moawling here you go, it's on the exact time frame
also i think that the part ono the backsprite where the left arm connects to the upper back makes it seem like the chest is too broad imo :) just that small thing for now
Pikafan2000 i know you used the 3d model, i just wasnt sure why you didnt try to shrink it down more is all. or change the pose a little so it'd fit better, yknow? also the reason you didnt' see anyone make that sprite yet is because people here are usually really busy or are in the process of making other sprites. just gotta be a bit patient. a project takes time to process things so that the output is as great as people expect it to be. we cover all the sprites eventually anyway
Pikafan2000 i know you used the 3d model, i just wasnt sure why you didnt try to shrink it down more is all. or change the pose a little so it'd fit better, yknow? also the reason you didnt' see anyone make that sprite yet is because people here are usually really busy or are in the process of making other sprites. just gotta be a bit patient. a project takes time to process things so that the output is as great as people expect it to be. we cover all the sprites eventually anyway
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