Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

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is anybody else's instruction booklet fucked up? pages 20-23 are replaced with duplicate pages of 16-19, and i got duplicate pages of 44-47 in the spanish pages (que?_?)
So now i only need to unlock Wolf and Jigglypuff, i already got Toon Link, he BEAT ME THE FIRST TIME, the bastard got the dragoon parts and owned me.

Toon Link did the EXACT same thing to me. I didn't even see the Dragoon parts appear, much less him get them! I was so confused when I died.

So, yeah, ROB is absolutely amazing. All those trolls bitching about him on...well, everywhere can go get hit by a bus.
I wanna thank Yoshi King again for contributing that Ethernet adapter suggestion! Unfortunately, I won't be able to get that setup until I get back from my spring break, since my dorm is where the Ethernet joy is at. (1 whole week T_T) Nintendo's USB will just have to suffice until then. Also, does the adapter provide a faster connection than the USB? (Please say yes! XD)

Anyhoo, I'll go ahead and get this outta the way now, so that everyone knows. WOLF IS NOT MY MAIN!!! Sad, but true -_-. I got so hyped up about him and when I finally got my hands on him.....I crashed and burned. I just can't find the groove for his moveset, especially is weird Wolf Illusion! His jumps are slow and feel heavy (IMO), plus his side smash hardly seems to get the job done. Let's not forget his BS recovery capabilities; without those, it kinda makes his retardedly awesome down air spike meaningless. To end it....I can't seem to do him any justice; however, I will continue to play with him because I love him so! Here's my list of fighters:

Main: Lucas = PK Rape (I think I'm a unique Lucas player. I don't spam any PK move to a ridiculous extent; I use them in balance. His tilts, smashes, and aerials are all very good as well!)

2nd: Fox = Old School Kicking (Looks like I still have it with him; however, it's tough getting used to the up-air and back-air delay; these are two of his major nerfs. His forward-air luckily gained a boost though, seeing as they all connect this time, racking up adequate damage!)

3rd: Jigglypuff = Aerial Dance of Death (I was good with Jigglypuff in Melee and I'm overly satisfied with Jiggly in Brawl! The biggest most badass thing that Sakurai did for her is getting rid of her rollout's lost-energy stasis! If you use rollout off the stage, you can pretty much float on back! Although, I think her smashes come out a little bit slower now....other than that, she's still awesome.

4th: Wolf = I Try.. (I've already discussed my reasons for having him so low in my list. I wish I could do more for him, but all I can really do is have him as my online Brawl picture next to my name, Balto. He'll always remain a part of me though. =P)

Brawl On Smogoners!!!
Yeah, I changed my mains up as well. Lucario is cool and all, but being unable to use tilts (never got the hang of it in Melee and I'm only starting to try them now) and having smashes suck isn't a good combination. Here's my list, in order of significance:

Toon Link: Holy fucking shit he's good. He's everything I like about Link in a smaller, lighter, floatier form. Seriously, I could spam arrows and boomerangs all day. And when he's finally got you to an acceptable percentage? His killer Dair launches you up, and I still have a jump to finish with a Fair or a Uair.

Ike: If only his sword were longer. His Dolphin Slash has enough range uncharged to get inside anyone's area before they can react, and still keep out of their range. Eruption is A LOT better than I thought it would be, considering that it does 10% uncharged, has massive knockback, and can be charged in the air. Seriously, if your character isn't named Ganon, Bowser, Ike, or Donkey Kong, you're dead at 70%. His neutral A combos has surprising speed, and his Smash A can come through in certain situations. Ike's air game is proving very good, except I keep Dair-ing when Eruption Super frames would prove much more efficient.

Lucario: I haven't given up on the ninja puppy, but I'm seriously having some trouble getting the hang of him. I keep trying to spike with his Dair, but it's to easy to avoid, and as I said, his smashes suck. He also needs significant time to set up, and on Wi-Fi with lag? Forget it. He's mediocre at best for me right now, and if I wasn't at school right now, I'd change my avatar to something more toonish, if you know what I mean.
Hey do any of you guys know how to start those codec video's of Snake, I know you need to be on Shadow Moses but what is the button you combination you need to use?
I've heard that you just mash up and down on the control pad until he crouches with his hand to his ear. I've never tested it, but it's worth a try if no one has a more definitive answer.
Is float cancelling still in?

EDIT: Fuck it isn't but what is auto-floating?
EDIT2: Haha awesome I thought float cancelling was what I now know auto-floating is, just floating at any height by pressing down. Awesome news for me 'cos at my level of play with friends, I won't really need the lag cancelling (and I'm shit at float cancelling quickly anyway :/ ) , I just love to auto float into back air/neutral air, I'd hate to lose that.
Not to mention that all of her aerials are faster now. Hell yeah :D
Well i just unlocked all the characters on Tuesday and I have play tested them a little bit. But I have found who my mains might be for future tournaments.

Main Diddy Kong- Banana Peels are deadly and helps you create combos on your opponent. Awesome spike and great priority. Bad thing about him is he doesn't have good range but in close combat, he's quite deadly. His recovery is not only good but can create mind games when your opponent doesn't know what's coming.

2nd Lucario- He's one of those characters when you first play him, you think he's terrible. But the more you use him the more accustom you are with the character. His Dair is great for DI purpose and could be used for edge guarding (Probibly). The more damage he has on him the stronger his Aura Sphere is.

3rd Snake- I have no idea what I think of him but his jab A and his FTilt is very good. Some of his moves maybe a little laggy and I haven't got use to his recovery. Once I get use to all of his moves and what his potential is. Maybe Ill grow on him.
Well I found out that mashing down taunt activates Snakes codec, although it probably won't work that first time you press down just keep pressing dtaunt until it works. I've now seen all the codec videos now and I must say theyy are quite good, I'll probably list my favourites later.

Also I'm currently loving Marth's improved side b, finally I can keep using it, no air recovery with it is lame and his neutral b sometimes doesn't charge up fast enough for me to recover with it.
Maku, a wired connection is always, nomatter what, faster than a wireless connection.

Stoo, by float cancel do you mean Yoshi's flutter jump cancel?
Maku, a wired connection is always, nomatter what, faster than a wireless connection.

XD, I'll be sure to keep that in mind! Please forgive my tech-noobiness!

I can't wait to battle you guys non-stop at high speeds when I get the Ethernet adapter up and running the week after next (March 24) far away -_-. Of course, I can still battle using the connection I have now. I've got a Chem class in like 25 minutes, so I'll be on later guys! =P
Does anyone know where I can download the full Brawl soundtrack w/out having to sign up to anything? There was a link somewhere in the old thread, but I can't find it. Thanks.

Being a poor old European, I must sate my hunger by gorging on Brawl music...
alright so which characters are considered "good" so I have something to train with? So far I've only been using Metaknight and Diddy Kong. I know it may be a little too early for tiers etc but Im sure most of you guys have a view on whats good and whats not.
Hey been wondering, how much of a challenge fighting CPU is when comparing Lv 9 CPUs in Brawl to LV 9 CPUs in melee?

Also, where do you find Sonic, Wolf, Jiggy, and Toon Link on the SSE map?
Level 9 cpu's in melee are just aggressive, but they are very easy to beat since they are too predictable.

Level 9's in Brawl are harder for me since they seem to be less predictable. Plus one actually edge hogged me once to prevent Olimar from using his tether (something that cpu's never did in Melee)

Sonic is found at like the last level. Wolf Jiggs TL are NOT FOUND IN SSE
alright so which characters are considered "good" so I have something to train with? So far I've only been using Metaknight and Diddy Kong. I know it may be a little too early for tiers etc but Im sure most of you guys have a view on whats good and whats not.
No tiers for a while yet. Just use whoever. Though I would recommend against using Captain Falcon, he has low-tier stamped all over him with his new knee of lame....
What exactly does the C-stick do? I use the nunchuck + wiimote controls so I wouldn't know.

Since everyone else is listing their mains I thought I would too:

Lucario- Fell in love with Lucario ever since I tried him out. Design is cool and I love its moves. My timing is a smidge off with double team but when it works, it owns.

Falco- All I can say about Falco is that I like using him. I tried wolf out but I failed with it. I like Falco's moves much better and I'm doing some what okay with him.

Sonic- I don't see many people using Sonic. That is one reason why I like him. I've loved Sonic ever since the gamecube games and I'm happy to see him in brawl. I've used him once and I like his moves.
Well now that I have been playing I think I got my top 3

1. Ike No doubt, Second he was announced I was going to main him and he fails to disappoint, Fsmash is powerful , but slow so I don't get it out much, I assigned his tilts to the c-stick and that has been working wonders.

2. Link the original, and he was one of my best in melee, I still like and use him effectively.

3. Snake Hard to get used to at first, but i'm pretty good with him, Just have to remember the Dsmash doesn't hit them, that or i'll pull out the guided missile randomly and then take to long to cancel out of it.

Also wario is alot better than I expected, but for now I Play 90% Ike
What exactly does the C-stick do? I use the nunchuck + wiimote controls so I wouldn't know.

Using the C-Stick is basically a short-cut for smash attacks. Same as using the tilt-smash (or however is called) with Wii-mote + Nunchuck

Surgo said:
Mizuno is an awesome guy, and nobody should ever be saying that he is "lying". So shut up.

Thanks Surgo, you're awesome too :toast:
Level 9 cpu's in melee are just aggressive, but they are very easy to beat since they are too predictable.

Level 9's in Brawl are harder for me since they seem to be less predictable. Plus one actually edge hogged me once to prevent Olimar from using his tether (something that cpu's never did in Melee)

Sonic is found at like the last level. Wolf Jiggs TL are NOT FOUND IN SSE

They ARE found in SSE. After defeating Tabuu, go to The Ruins and you will find Wolf. Go to The Swamp and you will find Jigglypuff. I forget where I found Young Link, but he's in one of the stages, as well.

I've been enjoying Ike, Lucario, Wolf, and ROB. Ike and, surprisingly, ROB are turning out to be my best and favorite characters. ROB is an absolute monster.

I've been trying out everyone now and again, though, since it seems like, in the long run, I end up maining someone I didn't like at first, like in Melee with Marth.
Level 9 cpu's in melee are just aggressive, but they are very easy to beat since they are too predictable.

Level 9's in Brawl are harder for me since they seem to be less predictable. Plus one actually edge hogged me once to prevent Olimar from using his tether (something that cpu's never did in Melee)
So I'm not the only one noticing their not-so-predictable moves and actions. I having a bitch of a time getting used to that and finding patterns in their actions.
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