YOOO RX NEPHEW FAN SPOTTED, w teamI stole this from a blunder live (EVs might be weird because I never saw them so I had to estimate them lol) and made some minor changes. There's no way this is even a remotely optimal use of Tera but it's a fun team. https://pokepast.es/f916b81a36af5f88
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just got packed up by this team ban annihilapeHere's a dumb team that I made that got me to 1500 elo
The gist of it is leading with Spidops to get webs and switch to one of the set up pokemon, Annihilape works the best, and try to sweep the entire team.
Spidops with First Impression has a 56% chance to kill Chien-Pao and Cyclizar gets low enough to where he can't use shed tail. First Impression is a usefull tool to have, such as damaging Roaring Moon and being a prio move, so you don't have to suicide with him and can swap after setting
Other leads aren't an issue besides Garchomp, Grimmsnarl and Faster Taunt users.
If they send out Great Tusk to Spin don't swap to Gholdengo but instead swap to Annihilape.
Annihilape can outspeed any problem pokemon and taunt them if necessary. He also outspeeds Rotom-W that want's to Will-o-Wisp but if they run scarf with trick you get outsped instead.
Dragonite is your other win condition, you want to swap to it if you see that you can easly set up and extreme speed everything.
Great Tusk is your spinner and with Chi-Yu they server as powerfull pokemon that can take out the steel types and other pokemon that you may find that Annihilape and Dragonite can't kill.
Gholdengo is self explanatory, it's there to deny defog and spinners.
Dodonzo is a problem but you can just taunt and keep pressing moves to kill them.
Screen and rain teams are a problem as I can't seem to beat them, but other than it can handle anything.
Any other questions I'm happy to answer.
beautiful team, mixed valiant gains more followers.https://pokepast.es/f43f4a1354ad2b71
washtom + tspikes clod + hex dengo bulky offense. all nicknames are based off the GOAT of the entire strive ost, find your one way. similar to sol, this team is heavily based around finding openings and getting momentum in your favor for the endgame roaring moon clean. built by my man Evilo42 first, but i tweaked a decent amount to make it better to me.
click trick turn 1, this somehow always works and i dont understand it. hex does DISGUSTING damage in combination with tspikes, and you can click your other moves too. its just a gholdengo, idk what you want me to say
originally, this was a ting-lu, but it had the minor drawback of being completely and utterly fucked by hazard stack with stuff like chomp, so i changed to a great tusk. be confident to click knock against teams with a dengo, they'll probably go to it every time if they're balloon, and if they arent then nothing enjoys switching into a knock. honestly you could probably drop rocks here i dont click it that much lmao
surprisingly, i can say that this mon is underrated. THE BEST roaring moon answer, able to tank a +1 booster energy crunch while crippling it with wisp in return(y'know, if you hit the 85%...), and is a great stop to physical breakers/wincons in general like donbozo and iron treads. might want to invest a bit into spatk for that donfather mu, having a move to spam against it is really good
the most surprising mon that i've grown to love. this is iron valiant, or as i call it, "haha fuck you you dont get to use THAT check". mixed kills everything that answers its other sets, and even for the stuff that can "beat" it, they're probably susceptible to tspikes and rocks, and if they dont run lefties they're fucked against like everything lmao. maybe knock over zhb? idk, you need zhb to beat clod so i wouldnt RECOMMEND it but like you can experiment
very standard, vanilla flavor set. it just does roaring moon things, mainly be really fucking broken. this'll be your main lategame cleaner in this team, or sometimes you can just go to it on like turn 14 and win anyways because its roaring moon and roaring moon beats everything lmao
tspikes make everything on this team a complete bitch to switch into, and clod is the goat against like every special attacker lmao. to think i thought this thing would fall off after palafin ban, i was wrong, its now an actual np chi-yu answer! theres a lot of tweaking you can do with this one. you can go haze over toxic to control a burnt roaring moon, gunk shot over toxic to actually hurt stuff like dachsbun and sylveon, spikes over toxic if you REALLY want to spam hazards, its the best
this team is pretty good, it beats everything it doesnt lose to. im not good at analyzing matchups without a vr, you can do that yourself
If you’re only ever gonna be using it against Clod, I think the flinch chance is better than the consistencybeautiful team, mixed valiant gains more followers.
why zhb over psyshock tho? youre spa invested and zhb can miss. idt the potential flinchhax is worth it.
I have been trying this team on ladder and, uh, it has no hazard removal at all as is. Idk if that's on purpose or not lolRoaring Moon Bulky Offense
Roaring Moon was one of the very first Pokémon I built around in this generation during the pre-First wave ban period, and the team I made then is now unusable due to its usage of both Palafin and Flutter Mane, so I decided to start from scratch and build a brand new team around it!
This is the main Pokémon you want to Terastalize. It is pretty useful to Terastalize into the Flying-type and then Dragon Dancing, since Dark/Dragon, although powerful offensively, is poor defensively, and Terastalizing into the Flying-type lowers its type weaknesses. STAB Acrobatics is insane on this thing, since it takes advantage of its Booster Energy to make it stronger, and if a Pokémon switches in to eat Acrobatics, most of them can't handle an Earthquake.
These two Pokémon are here since they are able to alleviate Tera-Roaring Moon's type weaknesses. Scizor is able to revenge kill and handle fast Ice-types like Chien-Pao, while Great Tusk provides Rocks support and handles the same Pokémon that Scizor can handle.
Clodsire's Water Absorb set has recently fallen out of favor due to the bans of powerful and fast Water-type threats such as Palafin and Iron Bundle, so I opted for a Specially Defensive Unaware set, since the team so far is vulnerable to specially offensive sweepers like Iron Moth and Volcarona. Clodsire is able to shut down their sweeping abilities, hazard stack with Tusks, and spread status.
Chi-Yu is here since it handles Corviknight, which can be a pain on the team so far. It can also act as a secondary Tera user since it can lure bulky Waters and take them out with Grass-type Tera Blast.
It's here to handle Water-types if Chi-Yu can't Terastalize. From my experience, it can also handle most Gholdnego sets, except for maybe Sash, to which it dies to Make it Rain. It also provides some good utility as a fast U-Turn user. U-Turn can also OHKO opposing Roaring Moon.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
update we broke 1600s this shit is kinda broken haha, please feel free to give feedback / lmk how the team performs should you give it a try cuz im not gonna be pushing it any furtherhttps://pokepast.es/d2ec9b4b8c5a51d2
sharing this brainless air balloon gholdengo hazardstack i built in a matter of minutes with triple boots to ignore having to remove opposing hazards, only tried it from 1000s and stopped after breaking 1500 cuz imo this meta is pretty wack in its current state and i'm not enjoying playing that much, this performed well even tho it was again the lower portion of the ladder but maybe it can go way further than i pushed it
sample offense team maybe? it's super good, and fun.update we broke 1600s this shit is kinda broken haha, please feel free to give feedback / lmk how the team performs should you give it a try cuz im not gonna be pushing it any further
quaquaval offense feat lead/utility scream tail + banded chien-pao
scream tail works really neatly with cyclizar, cyclizar dnite is a known strong core, and chien-pao/gholdengo/quaquaval work together nicely. i must have tried 3 or 4 different quaquaval sets so far, honestly not sure what works best here. not sure what tera type scream tail is but i dont really want to tera it ever. open to more optimized defensive tail builds as well, but a fast twave is nice so far. could also replace psyshock with play rough or knock off.
I actually edited the team after seeing this. I changed Stealth Rock on Tusks to Rapid Spin then changed Spikes on Clodsire to RocksI have been trying this team on ladder and, uh, it has no hazard removal at all as is. Idk if that's on purpose or not lol