Steam Summer Sale 2012

I spent over £40 already, I get the impression this is going to be an expensive sale...
Deus Ex
Rome:Total War
Medieval 2: Total War
Shogun 2: Total War
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Batman: Arkham City
The Binding of Isaac
Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic
Civ 4
Dead Space

Should keep me going a while. I probably should have waited to get rome/medieval, but buying the early was the only way to get them on my hard drive before we moved house and lost internet for at least a week.
Pluff, you can just poke me on steam for some KF action :| I'm quite often up for it, and the ping might be better for you nowadays. Or, we make a thread for KF.

Also up for some teamplay Borderlands, got the game but nobody to play with.
hnnn Mirror's Edge is in the current poll. I've always wanted to play that game! Please vote for it, guys, if you have no stakes in the options! :)

Though I won't cry if it loses, because at 50% reduction right now it's only $5 x) But I'd rather buy it for $2.50!

<3 Exxy
Borderlands has online play? i thought it was only LAN?

I'd be up to playing with some people from smogon this weekend. I'm currently a lvl 20 soldier with a Rifle/sniper rifle/fast fire weapon loadout. This game is so much fun it's worth much much more than the 7.50 I payed for it.
Borderlands has online play? i thought it was only LAN?
No, actually the original has online play only. Borderlands 2 has both online and LAN.

I would vote for Mirror's Edge but Beyond Good & Evil is The Most Underrated Game Ever so I had to vote for that.
Bought Bioshock 1 & 2, Dear Esther with soundtrack, Mirror's Edge yesterday for $30. Arkham City is now flash 66% off (82% off the whole franchise). I love this time of year.
I bought the Arkham City franchise pack. Probably won't ever touch Imposters though.

Now I can live the dream of shouting "I'M BATMAN" while hanging armed criminals from stone gargoyles by the ankle.
Sales's almost far I've only bought Batman AC which has been well worth the money. I'm hoping Ys Origins will go on sale for the Encore sale they usually have on the last day though it doesn't seem too likely.
Fishin the frugal o_o

Here's what I bought:

Alice: Madness Returns
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
The Binding of Isaac
Dear Esther
Deus Ex collection
Fallout 3 + Fallout: New Vegas
L.A. Noire
Mirror's Edge
Prince of Persia
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
The Polynomial
Trine + Trine 2

I'm very happy with my acquisitions. Spent quite some money (though it is a Steam sale and it's all super cheap, it adds up), but I haven't spent any money on games this year at all so far, so it's okay. I'm playing through Madness Returns at the moment and enjoying it immensely. Probably gonna play Deus Ex: HR next.

I really liked this year's special activity (the flash deals) more than last year's (the tickets). While the achievement tickets were pretty interesting and cool, the flash deals have given some fantastic savings on what the sales are actually for: buying games. A lot of them have just been repeated daily deals, but that's sweet in itself. The poll deals were also neat! All the ones I really cared about except one won the poll, and I just bought that exception in a daily deal. :)

ETA: I had exactly enough left in my Steam account for The Polynomial. >.> So I cleared it all out lol. I love music games that let you use your own music, like Beat Hazard and Audiosurf, and I love the concept of the universe, so...
I ended up buying:

Fallout NV Complete
Binding of Isaac DLC WOTL
Left 4 Dead 2

That's all for now, I am considering buying Bioshock 2 though.


on whom the three Fates smile
Ys: Origin
Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC
Alan Wake

for roughly $20. thinking of getting the other Ys and Divinity II: DKS (i am mad i think i missed a daily deal on this).
amnesia: the dark descent
assassin's creed
fallout: nv
far cry
gta san andreas
hitman: blood money
l.a noire
penumbra: overture
penumbra: black plague
s.t.a.l.k.e.r: shadow of chernobyl
super meat boy

i'm happy with what i got, although i would've liked to get l4d2. oh well, maybe at christmas
I have bought from the sale:

Binding of Isaac with DLC and soundtrack
Super Meat Boy
Left 4 Dead 2 (Gift for sister)
Binding of Issac with DLC (Gift for sister)

I HIGHLY recommend the Binding of Isaac to anyone that hasn't played it already. Game is hours and hours of fun. It's a different experience every time and it has the most charming, albeit very disturbing, world to play around in.
my haul so far:

Binding of Isaac
Company of Heroes
Total War series
Europa Universalis III
Garry's Mod
GTA series
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Sim City 4 Deluxe
The Binding of Issac
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Just Cause 2
Killing Floor
Portal 2
Rayman Origins
Saints Row The Third
Super Meat Boy
Super Street Fighter IV

I ran out of money.
Max Payne 3
Saints Row: The Third + a DLC for it
Portal 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution + Soundtrack
Alan Wake pack
Batman: Arkham City
Mirror's Edge
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Considering Just Cause 2 and Frozen Synapse, although not likely to pick them up. Already played through MP3 (not what I expected, sadly), and Portal 2 single player (immense fun as expected). Used a tad more than I feel comfortable, but still. Sale's a sale, and all of these are games I wanted.

EDIT: Adding Bastion to damage report. Including soundtrack.
Indie Bundle X (All Zombies Must Die, Beat Hazard, BIT.TRIP RUNNER, Eufloria, Machinarium)
Cave Story+
Portal 2 - The Final Hours (yeah I got a book)
Super Meat Boy

Way more than I expected to get, I went in only planning to get Skyrim, then picked up Q.U.B.E and the book, but then Bastion was on sale, and it all collapsed from there.

I am unhappy that I missed out on The Binding of Issac, but I'm just going to wait for the winter sale to get it, as I don't want to spend any more money this week.

Also, I guess the community sales were okay, it never really benefited me. The vast majority of the times I voted I just picked randomly because I wanted to get that shiny badge. I would rather have had the ticket thing again, because it got me a nice hat.
Final damage report:

Just Cause 2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Mafia II
Red Faction: Guerilla

was hoping mass effect 1/2 would go on sale for more than 50% off, but that doesn't seem to have worked out. Got pretty much everything I'd want back around the holidays, spent way less than I was anticipating.
My loot :D

Alice: Madness Returns
The Binding of Issac
From Dust
Portal 2

All are great games that i am very happy that I got. I am sad that I missed mirrors edge though :(

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