hi, gonna drop a few noms/thoughts
: Call me crazy for this one ig (or call it useless since scizor is leaving in a few days) but i think it's time to swap these 2. Scizor is not as good as it used to be, and it's mostly because of how the meta adapted. Fitting checks, even hard checks for it is not hard, it finds way less opportunities to setup and take over the games and being forced to run stuff like dwb sucks because 3 attacks roost in some games achieves literally nothing. Don't get me wrong, I still think that scizor is a super good mon, but a setupper that needs a lot of support to take over games (and to me, it does right now) is not S- worthy.
I don't really have too strong of an argument for Keldeo, i just think that specs is insane and the off meta that is rising up right now helps it a ton. It's speedtier is really good, missing out only on thundurus (for the relevant ones [not azelf]), one of the only 3 relevant scarfers does nothing to Keldeo (best you can do is tricking a scarf or you have to run coverage for it) and at the same time it 2hkos the entire tier bar 2 or 3 mons(that you can flip turn on if you run that ig). It's also super easy to support and sinergies super well with spikes and stuff. I just think that Keldeo is god right now and it has way more influence on teambuilding too since it forces you to run sketch counterplay like av reun/gbro (and i'm fairly sure that av azu got tour usage for this reason too). I do believe that Keldeo deserves the S- rank more than scizor does and that these 2 should be swapped.
The A+ and A ranks look a bit weird in their current state. I agree with Adaam 's post on every single point, except that i'm not quite sure about rising amoonguss. I feel the same about it being better than tangrowth but i'm not quite sure if it's an A+ mon.
: I feel like it's finally time to rise the monkey to A+. I've been a zarude hater since it came out in dlc1 but boots just feels amazing rn. Reminds me a lot of zeraora (except that it's way slower) and operates the same way, if it gets momentum its quite obnoxious to play against because it's limited counterplay give away a ton of opportunities and drains momentum really hard. It's also quite bulky and an okay-ish Aegi check, also shits on mew which is never a bad thing.
Last points i wanted to rise up in these ranks are Kommo-o and Washtom but i'm not sure about them. Kommo-o fell off the radar really hard and it doesn't get good enough usage for A+. Half of the times it got used as of late it was bulky sr too i believe which does nothing in a lot of cases, Setupper sets are still good but being forced to run eq sucks a bit? As i said i'm not sure but I don't think it's relevant enough for A+ anymore. Washtom is also weird because the best set for it is pain split wow which is almost always unfittable (you end up wanting scarf or defog a lot of times which hurts washtom really hard), but there are some games where it literally 6-0's on preview. Zarude is annoying for it but being forced to waste a turn on jungle healing everytime it gets burned sucks for the monkey, other stuff that gets throw at washtom doesn't really enjoy a burn or gets voltswitched on.
: I'm really high on entei as a mon rn and i believe that it's place is in A-. Damage output is amazing, burn chance is cool and comes in handy often, stone edge to hit mence/strong prio in extreme speed and as last you have a few options depending on what you need. Toxic for some setuppers works well, flare blitz to trade something off before dying/have the extra power and sleep talk is good on some teams to hurt amoonguss. Entei is getting more and more usages but it's still quite underrated, it definitely deserves to rise from B- and A- looks perfect for it in my eyes.
I don't know why Bulu got dropped to C+ but it doesn't deserve it, it's bad don't get me wrong but it can get a few KOs/lure stuff which is like more than every C+ mon has ever done, while also allowing seed cheese that can still be a thing. Mantine should probably rise from c+ as well, don't know where though. Also togekiss in B and gmolt in B+ aren't both accurate imo and should both be A-. As for the discussion points, I disagree with heattom and gyara dropping and not sure about hatt rising. Gyara is amazing on offense and gets more hate than it should, it takes over games with ease and it's as good of a dder as mence. Heattom lost part of it's utility but NP is still amazing imo and nihilego's presence in current meta doesn't hurt it too much, you can also fish a para with discharge and make that mon completely useless. As for hatt, i disagree with everyone that calls it a good mew counterplay since it's really not, but the trades it can get on stuff like aegi might be good enough to rise it up a rank. I don't see it ever 6-0ing though. Also drop mamo its not a mon lol. Sorry for any typos/stuff, i'm half asleep still o/

I don't really have too strong of an argument for Keldeo, i just think that specs is insane and the off meta that is rising up right now helps it a ton. It's speedtier is really good, missing out only on thundurus (for the relevant ones [not azelf]), one of the only 3 relevant scarfers does nothing to Keldeo (best you can do is tricking a scarf or you have to run coverage for it) and at the same time it 2hkos the entire tier bar 2 or 3 mons(that you can flip turn on if you run that ig). It's also super easy to support and sinergies super well with spikes and stuff. I just think that Keldeo is god right now and it has way more influence on teambuilding too since it forces you to run sketch counterplay like av reun/gbro (and i'm fairly sure that av azu got tour usage for this reason too). I do believe that Keldeo deserves the S- rank more than scizor does and that these 2 should be swapped.
The A+ and A ranks look a bit weird in their current state. I agree with Adaam 's post on every single point, except that i'm not quite sure about rising amoonguss. I feel the same about it being better than tangrowth but i'm not quite sure if it's an A+ mon.

Last points i wanted to rise up in these ranks are Kommo-o and Washtom but i'm not sure about them. Kommo-o fell off the radar really hard and it doesn't get good enough usage for A+. Half of the times it got used as of late it was bulky sr too i believe which does nothing in a lot of cases, Setupper sets are still good but being forced to run eq sucks a bit? As i said i'm not sure but I don't think it's relevant enough for A+ anymore. Washtom is also weird because the best set for it is pain split wow which is almost always unfittable (you end up wanting scarf or defog a lot of times which hurts washtom really hard), but there are some games where it literally 6-0's on preview. Zarude is annoying for it but being forced to waste a turn on jungle healing everytime it gets burned sucks for the monkey, other stuff that gets throw at washtom doesn't really enjoy a burn or gets voltswitched on.

I don't know why Bulu got dropped to C+ but it doesn't deserve it, it's bad don't get me wrong but it can get a few KOs/lure stuff which is like more than every C+ mon has ever done, while also allowing seed cheese that can still be a thing. Mantine should probably rise from c+ as well, don't know where though. Also togekiss in B and gmolt in B+ aren't both accurate imo and should both be A-. As for the discussion points, I disagree with heattom and gyara dropping and not sure about hatt rising. Gyara is amazing on offense and gets more hate than it should, it takes over games with ease and it's as good of a dder as mence. Heattom lost part of it's utility but NP is still amazing imo and nihilego's presence in current meta doesn't hurt it too much, you can also fish a para with discharge and make that mon completely useless. As for hatt, i disagree with everyone that calls it a good mew counterplay since it's really not, but the trades it can get on stuff like aegi might be good enough to rise it up a rank. I don't see it ever 6-0ing though. Also drop mamo its not a mon lol. Sorry for any typos/stuff, i'm half asleep still o/