Resource Stadium Bug Report Thread


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For RBY & Tradebacks Formats, go here.
For Stadium Formats, you're in the right place.

I've implemented a Stadium mod and it's now available by challenge on Pokémon Showdown. I'm not entirely sure it's been implemented 100% properly, so please post here any problems you find while playing it. Here's the implementation details:


Before reporting a bug, please view A Beginner's Guide to Pokemon Stadium and the RBY Mechanics Guide to ensure they aren't either Stadium-exclusive mechanics or RBY interactions that Stadium imports.

:tauros: Known Issues
  • Exact HP is not displayed (1)
    • You can see the HP by mousing over %, but the interface itself does not display it.
  • Mimic copies Max PP, should purely be an aesthetic issue (1, 2)
  • Niche rentals aren't implemented (1)
  • Self-KO Clause is not implemented (1, 2)
  • Bide move choice (1)
  • Bide should miss against Semi-Invulnerable foes (1)
  • Wrap should not deduct PP when switching (1)
  • Switching during Wrap should end the turn entirely (1, 2)
  • Haze resets charge moves?? (1)
  • Partial trapping info leak (1)
  • Mimic has the infinite PP glitch inherited from later generations (1)
  • Counter should trigger behind Substitute (1)
  • Two-turn charge move weirdness (1)
:snorlax: Fixed Issues
  • Critical hit equation (1)
  • Team Preview issues (1, 2)
  • Explosion should be absorbed by Substitute (1, 2)
  • Explosion end-of-turn mechanics (1)
  • Effect chance bugs (1, 2, 3)
  • Evasion/Accuracy modifiers (1)
  • Stat modification glitch incorrectly inherited (1)
  • Hyper Beam forced recharge on miss (1, 2)
  • Recovery failure glitch incorrectly inherited (1)
  • Transform should fail against Ditto (1)
  • Recoil should not happen on KO (1, 2)
  • Draining moves should fail on Substitute (1)
  • Counter failing in unusual circumstances (1, 2)
  • Burn decreasing Attack more than usual (1, 2)
  • Rest should count for Sleep Clause (1)
  • Dream Eater should not work on Substitute (1)
  • Dig and Fly should have Semi-Invulnerability (1)
  • Counter damage-handling mechanics (1)
  • Rest should reset stat drops from burn and paralysis (1)
  • Struggle should affect Ghost-types (1)
  • Counter acted like Mirror Coat for a hot minute (1)
  • Haze should remove the user's status and all associated stat drops (1)
  • Stadium Tiers are implemented (1)
  • Leech Seed + Toxic not working (1)
  • Toxic outright not working (1)
  • Haze is a mess (1)
  • Haze is a mess (less so than before however) (1)
  • Stats roll over if they go past 999, moves should fail here (1, 2)
  • Thrashing about should give notice when the user becomes confused (1)
  • Substitute should fail at 25% (1)
:chansey: Not Issues
  • High Jump Kick should give 1 HP of recoil (1)
  • Recovery failure should not be implemented (1)
  • Rage should not build when Disable misses (1, actually an RBY sim bug being inherited)
  • Mirror Move VS Charge Move interactions are correct, RBY's arent (1)

:mew: Needs verification / checks
  • Light Screen reapplying burn (1)
  • Sonic Boom should hit Ghost-types (1, needs verification)
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Fast Pokémon (Speed > 76) deal less Critical Hits than in RBY, slow Pokémon (Speed < 76) deal more Critical Hits than in RBY.
Updated Critical Hit Rates on Pokémon Stadium:

1      Bulbasaur     11.72%
2      Ivysaur       13.28%
3      Venusaur      15.23%
4      Charmander    13.67%
5      Charmeleon    15.23%
6      Charizard     17.19%
7      Squirtle      11.33%
8      Wartortle     12.89%
9      Blastoise     14.84%
10     Caterpie      11.72%
11     Metapod       10.16%
12     Butterfree    14.06%
13     Weedle        12.11%
14     Kakuna        10.55%
15     Beedrill      14.45%
16     Pidgey        12.89%
17     Pidgeotto     14.06%
18     Pidgeot       16.02%
19     Rattata       14.45%
20     Raticate      16.80%
21     Spearow       14.06%
22     Fearow        17.19%
23     Ekans         12.50%
24     Arbok         15.23%
25     Pikachu       16.02%
26     Raichu        17.19%
27     Sandshrew     11.33%
28     Sandslash     13.67%
29     Nidoran♀      11.33%
30     Nidorina      12.89%
31     Nidoqueen     14.84%
32     Nidoran♂      12.11%
33     Nidorino      13.67%
34     Nidoking      15.63%
35     Clefairy      10.55%
36     Clefable      13.28%
37     Vulpix        13.67%
38     Ninetales     17.19%
39     Jigglypuff     9.38%
40     Wigglytuff    11.72%
41     Zubat         12.50%
42     Golbat        16.02%
43     Oddish        10.16%
44     Gloom         11.33%
45     Vileplume     12.11%
46     Paras          9.77%
47     Parasect      10.16%
48     Venonat       11.72%
49     Venomoth      16.02%
50     Diglett       16.41%
51     Dugtrio       19.14%
52     Meowth        16.02%
53     Persian       18.36%
54     Psyduck       12.50%
55     Golduck       15.23%
56     Mankey        14.06%
57     Primeape      16.41%
58     Growlithe     13.28%
59     Arcanine      16.41%
60     Poliwag       16.02%
61     Poliwhirl     16.02%
62     Poliwrath     14.06%
63     Abra          16.02%
64     Kadabra       17.58%
65     Alakazam      19.14%
66     Machop        10.55%
67     Machoke       11.72%
68     Machamp       12.50%
69     Bellsprout    11.33%
70     Weepinbell    12.50%
71     Victreebel    14.06%
72     Tentacool     14.06%
73     Tentacruel    17.19%
74     Geodude        9.38%
75     Graveler      10.55%
76     Golem         11.72%
77     Ponyta        16.02%
78     Rapidash      17.58%
79     Slowpoke       8.59%
80     Slowbro       10.16%
81     Magnemite     11.72%
82     Magneton      14.06%
83     Farfetch'd    13.28%
84     Doduo         14.45%
85     Dodrio        17.19%
86     Seel          11.72%
87     Dewgong       14.06%
88     Grimer         9.77%
89     Muk           12.11%
90     Shellder      11.33%
91     Cloyster      14.06%
92     Gastly        15.23%
93     Haunter       16.41%
94     Gengar        17.97%
95     Onix          14.06%
96     Drowzee       11.33%
97     Hypno         13.67%
98     Krabby        12.11%
99     Kingler       14.45%
100    Voltorb       17.19%
101    Electrode     21.09%
102    Exeggcute     11.33%
103    Exeggutor     12.50%
104    Cubone        10.55%
105    Marowak       11.72%
106    Hitmonlee     15.63%
107    Hitmonchan    14.84%
108    Lickitung     10.16%
109    Koffing       10.55%
110    Weezing       13.28%
111    Rhyhorn        9.77%
112    Rhydon        11.33%
113    Chansey       12.11%
114    Tangela       13.28%
115    Kangaskhan    16.02%
116    Horsea        13.28%
117    Seadra        15.63%
118    Goldeen       13.28%
119    Seaking       14.06%
120    Staryu        15.63%
121    Starmie       18.36%
122    Mr. Mime      16.02%
123    Scyther       17.58%
124    Jynx          16.41%
125    Electabuzz    17.58%
126    Magmar        16.41%
127    Pinsir        15.63%
128    Tauros        17.97%
129    Magikarp      15.23%
130    Gyarados      15.23%
131    Lapras        13.28%
132    Ditto         12.11%
133    Eevee         12.50%
134    Vaporeon      13.67%
135    Jolteon       19.92%
136    Flareon       13.67%
137    Porygon       11.33%
138    Omanyte       10.55%
139    Omastar       12.50%
140    Kabuto        12.50%
141    Kabutops      15.23%
142    Aerodactyl    19.92%
143    Snorlax       10.16%
144    Articuno      15.63%
145    Zapdos        17.19%
146    Moltres       16.02%
147    Dratini       12.11%
148    Dragonair     14.06%
149    Dragonite     15.23%
150    Mewtwo        19.92%
151    Mew           17.19%
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Tried it and must've been a bad hotpatch or w/e, because it worked. Tell me again if it happens again with a replay in case it's a specific bug with fainting.
I'm not sure if this is implemented:
Effect chance for Acid is 51/256, Effect chance for Aurora Beam is 77/256, and Effect chance for Bubblebeam is 77/256 in Stadium.

Edit: 85/256, see next posts
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The bug with stats modifications is fixed in Stadium.
Zapdos lv 50	151 Speed
Agility		302 Speed
Paralyzed	 75 Speed
Agility		113 Speed
Haze		151 Speed
Tauros lv 50	151 Attack
Burned		 75 Attack
P2 Amnesia	 75 Attack
P2 Tail Whip	 75 Attack
Haze		151 Attack
Haze is also fixed in Stadium:
• Removes status from both Pokémon (including Confusion, Leech Seed... only exception is Conversion)
• If a Pokémon has its Freeze or Sleep status removed by Haze, it does not attack this turn
• If a Pokémon was Paralyzed or Burned, the stat drop from the status is cleared
• Resets stat levels from both Pokémon
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Just going to post some non number related changes (I don't have access to hacked files)

Hyper Beam should cause a recharge even if it misses
Recovering moves no longer fail if your HP is 255 or 511 HP less than max
Mimic does not copy max PP
Substitute fails if your HP is at 25% or less
Transform fails if used against Ditto
The Fly and Dig invulnerability glitches do not work (You are put back on the ground)
I'd like to formally request one Stadium Custom Game challenge-only format to facilitate stuff like Stadium Ubers, Stadium Tradebacks, and anything else involving stuff currently banned in OU. (specifically, a [Gen 1] Stadium without Sleep Clause Mod, Freeze Clause Mod, Species Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Moves Clause) but with the Exact HP mod still intact, please.

Personally, if forced to choose, I'd rather have this format than Stadium OU, but I've never heard of a tournament being run for it.
Tournaments run those rules because the alternative is dumb.

I don't really see a benefit for having a Gen I equivalent for AG when the playerbase is small and AG sucks. At least Stadium is a viable alternative to run for tournaments because it's still competitive.
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I'm not asking for a Gen 1 AG. We have [Gen 1] Custom Game if we're ever hungry for that. Outside of the mods that are the Showdown implementation of Sleep Clause and Freeze Clause, and the fact that you can cheat and add extra mons and moves to your team, any two honest, informed people can still play any existent tier and enforce the rules themselves. This means that tradebacks, Ubers, and any other Gen I challenge meta except those based on Stadium can for the most part be played without it being implemented as a challenge format.

However, it's very far removed from any Stadium meta because the basic mechanics are different. Stadium Custom Game would allow the aforementioned curious users to experiment with the Stadium mechanics without being confined to the OU ruleset. Tournaments for those formats would still be impossible, but I think it's distinct enough from RBY to warrant availability for testing.

Stadium OU is nice and I'm thankful for it, but knowing such an option exists for every other raw format ever except Gen 3 Doubles (which incidentally would be totally amazing), I personally want the option to play with Stadium mechanics unsmogonized.

Bug, recoil that shouldn't happen.


My own video from over 3 years ago. :)
Good catch, thanks! Your video description is kind of misleading though; Struggle recoil is the same as any other recoil in Gen 1. The reason the other moves didn't take recoil against a sub like Struggle did is you were breaking them with one hit. You'll notice the Struggle hit that broke the sub didn't cause recoil (only the hit that breaks a sub does this).

This mechanic applies to RBY (and draining moves) too, so I also checked that while fixing this and found only draining was being handled properly there. That doesn't matter for Stadium though since draining moves always miss against substitutes anyway. Fixed next update!