i was battling Coco the great who disconnected on me when the battle was as good as over.
here is the link to their profile:
their fc is: 0691 2255 0526
my team was rotom-w, landorus, infernape, starmie, tyranitar and latias
their team was ditto, mamoswine, rotow-w, terrakion, tentacruel and skarmory.
the first game changing play was when they switched their scarf ditto in on my latias. i switched out to specially defensive t tar to take the dragon pulse with did about 5%. i then used pursuit as they switched out to get the OHKO. later i was able to take out their rotom with starmie. they switched in scarf terrakion to threaten me out and i switched to landorus to take the x scissor which did almost nothing. they then switched to skarmory so i u turned back to starmie who did 90% with a thunderbolt as skarmory roosted, i also got useless paralysis (my whole team outsped it anyway) and the next turn they left scramory in as death fodder. they then went back to scarf terrakion and immediately switched to mamoswine, predicting a landorus switch in. at this point starmie was at about 76 hp and i decided to just fodder it off. fortunately they switcehd to mamoswine which i KOed with surf. at this point they disconnected. i had 4 pomemon at 9/10 hp or better and a starmie at about 1/5. my opponent had 2 pokemon left when they dced Terrakion and tentacruel. throughout the entire battle i was outplaying them and this was ba sically a rage quit.
here is the conversation:
<Coco the great> hhi
<Immortal> hi
<Immortal> im in
<Coco the great> goin
<Coco the great> aaHHH
<Coco the great> was hoping u to not pursuit
<Coco the great> ... critss
<Coco the great> omg im pissed off of haxs
Your opponent ended the battle.
the freak out was because of first the obvious choice of pursuit which OHKOed their dittio which had transformed into a latias and second was because of the useless para hax on skarmory (nothing wanted to switch into starmie and skarmory wasnt a threat to my team anyway which had infernape and hp fire latias as well as a rotom-w with volt switch). there were no crits in the battle. basically it was just lame justification for dcing due to being badly outplayed.
i tried to sort things out by VMing them about what happened but immediately after disconnecting from out battle they went offline (classic ragequit). i still havent gotten a reply to my VM.