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is there any way to stop whirlwhind/roar/dragon tail from just bringing out your booster energy/unburden mon from the back and effectively removing your item+ability for free? feels like any time my opponent uses a phasing move there's a 1/6 chance i just lose the game on the spot
whirlwind and roar can be stopped by taunt, assuming this comes from ting lu or other bulky mons like zamazenta, knock off their items and chip them or try to force them out with the mon you pulled. You might be interested in Hatterene since its fairy, meaning it stops dragon tail, but also bounces back whirlwind and roar. For dragon tail tho, try to punish it with rocky helmet or on contact abilities like static or flame body, if your feeling spicy, just switch your fairy type in for free

Admittedly, HO does have more problems against those, but it's not unbeatable
not usually. unless you're checking a belly drum user or a situation where both you and the opponent are setting up like a CM war or curse vs sd, +6 is really hard to get unless you're giving them lots of free turns. you should mostly just account for +2 for SD and +1 for CM/DD. If you want to be really precise, you can calc for +4 in case the opponent teras and is able to set up another SD.
Rn I'm kind of tired of having to fit in Great Tusk on all my teams, so I'm looking to build out some classic BootSpam Offense so I can actually use different mons for a change. When yall build bootspam, what are you guys looking out for? Which mons should I be considering for bootspam? Also how does bootspam offense deal with knock off? Thanks!
Rn I'm kind of tired of having to fit in Great Tusk on all my teams, so I'm looking to build out some classic BootSpam Offense so I can actually use different mons for a change. When yall build bootspam, what are you guys looking out for? Which mons should I be considering for bootspam? Also how does bootspam offense deal with knock off? Thanks!
there are a few mons with traits that allow them to switch into knock off consistently and reliably even with max hazards up. Some, like hydrapple, are incapable of losing their item so will always have their boots. Some, like gliscor and clefable, just handle hazards without needing their item for it (although make sure gliscor is poisoned first). As for mons to consider, zamazenta and pult are both fantastic offensive boots users, with zama forgoing its usual ironpress for 4 attacks set, which hits almost the entire tier, and pult doing a mixed hex set that is surprisingly hard to wall.
you will need your own hazards, for which there are many options, but you also need to stop the opponent from getting hazards off. a ghost and way to beat defog are pretty neccesary, with ghold being common to do both in one slot, but base ogerpon is a fun pick that can punish defog with defiant and then encore for a second boost
Are +6 calcs important to consider when figuring out how to check or counter something?

Generally no. The rule of thumb I use is a counter should handle either taking an attack or revenging a setup situation. +2 Kingambit is something every team should prepare for. If your opponent sets up +6 Kingambit you have lost and haven't admitted it yet.
This is a general statement on the tiering policy that I would like clarification on, or a nod that I am correct.

It doesn't matter if Kyu survived two suspects, it doesn't matter how late we are in the Gen, if the general public agrees that it's problematic (through surveys and whatnot), it will be re-tested as many times as necessary.

If that statement is accurate, why was a mom like King never suspected? Why Tera ban over that? This is certainly not a complaint in any direction, as I feel I'm out of the loop a bit and would like to gain an understanding.
If that statement is accurate, why was a mom like King never suspected? Why Tera ban over that? This is certainly not a complaint in any direction, as I feel I'm out of the loop a bit and would like to gain an understanding.
Kingambit was suspected, but didn’t get banned by 4-5%. I have wanted to suspect it again as I voted ban initially and think it has some broken qualities, but the survey support and community support has always been way too low sadly. It definitely peaked in support during the Summer of 2023 and has not caught up since, but we have kept it on most surveys to see if that changes.

The same goes for Tera — we actually had full plans to suspect it for a second time during 2023, but then between the survey scores being very low and the community giving it a hard time in the PR thread led us to waiting. Future attempts were met either a similar fate. Seems like it’s very late in the game now for much to be done on this front.
Is it known when the rest of the Gen 9 models will be available? I know Maushold and Tandemaus have been ported to the simulator, but what about the rest?
Any advice for a balance based hex team? Dragapult, what else? Hopefully not Skele
Sinicha, Darkrai, Fezdip are all mons I'd consider if you're presumably going for status/hex spam on a team. Pecha is another huge one but depending on how you feel about stacking ghost weaknesses potentially rough. Zoro-H was also good in my experience with Darkrai being a wisp/twave spreader for the rest of the team.

You will need Tusk and/or a girthy fighting type though. AV Okidogi might rock if you don't wanna bulk up for it. It's been awhile since I've built it but these all worked ok for me.
How do you feel about double status Pultz and Rotom in general for said team?
Rotom sounds good, its definitely bulky enough to take advantage and won't immediate wipe to the first dark type it faces. I think Pult is deffo your best bet for raw status, as I assume you'll be scarf on Rotom or similar.
Hello, I have a question regarding the Sample Teams. Where are they posted before being selected ? I would like to find explanations of certain sets of teams that piqued my interest but have no idea if or where they are. I checked the bazaar, the lab, even the RMT forum but found nothing, at least about what I was searching for.

In case there's nowhere to find those original posts, can I ask here about the sets?
Hello, I have a question regarding the Sample Teams. Where are they posted before being selected ? I would like to find explanations of certain sets of teams that piqued my interest but have no idea if or where they are. I checked the bazaar, the lab, even the RMT forum but found nothing, at least about what I was searching for.

In case there's nowhere to find those original posts, can I ask here about the sets?
I think your best bet finding more info about the sets is lookin for the individuals who made em on discord or in any of the smogon platforms and ask em directly cuz i dont think theres a real place before samples that the teams are selected and being looked at. These teams are selected based on a couple of criteria and usually with tournament or high ladder peaks involved
Yeah and instead of tera flying ghost or dragon u would normally do u go tera dark. this is strong enough to kill Ogerpon at +2 in one hit, hit twice dragonite to kill and more while also providing psychic immunity / dark ghost resistance vs kingambit / gholdengo
The talk about Life Orb recently had me thinking, what is the main difference/ advantages/disadvantages of Expert Belt vs LO Zamazenta?
Mainly the surprise factor and more defensive utility since u don't basically kill yourself for more dmg. But by surprise factor I mean u can very easily with adamant confuse rolls and bluff choice band which can often result in surprise kills.
Hello everyone,

I am looking for any information or data about the best speed tier average per team. Is there any such information available?

I thought there was a post on it, but I cannot find it.

Any help would be appreciated.