With toxic, bellibolt doesn’t need to tera to threaten gastro, which is huge. Umbreon also becomes slightly less of a passive blob, but while it won’t be a tier staple or anything maybe it can find a niche on stall teams?

Lumping these together as knock is especially big for these imo. Lokix becomes even more threatening to boots reliant checks like mence, talon, and torn, and its tinted lens u-turn is even more dangerous when the opponent is also taking hazard chip. Quaq can use knock to break through the slowtwins and tera ghost gastro, but it also lets bulkier spin sets wear down its checks for a teammate or a lategame sweep. Lastly, scizor gets a strong move to threaten dirge without giving up an item slot, while having another funny button for cb to click

Knock also gives stronger stab to the offensive darks. Knock ttar feels surreal after all this time, but it’s incredibly strong on offensive sets and good utility on its support sets. Knock makes setup variants of zarude more self sufficient as well as making boots and scarf pivot sets more effective. Lastly, weavile gets a significantly stronger stab move that makes cb and sd sets much more threatening.

Lastly, the more utility focused knock users. There’s not much to say here, the bulky mons become less passive when they can threaten item removal and the pivots become more effective at wearing down the opponent. Knock is such a powerful tool that almost anything that can run it will, so hazard stack seems a lot more powerful, and boots reliant mons might struggle to adjust.

Scald is back with a vengeance, and it gives the more niche waters a new tool over quag, quaq, and gastro. Mola gets both scald and flip turn, which is a massive buff for slower teams. Meanwhile, scald helps slowking’s 4MSS by giving it an option to threaten switchins regardless of its coverage, and slowbro can ruin physical attackers to become more dangerous after a few calm minds.

Grassy glide was nerfed to 55 bp, but it’s still one of the stronger priority moves in the tier. Being able to consistently revenge kill quaq is huge utility while enabling mons like hawlucha, breloom, and muk anywhere from offense to balance is very useful. Unfortunately, breloom didn’t get the move.

Flip turn hits decently hard even on female’s specs sets and it gives male basc a strong and spammable stab. No poltergeist means that female is still the better choice, but it’s something.

Speaking of poltergeist, the physical ghosts get a much more spammable stab move. Edge in particular is much more dangerous after a boost, but only having three of bitter blade, sneak, cc, and polt is annoying. Bramble gets actual ghost stab, but the anti synergy with polt and a hazard stack mon isn’t great. Overall, though, polt is still a massive buff for the few physical ghosts that learn it

Lastly, scale shot with loaded dice is a dangerous option for the dragons. Consistent 100 or 125 bp stab is huge for hax, and the speed boost makes sd sets a bit easier to justify while demolishing defensive teams. Scale shot is probably less useful for drago, but it’s a funny option that could potentially sweep