StreetPKMN+Mimic Glitch server live!

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Sheer Cold Scarftrio. Champ can't even switch, and you still outspeed at +2. You don't outspeed at +3, though.

Not sure what else to give it. Toxic (or maybe Sandstorm) for taking out sheddies? Life Gambit for Shuckles and other low HP mons? Splode? Lunar Dance? Memento? Obviously there's also boring old EQ and such.

Also, does Sturdy still block damage from OHKO moves, or is it just an auto-sash now?

It still blocks them.
hmm I don't know why he hasn't posted this yet: Eric said he got the ok from two RMT mods to allow Street pokemon RMTs, he said its server wide which means any tier we have. I'm assuming it goes under Other Teams.
hmm I don't know why he hasn't posted this yet: Eric said he got the ok from two RMT mods to allow Street pokemon RMTs, he said its server wide which means any tier we have. I'm assuming it goes under Other Teams.

Oh wow we're legit now.

To think this all stemmed from... I don't quite remember what it stemmed from on IRC. All I know is someone brought up Street PKMN, and then someone else brought up the Mimic glitch, and now here we are.

Also, sorry all, but Butterfly Dance Machamp is better than you all.
Oh wow we're legit now.

To think this all stemmed from... I don't quite remember what it stemmed from on IRC. All I know is someone brought up Street PKMN, and then someone else brought up the Mimic glitch, and now here we are.

Also, sorry all, but Butterfly Dance Machamp is better than you all.

^Obligatory SpecsChamp post now pl0x.
Eh heh heh heh

Machamp @ Leftovers
40 Atk/252 SpA/*invest the rest in HP*
No Guard

-Sheer Cold
-Zap Cannon

SERVER NEEDS MORE ATTENTION. seriously. When I check usually there's nobody on it, and if there is, it is only 1 or 2 people.
Well I've been probably epicly failing on some basic level but I haven't been about to get the team builder to offer every move. Any advice?
I thought I did but I'll try again I need to download the latest PO update so after that I'll do that when I get home and then try switching the db again. Thanks
Sorry guys, computer turned itself off for some reason while I was away. Dunno when it happened, but it's back up now.

(This stuff is really rare, but still, sorry)
So is Machamp widely considered the most broken pokemon now considering how much of this topic it took up?

I also have a text file of interesting things I saw, should I post some of that?
Yeah sure.

Anyway Machamp isn't really the most broken, since its slow. unless of course...


-Zap Cannon
-Sleep Talk

I think not even Deo-S w/ Spore beats this.
The Volbeat example is inaccurate since IIRC Volbeat gets Tail Glow by level...

I meant the move "GROWTH", since Illumise cannot get both Baton Pass and Growth. Either way, it gives Growth and Baton Pass to a Mischievous Heart User which is +2 Atk, +2 SpA under Sun.

This means you can breed a Voltbeat (3/4 Gen Voltbeat-Baton Pass, Encore, Trick, Growth [Mimic Glitch] with 5th Gen. Illuminise DW-Mischievous Heart) to produce:

Ability: Mischievous Heart
-Baton Pass

-Trick/Double-Team/Substitute/Psych Up/Light Screen
-Tail Glow (Grow baby Volbeat to level 21 in B/W)


Ability: Mischievous Heart
-Baton Pass

-Double-Team/Substitute/Psych Up/Light Screen

This way Illuminise can get both (EGG) moves from Volbeat (Baton Pass, Growth) that would otherwise be illegal to have at the same time, and since you want Mischievous Heart too, ya can't just Mimic Glitch Illumise, you gotta breed for it.
What Ice Beam said, BUT...
You could throw MORE onto it to be passed now. Minimize/Cosmic Power, maybe?
Remember only Egg moves can be passed down from the father (Volbeat) to the baby, and the baby can only get TM/Level Up moves from B/W since it can't be traded back to 3rd or 4th gen due to DW abilities like Mischievous Heart not being compatible.

It might be useful to keep in mind other examples of Pokemon whom want DW Abilities, or 5th Gen. Pokemon in general whom have illegal Egg move Combinations that can now be remedied from a FATHER possessing all Egg moves on 1 moveset Gen using the Mimic Glitch.

Shuckle has become a MAJOR hassle to deal with and with Sturdy, access to Amnesia and Acid Armor, Shuckle gets practically unstoppable.
Shuckle is practically made to counter OHKO Machamp.

EDIT: Uhhhhhh, everytime I try extracting the files to my PO folder, the extraction wizard stops responding.
Shuckle doesn't need to run Amnesia/Acid Armor. IMO Cosmic Power is a lot better, since you get to run an additional moveslot at the cost of more time to finish setting up(not like Shuckle cares anyway with his god-like defenses)
The ability to pass 178 HP substitutes is relatively lolwut, thank you very much.

Also Cotton Guard is a Gen 5 move, which means that if you are running another Gen 5 move that the Pokemon cannot get via TM or level, its illegal with CG.
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