This same argument applies to Garchomp who can run Draco Meteor on its hazard sets to smoke Great Tusk, and EQ also crushes Treads. (and frankly you WOULD rather use it than non rain Arch because at least Chomp punishes contact better and more actively). Guess why it still doesn't get used anymore (hint: because it's still bad).
Because garchomp is outclassed by many other ground types in the tier which can do its just better? Also comparing a mon which has base 80 special attack to a mon with base 125 special attack is extremely funny. Archaludon hits so much harder on the special side.
0 SpA Garchomp Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Great Tusk: 193-228 (52 - 61.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Archaludon Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Great Tusk: 280-331 (75.4 - 89.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
That is significantly more damage then chomp can even dream of. And frankly, arch is probably going to be running some special attack investment, so yeah. You are comparing apples to oranges, and frankly, isn't a good arguement at all.
AV off of rain is just worse Iron Crown who actually checks a ton of special threats while Arch does... not. Tusk can get away with AV on some sets because it has a huge HP to compensate, but also because it still brings role compression (spin+offensive profile+defensive checking of threats) that even being able to stomach one, maybe two hits is enough for its team because by checking these threats, it can do what you put it on a team to do. As for Sam, it's an option you have to respect because it's a viable choice for certain teams. And it doesn't matter if it DOES have to switch out, because Arch promptly does not threaten anything on Sam's team back (bonus if Ghold is in the back because it blanks non rain Arch completely).
Does crown have a reliable way to hit kingambit? Also AV arch isn't meant to be taking big hits, its shores up its special defense stat, which is its main negative, to allow it in a pinch to take some special hits due to its great typing. Its literally the same thing as you said with tusk, take one or two special hits, but with arch, you fire back with a powerful draco metoer, flash cannon or body press.
Also again for ghold, you probably will have a teammate in order to threaten ghold out. Something like your own samu if you want to abuse your own spikes to push its checks into range of its hits. Corviknight is screwed over by gholdengo (yes, u-turn, but still) and yet its still a good mon. Just because a mon is walled by something doesn't instantantly make it unviable. Also Arch could absolutely run something like t-bolt or dark pulse if it really wanted. T-bolt hits corv really hard, while dark pulse hits gholdengo and iron crown for good damage. Yes, these both are niche options, but they are there if you really want them.
The spikers we have are all great at relaying them either over and over, or keeping them up. It's not worth supporting a mediocre mon for anti-spikes support when you can just run a good steel type that actually pulls its weight. It also just not worth it to support it with other teammates for bad match ups in general because there are and would be simply better more consistent steels to use
Okay, again, what other steel can do what arch does? Those are valuable traits to have. And saying that archaludon wouldn't pull its weight is wild, this is still a 600 bst mon with 130 defense and 125 attack. You can also use an item called HDB if you really are scared of spikes, which yes, does compete with AV and leftovers, but does allow it to switch in to multiple moves even if hazards are up (could be paired with Mola as arch quad resists grass moves and doesn't take much from zapdos. Though ofc raging bolt is extremely threatening).
Your original example featured a 5 fallen allies Kingambit and now you're abruptly shifting to none? Also these just show a nonboosted Kingambit easily wins the war of attrition (especially with spikes up).
Did you not read what I said? Its an offensive switchin. It can take a hit from kingambit, threaten it out, while dealing offensive pressure. Its not meant to be a long term answer. I changed it back to none because you didn't like my previous calc due to it not containing +2 calcs. Kingambit is going to have to kowtow kleave immediately in order to not just crumple to arch (again, run HDB if you are so scared of spikes). And since kingambit is probably there main steel type, that's going to be an issue for something switching in.
No. No it wasn't good outside of rain. It was fringe and mostly just experimented with for the sake of it, but non rain Arch just about never appeared to my memory. Waterpon ran Superpower for it because Arch was common on rain, which was a common playstyle. Not because of non rain Arch. Your other arguments about Corv, Gholdengo and rocks are moot because those roles are covered by far better pokemon on the rest of the team, which also do a ton of other stuff beyond that. There's no need for any of what you said.
?????? What. It was fringe because you would mainly use rain arch cause that mon was so busted, and thus that overshadowed any other set. Waterpon ran superpower because it was otherwise not able to OHKO arch at +2 and arch would threaten it out. If arch was back in the meta, it could checkAlso my other points are not moot, so stop saying that. It brings valuable role compression to the table that nothing else can do. Can corviknight check waterpon while being an offensive threat? Can gholdengo check kingambit while still being an offensive threat? Can you address my points of what mons bring the same things arch does to the table without handwaving them away that "better mons do other stuff". Actually list some examples please. The only thing that can check both waterpon and kingambit (read, check) off the top of my head is maybe corviknight and zamazenta. And arch is very different from them.
I'm not trying to say arch would be a top tier mon, but it would absolutely be decent. You asked what it could do over other steels, and this is it. Checking waterpon and kingambit while being able to offensively threaten them and set up rocks potentially. It would also still have a good role on rain teams with thunder as it does well into waterpon and rillaboom, two very annoying mons for rain, and with AV helps against Kyurem.