no guard machamp scarfed sheer cold
Couldn't you also just Baton Pass some Agility boosts to him? 55 Speed is just terrible. Even with a Scarf, he's stupidly slow.
The old policy was "we allow whatever the server allows." The new policy is "on every tier if you are using something OBVIOUSLY illegal and unobtainable ingame you'll be kicked/banned if you continue using after being warned." This applies to every ladder (or at least 5th gen ladders where it counts) but the full/unrestricted one I like which will NEVER ban DW + mimic glitch if we don't have to.Not going to be playing on the server until DW+Mimic is banned.
For Everyone having trouble with those annoying machamps (That is every simgle person) i have been using a Gardevoi very efectively
Max Speed & Sp. Attack
- Sheer Cold
- Psyco Break
- Aura Sphere/Disable
- Magic Coat
This is a great Machamp Revenge Killer, you just came after hi killed one of your pokes and compleately rape their team, Magic Coat is for all the Spore runing around and Psyco Break and Aura Sphere are for damage (altough thre's not really a big point in using it since you'll be using a OHKO move that never fail) I use it with Steath Rock support (use a sturdy lead) and nothing can stop you, Disable iss there so your opponent can use sucker punch, that's the only think that stops Gardevoir sweeping
Is very interesting this new tier (and the fact that I can use Gardevoir is a great plus) and if we stop using those boring machamps we could really have the most diverse meta
Okay, legality failed. The problem is none of the natural categories of learning fit the criteria we want, the gen 5 Mimic moves need to be legal with early gen moves, but they also need to be illegal with eachother by default. Going to go with a much more ugly backup solution which will also be more annoying to use, since illegal sets will not show up in teambuilder, the server will simply reject them. Go back to the older client if you have the newer one, I'll try and implement it server-side. The alternative seems to be getting a full list of legal movesets.. which would be absurdly huge. And probably kill everything with lag. Or learning C++ and changing the PO source code to add a new learn category/recompiling.
I've edited the link in the OP back to the original.
Edit: I'll come up with the best solution I can, probably tomorrow.
You all do realize that No Guard works both ways, right? So if Sheer Cold Machamp is killing everything, you can just slap Sheer Cold on anything faster and/or with Sturdy (or, you know, Shedinja) and have a guaranteed OHKO. It's not like you'll be missing much coverage from the moveslot...There is quite literally nothing other than 'use sheer cold lol'.
The prospect of a nevermiss move that always OHKOs is just too broken, combined with Machamp's bulk.
This works fine for 4th gen moves, but there are issues with 5th gen ones. I think I've got a workaround though. Not going to be pretty but it should function.Couldn't you just change the Mimic Moves to be 4th Gen Tutor Moves, that would atleast fix DW+Mimic.
There is not all that much competitive discussion to be had around random battles, but you're free to post interesting things which have happened in this thread (use hide tags for any logs longer than about a turn).Eric The Espeon, I think a new thread should be started regarding the Challenge Cup Street Pokemon.(cool sets, general discussion etc.) Do you mind if I start one?