whirlwind and roar can be stopped by taunt, assuming this comes from ting lu or other bulky mons like zamazenta, knock off their items and chip them or try to force them out with the mon you pulled. You might be interested in Hatterene since its fairy, meaning it stops dragon tail, but also bounces back whirlwind and roar. For dragon tail tho, try to punish it with rocky helmet or on contact abilities like static or flame body, if your feeling spicy, just switch your fairy type in for freeis there any way to stop whirlwhind/roar/dragon tail from just bringing out your booster energy/unburden mon from the back and effectively removing your item+ability for free? feels like any time my opponent uses a phasing move there's a 1/6 chance i just lose the game on the spot
Admittedly, HO does have more problems against those, but it's not unbeatable