help bring it in, Rhyperior sets up Stealth Rocks for chip damage, Salamence Defogs to remove hazards that might limit Xurkitree, and Starmie is a secondary breaker that gets rid of Xurkitree's more sturdy checks, particularly Amoonguss and Buzzwole.

252 SpA Xurkitree Energy Ball vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Solid Rock Rhyperior: 375-444 (86.4 - 102.3%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Xurkitree Energy Ball vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Gastrodon: 572-676 (134.2 - 158.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Xurkitree Energy Ball vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Seismitoad: 616-728 (148.7 - 175.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Xurkitree Energy Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Krookodile: 326-384 (98.4 - 116%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Xurkitree Dazzling Gleam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Krookodile: 288-340 (87 - 102.7%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Xurkitree Dazzling Gleam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Kommo-o: 416-492 (117.5 - 138.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Xurkitree Dazzling Gleam vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Salamence: 260-306 (66.1 - 77.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

My one-word thoughts on some nominations that have already been made:

:lycanroc-dusk: A -> A+ : AGREE
:nihilego: A -> A+ : AGREE
:hatterene: B+ -> A- : AGREE
:celesteela: A- -> B+ : AGREE (I actually think Celesteela is pure trash and should go down to B minimum but this post is way too long already)
:tangrowth: A+ -> A : DISAGREE (see Sickist's post because that's basically my opinion on Tang as well)
:mamoswine: A- -> B+ : DISAGREE (same reasoning as Magnum. I would like to add, though, that many of Mamo's counters are probably going to rise to OU tomorrow so it might actually get better, but then I'd be getting into theorymonning)

I am also pretty iffy on Rotom-H dropping and Tentacruel rising but I admittedly haven't used them in a while so I'll try them out myself + see how the shifts may affect them before I develop a concrete opinion (also if I keep going this post is going to end up being longer than the Lord of the Rings trilogy)

That's it from me! Hope you all have a good day!

QUICK EDIT: scorbunnys informed me that I accidentally downloaded the Xurk replays instead of saving them :psycry: I'm trying to get them fixed but as of right now they won't be viewable. Sorry about that :blobpensive:

QUICK EDIT 2: I tried my best but I couldn't fix the replays :psycry: so I just replaced them with calcs for now. Might try to get more today depending on how busy I am.
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:zygarde-10%: To B/B+

I've been playing with it for a while now and I think it's due for a rise. This thing has like 2 answers Buzzwole and Tangrowth. Without these 2 teams can easily be overwhelmed. Salamence cannot take any chip for falling to a 2HKO to Thousand Arrows. A lot of teams rely on Zarude for a ground resist. Every time it comes it has has to jungle healing it off as Thousand Arrows does ~27%. Zarude can't take a knock because after repeated turns it can 2hko. (Scarf takes a while but gets beat with rocks and stuff like helmet). However I think it's biggest offensive potential is the Rotom's, specifically, Rotom-Heat. Some teams rely on these for ground immunities and get absolutely destroyed. Also Extreme Speed is really useful for such an offensive Meta.

252 Atk Choice Band Zygarde-10% Thousand Arrows vs. 252 HP / 220+ Def Amoonguss: 171-202 (39.5 - 46.7%) -- 37.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Choice Band Zygarde-10% Thousand Arrows vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 184-217 (45.5 - 53.7%) -- 94.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Zygarde-10% Thousand Arrows vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Zarude: 88-104 (25 - 29.6%) -- 0.5% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock
-1 252 Atk Choice Band Zygarde-10% Thousand Arrows vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 147-174 (44.4 - 52.5%) -- 19.9% chance to 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Zygarde-10% Thousand Arrows vs. 212 HP / 0 Def Scizor: 184-217 (55 - 64.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
:grimmsnarl: C -> D

To hard to justify even on a screens team as it takes to long to set up and get value out of them, and if you plan to set up both that is 2 turns to abuse them and even just one is three which is very easy to stall out. Offensive sets are hard to justify over azumarill or even dark types such as krookodile and zarude. I think even eleki will have a better niche as a screens setter cuz it can at least boom or volt switch to give 1 extra turn for the pokemon to abuse it which is very valuable for the team as every turn is extremely valuable. Especially now that it lost one of its main abusers scizor I do not see it having a single niche in the tier
Hey everyone,

In this post I will go over my thoughts on some of the nominations that other users have brought up this week. This will not cover the discussion slate since others have already discussed this in detail.

Dusk Form
Lycanroc-D to A+: Agree

Lycanroc is insanely destructive against any type of offence due to its ability outspeed and OHKO many offensive Pokémon like Keldeo, offensive Salamence, non-scarf Krookodile/Zarude, Nihilego, and both Thundy forms. It also has a great matchup against niche playstyles like sun and screens due to Accelrock and Psychic Fangs respectively. Accelrock on its own is huge since it lets you not have to rely on a fast scarfer to revenge kill DD Pokemon like Gyarados and Salamence. The only real issues Lycanroc faces is being forced to choose between Stone Edge and Crunch (though I like Crunch because being walled by Aegislash isn't a good look) and passive damage (LO recoil and hazards). Lycanroc even does decent against fatter teams if you manage to keep up spikes and get a few turns correct (i.e., playing around Amoonguss+defensive Salamence). Lycanroc is extremely good and definitely deserves to rise for these reasons.

Azelf to B+: Agree

I understand that the amount of people on ladder using lead Azelf has resulted in this Pokémon developing a questionable reputation. However, if you try the sets that aren't bad (lead), you will be surprised. I've been using Nasty Plot (NP+Dazzling Gleam+fire move+Psyshock) and it's extremely potent if you position it well. This is because there aren't that many good scarfers in the tier (scarf Krookodile, scarf Mienshao, scarf Jirachi kinda, and scarf Zarude though that set's bad so please don't use it) and Azelf naturally outspeeds pretty much everything else bar a few speed ties. In other words, there aren't any other offensive Pokémon that naturally outspeed it. Against offensive teams, you pretty much get a kill if you manage to pivot it in for free (aggressive double or with momentum moves), and against fatter teams you 2HKO everything after a Nasty Plot (Chansey is 2HKOd by Psyshock, Aegislash and Celestella drop to Fire Blast, Glowbro is 2HKOd by Psyshock, Moltres-Galar drops at +2 to Dazzling Gleam). The biggest drawbacks to using Azelf is that it brings zero defensive utility and has very little opportunity to hard switch to anything. Another issue is LO recoil which can put you in range of priority attacks like Mamoswine's Ice Shard. This means that you need to play patient with it and recognize when you have a chance to clean late game. It takes quite a lot of thinking to use this Azelf set properly, since you are heavily punished for being reckless with it. However, it's a very potent win condition if used well.

Here is a replay that demonstrates what I wrote above. In this match, I play patiently and use my defensive backbone and passive damage (rocks and Toxic) to wear down my opponent's team. Once everything is sufficiently chipped, I use Azelf to clean. The balanced team I'm using is designed to use both Lycanroc and Azelf as anti-offence (revenge killing) and cleaning against other balanced teams once they are chipped.

See the link below:

Tapu Bulu to B-/B: Heavy disagree

Sorry Magnum. This might sound harsh, but using Tapu Bulu actually gives more benefits to your opponents since you both heal their Pokémon and give them free momentum since most good teams naturally have 2-3 checks to this thing (e.g., Aegislash, Moltres, Salamence, Amoonguss, Tangrowth, Celesteela...the list goes on). In all seriousness, the only time I've EVER seen Tapu Bulu do something useful was on that Pif stall team (the one with Sunfisk). To be fair, the set Pif used on that team (Dazzling Gleam, Synthesis, Horn Leech) worked decently. However, Pokémon that only work with heavy support or on very specific teams belong in the C ranks.

Zarude to A+: Agree

I agree with Lyss's post. Boots Zarude is an insane asset to BO/Balance due to its utility, speed tier, ability to absorb status, and momentum with U-Turn. Being able to comfortably switch into Toxic Aegislash is super good considering that Aegislash is the best Pokémon in the tier imo (and that's its best set). Being able to switch into Scald/status for free is amazing since BO/Balance don't usually run clerics (aside from some fatter balances I guess). Pinning down and killing Zarude is really difficult if you support it well. Compared to alternative grass types like Tangrowth or Amoonguss, Zarude gives up some bulk and a fighting weakness in exchange for momentum support, status absorption, and more offensive pressure (though Amoonguss in particular is insane to deal with since Spore exists). Also, please don't use scarf Zarude, it sucks.

Rhyperior to A+: Disagree

I find Rhyperior super hard to justify using. Krookodile is a far better ground type due to speed+Intimidate+Knock Off, while Nihilego is a much better rocker since it either destroys or wins 1v1 against every form of hazard control (both Rotom forms, Salamence without EQ, Tentacruel, Moltres). Rhyperior does a lot of stuff well in theory, but in practice, I find that it's too slow and often gives up too much momentum to be worth using. Yes, it in theory checks Salamence for example, but Draco still heavily chunks it; it can check Aegislash, but ends up being outlasted in the long run if it gets hit with Toxic; it checks Nihilego, but if it loses Leftovers to Knock Off it's screwed. I still think it has its place, but I don't see it in the same light as Primarina, Salemence, or any of the other A+ ranked Pokémon.

Zygarde-10% to B (I don't agree with B+): Agree

I used to think super poorly of Zygarde-10%, but after both using it myself and seeing Pif use it, I've changed my mind. With the right support, it can be difficult to switch into since Thousand Arrows is so spammable. Against offensive teams or teams lacking an effective ground resist, Zygarde-10% is very threatening.

Here is a replay which demonstrates how good Zygarde can be in the right matchup. Maki's team doesn't feature a ground resist aside from Salamence, and can only rely on keeping Mew at full and Scizor alive in order to check Zygarde over the course of a match (Seismitoad lacks instant recovery and Salamence has to always risk switching into Outrage).

See the link below:

I see Zygarde struggling to do much against defensive teams or even BO that features Zarude or Tangrowth. However, proper support (e.g., Knock Off to remove Zarude's boots and clicking Toxic with Zygarde to poison Tangrowth) can help Zygarde make progress, so it's not totally helpless in these. The biggest issues are obviously a complete lack of defensive utility and the fact that you need to get a bunch of turns right against fatter teams or teams with a good Thousand Arrows switch-in to get anything done. But I still think it's better than people give it credit for, so I support a rise to B.

Thanks for reading and have a great Friday and weekend.

Edit: Fixed text from being dark for users using dark mode.
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Rotom-H --> currently A rank, move down to A- rank


Rotom-W --> currently A rank, move up to A+ rank

There's a clear divergence in the viability of these two units mainly because of Scizor's departure from the tier and the addition of multiple rain threats benefitting from Pelipper's U-Turn + Drizzle capability.

While these two Pokemons' roles haven't changed (both remain primarily as Defoggers/status spreaders with the ability to pivot with Volt Switch and secondarily as either NP sweepers or Choice Scarf users for speed control), their match ups with the metagame have changed significantly.

Newly important Pokemon that Rotom-W can check or counter include Barraskewda, Pelipper, Moltres with Rain Weather Ball, Nidoking, and Mantine. It just matches up much better vs Rain in general, even Pokemon that Rotom-W cannot really 1v1, like Keldeo/Kingdra, it at least can discourage them from spamming Rain boosted Water moves which Rotom-H actually attracts.

There's next to no good news for Rotom-H, which had the main selling point of being a solid Scizor counter but it's not like Metagross is about to fill that void so Rotom-H's usefulness is going way down. Frankly unless you're really struggling with Grass types (which are admittedly plentiful: Zarude, Tangrowth, Amoonguss, Tapu-Bulu are the meta ones and Roserade is certainly more viable given Mew's departure) or perhaps Aegislash, the dominance of Rain in the metagame means Rotom-W should always be the default now.
right off the bat regieleki, pelliper, and nidoking not being ranked quickly jumps out at me as misplaced. Has there by any chance not been any good time to put them on the VR?
While this is probably a better question for the Simple Questions Simple Answers thread, new drops/additions to the tier always take time to figure out how good they are, so it probably won't be until the next VR update when they are added.
big ol' VR post incoming

Its been around a week and a half since shifts happened and after playing tons of games over this period of time I feel I have enough info needed to make a VR post nominating pokemon to change on the VR. Dividing it up into 3 sections- new placements, my own nominations, and nominations I agree with. Feel free to respond if you agree or disagree

New placements
to A-: Kicking off the list I think Nidoking should end up in A- rank. Its a fairly simple mon, get in and click buttons. It can 2HKO nearly everything in the tier rn with coverage options like thunderbolt, fire blast, and ice beam. A general reliance on team support to get in as well as the sheer competition it faces as a ground by krook and rhyp as well as a poison from amoong and nihi means Nidoking's splashability is certainly not the greatest. A- fits this most appropriately, as it still is an extremely potent wallbreaker that should be taken seriously.
to B+: Rain is good now! It seems rain has nicely settled in the meta, being a solid archetype but nothing too crazy, and would probably fit best in B+ or B in terms of a playstyle. Pelipper, of course, being the staple of rain, means that its positioning on the VR should be indicative of the overall viability of the archetype. Its offensive presence as well as access to utility options like defog and U-turn has given a large boon to the archetype and its placement on the VR should reflect Rain's legitimacy in the meta.
to C: Despite being very bad, regieleki still has a niche. Its ability to act as an anti-rain Pokemon as well as a rain abuser should not be overlooked, for regieleki can put in a surprisingly good amount of work with ground-types gone. This makes it fit best on rain where waters can easily remove grounds for it. However, until then its forced to sit on the back, limiting its splashability as other electrics like raikou and the thundurus formes don't need to have grounds removed to put in work. The fact that regieleki is a fringe option on a hyper-specific archetype means it should def not be high up on the VR, so it fits best in C, where it has a niche but is a poor pokemon in general.
My own nominations
to A: Despite this being nominated last time, I do urge the VR team to reconsider the placement of kommo-o on the VR. Kommo-o has it rough rn just due to the sheer competition it faces from salamence, an amazing pokemon and in my top 5 as of now. Kommo-o has sorta always felt underwhelming offensively since the screens ban, where it just struggles to set up and is prone to tons of issues like faster wallbreakers and status. Defensive clanger is an unmon, and while SD and clang soul are alright they certainly aren't the cream of the crop, with SD having to be walled by either aegi or hatterene and clang soul missing the defensive boost screens gave it to not be revenge killed easier. As alluded to earlier, clanger faces severe competition from mence as a dragon-type on most teams due to mence's better utility with intimidate and its typing. Even the rising Dragon Dance salamence has been giving kommo-o lots of competition as of late. Don't get me wrong, kommo-o is still very good and maybe even a top 15 Pokemon in the meta, but the competition it faces from salamence is too great to keep it in A+, making A a better indicator of its viability.
to A-: This is quite a hot take but I think Necrozma can be A- rank in this meta. This is prominently due to the vast amount of setup sets it can utilize on offensive and even bulky offense teams, making it dangerously unpredictable. Meteor beam sets are extremely scary to face, especially if necrozma has gotten off an autotomize boost, and it can also beat our hazard removers and set up stealth rock. Psychic + Rock+ fire coverage is dangerous to face, only being taken on by passive shit like chansey and umbreon. DD sets are scary, as once celesteela goes down it can go crazy on enemy teams. It is also very unpredictable and can take answers like the previously mentioned chansey and umbreon by surprise. A set that is new and has begun to pop up recently is CM + Moonlight bulky sets, sets that can take on dangerous wallbreakers like lycanroc-D even with the right investment. It was showcased in Smogon Grand slam by Punny recently, replay is right down below.
Overall, Necrozma's high natural bulk, unpredictable set versatility, and growing dominance as a psychic-type in the meta makes me believe it should be ranked at A-. Its ability to fit on all types of HO like spikes, webs, psychic terrain, the fringe screens, and otherwise regular bulky offense teams further contribute to a rise in viability.
to A-: A slightly less hot take but I think starmie has enough merit to also rise to A-. Offensive sets are extremely potent, threatening pretty much every Pokemon except chansey due to it being so hard to switch into with analytic as a punisher. Its boots rapid spin set has also been seeing some use due to its ability to beat every entry hazard setter. This set also is able to answer the dangerous keldeo as well as check other pokemon like lycanroc and defensive celesteela. Both of Starmie's sets are great in the meta, and it should rise to reflect its current viability.
to B/B-: Nidoqueen is just simply mid. Its been on the decline for a long time and until some new set pops up it wont be getting any better. We all know the competition it faces as a rocker from nihilego and rhyperior, but the addition of nidoking almost completely outclasses queen due to his better offenses and speed tier. Sure, queen has better bulk, but its not like queen was taking much hits anyway. This mon is just done for in the meta, its tough to identify something it can do over king other than role compression or better fitting on bulky teams. I would go so far to drop it to B- even since it just doesn't offer anything done better by another Pokemon. Hopefully RU will enjoy us sending this down next shift, could certainly help with their xurkitree debacle.
to B-: Mantine, on the other hand, is great right now. the recent surge in rain has boosted it as both a rain abuser and rain counter. Mantine is able to utilize offensive sets in the rain, having flying and water coverage to threaten a great deal of the meta. It also beats opposing keldeo, a huge threat to rain teams and potent abuser of the rain itself. It has the usual merits with its defensive set, taking on moltres and salamence too. it dislikes the populairty of thundurus and lycanroc-D, but mantine has certainly improved enough to warrant a rise.
to B-: Not much to say here, rain gets better with pelipper dropping and thus so has kingdra. B- is a good fit for it as it shares a rank with Barraskewda, another prominent sweeper on rain. Both should def be ranked in the same tier, so B- is where kingdra belongs.
to C+: Sun has been on the decline for ages, but with the prominence of rain sun has been forced down into the C ranks. Sun just cant keep up with rain being very dominant, further compounding the issues it has with finding good teammates to use on the archetype. Both torkoal and venusaur are ranked together, so if sun drops they drop. Rain is by far the best weather in UU, and I don't see that changing for a long time.
to UR: Lol fuck off
to C+: Though this got unranked last update, the departure of mew has given roserade a lot more breathing room as a spikes setter. Its ability to pressure common entry hazard deterrents like Rotom-W and hatterene is great. Its good offenses threaten pokemon like rhyperior and primarina, and its typing lets it soft check things like choice locked zarude. It also can punish switch-ins like salamence and moltres with status, keeping them from removing it from the game. It was probably going to get re-ranked anyway but felt I should formally make the nomination of roserade to C+.
to C+: In the mass unranking of Pokemon during the last update, there was one Pokemon caught in the crossfire who I disagree with being UR. That Pokemon is ribombee. It was said to be an inferior webs setter to the currently ranked shuckle and slurpuff, but I find this to be the opposite; it is in fact the best setter in the tier. Here are some pros to using Ribombee- it can beat Hatterene 1v1 on the switch, who is an otherwise huge problem to webs teams. It can stop relevant defoggers as well. It can KO mence and washer with STABs or coverage while can outstall moltres and rotom-H in a webs/defog war. Beyond this, it also has a solid offensive presence, checking Pokemon like zarude and keldeo quite nicely. It can stop enemy leads like Krookodile and lead azelf due to being faster than them, something the other two cannot do. Yes, slurpuff has magic coat, but you have to drop endeavor for it and that's not great. With scizor leaving, ribombee no longer has to worry about getting set up on, compared to slurpuff who's main niche was the ability to KO scizor with flamethrower. Ribombee also has a solid movepool: moonblast and bug buzz threaten a good amount of the meta, while energy ball can nail rhyperior and gastrodon. Stun spore can be used to cripple nihilego while toxic can be used to cripple moltres. It can utilize U-turn to pivot out of poor matchups as well. Overall, ribombee is a very good webs setter and in my opinion the best available. It has numerous advantages over the other two ranked ones like an ability to pressure hazard removers, good offensive presence, and solid matchups against opposing leads. Shuckle is just too passive, while slurpuff I believe is too reliant on focus sash activating to be useful, causing it to be taken advantage of. Hopefully this can demonstrate why it should be ranked.
to C: Chicknemacnchez wrote a great post on this in the meta thread so check that out for more info, but I think jellicent is worth ranking as of now. Its ability to match up well against the rain archetype already gives it a solid niche, taking on the dreaded keldeo. Beyond that, it has merits in using as a bulky status spreader and checking Pokemon like nidoking, moltres, and zydog. Its fighting immunity is also great to utilize. The role compression it can provide is great, and even though it wont take the meta by storm it has got enough merit to justify a ranking.
Nominations I agree with
to B-: Bulu isn't the best, I can agree with that. However, it is excellent at being an anti-rain measure and should rise to reflect that. Defensive sets have gotten more experimentation and likely outclass the offensive sets for now. Bulu's ability to answer threats like keldeo, crawdaunt, and azumarill is great to handle rain teams. Bulu has def been hated on a bit too much, but C+ seems overkill and B- is better indicative of bulu's viability.
to B: Not repeating too much but zydog lowk a threat, there's a reason its now UU by usage. Thousand arrows is very spammable and can punish teams relying on rotom-w or mence as its ground resist. Offers little defensive utility which is why it isn't higher, but a great wallbreaker with a high speed tier nevertheless, hopefully it can finally hit B rank this time.
to A+: This has been beaten to death but lycanroc-D is legit a top 5 Pokemon. It is so hard to wall and is just a great wallbreaker and revenge killer against offensive teams. Keeping it short because everyone has talked about it, just want to say I am in support of a rise to A+
- don't have too much to say about these four, but I do support the nominations rising the former 3 to A+, and I think entei should rise but only to B. I'd read the above posts initially nomming them since I have the same reasoning and don't want to copy them word for word.
-I was initially torn on where to rank them but after sometime I believe that tangrowth=amoonguss and they both should be in the same rank, preferably both in A+ but both in A works ig. Amoonguss has notable traits as a fighting and fairy resist and spore, while tang is just such a good glue for threats like keldeo, lycanroc, and thundurus. Its hard to rank one of them over the other as they are great Pokemon, so they should both be in the same rank to reflect their relative equal viability.

lastly I want to talk about the S ranks. Right now the only Pokemon is Aegislash in S- (which I assume will be S now), with others like keldeo talked up of moving to S as well. This is a hot take, but I don't think any pokemon is S rank right now. if I had to rate the top 5 pokemon, it would be aegislash, mence, keldeo, thundurus, and lycanroc-d in that order. However, none of them stick out as so much better than the other and I believe they could all fit into a more power creeped A+ together until a few begin to distinguish themselves more. For now I would bring Aegi down to A+ with the others on its level, and as the meta develops more some Pokemon can rise to S, but for now I don't think any pokemon should be S.
:Pelipper: NA -> A-/B+: As it only appears on Rain, Pelipper's ranking on the VR is likely going to be a representation of Rain's viability as an archetype. Pelipper can provide a much-needed slow U-Turn to frail teammates such as Barraskewda, Kingdra, and Keldeo while boosting their Water STAB attacks with Rain.
:Regieleki: NA -> C: Regieleki definitely requires a lot of team support that isn't very natural on many teams, as it is walled by any Ground-type ever as well as foes such as Tangrowth. Like Monky mentioned, I can only really see it being used on either Rain teams or as fast Spin support, but even then I can only really see it spinning on the switch into a Ground-type at which point it will be forced out. tl;dr not as good as god Raikou but not completely unviable.

:Entei:B- -> B+: Choice Band Entei requires Defog support to hit the field safely, but once it does I can attest to the statement that it shits on enough of the tier to put it in ranks with Hatterene. The primary reason I'm nominating it for B+ instead of A- this time around is due to the loss of one of Entei's favourite targets (Scizor) and the rise of Rain that prevents Entei from dishing out enormous damage with STAB Sacred Fire. However, Entei still has plenty of targets left such as Aegislash, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss, as well as continuing to threaten the physical attackers of the tier with a burn.
:Roserade: UR -> C+: With Mew gone, I think Roserade will now be the premier spikes setter. Its typing, bulk, and speed allow it to beat foes such as Keldeo, Primarina, Hatterene, and Regieleki all with minimal Special Defence investment.
:Politoed:C+ -> UR: This is relatively uncontroversial as Pelipper does what Politoed wants to do but better.
My thoughts on shifting rankings. In hide tags because it's quite a lot.

S- -> S
Aegislash is definitely deserving of its S ranking. It is incredibly influential on the tier and difficult to account for with how much set variance it has. You can run it on pretty much every archetype because of this. It provides so much to teams in the builder through its typing and offensive + defensive capabilities.

A -> S/S-
Personally, I think Lycanroc-D is the hardest thing to account for when it has the ability to OHKO or 2HKO the whole tier with the exception of physically defensive Buzzwole and the rare Phys Def Tang. It has an incredible matchup against offensive teams thanks to the sheer power it has, Speed tier, and great form of priority. The combination of STAB + CC + Crunch will suffice for a vast portion of the tier and Psychic Fangs can always be considered for Buzz and Kommo-o. While it offers no defensive utility it has the offensive presence to be placed among the S ranks.

A+ -> S-
Agree with Lyss about Keldeo. Choice Specs claims and has the means to break past its conventional checks with the exception of bulky Primarina and lesser-used mons like Mantine. Might be a hot take but I think Thundurus is an exceptional Pokemon and a difficult one to wall at that. It's Speed tier is vital for keeping foes like Keldeo and Zarude in check. Knock Off makes it so good at punishing foes like Tang and Chansey, deterring them from wanting to be an initial pivot into it. It also being an Electric-type that you can't stop pivot is huge + U-turn preventing two of our best Pokemon in Zarude and Krookodile from being safe switchins. It has a vivid movepool to pick and choose some of its checks with Grass Knot etc. + as a Nasty Plot user, it can be just as difficult to wall as its Therian counterpart with some support.

A -> A+
Agree with all of these rising. Read other people's posts about them.


Indifferent about this dropping or staying in its current rank.

A- -> A
Losing Scizor means Jirachi is now our second-best Steel-type. It's valuable as a Choice Scarf user to revenge kill Lycanroc-D and has the coverage to decide what else to revenge between mence, thundys, Keldeo etc. As a rocker I suggest people try Psychic on the fast rocks set, it can catch and 2HKO foes like Buzzwole, Amoong, Keldeo, Tentacruel, etc. I've seen Pif use WishTect to good success too.

B+ -> A
Blob walls all and then Teleport's out. The loss of Scizor and Mew is exceptionally good for it.

B+ -> A-
The RestTalk set is pretty decent and a great tool for balance teams. The double dance sets are still usable on offensive teams though the loss of screens hurts the success rate of that.

B -> B+
Agree with Lyss's post about raising them. I would personally put both in B+ myself. I think Togekiss is pretty decent with its Nasty Plot and bulky Defog sets. It does have some notable issues like always letting Thundy-T in, ladders favourite. Other stuff like Lycan, Thundy, and Nihilego being good doesn't help either though you can Thunder Wave these ones bar Thundy. Entei is a cool Pokemon. I've personally used Boots a good amount, which has its merits with Sacred Fire into Espeed. Though CB is the biggest appeal and makes it a scary breaker.

Just shove these guys in the same rank. Rain is a solid playstyle with the addition of Pelipper.

C -> B
I think B is reasonable for Kingdra. It's a great rain abuser but I still think Skewda is a scarier menace.

B- -> B
Zydog gets better when everyone is running Amoong and Rotom formes so sure. Still hates Buzzwole, Tang, Zarude, etc. but B is fine. Crawdaunt is getting usage on rain so a raise seems reasonable imo. Gardevoir is a cool option right now that benefits from the shifts. It can counter Kingdra rain and walls Thundy-T as most lack Sludge Wave. I've been running Knock Off in the last slot on Boots and it's nice to cripple Aegi, Jirachi, Chansey, and AV Tang.

UR -> B-
Agree with reranking Roserade

UR -> A-
Good breaker though the Speed tier will hold it back a bit. If it gets a free turn it's probably claiming something if you predict correctly. Wouldn't be opposed to A rank.

UR -> C
You have to respect it but seriously just use Thundurus.
A+ -> A
Voted to do so last slate and would support it again. Kommo-o is still a very good Pokemon but it's nowhere near at its peak. To me, the most consistent set is defensive/bulky rocks. The tier has adapted to Clangorous Soul well. SD is good though and Scale Shot can turn it into a cleaner.

A+ -> A
Agree with Adaam's last post about Glowbro.

A -> A-
Neither of these belong in A. Moltres has seen better days. Prima, Nihi, Washtom, and Chansey are such common defensive checks to it. Keldeo, Lycan, and Thundy are very good and don't give it many opportunities. As a Defog user I'd rather run Mence or Heattom personally. Rhyperior is still a great SR setter and one of our better Ground-types but it's easy to take advantage of due to the Speed tier. Read Pifs post regarding Heattom.


Indifferent about rising Washtom or keeping it in A. Great Pokemon without a doubt though.

A- -> B+
Celesteela is a very flawed Pokemon to remain in the A ranks imo. Everything it wants to check has some means of severely weakening it or simply removing its Leftovers leaving it easy to wear down. Dealing with DD Mence is nice but it doesn't excel at much else for me to want to use it over Aegi or Rachi. Offensive Meteor Beam sets have also gotten worse.

B+ -> B
Chandelure isn't necessarily bad but it faces a lot of competition from Aegislash. The offensive threats in the metagame limit it way more compared to Aegi too. Cobalion losing Scizor makes it harder to justify using. You can still wall Zarude but it's hard to run a set that doesn't have Volt Switch because of Aegi.

B -> B-
Don't really see the appeal of running this, just use Salamence.

B- -> C+
Milotic is not better than Mantine. Wouldn't be opposed to raising Mantine to B- but indifferent about that.

B+ -> lower B-/C+
Nidoking does offensive sets better thanks to it being faster and stronger.

We have Pelipper so unranking toed is obvious. Please nuke Grimmsnarl, what does it even do anymore. I don't want to have to figure out what set to give it on an analysis so nuke please.

There are some other things I can get behind but otherwise, this should be more or less everything that I care about.
Nominations I agree with :

From S- to S
Aegislash is just a fantastic Pokémon right now and in my opinion one of the best Pokémon we have. The rise of Scizor is definitively great in my opinion since it doesn't have to fear anymore fast Scizor carrying Knock Off to bump it which allows it in my opinion to invest way more EVs in its bulk. Sub Toxic Aegislash is quite insane and such a great Pokémon to abuse in a metagame where scouting is almost mandatory in my opinion. Being able to Stall out Rain turns is so great and Aegislash doesn't have a lot of really good answers. The fact that it can adapt its set and movepool to bypass common checks such as Zarude is really fucking great. Not to mention its typing is still bonkers af.

From A to S-/S
LycanDusk is by far my favorite Pokémon to abuse right now. Everything is great about it at the moment : god speed tier which allows it to pressure Keldeo with either CC or Psychic Fangs, great coverage to pressure most threats on the tier and an access to a great STAB + ability boosted priority which allows it to revenge kill things like offensive Salamence or Thundurus-I/T with almost no chip damages. I've been using this Pokémon quite a lot rencently in Spikes HO teams and it's quite insane how formidable it is. All in all, I fully agree with what Twilight said in the post above about LycanDusk.

From A+ to S-
Sheeeesh Specs Keldeo is so dumb under Rain. The fact that people tend to run dedicated counters to it such as Jellicent and SpeDef Amoonguss really makes me feel that Rain + Keldeo together is kinda fucked up overall. The worst thing about it is that it can kinda bypass its checks with either Toxic or Air Slash which is trully disgusting. Even tho Keldeo can be revenge killed by top tier threats such as LycanDusk and Thundy-I, it's a real pain to switch-into atm.

From Unranked to C
I really love that Pokémon and it's so freaking sad that it doesn't have anything to beat effectively Ground-types. However, it's still a good pivot and a fantastic revenge killer which is able to RK BS 100 speed at +1 without using a Choice Scarf on its own which is quite amazing. I've been messing with HDB Regieleki and it's definitively not a game breaker Pokémon but a fun one to use tho. It also fits effectively on Rain teams where it can abuse of its Transistor boosted Thunder while its mate are dealing with its plague aka Ground-types.

From C and C+ to D and Unranked
While we can't unranked Grimmsnarl since it's technically still UU, it's obvious that it doesn't really have a place in C rank in my opinion. The ban of Light Clay doomed it to the void. I don't see why you would use this Pokémon for something. If you want Screens support then Ninetales-A with Sash is probably the best option since you'll not lose too much turns to set up your Screens. On the other hand, Politoed is basically useless with Pelipper in the tier. Pelipper can heal itself with Roost, support its teams with Defog, U-turn or Knock Off and pressure Grass-types at the same time with Hurricane. Just delete Politoed from the VR plz.

My own nomination :

From Unranked to somewhere between C+ and B-
With the rise of Scizor I trully think Mimikyu deserves a spot in the VR as a good pick within HO teams. I've been using it and while it's not the most powerful Pokémon you can get in HO, it really fits in it thanks to Disguise. SD Mimikyu can be a threat with the right amount of support and Ghost + Fairy STAB is trully useful to pressure top threats such as Aegislash, Salamence, Keldeo or Zarude.
C -> B

With the departure of scizor and mew, two things that annoyed it greatly, it can now act as a much better rocker, pressuring pokemon such as moltres-g, salamence, thundurus, raikou, hattrene, moltres, and nihilego due to its high bulk. It has great support movepool with heal bell, toxic and stealth rocks to pressure the opponent and support its teammates. Its lack of recovery sucks but that is basically every ground in the tier and can be paired with stuff such as wish umbreon, rapid spin support from pokemon like tentacruel, and starmine so it does not get worn by hazards.

C+ -> B-

Really appreciates scizor leaving, it would get walled and set up on and mew annoyed it with status, taunt, spikes, and knock off. Now being able to afford heal bell more often due to not being forced into 50/50 with scizor.
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Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but personally I'm not sure we really require an S- rank right now. I think it has made sense in previous iterations of the metagame, but this point I feel like there are a few Pokemon that are very clearly a cut above the rest of the tier while being relatively even amongst each other. However, I do still think there are feasible combinations of some Pokemon residing in S and others residing in S-, so I'm not totally sure. Just gonna delve into the Pokemon I think are candidates for a standalone S rank~

This has a pretty strong case for being the most important Pokemon in the metagame. It just has so much applicability between the defensive utility its typing offers and how much progress it can consistently force with Toxic sets. Accounting for Aegislash feels like a pretty core aspect of current building too, with Zarude and Krookodile being pretty particularly important for their ability to check it, which I think is testament to the grasp it has right now. Absolutely think this should sit in S, especially with Scizor gone.

Keldeo was already an amazing standalone breaker, but rain now being such an accessible method of support has really helped push it over the top. Aside from maybe Lycanroc, I think this Pokemon is the most pressing offensive presence to deal with in a given match, and Air Slash/Toxic are also pretty decent tools for working around its few decent checks that have emerged. I think the Water resists/immunities that are finding slots on more teams speaks to the pressure Keldeo currently puts on the metagame, and that despite being a tad prediction reliant at times still, it exerts so much immediate prowess with its damage output and Speed that S is a very appropriate place for it to sit.

Lycanroc was already on the come-up but has more opportunities available to it than ever with Scizor out of the picture. It's genuinely just an amazing breaker with the perfect offensive tools to consistently punch holes, and I don't really know what else there is to say beyond that. The Speed tier is everything with Keldeo/Zarude/Nihilego all being very good, and Accelerock is of course excellent for DD mons and broken Thundy. PhysDef Tangrowth is also basically unheard of at this rate, and every other conceivable 'check' is often forced on their toes by Lycanroc's coverage or is just quite worn down in time by pivoting in repeatedly. I said this already but this mon has a genuine case for being the most pressing offensive force to deal with in any given match. Its negative defensive utility and occasional struggles finding all the coverage for Aegi/Tang/Amoon/Buzz can hold it back, but it still just so consistently pulls its weight. I think there's a case for this to be S-, but also see no harm in nuking that ranking for now and placing it with the two Pokemon mentioned above in S.

I don't quite think this is S caliber, but if we continue with an S- rank I think there's an argument for Thundurus to land there. Speed tiers have proven to be pretty damn vital in this metagame, which ends up serving this guy pretty well in addition to its top notch offensive capabilities. Twi already brought this up but reliable pivoting with U-turn as an Electric-type is insanely valuable on it. Alongside Knock Off and its Speed this allows for pretty easy progress in most matches, and ofc Nasty Plot remains one of the straight up filthiest special sweepers/wallbreakers available. There isn't really too much to say here, though I do think that its immediate threat level and general utility are a bit less than Lycanroc and Keldeo. I could get behind Aegislash/Lycanroc/Keldeo occupying S rank and this landing in S-, but I'm still not quite sure and in general would like to see some more discussion on this Pokemon.

Overall, I think the sound of a standalone S rank with Aegislash, Keldeo, and Lycanroc-D all occupying it sounds pretty satisfactory and representative of the current metagame, though I could also see Aegislash in S with the other two in S-, or just one of Lycanroc or Keldeo sitting at S with Aegi and the other staying in S-. Lots of feasible possibilities tbh. If all three are ranked together, however, I'd either argue we get rid of S- (at least for now) or throw Thundurus in there. I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on this though!

I know this is already long but just a few nominations for the road...
A- -> A: This one may be unpopular, but I think this Pokemon is excellent right now. Scizor rising to OU has opened up more doors for Nihilego and particularly Lycanroc than ever before, which makes Azumarill's strong Aqua Jet feel like a pretty high-priority asset (no pun intended). It's also a decent rain countermeasure and a great wallbreaker on rain teams in its own right. Azu just feels like a more important fit on many teams (particularly HOs) thanks to the pressure it applies to many rising Pokemon/team archetypes in the metagame. Assault Vest has also proven to be not-terrible but I also haven't heard much about it post-shifts. Good mon either way though.

B+ -> B: Seismitoad still has some neat tricks up its sleeve, like being a surprisingly decent pick on rain teams and being able to deter the many popular Water-type breakers from spamming their STAB moves with Water Absorb sets. Regardless, it feels pretty hard to justify as a rocker with Krookodile being so high-value and the need to check Rotom-H and Glowbro (which should both drop) recently decreasing a bit. Rotom-W also has no shortage of options to annoy it with given how troublesome both Pain Split and status moves can be for a mon with no reliable recovery option. Zarude being excellent again ofc sucks a lot for Seismitoad as well. It still does some good things but just feels like a bit too clunky of a pick for B+, though maybe the advent of Pelipper is enough to keep it where it is.

That's all I've got. I was going to comment on some discussion topics in this thread but this post has been long enough. Thanks for reading if you made it through this whole essay :Smogjynx: The VR team has discussed updating the ranks within the week, so be sure to get your last nominations in soon since this thread will be locked not long from now! Cheers~
Commenting on people's posts in green, couldn't go through all the nominations because lack of energy, honestly there's no rhyme nor reason to the ones I picked.

New placements
to A-: Kicking off the list I think Nidoking should end up in A- rank. Its a fairly simple mon, get in and click buttons. It can 2HKO nearly everything in the tier rn with coverage options like thunderbolt, fire blast, and ice beam. A general reliance on team support to get in as well as the sheer competition it faces as a ground by krook and rhyp as well as a poison from amoong and nihi means Nidoking's splashability is certainly not the greatest. A- fits this most appropriately, as it still is an extremely potent wallbreaker that should be taken seriously. I'd prefer B+ rank, the only average speed (just under Rotom-W) and below average bulk means it's a ground type that can't reliable switch into most Electrics
to B+: Rain is good now! It seems rain has nicely settled in the meta, being a solid archetype but nothing too crazy, and would probably fit best in B+ or B in terms of a playstyle. Pelipper, of course, being the staple of rain, means that its positioning on the VR should be indicative of the overall viability of the archetype. Its offensive presence as well as access to utility options like defog and U-turn has given a large boon to the archetype and its placement on the VR should reflect Rain's legitimacy in the meta. I'd suggest S rank, I think rain is the top playstyle right now and the most interesting point I can add is that rain doesn't have to be hyper offense, rain offense or even borderline rain balance is perfectly strong and, naturally, more resilient. Wish Jirachi, Leftovers Krook, and Amoonguss all fit nicely on Rain and enable bulkier balances.
to C: Despite being very bad, regieleki still has a niche. Its ability to act as an anti-rain Pokemon as well as a rain abuser should not be overlooked, for regieleki can put in a surprisingly good amount of work with ground-types gone. This makes it fit best on rain where waters can easily remove grounds for it. However, until then its forced to sit on the back, limiting its splashability as other electrics like raikou and the thundurus formes don't need to have grounds removed to put in work. The fact that regieleki is a fringe option on a hyper-specific archetype means it should def not be high up on the VR, so it fits best in C, where it has a niche but is a poor pokemon in general. I think the rankers need to understand Protect + Substitute sets with Toxic spam support, which I have been owned by vs @avarice / @pdt so they may give more insights, it seems very powerful.
My own nominations

to A: Despite this being nominated last time, I do urge the VR team to reconsider the placement of kommo-o on the VR. Kommo-o has it rough rn just due to the sheer competition it faces from salamence, an amazing pokemon and in my top 5 as of now. Kommo-o has sorta always felt underwhelming offensively since the screens ban, where it just struggles to set up and is prone to tons of issues like faster wallbreakers and status. Defensive clanger is an unmon, and while SD and clang soul are alright they certainly aren't the cream of the crop, with SD having to be walled by either aegi or hatterene and clang soul missing the defensive boost screens gave it to not be revenge killed easier. As alluded to earlier, clanger faces severe competition from mence as a dragon-type on most teams due to mence's better utility with intimidate and its typing. Even the rising Dragon Dance salamence has been giving kommo-o lots of competition as of late. Don't get me wrong, kommo-o is still very good and maybe even a top 15 Pokemon in the meta, but the competition it faces from salamence is too great to keep it in A+, making A a better indicator of its viability. Defensive Clanger is certainly viable but everything else seems reasonable here; although the interpretation for A or A+ seems rather subjective
to A-: This is quite a hot take but I think Necrozma can be A- rank in this meta. This is prominently due to the vast amount of setup sets it can utilize on offensive and even bulky offense teams, making it dangerously unpredictable. Meteor beam sets are extremely scary to face, especially if necrozma has gotten off an autotomize boost, and it can also beat our hazard removers and set up stealth rock. Psychic + Rock+ fire coverage is dangerous to face, only being taken on by passive shit like chansey and umbreon. DD sets are scary, as once celesteela goes down it can go crazy on enemy teams. It is also very unpredictable and can take answers like the previously mentioned chansey and umbreon by surprise. A set that is new and has begun to pop up recently is CM + Moonlight bulky sets, sets that can take on dangerous wallbreakers like lycanroc-D even with the right investment. It was showcased in Smogon Grand slam by Punny recently, replay is right down below.
Overall, Necrozma's high natural bulk, unpredictable set versatility, and growing dominance as a psychic-type in the meta makes me believe it should be ranked at A-. Its ability to fit on all types of HO like spikes, webs, psychic terrain, the fringe screens, and otherwise regular bulky offense teams further contribute to a rise in viability. Unsure
to A-: A slightly less hot take but I think starmie has enough merit to also rise to A-. Offensive sets are extremely potent, threatening pretty much every Pokemon except chansey due to it being so hard to switch into with analytic as a punisher. Its boots rapid spin set has also been seeing some use due to its ability to beat every entry hazard setter. This set also is able to answer the dangerous keldeo as well as check other pokemon like lycanroc and defensive celesteela. Both of Starmie's sets are great in the meta, and it should rise to reflect its current viability. A- seems fine to me, the most important point to me is it beats basically every hazard setter 1v1 with Scald + Psyshock. Don't forget it has a very hard time spinning past Aegislash though.
to B/B-: Nidoqueen is just simply mid. Its been on the decline for a long time and until some new set pops up it wont be getting any better. We all know the competition it faces as a rocker from nihilego and rhyperior, but the addition of nidoking almost completely outclasses queen due to his better offenses and speed tier. Sure, queen has better bulk, but its not like queen was taking much hits anyway. This mon is just done for in the meta, its tough to identify something it can do over king other than role compression or better fitting on bulky teams. I would go so far to drop it to B- even since it just doesn't offer anything done better by another Pokemon. Hopefully RU will enjoy us sending this down next shift, could certainly help with their xurkitree debacle. I believe this is an undersell, it holds Black Sludge quite effectively which can acumalate with pivoting on Voltturns. There's only a small handful of Pokemon in between the two King and Queen speed tiers, Gyarados and Mamoswine come to mind and Mamoswine nearly OHKOs Nidoking from full with Adamant LO Ice Shard.
to B-: Mantine, on the other hand, is great right now. the recent surge in rain has boosted it as both a rain abuser and rain counter. Mantine is able to utilize offensive sets in the rain, having flying and water coverage to threaten a great deal of the meta. It also beats opposing keldeo, a huge threat to rain teams and potent abuser of the rain itself. It has the usual merits with its defensive set, taking on moltres and salamence too. it dislikes the populairty of thundurus and lycanroc-D, but mantine has certainly improved enough to warrant a rise. Agree but I think it warrants a higher rise, probably B+ is more realistic
to B-: Not much to say here, rain gets better with pelipper dropping and thus so has kingdra. B- is a good fit for it as it shares a rank with Barraskewda, another prominent sweeper on rain. Both should def be ranked in the same tier, so B- is where kingdra belongs. Unsure, maybe higher, Hurricane is good coverage
to C+: Sun has been on the decline for ages, but with the prominence of rain sun has been forced down into the C ranks. Sun just cant keep up with rain being very dominant, further compounding the issues it has with finding good teammates to use on the archetype. Both torkoal and venusaur are ranked together, so if sun drops they drop. Rain is by far the best weather in UU, and I don't see that changing for a long time. Unsure

to C+: Though this got unranked last update, the departure of mew has given roserade a lot more breathing room as a spikes setter. Its ability to pressure common entry hazard deterrents like Rotom-W and hatterene is great. Its good offenses threaten pokemon like rhyperior and primarina, and its typing lets it soft check things like choice locked zarude. It also can punish switch-ins like salamence and moltres with status, keeping them from removing it from the game. It was probably going to get re-ranked anyway but felt I should formally make the nomination of roserade to C+. The ability to set up on so many passive Pokemon and pressure essentially all hazard control means it's more like B to me. Your typing point is an interesting one - generally speaking, I think most people dislike stacking grasses and considering adding grasses to your team is such a brainless thing to do now to check like ~40% of the tier, (adding an Amoong/Tang), building with Roserade does generally take away a lot of defensive backbone unless you use a much weaker defensive Roserade. I'd expound on this point to justify your C+ argument
to C+: In the mass unranking of Pokemon during the last update, there was one Pokemon caught in the crossfire who I disagree with being UR. That Pokemon is ribombee. It was said to be an inferior webs setter to the currently ranked shuckle and slurpuff, but I find this to be the opposite; it is in fact the best setter in the tier. Here are some pros to using Ribombee- it can beat Hatterene 1v1 on the switch, who is an otherwise huge problem to webs teams. It can stop relevant defoggers as well. It can KO mence and washer with STABs or coverage while can outstall moltres and rotom-H in a webs/defog war. Beyond this, it also has a solid offensive presence, checking Pokemon like zarude and keldeo quite nicely. It can stop enemy leads like Krookodile and lead azelf due to being faster than them, something the other two cannot do. Yes, slurpuff has magic coat, but you have to drop endeavor for it and that's not great. With scizor leaving, ribombee no longer has to worry about getting set up on, compared to slurpuff who's main niche was the ability to KO scizor with flamethrower. Ribombee also has a solid movepool: moonblast and bug buzz threaten a good amount of the meta, while energy ball can nail rhyperior and gastrodon. Stun spore can be used to cripple nihilego while toxic can be used to cripple moltres. It can utilize U-turn to pivot out of poor matchups as well. Overall, ribombee is a very good webs setter and in my opinion the best available. It has numerous advantages over the other two ranked ones like an ability to pressure hazard removers, good offensive presence, and solid matchups against opposing leads. Shuckle is just too passive, while slurpuff I believe is too reliant on focus sash activating to be useful, causing it to be taken advantage of. Hopefully this can demonstrate why it should be ranked. Unsure, but the text seems convincing to me. What does outstalling Rotom-H/Moltres in a war mean though? Like you have more Sticky Web PP? Granted you're probably dying but eh..kind of expected.
to C: Chicknemacnchez wrote a great post on this in the meta thread so check that out for more info, but I think jellicent is worth ranking as of now. Its ability to match up well against the rain archetype already gives it a solid niche, taking on the dreaded keldeo. Beyond that, it has merits in using as a bulky status spreader and checking Pokemon like nidoking, moltres, and zydog. Its fighting immunity is also great to utilize. The role compression it can provide is great, and even though it wont take the meta by storm it has got enough merit to justify a rankinn. C seems too low, it reminds me of Umbreon, beating a lot of offensive threats but instead of giving Wish/Heal Bell utility, it specializes is dumpstering on most rain archetypes. It's not a particularly good check to the three Pokemon you mention though considering it needs to spam Recover after eating their relevant STABs.
Nominations I agree with

to B-: Bulu isn't the best, I can agree with that. However, it is excellent at being an anti-rain measure and should rise to reflect that. Defensive sets have gotten more experimentation and likely outclass the offensive sets for now. Bulu's ability to answer threats like keldeo, crawdaunt, and azumarill is great to handle rain teams. Bulu has def been hated on a bit too much, but C+ seems overkill and B- is better indicative of bulu's viability. The anti Bulu racism is rather unfortunate, people bash on it's poor match ups because most teams run 2+ natural counters but overlook the plusses completely: enabling defensive Pokemon without recovery to be top threats like Diancie, Aegislash, and Stunfisk, enabling Grassy Seed strategies, and providing enough speed to defensively counter Azumarill and Crawdaunt unlike Tangrowth/Amoonguss. All I can do is sadly shake my head as I read post after post of people talking about Bulu while clearly being unable to properly use him. Shameful. Bulu to B, it's a fantastic defensive Pokemon.
to B: Not repeating too much but zydog lowk a threat, there's a reason its now UU by usage. Thousand arrows is very spammable and can punish teams relying on rotom-w or mence as its ground resist. Offers little defensive utility which is why it isn't higher, but a great wallbreaker with a high speed tier nevertheless, hopefully it can finally hit B rank this time. I'd add the defensive utility is being able to counter Nihilego and switch into any Electric Pokemon's Electric stab and surviving most of their coverage. Outspeeding Keldeo and Lycanroc is key. The inability to OHKO most Aegislash with Thousand Arrows is a huge sad face, but OHKOing Zarude with Superpower/Skitter Smack is good and underrated. B+ seems appropriate to me.
to A+: This has been beaten to death but lycanroc-D is legit a top 5 Pokemon. It is so hard to wall and is just a great wallbreaker and revenge killer against offensive teams. Keeping it short because everyone has talked about it, just want to say I am in support of a rise to A+ Generally agree

-I was initially torn on where to rank them but after sometime I believe that tangrowth=amoonguss and they both should be in the same rank, preferably both in A+ but both in A works ig. Amoonguss has notable traits as a fighting and fairy resist and spore, while tang is just such a good glue for threats like keldeo, lycanroc, and thundurus. Its hard to rank one of them over the other as they are great Pokemon, so they should both be in the same rank to reflect their relative equal viability. Regen is broken either way

lastly I want to talk about the S ranks. Right now the only Pokemon is Aegislash in S- (which I assume will be S now), with others like keldeo talked up of moving to S as well. This is a hot take, but I don't think any pokemon is S rank right now. if I had to rate the top 5 pokemon, it would be aegislash, mence, keldeo, thundurus, and lycanroc-d in that order. However, none of them stick out as so much better than the other and I believe they could all fit into a more power creeped A+ together until a few begin to distinguish themselves more. For now I would bring Aegi down to A+ with the others on its level, and as the meta develops more some Pokemon can rise to S, but for now I don't think any pokemon should be S. I think Aegislash is the best too but I do think it's S rank, if it gets comfortable behind a Substitute it can just win vs unprepared teams, even unprepared teams generally don't lose to the other 4 threats you mentioned except DD Mence.

:Pelipper: NA -> A-/B+: As it only appears on Rain, Pelipper's ranking on the VR is likely going to be a representation of Rain's viability as an archetype. Pelipper can provide a much-needed slow U-Turn to frail teammates such as Barraskewda, Kingdra, and Keldeo while boosting their Water STAB attacks with Rain. Agree with the logic but disagree with the metagame evaluation, I think rain balance is clearly the strongest playstyle right now and Pelipper deserves S rank.
:Regieleki: NA -> C: Regieleki definitely requires a lot of team support that isn't very natural on many teams, as it is walled by any Ground-type ever as well as foes such as Tangrowth. Like Monky mentioned, I can only really see it being used on either Rain teams or as fast Spin support, but even then I can only really see it spinning on the switch into a Ground-type at which point it will be forced out. tl;dr not as good as god Raikou but not completely unviable. Already mentioned, but Sub + Protect with Toxic support is...nasty to play against.

:Entei:B- -> B+: Choice Band Entei requires Defog support to hit the field safely, but once it does I can attest to the statement that it shits on enough of the tier to put it in ranks with Hatterene. The primary reason I'm nominating it for B+ instead of A- this time around is due to the loss of one of Entei's favourite targets (Scizor) and the rise of Rain that prevents Entei from dishing out enormous damage with STAB Sacred Fire. However, Entei still has plenty of targets left such as Aegislash, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss, as well as continuing to threaten the physical attackers of the tier with a burn. Generally agree but I think Rain's prominence means this is more like B rank
:Roserade: UR -> C+: With Mew gone, I think Roserade will now be the premier spikes setter. Its typing, bulk, and speed allow it to beat foes such as Keldeo, Primarina, Hatterene, and Regieleki all with minimal Special Defence investment. Hmmm I always like Froslass for the Speed and Taunt but who knows, maybe Roserade really will be the Spikiest of them all. Again, the typing is important since you do soft check the threats you mentioned but you lose out on running Amoong/Tang generally which are more solid checks to everything but Hatterene
:Politoed:C+ -> UR: This is relatively uncontroversial as Pelipper does what Politoed wants to do but better. Agree, RIP

My thoughts on shifting rankings. In hide tags because it's quite a lot.

S- -> S
Aegislash is definitely deserving of its S ranking. It is incredibly influential on the tier and difficult to account for with how much set variance it has. You can run it on pretty much every archetype because of this. It provides so much to teams in the builder through its typing and offensive + defensive capabilities. Agree, I'd add it benefits from Tapu Bulu support

A -> S/S-
Personally, I think Lycanroc-D is the hardest thing to account for when it has the ability to OHKO or 2HKO the whole tier with the exception of physically defensive Buzzwole and the rare Phys Def Tang. It has an incredible matchup against offensive teams thanks to the sheer power it has, Speed tier, and great form of priority. The combination of STAB + CC + Crunch will suffice for a vast portion of the tier and Psychic Fangs can always be considered for Buzz and Kommo-o. While it offers no defensive utility it has the offensive presence to be placed among the S ranks. Agree, I'd add defensive Bulu is one of it's only hard counters. Having to rely on Stone Edge for several Pokemon (Primarina, Salamence if healthy/intimidate/bulky), Pelipper, Hatterene, and Amoong (if no Psychic Fangs) is kind of balls, but honestly this isn't such a long list.

C -> B

With the departure of scizor and mew, two things that annoyed it greatly, it can now act as a much better rocker, pressuring pokemon such as moltres-g, salamence, thundurus, raikou, hattrene, moltres, and nihilego due to its high bulk. It has great support movepool with heal bell, toxic and stealth rocks to pressure the opponent and support its teammates. Its lack of recovery sucks but that is basically every ground in the tier and can be paired with stuff such as wish umbreon, rapid spin support from pokemon like tentacruel, and starmine so it does not get worn by hazards. Agree and it benefits from Bulu support, lots of favorable match ups except the rain factor and maybe Aegi becoming better. It threatens a lot and creates different types of build because it has essential support moves on a very unusual typing.

B+ -> B: Seismitoad still has some neat tricks up its sleeve, like being a surprisingly decent pick on rain teams and being able to deter the many popular Water-type breakers from spamming their STAB moves with Water Absorb sets. Regardless, it feels pretty hard to justify as a rocker with Krookodile being so high-value and the need to check Rotom-H and Glowbro (which should both drop) recently decreasing a bit. Rotom-W also has no shortage of options to annoy it with given how troublesome both Pain Split and status moves can be for a mon with no reliable recovery option. Zarude being excellent again ofc sucks a lot for Seismitoad as well. It still does some good things but just feels like a bit too clunky of a pick for B+, though maybe the advent of Pelipper is enough to keep it where it is. The rocker sets, both offensive and defensive, seems good, water absorb is a very useful ability as Skewda is probably the most common rain threat and other Pokemon use Choiced water moves. Would rather like to see your teams with Seismitoad because it's intuitive to me and my experience indicates it's easier to build with than Krook because Water typing+ Water Absorb, drop seems wrong to me, disagree
:scorbunny: imma post my VR takes rn :scorbunny:
The new mons:
UR to C+/B-

It could be UR but SubTect kinda looks nice atm (good enough to be C+ or B- at least), bcuz with all the grounds w no recovery around there, SubTect kind of kills them if they get poisoned (s/o Esta for post that set and Pif for encourage its use). It also outspeed Kingdra which is something nice as well. But don't use Specs Regieleki, if ur gonna use that trash ur better with Thundurus or even Pika if you wanna run an electric for go brrrr (Pika at least has Surf ig).

UR to B+/A- (leaning towards A-)

While I kind of find this mon overrated, it still can be around B+/A- (A looks too much for me tho), bcuz it's a breaker which has a great coverage and a very neat ability, so it can dismantle defensive teams if theres no Chansey.
However, it's speed is rly mid and it has 0 defensive utility which is bad for a ground-type, which makes it really hard to fit in a team on my eyes and on the splashability's aspect, I find Nidoqueen better because it has a better bulk so it can set rocks + come in more reliably (not saying that Queen is 100% better, it's just more splashable), but yeah King's still a good mon.

UR to A-

Rain is a pretty solid playstyle with the addition of Pelipper, so imma mention it's advantages over Politoed:
1: Slow U-Turn, Access to Knock Off and Access to Defog
Yeah, this is pretty good because Peli can provide to the rain abusers a way easier to get into the field, so they don't have to hard switch-in and eat a hit / have to get every prediction right, U-Turn also has the added bonus that it hits Zarude hard too (it's not important but definitely worth mentioning).
On other hand, Knock Off helps it to remove items so the opp walls can be easily worn downed, especially if they rely on Rotom-W as their only rain resist.
As for Defog, it's good because it can remove hazzards and keep them out the field, which can let Kingdra/Barraskewda/Whatever is the rain abuser rn get into the field without getting chipped every time that they come in.

2: Solid Typing and Dual Stab
Rain w Toed had a problem, it had 0 Zarude switch-ins, because they had the bad Toed as their rain setter, but with Peli + Hurricane it's no longer a problem at all! As Peli often doesn't have to switch-in into it and Toed was forced to be sacked in order to beat Zaru. It's dual stab on other hand it's very good for scary mons for rain such as AV Tang.

TLDR; The best Rain setter atm and Rain's solid, A- worthy.

UR to B-
No more Mew and Sciz opression = More spikers alive.

UR to C+
I wanted to do this nom a while ago, so imma start...
Espeon is a great Magic Bounce user, as it can beat important mons such as Roserade and force mindgames on Rhyp, as Espeon can switch into it reliably if predicts rocks and lure it with Grass Knot, so gz, you killed the rocker!
It can also run Colbur Berry for narrowly avoid Krook from switching and lure it with Grass Knot or Dazzling Gleam while it also can run a CM Morning Sun set fot beat stall w/o Umbreon.
But let's focus on it's specific niche, it's a Magic Bounce user able to lure rockers and a CM user able to beat stall if the Umbreon is gone, as it also learns Stored Power too.
However, Azelf gives it a little of competition and it can get rk for Lycan-Dusk, so yeah it's just a decentish mon that could be on C+ imo.
Ohhh and let's not forget about it's Scarf set on sun, it's something which I've been exploring a little and Magic Bounce is just rly great on sun, not much else to add (Trick Scarf cripples walls as well).
Anti Rockers (Espeon) @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Grass Knot
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam

Anti Stall (Espeon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Morning Sun
- Dazzling Gleam

Sun Support (Espeon) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick
- Weather Ball
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
Extra notes: It's niche over Hatterene is the better speed and the ability to run Scarf. It can also run some Yawn set prob too.

UR to C/C+
Already mentioned so not gonna nitpick, but I fully support this noms.

S- to S
Aegislash it's just a toxic mon to face, it's like, just a mon which can run lots of sets and if u guess the wrong set, you can get destroyed. SubToxic is the best set imo because it can just get a free Toxic on Krook & stuff.
I've also heard that Adrift and Alone told me that LO Aegislash + Echoed Voice Sylv was interesting for him, I'd like to hear his take on that set (ofc not mandatory but it's something which I'd like to bring and I think that he'd explain it 10000 times better than me xd).
So TLDR; Obnoxious mon and kinda bonkers, S worth.

A+ to S
PONY IS BACK :D ! Basically, Keldeo's pretty great on this rain meta bcuz it's pretty hard to wall if you don't have a Prim SpD, Amoonguss SpD or cores such as Tang + Fairy-Type (Like, Sylv or Prim works here). This mon has also something which makes it even more disgusting and it's Toxic, Toxic Specs is actually a viable option for bypass it's counters (aka Prim) or even Air Slash for Amoong. While it has ways to be rk as Moute mentioned, I still find this mon pretty wack to face.

A to S
Not gonna nitpick but, it has a great prio move + a great coverage, it also outspeeds Keld and Thund-T which is very nice + Accelerock is a good move for Revenge Kill Thundurus and Mence so it's good, 0 defensive utility but it's still S worthy.

A to A+
Not much that hasn't been already explained, just want to give my support on the noms.

A- to A/A+
I don't know why this hasn't been discussed already, but thank you Hilomilo for bring this point up, I just find this mon rly great because now with Lycan-Dusk and Nihilego being everywhere, we need a reliable revenge killer that can beat them, so here's Azumarill, it functions as a nice revenge killer for those mons + it's a good countermeasure for rain. Not gonna focus on an specific set because I don't feel like Belly Drum is better than AV / CB nor viceversa, just rise it to A+ for it's revenge kill capabilities (tho I wouldn't be opposed for A).

A- to A

I'm just finding this mon pretty good atm, I find sets such as SR Psychic, Mixed Attacker, Choice Scarf and even WishTect p good atm, as it can beat mons such as Buzzwole, Amoong and Tentacruel. Scarf is also a p nice speed control.

B+ to A

While I'm not a Chansey fan, I have to recognize that now, without those annoying SubRoost Kyurems or those Mews running around, Chansey can find itself as a good Teleport user with the ability to run status, I just don't find that it's 4MSS it's as big as it used to be, as now it's not forced to be on Stall (in fact, stall has been dropping it) and slap it on balances, as it can be paired with another SR user such as Krook or Rhyp. Yeah this mon has been gotten better now that stuff such as Mew, Kyurem, Scizor and Light Clay has been banned.

B+ to A-
Those 3 mons are great offensive picks atm, GalarTres has it's RestTalk set for stallbreak and sit on Chansey if well played. Necrozma DD has been gaining usage on tours because it can be a potential good sweeper and Meteor Beam's dangerous too. Starmie on other hand it's just hilarious to switch into.

B to B+

BigFatMantis Here you have ur free meme xdd, jokes aside, I find this mon a pretty good NP sweeper able to break through common defensive cores without Umbreon or Incineroar, as it can just try to get a NP and it tears a whole balance. Adrenaline Orb might work as a Krook lure as well, I just love this mon and it should rise up to B+.

B to B+
It has a neat utility in form to Scald, Knock Off, Rapid Spin and it can learn Toxic Spikes if you need them too while it soft-checks Primarina and Keldeo on one slot, yeah I find this mon p neat atm as it can also outrun Gyara with enough speed and pull neat things, Pif can do more emphasis on this.

B to B+
I've never thought of this rise until I've saw the Togekiss Research Week, then I've just saw interesting posts about it on the Research Week and then I've saw the big amount of sets that has and I've realized that it deserved a rise to B+ at very least, because it has a rly big amount of sets and it simply has a limited amount of counters (Flamethrower NP beats steels such as Aegislash, NP Heal Bell is nice vs stall, etc.) while also having utility sets with Defog, don't use Wish Kiss pls tho.

B- to B+

This annoyance has access to Sacred Fire, which is probably the most annoying move of UU alongside Thousand Arrows, makes it nearly impossible to counter if your water resist has no recovery, given that burn + rocks + Knock Off support it's just super good for this mon, yeah no way that this mon's sitting on B- lol, rise it to B at veeeery least.

B- to A-
I'm Not A Girl ~ Not Yet A Woman: It's November Rain!

Rain gets better, Barraskewda rises.

B- to B
Zygarde-10% has Thousand Arrows, which is a very damn good move atm, as it also has a great speed tier and it loves to see Sciz gone, because it often tanked a hit and killed back with a +2 BP. Crawdaunt likes the rain's rise so it could rise eventually (Knock Off is pretty good tho) and Gardevoir Scarf is just THE rain revenge killer tbh and HDB sets are picking up a little on usage because they're pretty good (Knock Off utility, Healing Wish, Taunt, etc.)

B- to B
pokemonisfun So you can explain this better than I can do, but Umb has turned into a Stall staple able to beat threats such as Kiss NP if running Inner Focus, Necrozma, Mamoswine, Gyarados and DD Mence, which makes me like this mon, as it also spreads wishes and Toxic. I've even built a double wish team w Sylv + Umb w pif, the idea was support Tentacruel with wish support and it's better have two wishpassers rather than one sometimes, as its way more reliable because you have option to wishpass on the face of more mons.

C+ to B
Water absorbers are great atm and this mon it's simply the Keldeo counter alongside Jellicent, while also retaining utility such as Defog and Haze and it beats Azu if runs some speed too, I just like it's role compression and it should rise.

C+ to B/B+
Scizor is gone and now Sylv can freely run sets with Heal Bell over Mystical Fire, it also doesn't have to get annoyed by Mew too.
Ok, now let's get to the point, Wish sets are simply pretty good because they are very flexible with the EV Spread, as it can run either Phsy Def sets for check mons such as DD Kommo-O, Buzzwole, DD Mence, SD Lycan (this thing often drops Stone Edge on SD sets) and Krookodile, SpD sets are good at beating Keldeo without rain, Thundurus forms, Primarina (it often spams Moonblast) and it pivots on SpA Mence even better. So yeah I find this mon pretty interesting atm and def it shouldn't be sitting at C+ with all of it's good strenghts.
Also, let's not forget that CM might gain usage as a good Amoonguss/Tang lure ane CM Snore might work as well, as Pixilate Snore is better than Liquid Voice Snore imo bcuz it can beat Zarude better. Going to tag Adrift and Alone cuz he might explain the Offensive Sylv better than me (way better than me in fact) and pif can explain the merit of have Sylv as well.

C+ to B/B+
Defensive sets are great as a cteam for rain and it also beats neat mons such as Keldeo and Krookodile or example, while also having a decent stab in Horn Leech which can let it hit the mons which it checks and recover a good amount of health. Crawdaunt is also on the rise (same case with Zyg-10%) and this mon loves those trends, B looks fine atm.
It also supports Aegislash and beats Lycan-Dusk p well, so yeah I love it. Pif, do emphasis on this if u want :D.

C to B
Stealth Rock Diancie has found a house on UU, as it can beat a bunch of mons such as Thundurus forms, Salamence, GalarTres, Moltres and Kommo-O sometimes, while also having access to neat utility such as Stealth Rock and Heal Bell on one slot, this mon should never have dropped to C imo and it should rise to B.

C to C+
KM look at this, your baby's getting nominated to C+!
Well now, jokes aside, I just find Guzzlord kinda decent atm bcuz Knock Off + Dragon Tail is p hilarious to switch into and it also offers to stall/balance a solid ghost resist, I've used it on Sylv balance and I can say that it works well with good support, not too experienced on this mon but just wanted to bring this point.

C to B/B+
Prob one/two subranks below Barraskewda but I can say that Kingdra's great on rain because it forces out Grass-Types w Hurricane, not much else to add aside that GOAT RAIN IS HERE!

A+ to A-
Not a bad mon but A+ is too much for it, as it doesn't fare too well vs threats such as Amoonguss without Safety Googles and Clangorous Soul is just not the same, I find Eject Pack good but not enough for A+ either and Defensive sets are atrocious. Belly Drum might find a niche but Azu is often better at it, it's versatile but it struggles vs a bunch of mons on the metagame, so it has to drop two subranks rn imo.

A+ to A/A-
Meta trends aren't too favorable for it, as mons such as Chansey and Umbreon are on the rise and it hates the Aegi dominance, not much to add here.

A to A-/B+
Not bad mon but it can get easily overwhelmed, as Rain is solid and Rhyp is still good (I'm not rising it with the rain trends but kinda iffy on the thought of drop it), makes the life of this mon hard, given that it just doesnt stand up as a defogger, as a pivot or as a mon overall, Flame Body is nice but that's not enough for be A imo.

A to B+/B
It's only me being bad or I have problems to find a reason to use it over Washtom? Like, idk, NP doesn't stand out as an impressive setup mon bcuz there's better setup mons and Nihilego & Rhyp are p common, so it has to run NP / Toxic / Volt Switch / Overheat / Pain Split and TWave sometimes, but u only can fit 4 and you can't drop NP + Overheat, so it's just hard af to use. As a defogger, this mon is BAD, just use Washtom for that, I find a niche on Toxic + Pain Split as it's still painful to deal for some structures but not sure if good enough for A and it should drop hard prob.

A- to B+
The other steels outclasses it so it's kinda behind them, not saying that it's bad bcuz checking DD Mence and SubToxic Aegi is good and it's better than Heattom but it can drop to B+ imo.

B+ to B
They are outclassed for Aegislash, so they have a hard time with keeping it's prescence up, Coba's prob better because SR pivot its nice but not enough to keep it at B imo, either Chandelure.

B+ to B
While I don't find Queen bad atm, it's still not good enough to be B+ when King is here, tho SR Queen might find a niche so it might rise to B+ again or even rise to A- when the King hype ends

B- to C
It's a Water pivot but might drop to C because I find Mantine better atm.

They died :skull: (tho Politoed might pull something w Perish Song ig?)

Things which I want to bring up:
A+ to A

I just feel like Prim is getting worse atm because Keld is better and stuff such as Chansey & Sylv might gain even more traction, Bulu has been picking up as a fairy too, so now this mon isn't as splashable as before. However, Specs and CM sets are still a pain to face, are they enough to keep it afloat on A+?

B to B+
I think that it's dual typing and Storm Drain might be hella useful atm with rain and electric-types around here, but idk, I just haven't used this enough so I want to see if a more experienced Gastro player brings this up.

Sorry if it had typos, but I'm on phone and I accidentally translated the post to spanish at some point so I had to re-make it at some point, so just DM me if there's a typo or spanish thing remaining. Also, this is mainly for the mods but, if bring discussion points its not allowed pls let me know, as I don't want to break the rules. Thx for reading!

Edit: Also I have no opinions on Thund atm, but I'd prob keep it on A+.
Edit 2: Rank Mimi on B at least it's good.
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Tons have been said so I won't add much on what've been covered, I agree with most of the rises in the higher ranks, other than maybe S rank lycandusk (it still dies from its own blows, has to win a good amount of 50/50 to properly break, relies on stone edge to break some mons too much for its own good but also sometimes wants psyfangs) and S rank Thundurus (very hard to punish, but it's possible to cripple it if you're willing to pay the cost)

some other thoughts on stuff that have been less debated:
:tapu-bulu: I still think this is kinda terrible. While it keeps a decent amount of stuff in check it's incredibly painful to support due to the amount of free switch-ins to very common stuff it gives (pif mentionned it but everyone runs more than 1 hard counter w/o even noticing it), even providing passive healing to some of its worst nemesis. It certainly carves itself a niche in some balance builds but requires that kind of playstyle to be usable (offensive sets bring virtually nothing right now) and almost never feels worth outside of it. I don't know how much the balance niche should matter since this is a playstyle i'm not comfortable with right now, but I guess it's better than most of the stuff in C+, and it on its own shapes the games differently (both to the bulu user's advantage and dismay), but it doesn't feel better than any of the B- stuff (drop Incineroar).

:gastrodon: is in a similar position to before. It wants to keep rain in check but a bunch of abusers (Keldeo, Azumarill, Barraskewda) have a way to 2hko it with little effort, which means you gotta play very carefully despite having something that's supposed to make the matchup against the playstyle much easier. It still wants to kinda check special mence, Lycanrock and now Nidoking but doesn't really do so, and you always have to give up on checking a few when picking the ev spread/nature which makes it even worse. It really feels like a wannabee jack of all trades and master of none, and it's not even good at that seeing how grass types are close to mandatory in a huge amount of teams and how Knock Off, Toxic or anything slightly crippling its already somewhat insufficient bulk ruin any chances it has at handling what you'd want it to handle. It's a mon that's annoying to see at team preview though, cause it can render clicking some moves extremely punitive but it needs a lot of support and extreme carefulness when playing. Shouldn't get any higher than B

:seismitoad: similar issues as gastrodon's in worse since it has no recovery but at least it's able to regain momentum extremely easily with Knock Off and Stealth Rocks, much unlike gastrodon, who is usually a good way to lose a lot of turns whenever it gets in. It also has an above decent niche in rain, good unpredictability thanks to its decent coverage on both sides and can bring rocks if you don't feel like running Rachi. It's good at role compressing in a bunch of playstyles, B sounds pretty good

:mantine: rain counter is nice and it does that much better than gastrodon but I'm still not exactly sold on it, feels matchup-fishy and it never did much outside of rain matchups for me. Probably can rise a subrank

:nidoking: not sure how I feel about this. It's sometimes extremely painful to face and some other times people switch it in on AV Tangrowth. When building I rarely ever consider it (much like its female counterpart) due to how limited its defensive utility is. It's still dreadful to lose to people clicking buttons with it so I'd say A- is good, but it sounds like smth that can drop once the meta's settled down a bit I guess.

:moltres-galar: Rest Talk handles Aegi and grasses (among others), which are extremely common picks and can be painful to remove. Double Dance is as painful as ever and can easily clutch games with decent rng. Maybe it's because I often end up forgetting it exists when building but I always find myself thinking there's always a way I lose to it, depending on what specificities it might be running (rest on double dance, np on rest talk..). Having to find a way so most sets can't win on team preview can be a bit painful when not running Diancie. Def agree on a rise.

Hard agree on Zydog, Entei, Tenta and Roserade rises
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:heliolisk: to C+/B-

Heliolisk @ Life Orb
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Grass Knot
- Hyper Voice

- Great addition for rain teams. Unlike other electrics like the Thundurus forms, it can switch into many bulky waters, especially Jellicent and Mantine, multiple times throughout the game thanks to Dry Skin opening up other rain threats like Kingdra, Barraskewda, and Keldeo.

- Doesn't need boots unlike Thundurus, so it can use Life Orb or Specs while still having better longevity than Thundurus.

- You can also pivot into this to save your other rain sweepers from receiving unnecessary chip from stuff like Celesteela, Rotom forms, Tentacruel, defensive Jirachi, Pelipper, Moltres. Imo this is its best quality for rain teams: it can take chip damage from many defensive mons without giving up offensive pressure. Other rain sweepers don't like being chipped, while defensive rain pivots like Jirachi don't have the same offensive pressure.

- Has actual defensive value for rain teams. It is good against opposing rain matchups by discouraging water, electric, and flying moves from being spammed. It is the only electric that can revenge kill Keldeo, Crawdaunt and Azumarill without issue. It also discourages Aegislash from spamming its STABs.

- Grass Knot > Weather Ball since rain teams already have plenty of water moves. Grass Knot is there to mainly for the water-grounds like Seismitoad, Gastrodon and Quagsire, although Weather Ball is still decent to OHKO Nidoking/queen.

- Hyper Voice is there to hit grass types and Kommo-o hard. Not having Sludge Wave and Psychic still sucks though, which is what the Thundurus forms have over it.
Let's start off with the new drops:
to A-: The thing that 2HKOes everything is good, who would have thought. It also appreciates VoltTurn support from Zarude, Mienshao, and Rotom-W. However, without any of that support, it can be very difficult to bring in due to it's frailty, and Chansey having seeing a resurgence of usage again. Still a great Pokemon, but not amazing.
to C/C+: As many of the other people have said, Sub + Protect with Toxic support has seen usage to bait in Ground-types and wear them down and help Regieleki. Due to the extreme amount of support, it is still a one-trick pony and can sometimes not break down teams well.
to B+: Rain is very dominant, bringing up the viability of massive threats such as Keldeo, Barraskewda, and Kingdra. Support moves such as Defog and U-turn allow it to not be complete dead weight and be pretty active in helping bring the fail offensive threats mainly seen on rain.

Now onto the nominations:
to S: No doubt the best Pokemon in the tier right now. The typing and set diversity allow it to be customized however your team sees fit. Specially defensive with King's Shield + Toxic, Choice Specs, Swords Dance, or Autotomize.
to S: Best dog = best breaker. What can seriously wall this? With the right coverage, it can absolutely rip apart stall teams and have a great matchup vs offense with its high speed and Accelerock.
to S: With rain teams getting better, Keldeo becomes even more unwallable, as defensive pokemon such as Amoonguss can get 2HKOed by a rain boosted Choice Specs Hydro Pump.
to S-: Hilomilo suggest that we nuke this tier, but this is the perfect S- Pokemon. As the king of the 100-111 base speed tier, it can outspeed all of it. Mixed sets have become very hard to switch into, as many Pokemon don't want to switch in as it pivots out with U-turn. Knock Off removes Assault Vest from Tangrowth and Leftovers and Heavy-Duty Boots from other Pokemon such as Aegislash and Zarude.
to A+: Zarude is one of the few offensive checks to Keldeo, as getting a free switch and revenge killing Keldeo is very important for the bulky offensive teams it fits best. Scizor leaving and Moltres dropping in prominence help out Choice Scarf variants. The pivot set being able to wall SubToxic Aegislash helps a ton as well.
to B+ and B: Much like Keldeo, these Pokemon in particular appreciate rain as it doubles their speed. Many Water resists fold to coverage such as Close Combat, Psychic Fangs, Ice Fang, and Hurricane, allowing it to nuke Pokemon that would normally check it.
to UR: Pelipper exists
to D: OUR FIRST D RANK WOO HOO! After nearly 2 months, Grimmsnarl has found no real niche, as RestTalk or Choice Band sets have not worked at all. Enjoy irrelevancy and a first-class ticket to RU with Nidoqueen!

Other noms because I don't have enough time:
to A
to A+/Keep A+
to B
to B-
to A
to B
to B
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I guess should give my thoughts, I'm pretty late so I'll try to avoid speaking about the more talked about pokes.

:Azumarill: A- to A
I heavily agree with Hilo and Scorbunny on this, Azumarill was pretty good even when Scizor was in the tier, and it got a lot better now that it leaving pushes up the usage of Nihilego and Lycanroc-D. Teams that are reliant on AV Tangrowth or Zarude as their bulky Grass-type can be forced to make some uncomfortable decisions as to what their switchin will be, and being an emergency check to Lycanroc-D and Keldeo at high health is something to keep in mind given how they are some of the biggest threats to deal with. It also has a bonus in that more Amoonguss are opting for special defense to deal with keldeo, giving Azumarill a bit more breaking room.

:Umbreon:B- to B
Can't disagree that Umbreon's main qualities are best on stall, but it can find use on other balance teams for its ability to eat most neutral physical hits with max PhysDef alongside some pretty nice utility in Wish passing and Heal Bell. It can even stomach Zydog's Thousand Arrows and Entei's Sacred Fire, and not risking the BS factor from Mamoswine and Gyarados is a benefit you don't see on a lot of defensive pokes. The cleric support also makes it a very nice SubTox Aegi pivot, just mind the Heal Bell PP.

B to B+
Scizor leaving gives its defensive use much more room to be useful. I ignored the potential of Nasty Plot Kiss during research week, but I still think bulky defog sets with either Heal Bell or Twave are solid as well. I haven't tried it yet, but I think there's room for experimentation with Toxic so the Electric-types don't come in for absolutely free.

C to B / B+
Just putting Kingdra higher than Barraskewda is fine because it scares me more in preview honestly. It's additional Dragon-STAB makes it are more of a pain to switch into, and Hurricane ensures it doesn't thud against grass-types the same way barra does. You also don't need to run Specs and just opt for life orb, because Kingdra in general has less of a tendency to get worn down as quickly.

:Diancie: C to C+ / B-
Thank you KM for reminding me time and time again why I hate seeing this when im running a mence on my team. I can't really say if the shifts have been that kind to Diancie, that's why im not really sure where to put it, but countering most mence sets is a good enough reason to see this rise even if it can be a bit difficult to fit.

:Nidoking: new to B+
Nidoking is really hard to switch into for defensive cores without a chansey, especially when you can use Substitute to ease prediction and make it even more difficult to play around. However, the things that really holds it back (and why I don't think its A material) are its lackluster speed, pretty meh defensive stats, and its moveslot issues. Nidoking wants substitute so that it isnt forced out if the player guesses wrong, though losing out on Ice Beam can be annoying for mence whereas losing tbolt leaves you walled against the occasional Celesteela (which I run into quite a bit on ladder). Nidoking can also be fairly useless against offensive teams because of its aforementioned speed and bulk, and it requires good momentum support so that it can consistently threaten bulky teams. It faces competition from Mamoswine as a Ground-type wall breaker because while Mamoswine hates seeing the rotom formes even more than Nido, it also has ice shard so that it isnt held back as hard by its speed tier and has knock off for when it does hit a wall every once in a blue moon. The upshift in chansey and usage on more teams in general doesn't do Nidoking any favors either, either adding superpower into the list of things it wants to run or requiring some hefty support to wear down the blob. Not a bad mon by any means, it's still a massive pain in the ass to switch into, but its just not as simple as slapping on then expect uunga buunga success.

:Conkeldurr: B to B-
Conk has just been part of a running gag when people talk about their horror stories on ladder, but now they have nidoking as their scary breaker (I have horror stories on running into scarf nido 0-0). Competition from Pokemon not showing much signs of declining like Buzzwole and Mienshao are also not helping its case.
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Time to make some more noms, these are my current thoughts on what's been happening with the meta after the shifts and regarding our recent drops!

The New Stuff

to A-: While I do think Nidoking could present itself as an A tier Pokemon, A- is a good start and lets us watch how the metagame adapts to it. It's speed tier and frailty makes a bit of a weird wallbreaker, as it doesn't offer much defensive utility apart from being an Electric resist. Despite this, Nidoking hit's stupidly hard and pretty much 2HKO's the entire tier, even OHKO-ing a solid chunk of the tier.

- to B+: Rain is now much more viable! Thanks to Pelipper's ability to Roost off damage, Defog away hazards and facilitate it's breakers with U-turn rain is on the rise and I personally think that the best way to rank it is to think about the playstyle as a whole, so up to B+ it goes!

- to C: If Bulu is C+, this thing should frankly be UR. Hate aside, it does have a niche in tier in being able to Rapid Spin hazards away and explode on things but this Pokemon is almost straight up walled by Ground-types as a whole and seeing something like Krookodile or Rhyperior on the other team is basically make you go 5v6 in that match, so I don't think it's any good.

The Rises

- to S: Can't exactly say anything different to what previous posts have said, but Keldeo is simply a fantastic breaker. It's powerful STAB combo in conjunction with it's Speed tier and solid bulk for an offensive Pokémon make it a major threat to a majority of teams. Even then, coverage options in Air Slash and Icy Wind make it even more hard to switch into. Welcome to the S ranks!

- to S: I could just copy and paste my reasoning for it to be A+ but no. Lycanroc presents itself as an extremely powerful force in the current metagame, able to revenge kill a great portion of the tier thanks to it's incredible signature move in Accelerock and a very good speed tier in 110, outspeeding even the likes of Keldeo. With Tough Claws-boosted Close Combat, Stone Edge and excellent coverage options in Psychic Fangs, Crunch and even Drill Run (which isn't as good as the other two but it is certainly an option), Lycanroc belongs in S tier.

: This is the part where i would cover Aegi and describe my experiences with it but i've never used it sooooooo :>

- to S-: The king of momentum is here! Though it's slower and more bird-like form used to be considered better than it, Thundurus-Incarnate's Speed tier and access to both Knock Off and U-turn makes it a really good pick on both bulky offense and offense, able to function with a lot of powerful breakers like Nidoking and

- to A+: Azumarill was already a fantastic Pokemon, but with the recent surge in usage of many Ground and Rock-types like Krookodile, Rhyperior, Lycanroc and Nihilego - as well as the departing of Scizor - makes Azumarill a solid pick. Twilight mentioned in the Metagame thread how effective Choice Band Azumarill is right now, and after trying it out myself it really is quite powerful, both as a breaker and a revenge killer.

- to A+: Zarude's ability to comfortably check both Keldeo and Aegislash - and even Lycanroc if it opts for Choice Scarf - makes it a very valuable member on many teams. Zarude is able to handle a wide range of Pokemon in the tier currently and it's ability to make solid offensive cores thanks to it's access to U-turn makes it easily worth A+

- to A-: Starmie is an interesting choice of a Pokemon, but with a variety of coverage moves like Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, the ability to use Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards and Recover to heal off Life Orb damage and an extremely crucial 115 speed tier it finds itself as a solid threat in the metagame. I kid you not, Starmie is able to 2HKO a majority of the metagame and the switch-ins it has a very exploitable like Chansey. This is a fairly underrated threat and i'd frankly recommend trying it out sometime!

other noms i agree with:
to A-
to B+
to B

The Drops

- to A-: I feel like Rotom-Heat is still a very good Pokemon, particularly thanks to it's ability to hit Steel and Grass-types like Tangrowth, Amoonguss and Jirachi but it's weakness to Knock Off and inability to punish almost all Stealth Rock Setters bar Cobalion and Jirachi make it a worse pick than Rotom-Wash and A- better displays it's viablility.

- to B+: While i do think Celesteela still has some solid merit to it, it's main functioning was pretty much hard walling Scizor and now that it's gone it struggles to find a solid niche, particularly due to how susceptible it is to overload as it has to rely on Leftovers + Leech Side as recovery instead of the much preferred Roost. Offensive sets could however be interesting, but i think B+ fits it much better now.

- to B and UR respectively: These two are just outclassed by Nidoking and Pelipper, Nidoqueen still has an alright niche in the tier and could potentially run Black Sludge defensive sets though these are still much worse than Pokemon like Utility Nihilego

that's all from me, have a good day/afternoon/night everybody!
VR vote is coming up shortly so i wanted to keep this post brief, and just talk about a few speciic noms + one of my own.

:umbreon: B- -> B yes af

Umbreon is amazing rn on bulkier builds, its defensive utility into stuff like nidoking, mamoswine, gyarados, salamence etc for these builds is amazing, and it synergises so well with defensive behemoths like aegislash. What's in particular super nice rn is that we have multiple viable heal bell / aromatherapy users to pair with umbreon, and a set that i'm absolutely loving rn is toxic umbreon. The combination of Foul Play + Toxic is honestly pretty nasty to switch into, it makes umbreon so much less passive against some of the stuff it checks but otherwise can't pressure like Moltres / Special Mence, and makes it much more punishing for stuff like Keldeo / Kommo-o to switch into, while stopping some stuff like Thundies trying to use it for a free-ish set up.

:starmie: B+ -> A- yea

Offensive starmie is pretty cool atm given its fantastic speed tier and coverage, but what's also been really shining lately for me is defensive starmie. Not only does it check stuff like Keldeo really nicely, but its got such a fantastic matchup versus practically all hazard setters, even the rarer stuff like Roserade. With spikes being basically non existent now, removal is definitely not the most pressing matter immediately so you can actually afford to be running a spinner not a defogger on a lot of builds, and aegislash typically will get overwhelmed anyway by stuff like scald burns + being knocked by eg. a nihilego.

:vileplume: UR -> C

The plumer is definitely viable on fat balance / semi-stall ish builds right now. Its viability mainly lies in two key points, that it compresses a Grass typing and Cleric support into one slot, allowing for stuff like Toxic Umbreon to be ran instead. As a grass type it also has a useful positive matchup versus both amoonguss and tangrowth due to its stat distribution, effect spore lets it still maintain punishment to stuff like barraskewda esp if running a rocky helmet despite no regen, and having access to moonblast both makes it a grass type that isn't set up on by kommo-o and a grass type that can actually check it.
Here's the first half of our update! The next post, which should be out within a day or two, will cover both this cycle's drops and discussion points. Enjoy~
New Placements
:Nidoking: added to A-: Nidoking has emerged as one of the tier’s fiercest wallbreakers to try pivoting into. It can steadily pressure defensive staples like Aegislash and Tangrowth and open up opportunities for other teammates late-game, though it is also kept in check a fair amount by its pitiful defensive utility, which can occasionally make it difficult to cleanly fit onto teams.

:Pelipper: added to A-: Pelipper was a bit of a tricky Pokemon to rank for the VR team, though A- has decidedly become its starting point on the merit of rain now being a key aspect of the metagame. Pelipper’s recovery and pivoting support massively enables Barraskewda and Kingdra while offering a new avenue for success to Pokemon like Keldeo, Crawdaunt, and Azumarill. As it currently stands, rain is one of the most popular archetypes and has been applied in a few different ways, ranging from hyper offensive to balance, giving our premier Drizzle Pokemon in Pelipper a significant niche.

:Regieleki: added to C: Regieleki is an interesting Pokemon with a theoretical niche thanks to its ability and Speed. SubTect + Thunder Cage sets have given it a fringe niche. However, its obvious major pitfall is that it fails to do much of anything to Ground-types or some of the tier’s sturdier Electric-resistances, which has proven to be very difficult to compensate for and relegates Regieleki to currently being on the cusp of viability.

:Aegislash: from S- to S: Aegislash has become the most important Pokemon in the UU metagame. The incredible consistency with which its King’s Shield + Toxic set forces progress in matches while also checking many popular Pokemon speaks for itself. However, Aegislash can still find other ways of being applied thanks to its fantastic set versatility. The importance Pokemon like Krookodile and Zarude have secured in building is testament to Aegislash’s hold over the tier, and currently there’s no question that it’s one of the most consistent and centralizing forces.

:Keldeo: from A+ to S: Keldeo has reclaimed its previous title as the tier’s most overtly threatening wallbreaker. Its Speed tier and fantastic STAB combo have already proven excellent in a metagame where Nihilego/Zarude/Chansey are all becoming mainstays, though the advent of rain has also been amazing for Keldeo, pushing its damage output even further over the top. Given that it’s a central Pokemon in pretty much any match it appears in, Keldeo has an excellent case to reside in S.

:Thundurus: from A+ to S-: Thundurus has an abundance of absolutely fantastic tools for the metagame: a Speed tier that bests Keldeo/Zarude/Nihilego, Knock Off for deterring switch-ins like Chansey and Tangrwoth, and consistent pivoting and progress with U-turn. It’s a premier pivot and additionally one of the most pressing sweepers with its Nasty Plot set. It’s a clear cut above A+, though it doesn’t quite have the same hold over the tier or immediate threat level that Aegislash and Keldeo have respectively, so S- is a fitting placement for now.

:Amoonguss: from A to A+: Amoonguss offers pretty undeniably great utility at this stage of the metagame. Spore is back to being relatively unprepared for, while its typing and movepool prevail over Tangrowth with Keldeo, Mienshao, and Toxic Aegislash all being important metagame components. Rising to A+ reflects the consistency of its utility quite well.

:Lycanroc-dusk: from A to A+: It’s no secret that Lycanroc has recently become a force of the tier. Priority for Thundurus and DD mons, ridiculous coverage, and one of the best speed tiers around give it the capacity to take matches by storm and reliably blow holes in teams. Although there was decent discussion on rising Lycanroc into the S ranks somewhere, the VR team decided that for now, its vulnerability to Aegislash and negative defensive utility hold it back just enough to sit below Aegislash, Keldeo, and Thundurus.

:Krookodile: from A to A+: Krookodile is among the tier’s steadiest and most splashable glues. Between its ability to check Aegislash, useful resistances and immunities, and access to fantastic tools like STAB Knock Off and Toxic, it can compress roles and force progress more consistently than nearly anything else in the tier. Even hard checks like Zarude and Buzzwole are highly burdened by hazard removal, and Krookodile’s choiced sets have their merits as well.

:Zarude: from A to A+: Zarude has become a top tier pivot. Its aptness at absorbing status, solid Aegislash matchup, and ability to check many trending Pokemon (including Rotom-W, Krookodile, Zygarde-10%, and most rain abusers), allows it to fulfill many important roles in a match and consistently pull its weight.

:Azumarill: from A- to A: With Scizor’s departure opening up more opportunities than ever for Pokemon like Lycanroc and Nihilego, Azumarill has become a go-to priority user on many offensive builds. It’s also a good pick in a rain-filled metagame, being an extremely powerful breaker in rain in its own right and also matching up well against archetype staples like Keldeo and Kingdra.

:Chansey: from B+ to A-: Teleport Chansey has surged lately as a great utility pick on balances. Both Scizor and Mew’s departures were huge for it, and its defensive utility has remained strong with Pokemon like Nihilego and Rotom-W surging and special Salamence and Primarina still being staples.

:Moltres-galar: from B+ to A-: Galarian Moltres has reclaimed some of its worth after dropping to B+ just an update ago, possessing genuine defensive value with its RestTalk set in an Aegislash-dominated metagame. Double dance sets, in spite of being harder to support with screens out of the picture, have proven to still be quite potent with the correct support.

:Starmie: from B+ to A-: Starmie is a pretty underrated presence in the tier right now, holding a lot of offensive and defensive value alike. Offensive sets offer an amazing Speed tier with Thundurus, Lycanroc, and Keldeo all being staples, though bulkier spinning sets have also gotten some love lately, checking Keldeo while matching up against most hazard removal well and spreading burns.

:Tentacruel: from B to B+: Tentacruel can still feel easily overwhelmed at times, though it has a lot to love as a pick right now with Keldeo being so prominent and many other Water-type breakers also increasing in viability. The headache its STAB moves can create alongside Knock Off is also very useful in allowing it to consistently make progress in matches.

:Togekiss: from B to B+: Togekiss has gotten enough recent usage to stand as a realized threat in the metagame. Its typing offers fair utility with Zarude/Krookodile/Tangrowth/Kommo-o receiving consistent usage, with Nasty Plot sets being particularly menacing to face and possessing many tools to work around conventional checks, including Flamethrower for Steel-types and even potentially Thunder Wave for burdening Nihilego and Lycanroc-D.

:Barraskewda: from B- to B+: Barraskewda has a much more significant place in the tier with Pelipper offering extremely accessible rain support. It’s arguably the main staple of rain offenses thanks to its incredible power and sufficient coverage, though it still sits a rank below Pelipper for now on account of rain having a few different options for success that may exclude Barraskewda, whereas Pelipper is always necessary.

:Entei: from B- to B+: Entei sees a two-subrank rise thanks to reaching a point in which it feels like a truly ‘discovered’ offensive threat. Choice Band is an excellent breaker right now by virtue of Entei’s status spreading capabilities, priority, and coverage for Pokemon like Salamence, though Heavy-Duty Boots has also been explored as a set, employing Toxic to burden conventional checks.

:Crawdaunt: from B- to B: Crawdaunt has cemented a new niche in the tier as an extremely scary breaker on rain teams, threatening popular rain checks like Mantine. Although there will always be a bit of a ceiling to its viability due to issues with its Speed and bulk, enabling Crawdaunt is currently easier than it has been in a while, which a rise reflects.

:Gardevoir: from B- to B: As rain teams have occupied the offensive spotlight in recent weeks, Gardevoir has been able to really tap into the utility of its Trace ability to revenge kill Swift Swim users and check foes like Thundurus-T. In addition to Choice Scarf rising in value, its Heavy-Duty Boots set has remained solid thanks to Gardevoir’s colorful utility movepool.

:Umbreon: from B- to B: Umbreon has carved a larger niche on balances in recent months thanks to the value of its typing and bulk in the Aegislash matchup. It’s also a decent answer to miscellaneous offensive threats, including Nihilego/Jirachi/Gyarados, and can have a lot to offer to the builds it fits on with its stellar support movepool.

:Zygarde-10%: from B- to B: Zydog is a pretty annoying breaker with a Speed tier that allows it to pressure the majority of the tier’s premier offensive threats. Amoonguss and Rotom-W being currently favorable picks also serves to benefit it, while conventional checks like Buzzwole and Tangrowth can either fall victim to Outrage or continual chip from Toxic.

:Mantine: from C+ to B: Mantine has become a super solid defensive pick lately thanks to its stellar matchup against the majority of popular rain abusers. It just has a lot to love as a bulky Water-type right now thanks to its ability, recovery, and a sufficient arsenal of supportive options.

:Kingdra: from C to B: This should be a rather self-explanatory rise. Kingdra has just become way easier to harness to its full potential with Pelipper making rain an actually good archetype. Its lower immediate power and greater amount of checks make it worth slotting below Barraskewda for the time being, though it’s still very scary in its own right.

:Diancie: from C to B-: Without Scizor or Mew around, Diancie has much more breathing room to perform the roles it aims to accomplish. It’ll always be a slightly clunky pick, but being a rocker that threatens the top defogger in Salamence can go a long way in addition to its other strong matchups against popular Pokemon, including Thundurus and Entei.

:Roserade: from UR to C+: Roserade suffers far less opportunity cost as a Spikes setter with Mew now gone, which has allowed it to reclaim its niche in the tier. It can still pose a decent offensive threat and has the capacity to make consistent progress, with Sleep Powder acting as a strong utility option alongside its hazard-setting capabilities.

:Heliolisk: from UR to C: Heliolisk has carved a small niche as a solid option on rain offenses. Dry Skin is very nice for preserving its longevity and handling Aqua Jet users like Azumarill and Crawdaunt. Its Speed can also be very useful given Keldeo’s prominence, though outside of rain it still faces rather immense competition.

:Jellicent: from UR to C: Jellicent manages a rank thanks to the unique perks it currently offers with its typing and movepool. It’s a neat bulky Water-type option thanks to its reliability in pivoting into Keldeo and various rain abusers, though Taunt and Will-O-Wisp are also solid tools that help distinguish it from other Pokemon.
Here are our drops! plus a rise I forgot about lol but gimme a break I'm sick. Enjoy~
:Ribombee: from UR to C: I forgot to put this in the above post regarding rises so here it is now. Ribombee is finding a rank again due to being the main webs setter at this stage of the metagame. Although webs aren’t great lately, Ribombee’s Speed and ability to pressure a typical nuisance to the archetype in Zarude is pretty decent, letting it carve a small niche.

:Kommo-o: from A+ to A: Kommo-o is still an important Pokemon, but no longer poses the threat level or hold that it used to. Clangorous Soul sets have grown fairly adjusted to and aren’t given as many setup opportunities following the Light Clay ban. Other sets like defensive/Choice Specs/Swords Dance have gotten usage, but while good, still don’t elevate Kommo-o to A+ level, especially with the opportunity cost it has for both its typing slots and the popularity of many checks.

:Slowbro-galar: from A+ to A: The consistency of Glowbro’s CM set has been hurt a lot by Aegislash’s prominence (in addition to a few popular Aegi checks giving Glowbro a hard time), and while AV is a solid option, it also isn’t a particularly defining or threatening set. It’s become relatively adjusted to lately, which means that a drop is in order.

:Tangrowth: from A+ to A: The cycle of regen Grass-types swapping ranks continues! Tangrowth has become less optimal lately on account of Amoonguss’s better tools for the meta, including Spore being fantastic again, less item reliance, and the ability to often handle foes like Azumarill, Primarina, and Toxic Aegislash more steadily.

:Buzzwole: from A to A-: Buzzwole is a bit of a clunky fit in some scenarios, with the popularity of foes like Aegislash and Salamence complicating its capacity to fit every move it’d like on its sets. The metagame is also currently filled to the brim with special attackers capable of overwhelming it quite easily, though Buzzwole’s Life Orb set is still a respectable threat.

:Moltres: from A to A-: Moltres struggles a lot right now with Nihilego, Rotom-W, Chansey, and Rhyperior all being common defensive countermeasures. Additionally, a lot of the metagame’s popular offensive threats, like Keldeo/Lycanroc/Thundurus, constrict its opportunities.

:Rotom-Heat: from A to A-: Rotom-H has seen better days, especially in comparison to its Water-type cousin. Scizor’s departure, the advent of rain, and Nihilego and Rhyperior being popular rockers have all massively eaten into its utility, giving it a ton of opportunity cost and decreased defensive value.

:Mamoswine: from A- to B+: Mamoswine has recently struggled a notable amount to cleanly fit onto teams, largely because of its utter lack of defensive utility giving it pretty significant opportunity cost. Its offensive prowess also doesn’t feel as overt lately, especially with Rotom-W being such a strong pick.

:Chandelure: from B+ to B: Chandelure was once a premier offensive threat, but now struggles immensely to overcome the opportunity cost Aegislash supplies it with. Various important metagame components, including Nihilego, rain teams, and Azumarill, also limit its opportunities a lot.

:Cobalion: from B+ to B: Cobalion’s Speed and unique coverage/support movepools will always allow it some footing in the tier, but its main claim as a solid Scizor check is now gone, and the current S-tier Steel-type in Aegislash is also a very huge hurdle for it in most cases, which eats into its value a fair amount.

:Seismitoad: from B+ to B: Seismitoad is a bit of a strange case in the metagame. Rotom-H and Glowbro are on the decline, and Zarude is back to being a top-tier presence. Although it can deter many popular Water-types from spamming STAB moves with its bulky rocks set, more durable Water immunities and other Ground-type rockers still provide it plentiful competition as well.

:Nidoqueen: from B+ to B-: Nidoqueen was already on a downward trajectory but suffers pretty massive competition with Nidoking now in the tier. It still has its own unique merits, though its typing isn’t particularly grand defensively right now, which doesn’t often make the extra bulk worth it on offensive sets.

:Noivern: from B to B-: Noivern doesn’t really offer too much over its competition currently aside from being a decent Keldeo check thanks to its Speed and typing. Salamence is still better for pretty much any other situation unfortunately, making cases in which Noivern is a clean fit fairly rare.

:Toxtricity: from B to B-: Toxtricity is a potent breaker that just hasn’t shown up much lately. Its shaky Speed and bulk can complicate its capacity to fit onto teams very cleanly, though its situation is also made a bit worse by the current value Thundurus presents as a breaker with more options and better tools for the metagame.

:Haxorus: from B- to C+: Given the viability of Salamence and Kommo-o’s physical setup sets, Haxorus is in a tough spot. It simply suffers major opportunity cost and can’t really contribute anything defensively in spite of its power. It can be a fun breaker with Choice Band but is just very niche at this rate.

:Incineroar: from B- to C+: Incineroar’s utility in comparison to more popular Dark-types is just not worth keeping it afloat in the B ranks right now. Mew and Scizor leaving hurt it a lot, and outside of its already iffy Aegislash matchup, it struggles in the face of most top tier Pokemon and archetypes.

:Milotic: form B- to C+: Milotic isn’t a bad standalone Pokemon, but has seen fair competition from bulky Water-types like Mantine and Gastrodon, which simply offer more right now with their secondary typings and abilities. As its opportunity cost increases, its viability takes a hit.

:Torkoal::Venusaur: from B- to C+: Sun is in a rough spot given the current value of rain. Pelipper’s access to reliable recovery and Torkoal’s lack of it makes sun a far less accessible archetype, though many rain abusers, like Keldeo and Azumarill, are also quite self sufficient outside of rain, unlike Venusaur. Sun builds simply just have limited opportunities right now, which justifies a drop.

:Volcanion: from B- to C+: Volcanion is an incredibly awkward pick due to its offensive output and defensive value being ‘decent’ but still notably worse than other Water-type options. It’s just a clunky pick that doesn’t feel like it has a lot to offer that is particularly useful in building.

:Politoed: from C+ to UR: lol

:Dragalge::Guzzlord::Slurpuff: from C to UR: Dragalge and Guzzlord haven’t received meaningful usage lately despite having theoretical niches, justifying an unranking given how costly the Dragon-type slot can often be. Slurpuff is an extremely predictable Pokemon that has fallen out of favor in comparison to another webs setter in Ribombee, which has more options and a better Speed tier that both improve its consistency.

:Grimmsnarl: from C to D: Grimmsnarl has not defined a meaningful niche in the tier since the Light Clay ban. Offensive sets have not proven significant enough to give it any footing in the metagame, and screens-setting sets are obviously just bad at this rate. D is a deserving place for it until it hopefully drops to RU. Reminder that discussion on this Pokemon is not allowed due to it now being in D rank, which is meant specifically for unviable Pokemon that are still in the UU tier by usage.

Discussion Points will be below in the hide box below just so this post isn't overlong, but that should conclude our update which means this thread is open again! Thanks for your patience as this update came out. Be kind and happy posting~
Primarina A+ to A: It feels like Primarina’s usage has lowered a bit as Water-type breakers like Keldeo and Azumarill have recently taken up a larger spotlight, and steady checks like Chansey/Amoonguss/Tentacruel all rising limits its breaking opportunities more. However, it can still be an extremely hard breaker to pivot around, while RestTalk and CM sets still have immense defensive merit with Keldeo in the tier, making its ranking a tricky thing to figure out.

Rhyperior A to A-: Rhyperior is one of the better Ground-types available, but currently faces fair competition from other Stealth Rock setters in Krookodile and Nihilego. Its slowness can sacrifice momentum at times, while it also is quite prone to being worn down by Pokemon like Salamence and Aegislash. However, it can trade with Lycanroc while checking foes like non-Grass Knot Nihilego and both Moltres variants, which still gives it pretty solid defensive value.

Galarian Slowbro A to A-: Galarian Slowbro has become quite adjusted to in recent times, no longer posing nearly the same threat level it once did. Aegislash being a force of the metagame is particularly burdensome with it, though other means of overwhelming it also seem more common now than before. AV has an argument to be its better set currently, though the VR team isn’t so sure that’s enough for Glowbro to reside in A anymore. Many still see it as one of the bigger teambuilding headaches around, though.

Jirachi A- to A: Jirachi is higher up on the Steel-type food chain now with Scizor out of the picture. It’s a great scarfer with Lycanroc and Nihilego being such strong picks, though Jirachi’s stats and expansive movepool have allowed other offensive and defensive sets alike to receive fair usage. It can still struggle with occasional passiveness, though, as well as its slightly shaky matchups against foes like Aegislash, Amoonguss, and Tangrowth.

Azelf B to B+: Azelf has become quite the realized presence in UU the past few months. Its pivoting set has really proven its staying power thanks to Azelf’s great tools for progress, awesome Speed, and firm damage output. Nasty Plot sets are also quite scary due to Azelf’s coverage. However, its frailty can still hold it back a fair bit, especially as priority users like Lycanroc and Azumarill rise, which can make it hard for its boosting sets to often find setup opportunities. Whether to rise it was a mixed decision among the VR team, which makes this a worthy discussion point.

Gastrodon B to B+: Gastrodon isn’t the most mainstream pick, but has a decent amount to enjoy as a defensive Pokemon right now. Having Electric- and Water-type immunities in addition to reliable recovery is a huge asset to it, giving it the capacity to check Thundurus, Rotom-W, and many common Pokemon seen on rain builds. However, it will always be limited a bit by its lack of access to Stealth Rock, which can complicate its splashability on most builds.

Conkeldurr B to B-: Conkeldurr has been in a weird place for a good while now. It’s a menacing breaking presence in its own right, though its poor Speed also allows it to be overwhelmed fairly quickly alongside the constant chip it will take from burns. This limits its splashability as is, though the competition it faces from Fighting-types like Keldeo, Buzzwole, and Mienshao doesn’t help. Whether its standalone breaking prowess is enough for it to retain a spot in B is worth looking into.

Mimikyu UR to C/C+: Mimikyu is a very interesting choice for a sweeper on HOs thanks to its signature ability offering a lot of potential utility to offensive builds. Scizor’s departure has opened up a lot of opportunities for Mimikyu, which makes re-ranking it feel like a legitimate possibility at this rate, though the competition it faces from Pokemon like Aegislash and Azumarill is also worth noting.

Celesteela was a split vote between dropping from A- and staying where it is. This isn’t a formal discussion point but more something that I would like to notify y’all will be on our next slate just for transparency.