Resource SV CAP Viability Rankings

:zarude: to C

I rise from the dead to bring word of the monkey.

Zarude @ Leftovers
Ability: Leaf Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Poison
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Knock Off
- Power Whip
- Jungle Healing

It preys on a lot of popular balance mons, like Gliscor, G-king, Tingu and Cres. Where it gets really interesting is its ability to deal with book 1v1 with Tera. Tera Poison basically renders Book as setup fodder, allowing Zarude to get to +2 very easily and become very annoying to deal with. Too, Poison Tera allows it to bully hemo into taking decent damage or a knock.

Its DOA against sun, and most Offense, but it eats bulky teams for breakfast.
Quick thoughts:

:Naviathan: UR -> B-

Naviathan has a solid niche on HO. Although it struggles to find setup opportunities, when it gets a Dragon Dance, it devastates teams. Guts Tera Water Wave Crash can break through Unaware Mons and little besides Dondozo can wall it after a Dragon Dance. A resistance to Pixilate Extreme Speed and access to Slack Off also makes it hard to revenge kill.

:Fidgit: C -> B- or :ursaluna: B- -> C

Ursaluna’s viability comes from Trick Room and Fidgit sets that best and is one of its only niches. Their viabilities are pretty connected.

:Armarouge: UR -> B- and :indeedee: C -> B-

Amamama has turned me to a Psychic Terrain believer. Although inconsistent, Psychic Terrain is an extremely powerful playstyle. Armarouge is one of the best abusers of this with Weak Armor, greatly appreciated the suppression of priority. Hawlucha is B+ thanks to Grassy Terrain and Paychic Terrain is only slightly worse due to its setter being worse.

:Moltres: B- -> B / B+

This bird is great at checking many top-tier threats such as Hemogoblin, Kingambit, Equilibra, and Great Tusk thanks to its excellent typing for this tier. Flame Body is a killer. I’ve faced this way too many times and paired with Glowking or Equilibra it can wreck havoc on balance.
:Fidgit: C -> B- or :ursaluna: B- -> C

Ursaluna’s viability comes from Trick Room and Fidgit sets that best and is one of its only niches. Their viabilities are pretty connected.

While I agree on both of these noms (In fact I think Ursaluna could be unranked altogether), I disagree quite a bit with your reasoning. At the moment, Fidgit's viability is more tied to Tailwind than it is to Trick Room, with Tailwind Offense teams seeing a decent amount of success in CAPCL (Which is why I think Fidgit deserves a raise). It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to rank these two mons together in my opinion.
Is there a new CAP VR? This thread hasn't had a new post since March
There is usually a big push after the CAPPL meta development, especially since Chuggalong is also wrapping up a PPL too. A lot of the stuff on the current list has shifted (i.e. meta has become increasingly unfavorable for Krilowatt (Knock Off very common (unacceptable lobster)))
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no VR updates. I ate it
Hello! CAP viability rankings nominations dump:

:Hemogoblin: S —> A
The Bitter Blade nerf really hurts Hemogoblin on top of Chuggalong’s existence. It’s not bad by any means, but it is significantly less splashable due to its decreased longevity and pretty lack of a consistent Fire-type STAB. The lack of a Fire-stab is especially noticeable as things Hemogoblin could previously beat such as Equilibra.

:Chuggalong: UR —> A-
Chuggalong is a really strong HO tool due to its insane amount of coverage. I think it fits best at A- since, while it’s very good, it suffers from 4MSS when trying to account for Ting-Lu, Heatran, and Cresceidon. It also struggles to setup against opposing HOs. It’s mainly only an HO staple as that’s all the Clangerous Soul set really fits on HO except maybe some offense. The rare choice item sets can be some solid speed control but need more exploration.

:Mollux: B+ —> A
Mollux is way underrated on the current VR considering the amount of things it can check (like Ogerpon-W, Iron Valiant, Kyurem, Krilowatt, Gholdengo, and Zamazenta) is pretty crazy. With how strong Ogerpon-W is into the slower balance teams Mollux fits on, the way Mollux completely shuts it down should be more valued.

:Garganacl: B+ —> A-
Salt Cure is an absolutely absurdly annoying move to switch around. I’ve been using a Specially Defensive IronPress set as of late and it does so much work. SpDef investment allows it to 1 v 1 Cresceidon and manage to Salt Cure Equilibra and Heatran pretty safely. Protect over Body Press is also equally devestating to those Steel-types with no recovery. That’s not even counting Tera. Tera Water Garg is insanely strong and very hard to kill if played well. It definitely needs to be carefully built around, but Salt Cure is broken.

:revenankh: UR —> B
Poltergeist is back! It’s not as strong as it was pre-nerf due to three new CAPs added that beat it (Hemo, Cres, Chugg) + stuff like Skarmory being added, but it can definitely be a nuisance to teams that are more passive. B is a good starting point for it I think, as you don’t really think about it while teambuilding but it’s a pain when it shows up.

:Zamazenta: B+ —> A
This is one of the few Mons that can consistently beat Miasmaw. It does well against Roaring Moon and Equilibra and outspeeds Kyurem. Getting completely walled by Venomicon and Cresceidon sucks but this Mon is definitely underrated.

:iron Boulder: B+ —> C or UR
This ranking is just a remainder of that short time it was really strong in OU. Struggles too much into common stuff like Great Tusk and Kingambit and it’s extremely easy to revenge kill or force out.

Other Stuff I don’t feel like explaining:
:Sinistcha: Ur —> B
:Moltres: B- —> B+
:Ribombee: C—> B-

:Clodsire: B —> B-
:Primarina: A- —> B+
:Meowscarada: B+ —> B-
:manaphy: B —> C
:comfey: C —> UR
:Mollux: B+ —> A
Disagree, though it does deserve an uprank to A-. Ogerpon easily can and has been shown to tech Stomping Tantrum for Mollux and Co. and it takes far too much from Knock Off to be considered a reliable or consistent check (though it does fare well into STABS+Play Rough so there's that!). It also does not check Kyurem without Tera as every single set runs Earth Power barring, like, pure physical Loaded Dice sets which are bad, do a lot with Scale Shot anyways, and often carry TB Ground.
:Garganacl: B+ —> A-
Agree, but I think it should go to A, and I disagree with your main example. Both Curse and Rocks+Protect sets are incredible progress makers against pretty much every archetype. It is a borderline A+ mon honestly and a pretty big reason why a lot of fat structures remain viable in the meta.
:Zamazenta: B+ —> A
This is one of the few Mons that can consistently beat Miasmaw.
No hate, but this is a very stupid reason to uprank something to this level. Miasmaw is a great mon, but it's niche by nature and there are a lot of ways to beat it ingame without having to specifically prep for it in the builder. The reason Zama shouldn't be upranked is pretty plainly obvious and you mentioned it yourself: the mon makes very little progress versus Venomicon, Cresc, Argh, and the nicher but still viable Mollux. Roar sets can circumvent these matchup issues for a time, but unless significant progress has been made by its teammates Roar Zamazenta still won't beat any of these common defensive staples. Not even mentioning a complete lack of longevity barring Rest+Chesto sets which have you eschewing Boots or Leftovers, and the incredibly good PixieSpeed mon that does insane damage to it even at +1 and does not really care about its coverage. An absolute best case would be A-, but honestly I think Zamazenta is fine where it stands.
:iron Boulder: B+ —> C or UR
Struggles too much into common stuff like Great Tusk
+2 252 Atk Quark Drive Iron Boulder Zen Headbutt vs. 252 HP / 220+ Def Great Tusk: 390-462 (89.8 - 106.4%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
I think B rank may be more fitting for THE BOULDER but that should be the floor imo; moving it to C is certainly blasphemous. While it is definitely a more niche pick than it used to be due to its overreliance on Tera, it is still a great option on offense that can comfortably break open holes for its teammates or pick off opponents, oftentimes with marginal chip.
Disagree, webs is a very fishy offense archetype that really can never be "complete" in today's meta, mainly because of the insane prevalence of Boots spam structures.
:Meowscarada: B+ —> B-
Disagree. Hemo existing is a bit annoying for the mon, but it's still a very very competent mon in its own right. The flexibility of that last slot is particularly notable imo. Maybe a downrank to B but it's fine as is.
No, Manaphy is still really really oppressive against a lot of common structures and can't really be reliably played around. Out-offensing is possible, as is preserving checks, but that doesn't change its potency at all.

Agree or indifferent to the rest, except hemo to a which is insane; to prove I'm not just a hater here are my own post-CAPPL noms.
:skarmory: to A-: Still a great mon, but it gets exploited by a lot of stuff. Pult and Ghold specifically being able to come in on it for relatively free is not good for it at all.
:kingambit: to A-: Dare I say it? Argh remains as prevalent as ever, Hemo farms, among many other things, and there's a LOT that can check it in a pinch. Still very threatening lategame, especially if nothing's Tera'd yet, but it really does feel like it has to go for game and pop Tera if it wants to make any progress vs. a lot of stuff.
:clefable: to B: Honestly don't remember seeing any during CAPPL so I'm not actually sure if this mon has the sauce or not but imo it's dicks as hell in current meta. It's hazard immune, but this means nothing when legitimately every good breaker in the tier takes total advantage of you. Don't see why you'd run this rn.
:heatran: to B+: Its pros have gotten less valuable while its cons have gained greater weight. Goodbye, Felicia.
:venusaur: to UR: it is 2024.
:ogerpon-wellspring: to A+: Mon just straight up needs banning. The increased popularity of tech option Stomping Tantrum even makes stuff like Mollux afraid to switch in. There has also been little to no experimentation in this meta with pivot sets, SD+STABs+Sub sets, and stuff like SD Trailblaze, which I think are all at the very least worth exploring and each bring their own positives to a team. Even the most basic SD, STABs, Play Rough sets force massive progress.
:ting-lu: to A: One of, if not the best hazard-setting options in the tier; its ludicrous bulk makes it an insanely good check to, well, everything in a pinch. The only reason I wouldn't rank it even higher is because stacking grounds in a Wellspring meta does not feel great and it faces significant competition from other Ground types.
:darkrai: to A-: Honestly could probably go straight to A. It does the same things it does in OU and Hemo being worse has opened it up to do more of the same.
:alomomola: to B+: Facilitates a ton of team options and is a great mon in its own right. It is pretty exploitable, though.
:iron crown: to B: AV sets are good, Specs sets are good, Booster sets are good. It hasn't seen enough exploration though, but C is a bit low either way.
:volcanion: to B-: Kinda a whatever nom but it's gotten better: still checks good things, a great user of Tera, has a stallbreaking niche, and has strong ass STAB moves.
:scovillain: to C: it is 2024.
VR definitely looked odd to me so I messed around with it a bit. S to B+ rank should be pretty decent; B and below is pretty weird. I removed a lot of mons I haven't used or seen used, but honestly C and UR are basically the same in my mind.

Don't really feel like doing a writeup for now, maybe if I feel bored enough later...

S Ranks:

S Rank

S- Rank:
:Dragapult: Dragapult
:Garganacl: Garganacl
:Gliscor: Gliscor

A Ranks:

A+ Rank:

:Arghonaut: Arghonaut
:Equilibra: Equilibra
:Kyurem: Kyurem
:Ogerpon-Wellspring: Ogerpon-Wellspring

A Rank:
:Cresceidon: Cresceidon
:Darkrai: Darkrai
:Deoxys-Speed: Deoxys-Speed
:Gholdengo: Gholdengo
:Gouging Fire: Gouging Fire
:Great Tusk: Great Tusk
:Hemogoblin: Hemogoblin
:Kingambit: Kingambit
:Malaconda: Malaconda
:Slowking-Galar: Slowking-Galar
:Venomicon: Venomicon
:Walking Wake: Walking Wake

A- Rank:

:Chuggalong: Chuggalong
:Iron Valiant: Iron Valiant
:Mollux: Mollux
:Rillaboom: Rillaboom
:Roaring Moon: Roaring Moon
:Samurott-Hisui: Samurott-Hisui
:Skarmory: Skarmory
:Ting-Lu: Ting-Lu
:Zamazenta: Zamazenta

B Ranks:

B+ Rank:

:Caribolt: Caribolt
:Cinderace: Cinderace
:Dragonite: Dragonite
:Hawlucha: Hawlucha
:Krilowatt: Krilowatt
:Iron Crown: Iron Crown
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian
:Ogerpon: Ogerpon
:Raging Bolt: Raging Bolt
:Revenankh: Revenankh
:Skeledirge: Skeledirge
:Snaelstrom: Snaelstrom
:Stratagem: Stratagem
:Tornadus-Therian: Tornadus-Therian
:Weavile: Weavile

B Rank:
:Alomomola: Alomomola
:Blissey: Blissey
:Clodsire: Clodsire
:Dondozo: Dondozo
:Enamorus: Enamorus
:Hatterene: Hatterene
:Iron Moth: Iron Moth
:Meowscarada: Meowscarada
:Miasmaw: Miasmaw
:Moltres: Moltres
:Ninetales-Alola: Ninetales-Alola
:Ogerpon-Cornerstone: Ogerpon-Cornerstone
:plasmanta: Plasmanta
:Primarina: Primarina
:Ursaluna: Ursaluna
:Venomicon-Epilogue: Venomicon-Epilogue
:Zapdos: Zapdos

B- Rank:

:Barraskewda: Barraskewda
:Corviknight: Corviknight
:Glimmora: Glimmora
:Heatran: Heatran
:Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa-Unbound
:Iron Boulder: Iron Boulder
:Iron Treads: Iron Treads
:Latias: Latias
:Pecharunt: Pecharunt

:Pelipper: Pelipper
:Rotom-Wash: Rotom-Wash
:Ribombee: Ribombee
:Serperior: Serperior
:Sinistcha: Sinistcha
:Toxapex: Toxapex
:Tinkaton: Tinkaton

C Ranks:

C Rank:

:Clefable: Clefable
:Colossoil: Colossoil
:Hydrapple: Hydrapple
:Indeedee: Indeedee
:Scovillain: Scovillain
:Venusaur: Venusaur
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Going to start a writeup, but I definitely won't finish it now.
This is my first time writing these, so let me know if these are even readable. Any advice on writing is appreciated.

:Garganacl: B+ ---> S- This thing is genuinely absurd. Ability makes this mon one of the best answers to Dragapult. Salt Cure forces progress to the point where it forces many teams to run a designated Covert Cloak mon. Protect SR and Curse EQ sets are both quite strong (EQ destroys a would-be answer in Krilowatt) and both Tera Water and Tera Fairy make this thing pretty unkillable. Biggest issues is weakness to Spikes and demanding Tera in most games, which are not issues shared with other S- rank mons, but I think its positive qualities more than make up for these drawbacks

:Arghonaut: A ---> A+ This Pokemon's performance in CAPPL demonstrates that it merits a raise to A+ due to its sheer effectiveness in shutting down set-up sweepers while also providing strong utility in Spikes + Knock Off. The core of Arghonaut + Slowking-G + Gliscor does not share the weaknesses of the previously common Arghonaut + Equilibra + Venomicon core, and techs such as Tera Dark and Roar have allowed Arghonaut to bypass techs for it such as Stored Power or Tera Ghost.

:Ogerpon-Wellspring: A ---> A+ The premier anti-fat mon due to incredible STAB coverage and immediate power of Ivy Cudgel, access to Swords Dance, and Encore to abuse recovery moves or Iron Defense mons. It can tech to beat standard defensive counters with its choice of Stomping Tantrum or Play Rough, pivot with U-turn, or provide team utility with Spikes or Knock Off. Additionally, SD + Trailblaze sets can completely farm opposing offense teams. This is a very versatile Pokemon with a lot of power, only held back by weakness to hazards and being initially outsped by several strong offensive threats.

To be continued...

:Darkrai: B ---> A Darkrai's speed tier, incredible movepool, and solid firepower with the option of Nasty Plot for boosting make it one of the premier breakers in the tier. The standard set with NP/Ice Beam/Sludge Bomb/Dark Pulse is quite strong into most teams, but Darkrai also gets many other options to break through answers to this set, such as Focus Blast for Kingambit, Will-o-Wisp for Zamazenta and Arghonaut, Trick + Scarf/Specs for Chansey, and Sucker Punch (lol) for Deoxys-Speed and Dragapult. Being able to fit on both offense and as a primary breaker on balance/fat, and excelling in both structures, justifies Darkrai's spot in A-rank.

:Chuggalong: UR ---> A- After the initial release with Draining Kiss (definitely S- rank at least), Chuggalong has recieved 2 nerfs. Currently, Chuggalong is mostly locked to Clangorous Soul + 3 attacks sets, with its choice of STABs, Flamethrower, Surf, or Stored Power. This makes it a relatively straightforward hyperoffense Pokemon that forces teams to run non-priority answers to it. The A- ranking is for Chuggalong before the PPL nerf (-7 Speed) as this nerf has not been implemented yet. I could see it dropping to B+ or B after the nerf, as 108 speed means Chuggalong crucially underspeeds Ogerpons before setting up, and Walking Wake after setting up.

:Mollux: B+ ---> A- Molllux is one of the few Rapid Spinners in the tier that is not weak to Water-type attacks, which automatically makes it valuable for certain team structures. Additionally, it checks common threats such as Hemogoblin, Ogerpon-Wellspring, Venomicon and Dragapult. Mollux also has a very respectable Special Attack stat and STABs with 30% status chance, which makes it relatively difficult to switch in to, especially for common spinblockers like Gholdengo and Revenankh. However, Mollux is susceptible to Knock Off, and loses hard to Gliscor (after Toxic Orb procs) and Garganacl so it is hard to rank it higher than A-.

:Samurott-Hisui: B ---> A- Ceaseless Edge continues to be a broken move; being able to set up hazards while applying offensive pressure is obviously incredible, and Samurott-Hisui has a strong typing and moveset to complement it. Most notably, Knock Off can remove Heavy-Duty Boots from common switch-ins like Venomicon and Arghonaut, and Razor Shell or Aqua Cutter threaten massive damage on common spinners like Equilibra or Great Tusk, as well as the ever-present Garganacl and Gliscor. Taunt, Encore, and Flip Turn with Heavy-Duty Boots are all options to dismantle fatter teams, which I believe is Samurott-Hisui's best role in the current meta. However, Sucker Punch, Aqua Jet, and using a Choice Scarf are also options to make Samurott-Hisui stronger against offense. Samurott-Hisui can be difficult to position due to its frailty and mediocre speed, and each set struggles in certain matchups, but it can often net absurd value if played correctly due to its unique qualities.

:Zamazenta: B ---> A As mentioned above, Zamazenta has issues with common Pokemon such as Gliscor, Dragapult, Arghonaut, and Venomicon. That means that, in many matchups, Zamazenta is a Pokemon that has a hard time making progress, especially against fatter teams. However, Zamazenta is so incredibly strong against offense that it more than makes up for the matchups where it blanks. Zamazenta's incredibly speed, the second fastest unboosted in the tier, allows it to outpace and threaten many offensive threats such as Darkrai, Roaring Moon, and Ogerpon-Wellspring, and threaten massive damage with Body Press or set up Iron Defense to effectively tank their attacks. This Pokemon is incredibly consistent at beating offense, so it warrants a spot in A rank (I can see it dropping to A- but this thing is so annoying whenever I play vs it).


:Hemogoblin: S ---> A Post-nerf Hemogoblin is significantly weaker due to 2 reasons. Firstly, the loss of Bitter Blade means that Hemogoblin cannot trade into fat teams as efficiently. Now, Hemogoblin has to trade health into mons that resist Extreme Speed, rather than simply tanking a hit and healing to full.The second reason ties into the first; now, Hemogoblin is often forced to run Moonlight to maintain longevity. This reduces its flexibility, as previously it could run Tera Blast to get past counters, Spikes, Taunt, Wish, etc. The nerf also heavily impacted Choice Band sets, which often relied on Bitter Blade healing to sustain through Stealth Rock damage. Hemogoblin still has its main trick of Pixilate Extreme Speed, and is one of the most surefire answers to Dragapult, but it no longer dominates the meta as it once did.

:Kingambit: A+ ---> A A decrease in Hemogoblin usage means more Fighting types, such as Arghonaut, Great Tusk, Revenankh, and Zamazenta. This is not a great meta development for Kingambit. However, I am still a big fan of it as a bulky Steel-type that can check Gholdengo, Kyurem (one-time with Balloon), Chuggalong, and pressure many faster threats with Sucker Punch. I have been a big fan of Tera Fire especially, to become to Will-o-Wisp from opposing Dragapult, which is a notoriously annoying Pokemon in the tier. Even though I think it's not as powerful, especially at the last-mon Tera to reverse-sweep role, it still has many strong qualities that warrant an A ranking.

:Roaring Moon: A+ ---> A I personally do not have a lot of experience using Roaring Moon in CAP. However, it is hard to justify an A+ ranking given its CAPPL performance (35% WR :pensive:). Additionally, it is much harder to stack Dark-types in CAP due to the existence of Hemogoblin, Revenankh, and Arghonaut which makes the opportunity cost of running Roaring Moon higher. Personally I have a bias against this mon since I always expect it to sweep at +1, and when it fails to OHKO Equilibra with Knock Off and eats a ton of damage from EP I feel disappointed, but I guess I have too-high expectations of it. It is still a strong breaker that often trades 1-for-2, but often demands Tera to deal with aforementioned threats, which makes it a bit awkward to use in practice.

:Venomicon: A+ ---> A Honestly, the standard Stealth Rock/Sludge Bomb/Body Press set feels like a major liability in many games. Many common Pokemon in the meta can easily take advantage of this set, such as Gholdengo, Slowking-G, and Gliscor. Additionally, most of this mon's best targets, such as Hemogoblin, Rillaboom, Iron Valiant (non-CM) are not as common. I am convinced that the Nasty Plot + Hurricane set, is still quite strong, but it does not offer as much utility and require more support so this warrants a drop in ranking.

To be continued...

:Skarmory: A ---> A-

:Clefable: A- ---> C I don't think this Pokemon deserves C, but I honestly haven't seen it used.

:Heatran: A- ---> B-

:Iron Moth: A- ---> B-

:Krilowatt: A- ---> B-

:Miasmaw: A- ---> B-

:Primarina: A- ---> B-

A and A- Rises have been updated. I don't know when I'll update next, maybe this will be a weekly update thing until the real VRs are released LOL

For next update:
Drops: Skarmory, Clefable, Heatran, Iron Moth, Krilowatt, Miasmaw, Primarina

Looking ahead (B+ and B ranking):
Rises: Iron Crown, Ogerpon, Revenankh, Blissey, Moltres, Ursaluna
Drops: Iron Boulder, Meowscarada, Serperior, Barraskewda, Latias, Manaphy, Pelipper, Rotom-Wash, Toxapex

(Honestly, do Torn-T, Skeledirge, Stratagem even deserve B+? I might drop them... )

I will probably stop after B rank. B- and C rank are full of weirdo mons that I don't feel confident speaking on. This means this post will probably get 3 more updates, hopefully before the updated VR is posted lol.
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Big fat stinkin post-CAPPL VR update, wow it's been almost 6 months! Thanks to Fragments for voting on this slate. Darek and quziel also sat this one out. Without further ado:

Newly Ranked
  • :Chuggalong: Chuggalong UR → A+
  • :Revenankh: Revenankh UR → B+
  • :Ogerpon: Ogerpon UR → B-
  • :Sinistcha: Sinistcha UR → B-
  • :Tinkaton: Tinkaton UR → B-
  • :Lilligant-Hisui: Lilligant-Hisui UR → C
  • :Okidogi: Okidogi UR → C
  • :Dragapult: Dragapult S- → S
  • :Arghonaut: Arghonaut A → A+
  • :Gholdengo: Gholdengo A → A+
  • :Slowking-Galar: Slowking-Galar A → A+
  • :Ting-Lu: Ting-Lu A- → A
  • :Dragonite: Dragonite B+ → A-
  • :Garganacl: Garganacl B+ → A
  • :Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian B+ → A
  • :Mollux: Mollux B+ → A
  • :Raging Bolt: Raging Bolt B+ → A-
  • :Samurott-Hisui: Samurott-Hisui B+ → A-
  • :Snaelstrom: Snaelstrom B+ → A-
  • :Zamazenta: Zamazenta B+ → A-
  • :Alomomola: Alomomola B → B+
  • :Darkrai: Darkrai B → A+
  • :Rotom-Wash: Rotom-Wash B → B+
  • :Zapdos: Zapdos B → B+
  • :Moltres: Moltres B- → A-
  • :Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa-Unbound C → B
  • :Hydrapple: Hydrapple C → B-
  • :Iron Crown: Iron Crown C → B
  • :Ribombee: Ribombee C → B
  • :Volcanion: Volcanion C → B-
  • :Hemogoblin: Hemogoblin S → A+
  • :Gliscor: Gliscor S- → A+
  • :Kingambit: Kingambit A+ → A
  • :Kyurem: Kyurem A+ → A
  • :Roaring Moon: Roaring Moon A+ → A
  • :Venomicon: Venomicon A+ → A
  • :Skarmory: Skarmory A → B+
  • :Clefable: Clefable A- → B+
  • :Heatran: Heatran A- → B+
  • :Iron Valiant: Iron Valiant A- → B+
  • :Miasmaw: Miasmaw A- → B+
  • :Rillaboom: Rillaboom A- → B+
  • :Caribolt: Caribolt B+ → B
  • :Serperior: Serperior B+ → B
  • :Stratagem: Stratagem B+ → B
  • :Iron Boulder: Iron Boulder B+ → B-
  • :Tornadus-Therian: Tornadus-Therian B+ → B-
  • :Barraskewda: Barraskewda B → B-
  • :Clodsire: Clodsire B → B-
  • :Dondozo: Dondozo B → B-
  • :Latias: Latias B → B-
  • :Ogerpon-Cornerstone: Ogerpon-Cornerstone B → B-
  • :Pelipper: Pelipper B → B-
  • :Toxapex: Toxapex B → B-
  • :Ninetales-Alola: Ninetales-Alola B → C
  • :Pecharunt: Pecharunt B → C
  • :Ceruledge: Ceruledge B- → C
  • :Corviknight: Corviknight B- → C
  • :Glimmora: Glimmora B- → C
  • :Keldeo: Keldeo B- → C
  • :Latios: Latios B- → C
  • :Necrozma: Necrozma B- → UR
  • :Astrolotl: Astrolotl C → UR
  • :Blaziken: Blaziken C → UR
  • :Comfey: Comfey C → UR
  • :Cresselia: Cresselia C → UR
  • :Crucibelle: Crucibelle C → UR
VR outdated af when is it getting updated
When the meta gets actual development :ababo:

The VR is still pretty accurate, just put Kitsunoh A/A+, Necturna B (Salt Cure exists but overlaps a lot with Leech Seed in terms of threat profile; Rage Fist was much better imo, probs was A-/A). Chugg is coming down after nerfs, probably B+/A- range afterwards but can't be sure until we get to test it.

Really, I don't see much of a point updating now when CAP35 Playtest and CAPCL are so close, might as well wait for those.
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When the meta gets actual development :ababo:

The VR is still pretty accurate, just put Kitsunoh A/A+, Necturna B (Salt Cure exists but overlaps a lot with Leech Seed in terms of threat profile; Rage Fist was much better imo, probs was A-/A). Chugg is coming down after nerfs, probably B+/A- range afterwards but can't be sure until we get to test it.

Really, I don't see much of a point updating now when CAP35 Playtest and CAPCL are so close, might as well wait for those.
At least Kitsunoh should've been ranked since its buff process ended long ago and people have clamored since saying it got better but it's still not ranked. The Necturna nerf I get it because it was only recent
We held off on updating the VR for a while because we weren't sure until recently which mons would receive a nerf. The Gliscor suspect test, as well as Shox's impending release, were also factors. There wasn't much point in doing a big VR update if all three of Kitsunoh, Chuggalong, and Necturna were nerfed, Gliscor got banned, and Shox released right after, quickly rendering the entire VR outdated again.

I suggested running a VR update ~3wks ago, but people on the team said they'd rather just wait because of the above reasons. There will probably be a VR update two or three weeks from now, after we've had time to see how Shox, nerfed Chuggaong, and nerfed Necturna all perform.

In the future, if you just want to ask "why is the VR outdated" as you've done twice now, you can ask in the discord or in the SQSA thread. I've been pretty lax about moderating this thread but future one-liners will be deleted
We held off on updating the VR for a while because we weren't sure until recently which mons would receive a nerf. The Gliscor suspect test, as well as Shox's impending release, were also factors. There wasn't much point in doing a big VR update if all three of Kitsunoh, Chuggalong, and Necturna were nerfed, Gliscor got banned, and Shox released right after, quickly rendering the entire VR outdated again.

I suggested running a VR update ~3wks ago, but people on the team said they'd rather just wait because of the above reasons. There will probably be a VR update two or three weeks from now, after we've had time to see how Shox, nerfed Chuggaong, and nerfed Necturna all perform.

In the future, if you just want to ask "why is the VR outdated" as you've done twice now, you can ask in the discord or in the SQSA thread. I've been pretty lax about moderating this thread but future one-liners will be deleted
Even though Necturna got nerfed it could still sketch Poltergeist despite not learning it naturally through TM. That would patch up its main issue of no good Ghost STAB
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