I feel like discussing whether Kyurem is broken or not at this point is kinda useless given that the community had 2 separate chances to vote to ban it and it ended up staying anyway, being quite close in both occasions, mainly because I can't see another suspect for it happening in a time frame smaller than at least a couple of months, and even then it would defeat the entire point of voting for a Poke to stay unbanned if they're going to keep trying to ban it until it finally goes.
Don't misunderstand me, I dislike Kyurem, but I don't think there's much to gain anymore out of suggesting another suspect for Kyurem to happen this soon, I wouldn't be on board with that for the moment. What I'm actually on board with is a potential Tera Blast suspect test, as far as I am concerned, it is the most likely subject to be suspected and consequently banned, and from my perspective it may actually be a good thing to reduce the amount of unpredictability and sweepers just getting out of hand because they have coverage they were clearly not meant to have in the first place, I don't really believe in the "barely anyone uses it" argument considering King's Rock, a good example of an item/mechanic creating a broken interaction, got banned despite having very few, if any, real uses outside of making Cloyster just win against its counterplay sometimes.
Also not supporting something like Volcarona to drop if this ever proceeds but I won't get too ahead of myself.