Resource SV OU Bazaar

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:scream-tail: :cyclizar: :dragonite: :quaquaval: :chien-pao: :gholdengo:
quaquaval offense feat lead/utility scream tail + banded chien-pao

scream tail works really neatly with cyclizar, cyclizar dnite is a known strong core, and chien-pao/gholdengo/quaquaval work together nicely. i must have tried 3 or 4 different quaquaval sets so far, honestly not sure what works best here. not sure what tera type scream tail is but i dont really want to tera it ever. open to more optimized defensive tail builds as well, but a fast twave is nice so far. could also replace psyshock with play rough/dazzling gleam (edit: whoops, this does not have knock, my bad).
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Defensive Brute Bonnet, tested on a stock OU team by a more competent friend. Can switch between physical and special depending on the requirements of the team, and Protect can be substituted for Taunt or Substitute to the preferences of the user.

Due to the expectation of an attacker, this set can bait faster attackers to stay in expecting to revenge kill it, and thus catch them out. Since the usual suspects of Venusaur and Ferrothorn are not present in S/V, this nicely fills the niche of defensive grass type.
:scream-tail: :dondozo: :corviknight: :dragapult: :chi-yu: :iron-treads: <-- click for pokepaste
Eject Button Scream Tail + Threats
(Team that benefits immensely from Mega Delibird being axed)

I am by no means even a decent player, but I think people could appreciate this is very unoptimized team that I have been having fun with.

This thing is my favorite Pokemon of the new generation. Eject Button + Encore as a combination basically allows you to keep up momentum for your threats no matter what your opponents do. It excels especially at countering slower setup sweepers (or faster ones on a prediction), with "slower" in this case being "anything slower than Jolly Great Tusk," or abusing hazard stackers. From my experience, it's not good to lead with ever.

Water Type Snorlax / Palafins little brother. This guy is the primary abuser of Scream Tail's Encore as, if your opponents don't have a good supereffective special attack to pivot to, one or two Curses will win the game. Tera Dragon is nice for if you want to force a forfeit too. This could probably be EV'd better to notget 2HKO'd by certain moves. (I've also just found EQ to be more useful than Body Press here but ig that's an option too)

A noobs best friend! Great stallbreaker with Pressure and Taunt for those people trying to make Pex and Blissy work.

Expert Belt over Life Orb or Specs because, with Terastal and OP sweepers being everywhere, taking too much chip or being locked into a move that can be immuned through can be a death sentence. HDB or even Safety Goggles for Amoong could also be cool. Essentially, this thing is still broken.

This thing probably needs to get banned at some point but if Lele hasn't been banned, it may be fine. I think Tera Fire is so broken on this mon as it just oneshots even less bulky resists. Great to pivot into with Corv or Scream Tail.

Silly role compressor that still manages to 1v1 entire teams. Rapid Spin + Stealth Rock on the same mon is unideal but, as a lead in this aggressive meta, it's sufficient. Glimmora cries when Iron Treads comes out. Great noob killer tbh.
Here's a dumb team that I made that got me to 1500 elo


The gist of it is leading with Spidops to get webs and switch to one of the set up pokemon, Annihilape works the best, and try to sweep the entire team.

Spidops with First Impression has a 56% chance to kill Chien-Pao and Cyclizar gets low enough to where he can't use shed tail. First Impression is a usefull tool to have, such as damaging Roaring Moon and being a prio move, so you don't have to suicide with him and can swap after setting

Other leads aren't an issue besides Garchomp, Grimmsnarl and Faster Taunt users.

If they send out Great Tusk to Spin don't swap to Gholdengo but instead swap to Annihilape.

Annihilape can outspeed any problem pokemon and taunt them if necessary. He also outspeeds Rotom-W that want's to Will-o-Wisp but if they run scarf with trick you get outsped instead.

Dragonite is your other win condition, you want to swap to it if you see that you can easly set up and extreme speed everything.

Great Tusk is your spinner and with Chi-Yu they server as powerfull pokemon that can take out the steel types and other pokemon that you may find that Annihilape and Dragonite can't kill.

Gholdengo is self explanatory, it's there to deny defog and spinners.

Dodonzo is a problem but you can just taunt and keep pressing moves to kill them.

Screen and rain teams are a problem as I can't seem to beat them, but other than it can handle anything.

Any other questions I'm happy to answer.
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:gholdengo: :great-tusk: :rotom-wash: :iron-valiant: :roaring-moon: :clodsire:

washtom + tspikes clod + hex dengo bulky offense. all nicknames are based off the GOAT of the entire strive ost, find your one way. similar to sol, this team is heavily based around finding openings and getting momentum in your favor for the endgame roaring moon clean. built by my man Evilo42 first, but i tweaked a decent amount to make it better to me.

:gholdengo: click trick turn 1, this somehow always works and i dont understand it. hex does DISGUSTING damage in combination with tspikes, and you can click your other moves too. its just a gholdengo, idk what you want me to say
:great-tusk: originally, this was a ting-lu, but it had the minor drawback of being completely and utterly fucked by hazard stack with stuff like chomp, so i changed to a great tusk. be confident to click knock against teams with a dengo, they'll probably go to it every time if they're balloon, and if they arent then nothing enjoys switching into a knock. honestly you could probably drop rocks here i dont click it that much lmao
:rotom-wash: surprisingly, i can say that this mon is underrated. THE BEST roaring moon answer, able to tank a +1 booster energy crunch while crippling it with wisp in return(y'know, if you hit the 85%...), and is a great stop to physical breakers/wincons in general like donbozo and iron treads. might want to invest a bit into spatk for that donfather mu, having a move to spam against it is really good
:iron-valiant: the most surprising mon that i've grown to love. this is iron valiant, or as i call it, "haha fuck you you dont get to use THAT check". mixed kills everything that answers its other sets, and even for the stuff that can "beat" it, they're probably susceptible to tspikes and rocks, and if they dont run lefties they're fucked against like everything lmao. maybe knock over zhb? idk, you need zhb to beat clod so i wouldnt RECOMMEND it but like you can experiment
:roaring-moon: very standard, vanilla flavor set. it just does roaring moon things, mainly be really fucking broken. this'll be your main lategame cleaner in this team, or sometimes you can just go to it on like turn 14 and win anyways because its roaring moon and roaring moon beats everything lmao
:clodsire: tspikes make everything on this team a complete bitch to switch into, and clod is the goat against like every special attacker lmao. to think i thought this thing would fall off after palafin ban, i was wrong, its now an actual np chi-yu answer! theres a lot of tweaking you can do with this one. you can go haze over toxic to control a burnt roaring moon, gunk shot over toxic to actually hurt stuff like dachsbun and sylveon, spikes over toxic if you REALLY want to spam hazards, its the best

this team is pretty good, it beats everything it doesnt lose to. im not good at analyzing matchups without a vr, you can do that yourself
Here's a dumb team that I made that got me to 1500 elo


The gist of it is leading with Spidops to get webs and switch to one of the set up pokemon, Annihilape works the best, and try to sweep the entire team.

Spidops with First Impression has a 56% chance to kill Chien-Pao and Cyclizar gets low enough to where he can't use shed tail. First Impression is a usefull tool to have, such as damaging Roaring Moon and being a prio move, so you don't have to suicide with him and can swap after setting

Other leads aren't an issue besides Garchomp, Grimmsnarl and Faster Taunt users.

If they send out Great Tusk to Spin don't swap to Gholdengo but instead swap to Annihilape.

Annihilape can outspeed any problem pokemon and taunt them if necessary. He also outspeeds Rotom-W that want's to Will-o-Wisp but if they run scarf with trick you get outsped instead.

Dragonite is your other win condition, you want to swap to it if you see that you can easly set up and extreme speed everything.

Great Tusk is your spinner and with Chi-Yu they server as powerfull pokemon that can take out the steel types and other pokemon that you may find that Annihilape and Dragonite can't kill.

Gholdengo is self explanatory, it's there to deny defog and spinners.

Dodonzo is a problem but you can just taunt and keep pressing moves to kill them.

Screen and rain teams are a problem as I can't seem to beat them, but other than it can handle anything.

Any other questions I'm happy to answer.
just got packed up by this team ban annihilape
Roaring Moon Bulky Offense
:roaring-moon: :scizor: :great-tusk: :clodsire: :chi-yu: :meowscarada:

Roaring Moon was one of the very first Pokémon I built around in this generation during the pre-First wave ban period, and the team I made then is now unusable due to its usage of both Palafin and Flutter Mane, so I decided to start from scratch and build a brand new team around it!

:roaring-moon: This is the main Pokémon you want to Terastalize. It is pretty useful to Terastalize into the Flying-type and then Dragon Dancing, since Dark/Dragon, although powerful offensively, is poor defensively, and Terastalizing into the Flying-type lowers its type weaknesses. STAB Acrobatics is insane on this thing, since it takes advantage of its Booster Energy to make it stronger, and if a Pokémon switches in to eat Acrobatics, most of them can't handle an Earthquake.

:scizor: :great-tusk: These two Pokémon are here since they are able to alleviate Tera-Roaring Moon's type weaknesses. Scizor is able to revenge kill and handle fast Ice-types like Chien-Pao, while Great Tusk provides Rocks support and handles the same Pokémon that Scizor can handle.

:clodsire: Clodsire's Water Absorb set has recently fallen out of favor due to the bans of powerful and fast Water-type threats such as Palafin and Iron Bundle, so I opted for a Specially Defensive Unaware set, since the team so far is vulnerable to specially offensive sweepers like Iron Moth and Volcarona. Clodsire is able to shut down their sweeping abilities, hazard stack with Tusks, and spread status.

:chi-yu: Chi-Yu is here since it handles Corviknight, which can be a pain on the team so far. It can also act as a secondary Tera user since it can lure bulky Waters and take them out with Grass-type Tera Blast.

:meowscarada: It's here to handle Water-types if Chi-Yu can't Terastalize. From my experience, it can also handle most Gholdnego sets, except for maybe Sash, to which it dies to Make it Rain. It also provides some good utility as a fast U-Turn user. U-Turn can also OHKO opposing Roaring Moon.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
Man I've been enjoying the start of this gen a lot more than previous ones. The additional layer of strategy with playing around terastalization has been refreshing. Here's the first team I've made that's been working pretty well. It's centered around Chi-Yu and Roaring Moon just punching holes under the Sun.

:great-tusk: :roaring-moon: :torkoal: :chi-yu: :dondozo: :hatterene:

Great Tusk: I've liked Donphan since I first played Gold and it's nice to see it get some time in the sun again, even if it's a different form. Solid typing, solid STAB moves and Rapid Spin support to open up moveslots for Torkoal. I pretty much never Tera this, so I chose Dark so I can avoid a Psychic move when I need to like 1 in a 100 games.

Chi-Yu: Most of the reason I built this team, I like this weird fish-thing. It hits like a truck and is fairly fast too, plus Fire/Dark is a good STAB combo. I went with Tera Fighting and Tera Blast initially because there's a good amount of Dark types and I was expecting to see more Ttar, but guess not.

Dondozo: Honestly, I think this thing may be broken (not ban-worthy though). It's so stupidly bulky. Since my team is not very type balanced, this guy ends up having to carry a lot of the weight defensively, and he does it so well. All the physical set-up sweepers just get stopped dead in their tracks, or even become set-up fodder themselves. Curse ends up being my late-game wincon about half the time as few things can actually kill this.

Torkoal: The good boi that enables all this. Earth Power has been very useful as people underestimate this thing a lot. Since I don't need Rapid Spin on this, I can use Yawn to discourage the myriad set-up sweepers. Tera type is whatever I guess, but since I have no ground resists this may end up being useful at some point...maybe.

Hatterene: Okay, I played about half the games with Sylveon instead because it has better stats, Wish support and waaay better Fairy STAB, but every game I played I ended up missing Magic Bounce. Hazard removal is kind of hard right now and this makes it a lot easier, it's also been instrumental in dealing with status moves that would otherwise incapacitate my threats.

Roaring Moon: Man this thing slaps. The second choice user of the team. I vastly prefer this over DD sets because of the immediate threat, which allows it to put in way more work throughout the game. (Edit: Swapped to Tera Dark and EQ>Iron Head and found it better to be honest.) EV'd to get speed boost under sun for late-game sweeping.

It's not the most type-balanced team, so you may have to double a bit to play around certain things, but there's ways to play around almost anything.
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:gholdengo: :great-tusk: :rotom-wash: :iron-valiant: :roaring-moon: :clodsire:

washtom + tspikes clod + hex dengo bulky offense. all nicknames are based off the GOAT of the entire strive ost, find your one way. similar to sol, this team is heavily based around finding openings and getting momentum in your favor for the endgame roaring moon clean. built by my man Evilo42 first, but i tweaked a decent amount to make it better to me.

:gholdengo: click trick turn 1, this somehow always works and i dont understand it. hex does DISGUSTING damage in combination with tspikes, and you can click your other moves too. its just a gholdengo, idk what you want me to say
:great-tusk: originally, this was a ting-lu, but it had the minor drawback of being completely and utterly fucked by hazard stack with stuff like chomp, so i changed to a great tusk. be confident to click knock against teams with a dengo, they'll probably go to it every time if they're balloon, and if they arent then nothing enjoys switching into a knock. honestly you could probably drop rocks here i dont click it that much lmao
:rotom-wash: surprisingly, i can say that this mon is underrated. THE BEST roaring moon answer, able to tank a +1 booster energy crunch while crippling it with wisp in return(y'know, if you hit the 85%...), and is a great stop to physical breakers/wincons in general like donbozo and iron treads. might want to invest a bit into spatk for that donfather mu, having a move to spam against it is really good
:iron-valiant: the most surprising mon that i've grown to love. this is iron valiant, or as i call it, "haha fuck you you dont get to use THAT check". mixed kills everything that answers its other sets, and even for the stuff that can "beat" it, they're probably susceptible to tspikes and rocks, and if they dont run lefties they're fucked against like everything lmao. maybe knock over zhb? idk, you need zhb to beat clod so i wouldnt RECOMMEND it but like you can experiment
:roaring-moon: very standard, vanilla flavor set. it just does roaring moon things, mainly be really fucking broken. this'll be your main lategame cleaner in this team, or sometimes you can just go to it on like turn 14 and win anyways because its roaring moon and roaring moon beats everything lmao
:clodsire: tspikes make everything on this team a complete bitch to switch into, and clod is the goat against like every special attacker lmao. to think i thought this thing would fall off after palafin ban, i was wrong, its now an actual np chi-yu answer! theres a lot of tweaking you can do with this one. you can go haze over toxic to control a burnt roaring moon, gunk shot over toxic to actually hurt stuff like dachsbun and sylveon, spikes over toxic if you REALLY want to spam hazards, its the best

this team is pretty good, it beats everything it doesnt lose to. im not good at analyzing matchups without a vr, you can do that yourself
beautiful team, mixed valiant gains more followers.

why zhb over psyshock tho? youre spa invested and zhb can miss. idt the potential flinchhax is worth it.
:ting-lu: :vaporeon: :corviknight: :baxcalibur: :iron valiant: :gengar:

Ting-Lu and Vaporeon: These pokemon work really well together defensively. Ting-lu can deal with electric types and physical threats while vaporeon protects it against most ice type attacks and water moves. Ting-Lu has Tera Flying is here mostly to protect against Drain Punch, but the ground immunity is also welcome. Similarly, Vaporeon gets Tera Fairy to deal with fighting moves while also not being weak to ghost types (can you tell how many times I lost to Annihilape?). Vaporeon's ability to Yawn is very valuable against setup sweepers and it can also wish pass to Ting-Lu whenever its' health is low. Honestly I think people are really overlooking Vaporeon this generation, it has been amazing in this team.

Corviknight: It's here for Defog and the grass resistance. Tera Normal protects it against Shadow Ball special defense drops from Gholdengo, who loves to switch in against this. Corviknight also has access to Body Press, to help against the many dark types, and U-turn to keep momentum, overall still a solid pokemon.

Baxcalibur: As a physical setup sweeper, Baxcalibur can sometimes destroy whole teams alone. After one Dragon Dance it is able to outrun most non scarf pokemon, and works great against teams that try to setup too many hazards. After two Dragon Dances it is even able to outrun and destroy Choice Scarf Gholdengo with Tera Dragon Glaive Rush. Also works well as a switch-in for fire moves.

Iron Valiant: Iron Valiant can usually destroy any walls this team faces, also functioning as our main offensive answer to Annihilape. I opted for Choice Specs instead of Booster Energy for the ability to switch in and out and also keep max speed while getting the special attack boost.

Gengar: Gengar as this team's scarfer functions really well in cleaning up and getting revenge kills. The ghost type is useful against some annoying normal type moves like Population Bomb and Extreme Speed. It also can get rid of toxic spikes, the main reason I chose it over Gholdengo. Tera Dark can keep it alive against psychic, ghost and dark moves.

This team has been working pretty well for me, but I'm still trying to figure out some things, feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Made this up, it's doing fairly well. Mainly looks to set up a solid defensive core between Corviknight, RestTalk Ting-Lu and Fairy Garganacl - chipping away with Stealth Rock, Ruination and Salt Cure until Scarf Gholdengo can clean up. Dondozo is there as a blanket setup check / secondary win condition. HDB almost all around since hazards are everywhere and gives me a bit of time to chip away while the opponent wastes time stacking.

Corviknight: provides solid resistances and reliable recovery, plus lures in Gholdengo - the slow U-Turn gets Chi-Yu in for free, most times. No Defog as everything has boots or isn't susceptible to hazards, save my own Gholdengo. Taunt to prevent things like Clodsire healing - I need the Water Absorber gone, as it stops both Dondozo and Gholdengo.
Chi-Yu: Heavy Duty Boots allows it to switch in a number of times - since it's reasonably fast, this can be a godsend. Like setting up a Sub to save on prediction. Prefer Lava Plume for the occasional burn / further chip. Haven't had chance to use Nasty Plot much, considering WoW or Psychic. Latter helps me against Toxapex, which is a pain for Dondozo.
Ting-Lu: obscene bulk and a check to a number of special attackers. Ruination chip is great and stops it from becoming too passive. Not too worried about Spikes and Stealth Rock is covered by Garganacl, so RestTalk is here to give it the recovery it craves. Split between Whirlwind and Earthquake for the last move.
Garganacl (Fairy): probably my favourite new Pokemon to use. Fairy counters an obscene amount, such as Great Tusk and espacially Dragapult. I usually Tera-Fairy ASAP and Stealth Rock, then apply Salt Cure liberally. Brick Break is used as I'm not too concerned with the damage of Body Press, plus getting rid of screens is nice.
Dondozo: had fond memories of using CroCune back in Gen 4, so thought I'd try CroDozo. Acts as my blanket check to setup and can become unstoppable once any Water-Absorbers are out of the way.
Gholdengo: bit of speed control and cleanup. Against bulkier teams, usually just Trick the Scarf early. This is the only mon somewhat weak to hazards, but it shouldn't need to switch in often, hopefully.

sharing this brainless air balloon gholdengo hazardstack i built in a matter of minutes with triple boots to ignore having to remove opposing hazards, only tried it from 1000s and stopped after breaking 1500 cuz imo this meta is pretty wack in its current state and i'm not enjoying playing that much, this performed well even tho it was again the lower portion of the ladder but maybe it can go way further than i pushed it
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Roaring Moon Bulky Offense
:roaring-moon: :scizor: :great-tusk: :clodsire: :chi-yu: :meowscarada:

Roaring Moon was one of the very first Pokémon I built around in this generation during the pre-First wave ban period, and the team I made then is now unusable due to its usage of both Palafin and Flutter Mane, so I decided to start from scratch and build a brand new team around it!

:roaring-moon: This is the main Pokémon you want to Terastalize. It is pretty useful to Terastalize into the Flying-type and then Dragon Dancing, since Dark/Dragon, although powerful offensively, is poor defensively, and Terastalizing into the Flying-type lowers its type weaknesses. STAB Acrobatics is insane on this thing, since it takes advantage of its Booster Energy to make it stronger, and if a Pokémon switches in to eat Acrobatics, most of them can't handle an Earthquake.

:scizor: :great-tusk: These two Pokémon are here since they are able to alleviate Tera-Roaring Moon's type weaknesses. Scizor is able to revenge kill and handle fast Ice-types like Chien-Pao, while Great Tusk provides Rocks support and handles the same Pokémon that Scizor can handle.

:clodsire: Clodsire's Water Absorb set has recently fallen out of favor due to the bans of powerful and fast Water-type threats such as Palafin and Iron Bundle, so I opted for a Specially Defensive Unaware set, since the team so far is vulnerable to specially offensive sweepers like Iron Moth and Volcarona. Clodsire is able to shut down their sweeping abilities, hazard stack with Tusks, and spread status.

:chi-yu: Chi-Yu is here since it handles Corviknight, which can be a pain on the team so far. It can also act as a secondary Tera user since it can lure bulky Waters and take them out with Grass-type Tera Blast.

:meowscarada: It's here to handle Water-types if Chi-Yu can't Terastalize. From my experience, it can also handle most Gholdnego sets, except for maybe Sash, to which it dies to Make it Rain. It also provides some good utility as a fast U-Turn user. U-Turn can also OHKO opposing Roaring Moon.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
I have been trying this team on ladder and, uh, it has no hazard removal at all as is. Idk if that's on purpose or not lol

sharing this brainless air balloon gholdengo hazardstack i built in a matter of minutes with triple boots to ignore having to remove opposing hazards, only tried it from 1000s and stopped after breaking 1500 cuz imo this meta is pretty wack in its current state and i'm not enjoying playing that much, this performed well even tho it was again the lower portion of the ladder but maybe it can go way further than i pushed it
update we broke 1600s this shit is kinda broken haha, please feel free to give feedback / lmk how the team performs should you give it a try cuz im not gonna be pushing it any further
:scream-tail: :cyclizar: :dragonite: :quaquaval: :chien-pao: :gholdengo:
quaquaval offense feat lead/utility scream tail + banded chien-pao

scream tail works really neatly with cyclizar, cyclizar dnite is a known strong core, and chien-pao/gholdengo/quaquaval work together nicely. i must have tried 3 or 4 different quaquaval sets so far, honestly not sure what works best here. not sure what tera type scream tail is but i dont really want to tera it ever. open to more optimized defensive tail builds as well, but a fast twave is nice so far. could also replace psyshock with play rough or knock off.

Have you tried boots cyclizar? I ran a few with this team and changed it to boots after losing to hazard spam. wish + dnite is really fun though
Semi-VoltTurn Choice Spam
Built this thing because I realised Iron Treads learns Volt Switch, which just felt too interesting to not try building a team around.
Really simple to play too. At low ladder, you can just spam Shadow Ball until Dragapult dies, spam Moonblast until Valiant dies, and then clean up with Tera Normal ESpeed which is very stupid. After you start climbing and facing real teams, it gets more interactive where you use the last 3 guys to soak up momentum, while passing it to the first 3 guys to still just spam, rinse and repeat until you win (or lose). Oh ya and more than half the team is immune to TSpikes because Glimmora is a piece of shit.

:dragonite:The default win condition of the team is BandNite, whose ESpeed has a kill HP threshold of upwards of 80% on most offensive threats, and unlike the DD variant, this one doesn't even need to be healthy to force game-ending scenarios, so you can send him in and break things eith EQ and Thunder Punch in the meantime.
:dragapult:SpecsPult is still the Shadow Ball spammer that he has always been known for, and my preferred lead against Glimmora because Shadow Ball is a 2HKO, so they are often forced to stop at 1 stack. Specs Shadow Ball is extremely complementary to Band ESpeed on different ends of the offensive spectrum, so teams that are strong against Dragonite are often weak to him. And he kinda shreds Cyclizar teams with Infiltrator.
:iron-valiant:Valiant is my answer for forcing defensive cores down to Nite/Pult kill range with his great coverage. Against offensive teams, he's just a great Moonblast spammer who occasionally breaks fully PDef Corviknight with Thunderbolt. (Can be build with Choice Specs too)

Addressing some of the specific EV/moveset choices:
- Corviknight doesn't have Defog because he's never getting it off in matchups where having it actually matters. If Gholdengo is coming in anyway, I rather U-turn out to Treads with a chance of popping Air Balloon if he's carrying it.
- Treads is EVed to outspeed Timid Chi-Yu, with the rest into Atk for consistently handling opposing Pult.
- WoW on Pult to not lose to Kingambit, because apparently it can kill Dragonite through Multiscale with enough SO stacks.
- Tera Ghost Garganacl is actually the goat, especially against bulkier teams. Nothing is ever getting through it or spinning into it.
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Here is a trick room team that could be good, someone please test this set.
Brute Bonnet is the main abuser of trick room, able to taunt to stop nasty crap from happening, seed bomb and crunch for STAB, and Close Combat for Coverage
Farigiraf is the Trick Room Setter, With Nasty Plot, Tera Blast and Psyshock For Stab
Spiritomb is a Nasty Plotter Who Deletes all in it's path
Spidops is threat control with Circle Throw, Leech Life, Shadow Claw, and Rock Tomb
Cyclizar for an out of trick room sweeper with shift gear
Hatterene is another trick room setter with calm mind
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