Welcome to the STABmons Seasonal!
Tournament Rules:
cy vs ItsChew.
TectonicDestroyer vs abriel
TTTech vs pannuracotta
Beka vs Keahi
Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ vs maker_of_lore
avyrie vs Mr.Bossaru
PandaDoux vs Shaneghoul
Career Ended vs Giga-Chandélure
Fraise vs Ren
Eledyr vs hidden
KaiserKaiba vs DugZa
martinvtran vs Nultiprise
Akeras vs Jordy
Andyboy vs Ailuro
Palapapop vs DuGuo
MinoGod54 vs K3ppr
luisin vs DerpyBoi
Milo vs Atilax
DuckeryDoodle vs Dragonillis
quojova vs astralydia
PixelMax vs Dark_Name100
Codename C.A.T vs lepton
LBDC vs Heika
Pizza_Suplex_1 vs beauts
giove97 vs txitxas
Keev vs in the hills
Fc vs Chris32156
longhiep341 vs Magikarp_Is_AG
Quantum Tesseract vs Ivar57
Shady Icy vs Elliot
Kabilapok vs XxSevagxX
ibleachyourskin vs The Dragon Master
Deadline is Sunday, June 19 @ 9:59 PM GMT-4
Extension Deadline is June 16 @ 9:59 PM GMT-4
Tournament Rules:
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
- 2022 OM Circuit information.
- The banlist for this tournament is the same as the STABmons ladder of the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown and can be found on the strategy dex.
- Best of three, double elimination.
- If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
- Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
- Sw/Sh cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
- Replays are recommended to prevent disputes.
cy vs ItsChew.
TectonicDestroyer vs abriel
TTTech vs pannuracotta
Beka vs Keahi
Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ vs maker_of_lore
avyrie vs Mr.Bossaru
PandaDoux vs Shaneghoul
Career Ended vs Giga-Chandélure
Fraise vs Ren
Eledyr vs hidden
KaiserKaiba vs DugZa
martinvtran vs Nultiprise
Akeras vs Jordy
Andyboy vs Ailuro
Palapapop vs DuGuo
MinoGod54 vs K3ppr
luisin vs DerpyBoi
Milo vs Atilax
DuckeryDoodle vs Dragonillis
quojova vs astralydia
PixelMax vs Dark_Name100
Codename C.A.T vs lepton
LBDC vs Heika
Pizza_Suplex_1 vs beauts
giove97 vs txitxas
Keev vs in the hills
Fc vs Chris32156
longhiep341 vs Magikarp_Is_AG
Quantum Tesseract vs Ivar57
Shady Icy vs Elliot
Kabilapok vs XxSevagxX
ibleachyourskin vs The Dragon Master
Deadline is Sunday, June 19 @ 9:59 PM GMT-4
Extension Deadline is June 16 @ 9:59 PM GMT-4