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stab banner gen 9.png

art by in the hills
op taken from gen 7 STABmons thread

STABmons is the metagame where Pokemon have access to moves that match their type even if they can't normally learn them! Using Eevee as an example, it can now learn every Normal type move. This also applies to Pokemon that change type(s) during evolution. That means Eevee can pass Normal moves to all its Eeveelutions. New moves are "taught" as if they were TMs.


: Pokemon can learn any move that matches their typing. This transfers with evolutions and out of battle forme changes, so if a Normal-type evolves into a Psychic-type in the game, you can teach the Psychic-type Pokemon any Psychic and Normal moves.
Clauses: Species Clause, Endless Battle Clause, Species Clause, Dynamax Clause, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Moves Clause

*still available on native learners. :psyglad:

Note: The following moves are unable to be used due to them not being available into the SwSh games:
Bone Club
Chip Away
Comet Punch
Dark Void
Dizzy Punch
Double Slap
Dragon Rage
Egg Bomb
Flame Burst
Grass Whistle
Heal Block
Heal Order
Heart Stamp
Heart Swap
Hyper Fang
Ice Ball
Ice Hammer
Karate Chop
Light of Ruin
Lucky Chant
Magnet Bomb
Me First
Miracle Eye
Mirror Shot
Mud Bomb
Natural Gift
Needle Arm
Ominous Wind
Razor Wind
Relic Song
Rock Climb
Rolling Kick
Secret Power
Seed Flare
Shadow Force
Signal Beam
Silver Wind
Sky Drop
Sky Uppercut
Smelling Salts
Tail Glow
Toxic Thread
Trump Card
Wake-Up Slap
Wring Out

* Moves that are highlighted are subjected to change once their respective native users are released

This list is being reconfigured due to being out of date!


Because a lot of Pokémon can learn powerful new attacks that they previously couldn't use, STABmons can be a fast-paced metagame. Examples of strong wallbreakers include Boomburst Sylveon, Shell Side Arm Nidoking, and Dragon Ascent Gyarados. Setup is also very common. No Retreat Buzzwole is a good example of a Pokemon that can abuse setup moves.

However, many Pokémon also get defensive or utility-based upgrades. For instance, Sylveon can learn Rapid Spin and Glare, and Ferrothorn can learn Sap Strength and Anchor Shot. This means that many fatter or more balanced archetypes are still viable.


: What about forme changes?
A: Similarly to how megas work, any forme changes that happen during battle won't transfer moves. Castform is a good example of this, as it only changes type with the ability Forecast while in effect during a battle. Any forme changes that happen outside battle will transfer types, with a few exceptions. See the Forme Type Changes tag below for the full list.

Q: Do Galar formes trade types with their normal counterparts (e.g. can Galarian Rapidash learn all Fire, Psychic, and Fairy moves)?
A: No. Unless a Pokemon is either the direct evolution or an out-of-battle forme change of another Pokemon it cannot get moves from its type.

Q: What about unreleased moves such as Light of Ruin?
A: Only released moves are available.

Q: Why can't my Dark-type Tyranitar use Pursuit?
A: Moves that have been made unusable in the games code are unusable here. See below for a list of relevant moves that have been removed this generation.

Q: Can my Goldeen still use Acupressure even though that move is banned?
A: Yep! The banned moves only apply to Pokemon that don't normally learn them.

Q: Can I teach Max Airstream, a Max Move, to my Pokemon?
A: No. Max moves are only available at the time of use when Dynamaxed and thus cannot be "taught" outside of battle.

Q: Why was X banned?
A: Check the links above in the banlist for reasons (where you can find them).


STABmons is playable on the main PS server or ROM.

Evolution Type Changes:
:gloom: -> :bellossom: Grass & Poison
-> :steelix: Ground, Steel, & Rock
:exeggcute: -> :exeggutor-alola: Grass, Psychic, & Dragon
:cubone: -> :marowak-alola: Ground, Ghost, & Fire
:scyther: -> :scizor: Bug, Flying, & Steel
:eevee:->:vaporeon::jolteon::flareon::espeon::umbreon::leafeon: :glaceon: :sylveon: Corresponding type & Normal
:pupitar: -> :tyranitar: Rock, Dark, & Ground
:azurill: -> :marill:/:azumarill: Normal, Fairy, & Water
Psychic, Fighting & Fairy
:nincada: -> :ninjask: Bug, Flying, & Ground or :shedinja: Bug, Ghost, & Ground
:swablu: -> :altaria: Normal, Flying, & Dragon
:mime_jr: -> :mr_rime: Psychic, Ice, and Fairy
:skorupi: -> :drapion: Dark, Poison, & Bug
:fletchling: -> :fletchinder: / :talonflame: Normal, Flying, & Fire
:skrelp: -> :dragalge: Water, Poison, & Dragon
:dartrix: -> :decidueye: Grass, Flying, and Ghost
Forme Type Changes:
Every type is available to Silvally due to its ability RKS System. Because of this Silvally is banned.

Ghost, Electric, Water, Fire, Flying, Grass, & Ice are interchangeable between the Rotom formes. Last generation we had a special rule that prevented types from swapping but it felt arbitrary to include it when other formes can trade types so it was reversed.

:necrozma::necrozma-dawn-wings::necrozma-dusk-mane: Psychic, Ghost, and Steel are available to all three base Necrozma formes. It cannot get new Dragon moves, even if Necrozma-Ultra is reintroduced, as that forme is only obtainable in battle.

:calyrex::calyrex-ice::calyrex-shadow:Psychic, Grass, Ice, and Ghost moves are available to all Calyrex formes. Spectrier and Glastrier do NOT get moves that are not their base type.

What doesn't apply:

The following Pokémon change only during battle and thus don't transfer types according to the rules of STABmons

This list may be updated as more Pokemon are released into Generation 8.
Generational Type Changes
:cleffa::clefairy::clefable: Clefable's evolutionary line (Normal [Generation 5] -> Fairy [Generation 6])
:togepi::togetic::togekiss: Togekiss' evolutionary line (Normal [Generation 5] -> Fairy [Generation 6])

Bite (Normal [Generation 1]-> Dark [Generation 2])
Gust (Normal [Generation 1]-> Flying [Generation 2])
Karate Chop (Normal [Generation 1]-> Fighting [Generation 2])
Sand Attack (Normal [Generation 1]-> Ground [Generation 2])
Charm (Normal [Generation 5]-> Fairy [Generation 6])
Moonlight (Normal [Generation 5]-> Fairy [Generation 6])
Sweet Kiss (Normal [Generation 5]-> Fairy [Generation 6])
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Same vein as everything else I've posted and will post lately, I'm posting my initial thoughts on every OM that I had some presence in during SM.

Dragapult @ Leftovers
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spectral Thief
- Dragon Darts
- Dragon Dance
- Sucker Punch

Fixing the issue of lack of Ghost physical moves makes Dragapult quite a bit nicer (should Spectral not exist, Shadow Bone and Spirit Shackle are great options for trapping.) Alternatively, a mixed route can be done with Moongeist, Core Enforcer and Dynamax Cannon are three options for messing with abilities and Dynamax. Doesn't fix the 'lack of everything else' that Dragapult is used to.

Hatterene (F) @ Babiri Berry
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Psystrike
- Fleur Cannon
- Nuzzle
- Moonlight

Lots of fun options get added like better psychic moves, a proper Fairy stab since this thing normally only gets is Dazzling Gleam and recovery in Moonlight. Hatterne as a better typed Espeon kinda needs this to stand out as a good Magic Bouncer, and thankfully the ability to actually threaten what its typing should beat is nice. Also why does this thing get nuzzle?

Barraskewda @ Choice Band
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fishious Rend
- Close Combat
- Psychic Fangs
- Drill Run

You might know what Fishious Rend does. If you don't, feel free to load it up on PS and you'll understand.

And now for some returning favorites/a galar form!

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Doom Desire
- Moongeist Beam
- Behemoth Bash
- King's Shield

It's kinda interesting to see that Aegislash actually got balanced; In addition to dropping 10 points in offenses/defenses based on forme, King's Shield is now only -1, meaning that Bisharp now is a proper check to it and doesn't go even with King's - now, you get +1 off it! The legendary anti-Ability moves return along with the new Anti-Dynamax phys steel options of Behemoth Bash/Blade.

Kommo-o @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Close Combat
- Dynamax Cannon
- Iron Head
- No Retreat

No Retreat is a +1 to all stats that blocks the user in, perfect for replicating Kommo's glory days. Dragon Darts is a solid offensive move which can roll for crits on its two hits (has a fair chance to hit harder than comparable Dragon moves) and has access to the special coverage that rivals Dragapult. At least this thing has actual physical coverage outside of it's STABs to utilize Dragon Dance or No Retreat with. Also, you'll want to run Iron Head over Poison Jab 'cause...

Weezing-Galar @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
- Spirit Break
- Clear Smog
- Moonlight
- Defog

This fat thing exists. Welcome to the glory days of Weezing as Cresselia doesn't exist. With anti-Physical measures in Will-o-Wisp, anti-special measures in Spirit Break, anti setup in Clear Smog, reliable recovery and a solid duo of Neutralizing Gas and Levitate, Weezing-Galar has literally everything swinging in its favor to make itself a top tier measure in nearly everything that doesn't make its typing unique anymore. Its strength in walling out Fighting coverage while not being weak to Poison is really cool. Spirit Break also is seriously good; 80 BP 100% SpAtk down is fun as hell to taunt special attackers with. Nobody can switch in without having something going wrong. Outside of Toxapex who isn't afraid of anything but can't do much in return.
Notable moves in italics.
These moves are not in the game and can't be obtained by any currently known means.
Assist, Barrage, Bestow, Bide, Camouflage, Captivate, Comet Punch, Constrict, Dizzy Punch, Double Slap, Egg Bomb, Flash, Foresight, Frustration, Hidden Power, Lucky Chant, Me First, Natural Gift, Odor Sleuth, Rage, Razor Wind, Refresh, Return, Rock Climb, Secret Power, Sharpen, Smelling Salts, Sonic Boom, Spike Cannon, Spotlight, Trump Card, Wring Out
Fighting: Jump Kick, Karate Chop, Rolling Kick, Sky Uppercut, Wake-up Slap
Flying: Floaty Fall, Mirror Move, Sky Drop
Bug: Heal Order, Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Spider Web, Steamroller, Twineedle
Bone Club, Mud Bomb, Mud Sport, Rototiller
Ghost: Nightmare, Ominous Wind
Magnet Bomb, Mirror Shot
Grass: Grass Whistle, Needle Arm, Sappy Seed
Fire: Flame Burst, Sizzly Slide
Water: Bouncy Bubble, Bubble, Clamp, Splishy Splash, Water Sport
Ice: Freezy Frost, Ice Ball
Electric: Buzzy Buzz, Ion Deluge, Zippy Zap
Psychic: Barrier, Glitzy Glow, Heal Block, Kinesis, Heart Stamp, Meditate, Miracle Eye, Synchronoise, Telekinesis
Dragon: Dragon Rage
Dark: Baddy Bad, Embargo, Feint Attack, Punishment, Pursuit, Snatch
Fairy: Sparky Swirl
These moves are exclusive of Pokémon that are not in the game and can only be obtained by hacking.
Normal: Conversion, Conversion2, Crush Grip, Head Charge, Judgement, Lovely Kiss, Milk Drink, Relic Song, Revelation Dance, Techno Blast
Fighting: Mat Block
Flying: Aeroblast, Beak Blast, Chatter, Dragon Ascent, Oblivion Wing
Bug: Powder, Tail Glow
Rock: Accellerock, Diamond Storm
Ground: Bonemerang, Land's Wrath, Precipice Blades, Shore Up, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves
Ghost: Shadow Bone, Shadow Force
Poison: Toxic Thread
Seed Flare
Fire: Fiery Dance, Magma Storm, Mind Blown, Sacred Fire, Searing Shot, V-Create
Water: Origin Pulse, Steam Eruption
Ice: Ice Hammer
Heart Swap, Lunar Dance, Luster Purge, Hyperspace Hole, Mist Ball, Psycho Boost
Dragon: Core Enforcer, Dragon Hammer, Roar of Time, Spacial Rend
Dark: Dark Void, Hyperspace Fury
Fairy: Fleur Cannon, Floral Healing, Geomancy, Light of Ruin, Nature's Madness
These moves can only be obtained through transfer of old Pokémon.
Normal: Celebrate, Heal Bell, Hold Back, Hold Hands, Softboiled
Fighting: Secret Sword
Moongeist Beam, Spectral Thief, Spirit Shackle
Doom Desire, Double Iron Bash, Sunsteel Strike
Blue Flare, Fusion Flare
Freeze Shock, Glaciate, Ice Burn
Electric: Bolt Strike, Fusion Bolt, Plasma Fists
Psychic: Photon Geyser, Prismatic Laser, Psystrike
Night Daze
Normal: Court Change, Stuff Cheeks, Teatime
Fighting: Body Press, Meteor Assault, No Retreat, Octolock
Tar Shot
Behemot Blade, Behemot Bash, Steel Beam
Grass: Apple Acid, Branch Poke, Drum Beating, Grav Apple, Snap Trap
Fire: Pyro Ball
Water: Fishious Rend, Life Dew, Snipe Shot
Aura Wheel, Bolt Beak, Overdrive
Psychic: Magic Powder
Dragon: Clangorous Soul, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Eternabeam
Dark: False Surrender, Jaw Lock, Obstruct
Fairy: Decorate, Spirit Break, Strange Steam
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Diggersby @ Life Orb
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Fake Out / Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
yeah... Diggersby or Espeed might potentially get banned, with Beak Blast being unreleased. Sadly, Dynamaxed mon can't be flinch... Will post more later, I ran out of time :/
Kommo-o @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Close Combat
- Dynamax Cannon
- Iron Head
- No Retreat

No Retreat is a +1 to all stats that blocks the user in, perfect for replicating Kommo's glory days. Dragon Darts is a solid offensive move which can roll for crits on its two hits (has a fair chance to hit harder than comparable Dragon moves) and has access to the special coverage that rivals Dragapult. At least this thing has actual physical coverage outside of it's STABs to utilize Dragon Dance or No Retreat with. Also, you'll want to run Iron Head over Poison Jab 'cause...
Kommo-o might be better off with Clangorous Soul since while that takes 33% of its max for boosting all its stats, it still enables Kommo-o to switch out. I also would suggest going for Special Attacker set with Secret Sword (or Aura Sphere, it learns that now), Dynamax Cannon, and Flamethrower or Flash Cannon instead.
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These moves are exclusive of Pokémon that are not in the game and can only be obtained by hacking.
Normal: Conversion, Conversion2, Crush Grip, Head Charge, Judgement, Lovely Kiss, Milk Drink, Relic Song, Revelation Dance, Techno Blast
Fighting: Mat Block
Flying: Aeroblast, Beak Blast, Chatter, Dragon Ascent, Oblivion Wing
Bug: Powder, Tail Glow
Rock: Accellerock, Diamond Storm
Ground: Bonemerang, Land's Wrath, Precipice Blades, Shore Up, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves
Ghost: Shadow Bone, Shadow Force
Poison: Toxic Thread
Seed Flare
Fire: Fiery Dance, Magma Storm, Mind Blown, Sacred Fire, Searing Shot, V-Create
Water: Origin Pulse, Steam Eruption
Ice: Ice Hammer
Heart Swap, Lunar Dance, Luster Purge, Hyperspace Hole, Mist Ball, Psycho Boost
Dragon: Core Enforcer, Dragon Hammer, Roar of Time, Spacial Rend
Dark: Dark Void, Hyperspace Fury
Fairy: Fleur Cannon, Floral Healing, Geomancy, Light of Ruin, Nature's Madness

All these sig moves except V-Create, Mat Block, Fairy Lock, and Accelerock are also snapped (CanUseMove flag).

Here are all the moves that have CanUseMove set to false. Moves that weren't listed in the original list of cut moves are in bold.
Karate Chop
Double Slap
Comet Punch
Razor Wind
Jump Kick
Rolling Kick
Sonic Boom
Dragon Rage
Mirror Move
Egg Bomb
Bone Club
Spike Cannon
Lovely Kiss
Dizzy Punch
Hyper Fang


Spider Web
Conversion 2

Feint Attack
Milk Drink
Sacred Fire
Hidden Power
Smelling Salts
Secret Power
Tail Glow
Luster Purge
Mist Ball

Mud Sport
Ice Ball
Needle Arm
Odor Sleuth
Silver Wind
Grass Whistle
Signal Beam
Sky Uppercut
Water Sport
Psycho Boost
Miracle Eye
Wake-Up Slap
Natural Gift
Trump Card
Heal Block
Wring Out
Lucky Chant
Me First
Heart Swap
Mud Bomb
Mirror Shot
Rock Climb
Magnet Bomb

Heal Order
Roar of Time
Spacial Rend
Lunar Dance
Crush Grip
Magma Storm
Dark Void
Seed Flare

Ominous Wind
Shadow Force
Flame Burst
Chip Away
Sky Drop
Heart Stamp
Head Charge
Searing Shot
Techno Blast
Relic Song
Fiery Dance

Ion Deluge
Diamond Storm
Steam Eruption
Hyperspace Hole
Oblivion Wing
Thousand Arrows
Thousand Waves
Land's Wrath
Light of Ruin
Origin Pulse
Precipice Blades
Dragon Ascent
Hyperspace Fury

All the Z-moves (I'm not writing out them all)
Shore Up
Ice Hammer
Floral Healing

Toxic Thread
Revelation Dance
Core Enforcer
Beak Blast
Dragon Hammer
Fleur Cannon
Shadow Bone
Nature's Madness
Mind Blown

All the Let's Go partner moves

Interestingly, Accelerock and V-Create are still flagged as true.
Kommo-o might be better off with Clangorous Soul since while that takes 33% of its max for boosting all its stats, it still enables Kommo-o to switch out. I also would suggest going for Special Attacker set with Secret Sword (or Aura Sphere, it learns that now), Dynamax Cannon, and Flamethrower or Flash Cannon instead.

I should say that it's probably Clanging Scales that you refer to? Looked it up on PS, neat.

33% looks extremely big though with Kommo's glaring Ice/Fairy weaknesses along with the potential Flying weakness that I'm not sure if it'll be too pressing with Oblivion Wing and Beak Blast having been snapped out of existence. If Kommo is set as a last stand mon, No Retreat might end up more useful but its just a matter of if you think being trapped is more important than losing a bit of chip. Probably better against HO but worse against offense.

In response to Dr Pumpkinz quote...

Rest in pieces Head Smash Aerodactyl, it was fun with you while it lasted. fuckin misread again it was head charge HEAD SMASH BOIS-- Diamond Storm sucks to drop as well as is Steam Eruption, two of the better legendary moves from gen 6. Shore Up dropped removes lots of the sustain most grounds had. Sacred Fire, Magma Storm...

Actually it's better to list the things I'm sad to see go.
Seed Flare, Milk Drink, Sacred Fire, Judgement, Seed Flare, Magma Storm, Searing Shot, Fiery Dance, Diamond Storm, Steam Eruption, Oblivion Wing, TWaves (less so TArrows), Shore Up, Dragon Ascent, Fleur Cannon, Beak Blast and Shadow Bone.

Rest in piece many of our favorite memes and most hated enemies, from Oblivion Wing Celesteela to Dragon Ascent Gyarados.

Interestingly though, Spectral Thief is not among those snapped! Or at least, isn't in the snapped lists. Which is actually really nice for the two main physical ghosts Runerigus and Dragapult.

Speaking of Runerigus...

Runerigus @ Leftovers
Ability: Wandering Spirit
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Spectral Thief
- Earthquake
- Will-O-Wisp
- Spikes

This thing's ungodly levels of physically bulky that things that you'd expect would one shot it won't, and things that you'd expect to 2hko will, well, not. With access to Spectral Thief and perhaps Thousand Waves and Shore Up in the future, Runerigus can act as simultaneously a trapper, tank and debuff spreader. Switchins that aren't flying or levitating will be met with a sound trapping followed up by a pivot into something else, with setup not phasing it as Spectral is just really, really good. Access to Spikes also is nice support combined with innate access to the two other forms of hazards. If you want memes, Shadow Force hits hard, can stack up leftovers recovery, and is just memey.

And more importantly, if you set a team that's in Gen 7 STABmons to instead read 'Gen 8 STABmons' in import/export Every mon that shows up will have all the STAB moves in SwSh in their moveset like in normal Gen 7 STAB. I don't know why that is, but I know its amazing. Correction, all moves in gen 7 are there. Be sure to look up each type's moves for Gen 8. Happy STABbing, everyone!
Comments on the initial banlist:
Extreme Speed:
This was not overwhelmingly broken last generation, and we went a pretty long time before we decided to suspect it. Given that it's a new generation and we lost a lot of the best abusers it seems fair to give it another chance. It certainly has the potential to still be broken with old faithful Diggersby still around along with some others, but time will tell.

Araquanid looks significantly less good this generation. It lost Tail Glow, Heal Order, and Z moves, all of which contributed to its absurd power output. In addition the fact that Mantine is doing very well in OU right now (partially due to the lack of Chansey ;-;) and the fact that Araquanid can no longer run Hidden Power to easily bypass it means that Araquanid deserves another chance.

A bunch of other things
We unbanned a ton of stuff because most of our banlist doesn't exist anymore. C'est la vie. Free Blac.

What we have our eyes on:
Fishious Rend - This move is effectively 170 BST in the hands of any fast water type. Primarily Barraskewda and Barbaracle seem like they can abuse this move to become nigh impossible to wall.
Double Iron Bash - This combines being the most powerful physical Steel move with an excessively high flinch chance. The number of abusers is currently pretty lacking, but otherwise this would be an easy ban.
Dracozolt - Dragon Dance Dracozolt (gets Bolt Beak naturally so banning that wouldn't solve anything) can sweep really easily. Dragon Darts and Bolt Beak combined are extremely strong STAB, while Blunder Policy or Life Orb allows it to enchance its sweeping potential even more. Notably this Pokemon will suffer considerably if Dynamaxing ends up banned because it really appreciates full accuracy on its moves.
The things we unbanned - While we freed them for now we will of course be keeping these things in mind and are willing to reban anything that proves broken.

My thoughts on some cool sets for this generation!
Barbaracle @ Iapapa Berry / Life Orb / Mystic Water
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Fishious Rend
- Head Smash
- Accelerock / Aqua Jet / Superpower

This thing is going to be an incredible abuser of Fishious Rend.
+2 252+ Atk Tough Claws Barbaracle Fishious Rend (170 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Ferrothorn: 203-239 (57.6 - 67.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Ferrothorn is the best remaining wall for it (by a much wider margin than before) and while no Rockium and debuffed pinch berries means that Barbaracle dies more quickly if it tries to spam Head Smash it now has two super-powered STABs to abuse so any team without Ferrothorn is going to be hardpressed to stop it from wracking up KOs.

Obstagoon @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature / Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Close Combat / Knock Off / Sucker Punch
- Knock Off / Facade / Fake Out / Sucker Punch

Despite no Bellyspeed in standard goon still looks like one of the better Espeed abusers here. While it is significantly weaker than Diggersby it has several sets it can run thanks to a combination of its typing, coverage, and abilities. Guts lets it dodge status especially burns (and gives access to Facade), Defiant lets it dissuade hazard removal and potentially sweep, and its Dark typing both threatens ghosts and gives it the means to revenge kill them with Sucker Punch, the most notable ghosts here being Polteageist and Gengar.

252+ Atk Life Orb Huge Power Diggersby Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 220-261 (64.5 - 76.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Guts Obstagoon Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 168-198 (49.2 - 58%) -- 96.9% chance to 2HKO

yes i know koko is banned im talking about eterrain
Pincurchin @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Volt Switch
- Spikes
- Nuzzle
- Recover

Dracozolt @ Life Orb
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bolt Beak
- Dragon Darts
- Fire Fang
- Dragon Dance

Hawlucha @ Electric Seed
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- Thunder Punch

Electric Terrain looks fun to play right now. Bolt Beak is a broken move and Hawlucha should tear up offensively-oriented teams.

Last thing
Corsola-Galar @ Eviolite
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Spectral Thief
- Strength Sap
- Stealth Rock / Will-O-Wisp
- Scald / Will-O-Wisp

This thing looks like an incredible bulkmon for balance and maybe even stall. Spectral Thief is a boon for any defensive Pokemon. The main problem here is that if you run Spectral Thief you become setup bait for the normal types you theoretically want to check. This is especially noticeable with Obstagoon which just sets up on and obliterates Corsola with no penalty. Diggersby can't particularly afford to take Scalds and Snorlax doesn't really want to get burnt, but if Corsola tries to sit in front of them it will lose as well.

I'm really excited for generation 8 STABmons once we get rid of dynamaxing and looking forward to all the cool sets we find for this gen.

This is my 1000th post!
Shoutouts to drampa's grandpa for making 1000 posts
Oh am I supposed to shout out OTHER people? Oh. OK.
Gmansour20 is cute
TheCoastsOfToast cutest bread-related user 2017-2020
Pigeons birdbrain
Chloe :blobnom:stay safe from the fires :(
In The Hills GET OFF PS WHEN YOU'RE DOING HW NERD im such a hypocrite
GL Volkner mfw no gen 8 luxray
Pokémon Showdown! (beta)
ihhca stabman too woke for stab
Ransei real tiers have rules js :blobthinking:
Funbot28 taking the OP like a champ like it was supposed to be so I can get an actual 1k instead of it being the sample teams post. GOAT.

All the mashups staff We Wuz Nidokangz The Number Man Roldski32 Wrk5646 best gal and your dumb forum name NOC Unlucky 13 ice-master-523 y'all keep the room going and the community growing thanks so much for everything

I've met a ton of awesome people and I haven't shouted them all out here (was trying to keep it short and most of the people I shouted out were people in the chat when I peeked in), but thanks everyone for all the good times so far, and here's hoping to more.
I'm looking forward to experimenting with Indeedee.

Inner Focus/Synchronize/Psychic Surge

Psychic Surge is an incredible ability in this metagame - due to it's blocking of priority and boosting of already strong Psychic attacks.

With 105 base Special Attack and 95 base Speed it is like Tapu Lele-lite.
It doesn't quite have the power of Lele, but it is by no means weak and has a strong secondary STAB in Boomburst (and a huge array of support options as a normal type) to make up for it. And also Mystical Fire for hitting steel types.

Psychic Terrain HO was a very powerful (and fun!) playstyle in gen 7 before Lele got banned.
Dynamax will possibly hinder its effectiveness, but I think it will still be dangerous.
And as a mon that can enable that playstyle, Indeedee is worth keeping an eye on - even if it has obvious flaws as a standalone mon.

Indeedee (M) @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psystrike
- Boomburst
- Mystical Fire
- Calm Mind

Indeedee (M) @ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psycho Boost
- Boomburst
- Mystical Fire
- Trick / Healing Wish

Indeedee (M) @ Throat Spray
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Psystrike
- Heal Block
- Recover
some thoughts after playing a handful of games


Shedinja @ Safety Goggles / Protective Pads / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 Atk
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Def / 0 SpD / 0 Spe
- U-turn
- Will-O-Wisp
- Spikes
- Spectral Thief

or something like this -- we lost mega sableye but shed looks far better now, especially since: 1) pursuit is gone (biggest factor), 2) hidden power is gone, and 3) judgment is gone. Idk which of safety goggles or protective pads is better but having stuff like hatterene + defog corviknight in the meta means that getting rocks up will probably be pretty hard against teams that want to stop them. Shed is great though


Hatterene (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Moonlight
- Psystrike / Moonblast
- Mystical Fire / Moonblast
- Teleport

Teleport now works like uturn without damage, and having a magic bouncer with recovery that can slow pivot is amazing. This mon looks really good with other sets too bc of moonlight

Dracovish @ Splash Plate
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fishious Rend
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Darts
- Protect

This has probably been said already but dracovish is just stupid strong, dd is cool on it but tbh band / scarf probably still better. DD looks terrifying tho. Speaking of broken ou mons, CB galarian darm with ice shard is very good in this too apparently.

Braviary (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Extreme Speed
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat

I've always been one to spam braviary in stabmons, and with heavy-duty boots fixing its biggest problem and CC this gen, this thing looks super legit once more. Great fake speeder, and moves like mystical fire, apple acid, and other stat-dropping moves just about everywhere rly help it. Good revenge killer, good at punishing defog, and can even sweep well w max airstream nad max knuckle with dynamax.
So I've been experimenting with a bunch of stuff lately and this is really the only good thing I have came up with so far:

Dragapult @ Throat Spray
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Clangorous Soul
- Dynamax Cannon
- Moongeist Beam
- Substitute / Destiny Bond

Clangorous Soul is a sound move so it triggers throat spray so by paying 33%, you get +1 in every stat and +2 in sp.attack. It works best as a late game sweeper and dynamax cannon works well against those who try to save their dynamax. Substitute is for sucker punch and d-bond is just in case you wanna get rid of something I guess?
I don't just want to dump a set and dip so I guess I'll talk briefly about the early metagame I've seen so far. I've mainly seen rain teams with things like pelipper, ferro, Barraskewda, gyarados, etc. I've also seen a lot of seismitoad and mantine, which must be due to this abundance of rain on ladder. I don't know why I'm seeing so much toad since gastrodon does its role better imo (especially since seismitoad lost shore up). There has also been a lot of mimikyu since disguise eats a max move for you, if I had to guess (also mimikyu isnt the worst mon). Having extreme speed back does help with dealing with rain teams, but it doesnt just let you auto-win against them as dynamax just makes you so bulky. Speaking of, Gyarados is probably one of the best dynamax mons for rain teams. With moxie, fishious rend, and max airstream, it just tears through teams. So what does everyone else think about rain teams? The best thing atm, viable, or just a fad?
Totally agreeing with tzop here, Fishious Rend is broken and way too much centralizing the meta. It forces to have at least two ways to deal with it in every team, and even that is sometimes not enough, considering how dangerous are Barraskewda, Gyara and Dreadnaw under the rain.

Apart from that, here's a set I liked to run, even if it's not very good rn because of the rain being everywhere:
Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- V-create
- Court Change
- U-turn
- Filler
Cinderace is the fastest Fire Type Pokemon and the second one with the most attack, so allowing it to have V-Create is pretty scary. Its acces to Court Change with the Boots allows it to be a very good way to deal with hazards, mainly in HO. Considering that V-Create can force lots of switchs, U-Turn is very usefull, and its moovepool is vast enough to pick whatever you need for the 4th slot.
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Quick announcement but this should not be a surprise to no one who has played STABmons this gen;


Fishious Rend is banned on any non-native user

The move was basically ridiculous on any fast water type or water type that can boost their speed (ie: Barraskewda and Gyarados respectively) and made them nigh impossible to wall without resorting to Water Absorb walls such as Seismitoad.

While Dracovish may still be an issue as a Fishious Rend abuser due to it still being able to Dragon Dance and sweep with Strong Jaw boosted Fishious Rend, the council still wanted to wait on banning it and wanted to primarily remove the abuse on non-native abusers first. Keep posting!

The Immortal another ban update plz lol
Quick announcement but this should not be a surprise to no one who has played STABmons this gen;


Fishious Rend is banned on any non-native user

The move was basically ridiculous on any fast water type or water type that can boost their speed (ie: Barraskewda and Gyarados respectively) and made them nigh impossible to wall without resorting to Water Absorb walls such as Seismitoad.

While Dracovish may still be an issue as a Fishious Rend abuser due to it still being able to Dragon Dance and sweep with Strong Jaw boosted Fishious Rend, the council still wanted to wait on banning it and wanted to primarily remove the abuse on non-native abusers first. Keep posting!

The Immortal another ban update plz lol

Does this apply to Bolt Beak too?
Some Pokemon I've been having success with
Darmanitan-Galar @ Choice Band
Ability: Gorilla Tactics
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Earthquake / Superpower / Flare Blitz
- U-turn

This thing is absurd. I don't think there's a single switch-in to it that isn't completely obliterated by one of its coverage moves. The closest you get is Rotom-Heat, which can eat anything but a Superpower comfortably.
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Superpower over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-Wash: 426-502 (140.1 - 165.1%) -- guaranteed KO in 2 turns after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar U-turn vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-Wash: 124-147 (40.7 - 48.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 330-388 (96.7 - 113.7%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Its priority is just about the strongest non-Extreme Speed priority in the metagame right now, and deals a ton of damage to most things faster than Darm
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Ice Shard vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gengar: 235-277 (89.6 - 105.7%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Hawlucha: 392-464 (131.9 - 156.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 156-184 (45.7 - 53.9%) -- 46.1% chance to 2HKO

It doesn't actually gain a ton compared to OU but I've been finding it hard to come up with consistent counterplay to Darm given how hard it hits. The few switchins to its STAB / coverage moves dont want to take U-Turns. The only real issues Darmanitan faces is having the worst defensive mono-type in the game (most notably being rocks weak) and being pretty much predictable in set (EG it's always choice unless you're running zen for some reason).

I've been finding the metagame really physically oriented, and Bewear is a great physical tank and role compressor. Bewear loves the buff to Multi-Attack, loves the loss of Beak Blast (yay), and absolutely adores the fact that Extreme Speed is free for now. It's a pretty good blanket physical check thanks to Fluffy and good Extreme Speeder thanks to its naturally high attack.

No set posted because Bewear is flexible, but 3 Attacks + recovery, various Swords Dance sets, Bulky Espeed, and Band are all likely good bets (although I haven't run them all yet).

I've been slapping this thing on at least half the teams I build. As I said when discussing Bewear, physical offense is in, and Hippo is a great glue Pokemon because of it. You can answer Dracozolt, Dragapult, Obstagoon, and various other threats with it, although you have to be careful not to let any of them get out of hand.
Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Slack Off
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
I'm sure there are better EVs. Slack Off and Earthquake are fairly mandatory (you can use a weaker ground STAB if you like). Stone Edge or Yawn is needed to prevent yourself becoming setup bait for Gyarados without pushing it into revengable territory.

Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- U-turn
- Defog / Taunt / Metal Burst
- Roost
- Anchor Shot

Anchor Shot + Pressure is incredible for removing walls. Any fatmon that can't either pivot or phaze is likely just going to burn all its pp against you, especially if you bring Taunt.
And then of course there's also the fact that Corviknight is this generation's Steel/Flying type mon of choice, so it's always worth using.
Moody and Dynamaxing are currently banned on the server due to OU banning them. This is NOT supposed to be how it works, and is not something the council put into action. They may be unbanned shortly, whereupon the council will decide what course of action to take.

Now that we're a month in I think it's about time we start taking a harder look at some of the things which have been causing issues in our metagame.

Gonna start with the worst and least important overall
Moody is a horrible idea for an ability overall, and removing evasion didn't fix the problems it causes competitive games. While it's incredibly unreliable and not broken by any stretch, it's uncompetitive to the extreme. A couple boosts in the right spot and you can just get swept. This abillity gives the metagame nothing that actually helps foster the sort of environment we're looking for and should be banned.

It's worth noting OU, AAA, and Camo have already banned it. We won't be alone. Please let me know if there's any actual disagreement about this, but I don't really anticipate any. It's well known that Moody is one of the most RNG-based things GF has ever made.


(this pic is Dynaguy from the Incredibles)

The problems of dynamaxing are pretty well known at this point. It eases set-up, costs nothing at the building stage, can be used on any mon on any team, enhances breaking potential and choiced mons flexibility etc etc.

In STABmons in particular I want to focus on two things. First: the effect of the bulk increase. In STABmons revenge killing is a very prominent part of the metagame (moreso than most tiers yes). Priority is everywhere: Extreme Speed from Diggersby, Obstagoon, or Sylveon, Ice Shard from Darmanitan-G, Shadow Sneak from Dragapult, etc. When you introduce a mechanic like dynamaxing into the mix it gets a lot more difficult. A Pokemon that has obtained one turn of set up can often Dynamax to live the priority that is coming its way. This will let it live, likely KO the main counterplay that the opposing team had, and go on to wreak havoc for at least two more turns. This is an extremely safe play for the set-up user, and playing around it is extremely dangerous for the opponent, when it would normally be the other way around.

Second: The better moves. More mons have stronger moves mean max moves are stronger and harder to tank mean Dynamax turns can be spent more effectively. Alternatively think of it as: Shorter overall battles in an offensive meta like STABmons make the 3 turns of Dynamaxing and their turns of effects more effective than in slower metagames.

Given that OU has banned Dynamaxing which completely clears up any potential policy issues and the mechanic only, to my mind, gets better in STABmons, I think that we should add it to our official banlist. I'm sure there's more I could say here, so let me know if you disagree (or if you agree and have more to add ;) )


Darmanitan is utterly ridiculous. It has pretty much no switchins without prediction. It has priority here so being faster isn't an option.
Dead to STAB
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dracovish: 330-388 (102.8 - 120.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Excadrill: 498-586 (137.5 - 161.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Dead to priority
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dracozolt: 338-402 (105.2 - 125.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Hydreigon: 338-402 (104 - 123.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Ice Shard vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Kommo-o: 258-306 (88.3 - 104.7%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Ice Shard vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gengar: 235-277 (89.6 - 105.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Dead to coverage
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 362-428 (89.6 - 105.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Bulky Mons:
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Bewear: 274-324 (61.7 - 72.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 422-500 (100.4 - 119%) -- guaranteed OHKO
-1 252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Darmanitan-Galar Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Arcanine: 286-338 (74.4 - 88%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sylveon: 310-366 (78.6 - 92.8%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Lives reliably:
Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. Wonder Guard Shedinja: 0-0 (0 - 0%) -- possibly the worst move ever
oh wait they ran Flare Blitz?
+1 252 Atk Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Flare Blitz vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Shedinja: 1160-1366 (116000 - 136600%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Your best options:
252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-Wash: 113-133 (37.1 - 43.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-Heat: 113-133 (37.1 - 43.7%) -- 45.7% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Corsola-Galar: 159-187 (49 - 57.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock


252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Darmanitan-Galar Superpower over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-Wash: 355-419 (116.7 - 137.8%) -- guaranteed KO in 2 turns after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Hustle Darmanitan-Galar U-turn vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-Wash: 124-147 (40.7 - 48.3%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

essentially Strength Sap

There are so many matches where I can lead this and gain a ton of momentum due to the complete lack of switchins. There's no rampardos syndrome here either; it's decently fast, has priority, and has acceptable bulk. There are no defensive ways around this Pokemon, and most offensive Pokemon are just OHKO'd by the right move. It essentially mandates a Rotom or very specific offensive pressure on every team (nb: Rotom isn't a counter to every set either but it's way better than most mons).

Here's a replay where Corsola checks Darmanitan but can't switch in: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8stabmons-1031621146
Here's a replay where Darmanitan gains momentum and abuses its speed tier well, leading to it cleaning late game. Also shows Dynamax being broken well (but not on Darm): https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8stabmons-1030730271
Here's a replay where (Hills') Darm KOs some stuff while Corsola walls my entire team: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8stabmons-1021432824

I don't have any more I haven't saved that many replays yet this gen

In essence: Darmanitan is overwhelmingly powerful without having the major drawbacks that would keep it balanced. I fully expect it to be banned from OU but it's a problem here so I'd like to deal with it here.
:tyranitar: :excadrill: :sylveon: :rotom-heat: :seismitoad: :dragapult:

This is a sand team I've had a lot of success with on the ladder.


Banded Tyranitar can ohko almost every single pokemon in the game with head smash / darkest lariat. Diamond Storm was way better but heh.. that works. Double priority does very well at preventing any sweep and killing the frail attackers. The good Spdef allow you to switch easily on special moves and create some wholes.

Life orb Excadrill is an absolute threat. Under sand it is very hard to switch into. Also for now dynamax isn't banned, and it uses it well. Oh, and double iron bash is broken, ban this thing please.

Sylveon is one of the best mons in the tier. Even with little SpA investment, pixilate Boomburst is very hard to switch into ; and the few things that can take it usually don't like Mystical fire. Its very good SpDef allows it to switch into special attackers even without investment. Wishpass benefits the team a lot, especially Seismitoad and Tyranitar.

Rotom-Heat is a solid defoger. I tried a lot of things due to the wide movepool it has, and I'm pretty sure this one is optimal. It's impressive how many teams don't like switching into lava plume.

You know what Seismitoad does, very good rocker and checks both Dracovish and Dracozolt. Sylveon being able to heal it with Wish is huge.

Dragapult is potentially the best mon in the metagame. This set just hits hard. Shadow sneak, along with ttar's priorities and Excadrill under sand make this team prettymuch sweep proof.

Other options :
Jolly is an option on Dragapult to tie with the other ones if you feel like Shadow sneak isn't enough. It also outspeed scarf Dracovish/zolt.
Clangorous soul can be ran over U-turn on Dragapult, but I prefer the momentum U-turn provides. Sweeping is pretty hard as priorities are everywhere.
Freeze dry is decent on Rotom, but usually doesn't do shit. Strenght sap isn't needed.
Rapid spin over Swords dance on Excadrill can provide a last resort option against hazards. Swords dance is very rarely used, but I still prefer it.
Knock off is obviously an option over Darkest lariat on Tyranitar. I find lariat a little more consistent against bulky mons that can take knock off and get the hp back.
Stone edge and Rock slide on ttar are both ok.
Jolly can be considered on Excadrill for various reasons that I'm too lazy to explicit.

Threats : Broken things. Dragapult is a threat if you have no gameplan. Sylveon is a threat as always. Mold breaker Excadrill is annoying af.

Edit, all the Replays I have :
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8stabmons-1032173554 unrelevant replay
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8stabmons-1032134523 jrdn
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8stabmons-1030111892 lost against stresh's ho
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I’m surprised no one has mentioned Pangoro+No Retreat and Hydregion+Clangorous Soul.
With Power Trip, you get base 120 power.
It’s also possible to run Physical, Special, and Mixed on Hydregion. And once Home releases, Hydregion can have roost back, so it can boost Clangorous Soul safely.