I feel like getting roasted today so fuck it
to S-.
I think this mon is absolutely fucking stupid and deserves to be in the running for a suspect test as much as Volcarona and Kingambit. It's kind of the lovechild of both Volc and Gambit - entire matchups can be coinflipped depending on whether or not Nite Teras, and Tera Normal E-Speed is fucking bullshit at +1.
"wHy dON't yOu jUSt rUN a GhOSt or StEEl tYpE?" Because it's near impossible to check or counter this thing with those types, due to three other factors: Multiscale, Nite's natural bulk, and Nite's wide coverage.
? Gets outsped if Nite is Jolly and at +1, gets OHKOed by +1 Ice Spinner.
? Gets 2HKOed by Earthquake, can burn Nite with WoW but can't do jackshit to it with Hex if Nite Teras, and if Nite is bulky with Roost Dirge just outright loses the war of attrition.
? Gets outsped at +1 and fucking murked by any coverage move.
? Gets bodied by Earthquake, or if Air Balloon, Fire Punch. Scarf outspeeds +1 Nite but has to Tera to even guarantee the OHKO with Focus Blast EVEN WHEN MULTISCALE IS BROKEN, which leaves it vulnerable to E-Speed. Defensive Hex + TWave sets suffer the same problem as Dirge, except worse because E-Speed nullifies the speed cut from para.
? Gets fucking murdered by +1 EQ.
? See above.
? Believe it or not, one of the more feasible checks thanks to Earth Eater and Body Press. However, Fire Punch still does a good chunk, and not having any method of immediate recovery hurts.
? Another decent check, but Fire Punch still takes a big chunk out of Corv's HP, and Corv's most reliable way of damaging Nite, Body Press, isn't even guaranteed to 2HKO after Multiscale has been broken.
? Kid named Fire Punch: (Also +1 EQ still is a 2HKO even if Nite isn't running Fire Punch, and in a Roost-less Sciziety, that sucks balls.)
?: Seems like a good check at first glance thanks to Sucker Punch... until you realize that, even with Supreme Overlord at max and Multiscale broken, Sucker Punch at neutral is STILL ONLY A 2HKO. You can't set up because EQ is a coinflip to OHKO.
"wHAt aBOuT pHYsICalLY dEFenSIvE wALlS aNd pRIorITy uSErs?"
Priority: E-Speed LMAOOOOO.
Only move E-Speed doesn't out-prioritize is Sucker Punch, which has two viable users aside from Gambit:
. Ace can only guarantee a 3HKO with Sucker Punch, and Meow can only 2HKO if it is Band. Both drop like flies to E-Speed.
Physically Defensive Walls:
? EQ.
? Ice Spinner. Also physdef sets don't even run CC OR Ice Spinner so have fun ig :zany: An especially Tera dependent matchup since Nite can wall Tusk with CC if it doesn't Tera and handle Tusk with Ice Spinner if it does Tera.
? EQ. Can at least Haze, but guess what? EQ still is a 2HKO from neutral.
? Fire Punch and Ice Spinner both 2HKO at +1, but one of the better checks thanks to Clear Smog and Spore.
? The one reliable check I could find. Eats up Nite's attacks for days and bops it with Body Press
So in order to reliably deal with a Nite at +1, you have to have at least one of the following:
1: A Dondozo, the worst of the three defensive waters available in the tier right now.
2: An Amoonguss that has safely been brought in at a range where Fire Punch or Ice Spinner do not OHKO.
3: An Orthworm in a post-Shed Tail ban meta, while also praying to Arceus that this Nite doesn't have Fire Punch.
4: A Corviknight with Body Press, which handicaps it even further against Gholdengo.
5: A Kingambit at max Supreme Overlord power (which requires the rest of your team being dead), while also praying to Arceus that you don't lose the coinflip for EQ to OHKO.
Dragonite is clearly just as tier-warping as Kingambit and Volcarona, and should be ranked alongside at least the latter. You have to slot in Pokemon with lower viability, cripple your Pokemon's moveset, sack the entire rest of your team, or rely on RNG just to have a prayer at being able to handle it. It's been one of the most consistent and hard-to-handle threats in the metagame from the start, and unless Tera gets outright banned in the future, I don't see this changing any time soon.

I think this mon is absolutely fucking stupid and deserves to be in the running for a suspect test as much as Volcarona and Kingambit. It's kind of the lovechild of both Volc and Gambit - entire matchups can be coinflipped depending on whether or not Nite Teras, and Tera Normal E-Speed is fucking bullshit at +1.
"wHy dON't yOu jUSt rUN a GhOSt or StEEl tYpE?" Because it's near impossible to check or counter this thing with those types, due to three other factors: Multiscale, Nite's natural bulk, and Nite's wide coverage.


"wHAt aBOuT pHYsICalLY dEFenSIvE wALlS aNd pRIorITy uSErs?"
Priority: E-Speed LMAOOOOO.
Only move E-Speed doesn't out-prioritize is Sucker Punch, which has two viable users aside from Gambit:

Physically Defensive Walls:

So in order to reliably deal with a Nite at +1, you have to have at least one of the following:
1: A Dondozo, the worst of the three defensive waters available in the tier right now.
2: An Amoonguss that has safely been brought in at a range where Fire Punch or Ice Spinner do not OHKO.
3: An Orthworm in a post-Shed Tail ban meta, while also praying to Arceus that this Nite doesn't have Fire Punch.
4: A Corviknight with Body Press, which handicaps it even further against Gholdengo.
5: A Kingambit at max Supreme Overlord power (which requires the rest of your team being dead), while also praying to Arceus that you don't lose the coinflip for EQ to OHKO.
Dragonite is clearly just as tier-warping as Kingambit and Volcarona, and should be ranked alongside at least the latter. You have to slot in Pokemon with lower viability, cripple your Pokemon's moveset, sack the entire rest of your team, or rely on RNG just to have a prayer at being able to handle it. It's been one of the most consistent and hard-to-handle threats in the metagame from the start, and unless Tera gets outright banned in the future, I don't see this changing any time soon.