The Anime / Manga Thread (MK2) | Beware Spoilers

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*in incredibly shrill voice* hey guys digibro here with
7 riveting hours of content, make sure to like comment and subscribe
Ahahah this mans facial hair like pissed on steel wool

As far as this season goes really liking 91 days
I have high hopes for Orange, Planeterian and Mob Psycho, they can become something great
Momokuri, Bananya, Amanchu. New Game and Amaama have the cuteness quota of this season set
Zesteria looks awesome but I honestly just couldn't give a fuck.
Saiki is possibly one of the best anime shorts in a long ass time. Episode 10 is very meta and must be watched at all costs.
Onara Gorou is so fucking strange that you should watch it just for that.
Rewrite once again proving that for every good thing Key makes they have to make something utterly stupid as well.

I don't really care about anything else. I don't watch food wars, berserk or danganronpa.
People on MyAnimeList saying that Thunderbolt Fantasy is 3D animation.
They're wrong.

Thunderbolt Fantasy characters are real puppets (dolls). They are glove puppets which are a tradition in Taiwan.
The production is really hyped in Taiwan among doll enthusiasts.

That said, I don't know if this is an anime or not.
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This season's kind of a bummer tbh. The two best shows are Re:Zero and JoJo, which came out last season; granted, Mob Psycho and 91 Days are off to interesting starts, Amaama to Inazuma is an outstanding feel-good show, and I haven't finished ReLife but it's a decent time after five episodes.

But anyway, the three shows I wish I could like more are Shokugeki S2, Zestiria the X, and ESPECIALLY Rewrite.

1. The Shokugeki anime is currently in the peak of the series: the tournament + Stagiaire arcs. But for some reason, they're only given 13 episodes; it might seem like they could just cut down on stuff and keep everything important, but it's moving at lightning speed as a result. There's no build-up, not a whole lot of detail. Like, the first episode feels like Souma just pulled some shit from his ass to make an awesome dish, but in actuality there's a lot of work he did to get to that point. It doesn't feel as genius as it should. Still, I like the series.

2. Zestiria is still just starting so for now it just seems like an OK fantasy series, but I'm disappointed in Ufotable's delivery. I guess they didn't want to go full CG as a result of Clusterfuck Eater, but now it feels like a really weird mash-up between a good-looking PS3 game and a somewhat OK anime. Doesn't seem to faze the circlejerk surrounding the studio, though, so whatever makes people happy...

3. I want to have faith in a new Key series, but I have absolutely no idea what the fuck Rewrite is supposed to be about after the equivalent of four episodes. It feels like complete nonsense...
not watching a lot of shows this season but i really like the ones that i've started

rewrite: solid adaptation so far, plot wise at least. they're going pretty fast but i guess that needs to happen since it's only one season. some stuff was shuffled around chronologically but it doesn't really matter since they're doing an original route. the production quality is shitty beyond belief though. the animation looks like something from 15 years ago and the still frames and cg parts look shitty as well. you'd think 8-bit would put a bit more effort into an adaptation of a such a popular visual novel. it's a damn shame too since i really like the character designs in the anime. shizuru is cute as fuck

planetarian: i've heard a lot of people talk about the vn being one of key's saddest works, and the first few episodes do feel like they're heading towards that territory. i don't really have anything bad to say about this show so far. it's only five episodes long so it's worth checking out if you wanna experience some feels

new game!: this game captures the feeling of working in a software company pretty well, minus the cute girls. if you can't relate to it though then it may as well be another cute girls doing cute things show. not that there's anything wrong with that since dogakobo is the best at the genre

kono bijutsubu ni wa mondai ga aru!: pretty impressed with the adaptation so far. the jokes are well executed and the quality is decent as well. if you're watching this for the romance tag there's a pretty good chance you'll be disappointed but it's a solid comedy show

mob psycho 100: not as interesting as i thought it would be, but the visuals are cool enough to keep me watching

re zero: i almost dropped this show early on since it felt really slow, but the last few episodes have been pretty interesting. i'd really like to save this and watch it all at once but i'll probably get spoiled
yeah, there's a lot of decent stuff but no real standouts so far, I'd put Rezero and Jojo over anything from Summer except maybe Soma

People on MyAnimeList saying that Thunderbolt Fantasy is 3D animation.
They're wrong.

Thunderbolt Fantasy characters are real puppets (dolls). They are glove puppets which are a tradition in Taiwan.
The production is really hyped in Taiwan among doll enthusiasts.

That said, I don't know if this is an anime or not.

Definitely not, I've seen some anime people interested in it though since Urobuchi (fairly popular anime writer) is involved with it and Crunchyroll is streaming it.
I just watched the first episode of Bakemonogatari and I know there are a buttload Monogatari series as well as knowing that Bakemonogatari was the first; what's the chronology of the series past Bakemonogatari?
I just watched the first episode of Bakemonogatari and I know there are a buttload Monogatari series as well as knowing that Bakemonogatari was the first; what's the chronology of the series past Bakemonogatari?

in terms of release : bake --> nise --> second season (some places will call each of these arcs in second season by their seperate names, but just torrenting second season should have them in order anyway) --> owari

i think there is a chronological or 'better' way to watch the series somewhere. Whether you want to poke around for that or not is up to you.
I just watched the first episode of Bakemonogatari and I know there are a buttload Monogatari series as well as knowing that Bakemonogatari was the first; what's the chronology of the series past Bakemonogatari?

Bakemonogatari -> Nisemonogatari -> Nekomonogatari: Kuro -> Monogatari Series Second Season -> Hanamonogatari -> Tsukimonogatari -> Owarimonogatari -> Koyomimonogatari

The series with the most content in them are Bake->Nise->SS->Owari, so you could probably just do that if you wanted to. Nekomonogatari: Kuro is sort of mandatory viewing though to understand some of the events of Second Season.
Don't tell me I would've been the only one sucking away on these

I really enjoyed this weeks ReWrite. The humor really made up for a lot of poorly done mystery in this episode and I am starting to really like the main character. This is probably the first time I like a main character in a series were a male gets all the girls.

Mononokean could have been a lot better. It was a step back from episode 2 which wasn't really good either. I enjoyed the moral they were going for and that the Mononokean was actually concerned about his employee.

Taboo Tattoo this week was forgetable. Rather bland with just a little back story to that girl that takes over people's body.
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now that 3 eps of things I'm watching are out I'm posting too many words about them. didn't pick up/very quickly dropped a lot of things and I'll likely keep watching everything here.

I tried watching:
servamp - awful, actually awful
usagi cooking - not for me, kid's voice is irritating
ufotable show - nothing happened for 10 minutes

91 Days
this has all of the trappings of a traditionally good work. but something about it just doesn't quite gel with me. I mean yeah, it looks great. it has a relatively unique setting+premise combo for the japs. but it just doesn't feel like it can end all too well? it just has that feeling that it'll either do something super stupid that'll push this from pretty-good to bad, or it'll just sorta fall over and skid to a rather underwhelming end. this is mainly based on the central idea being a fairly basic revenge against a bad dude plot. at this stage it hasn't really built up any characters whatsoever and this screams out warning sirens in my head. the main dude has no real personality and the only other dude whose name I can even remember is jango fett but he's just a meme character. I think it might have difficulty creating any kind of genuine emotional core or satisfying conclusion to any sort of character arc. I'm calling it: if it continues at the current trajectory it'll be good, but nothing special outside of production quality.

edge but good. really hope that this stays fairly grounded. should (should) end up being a fairly nice sports show. the second ep left me worried for the future.

it's not the manga and it's not the 97 show but it's also not that bad. the first ep was kinda rough, it sped through A LOT of material very fast and the cg was even worse than the golden age movies. but it's grown on me. the very limited cast of characters (most of the time) means that you don't get a lot of the low quality models that people lampooned in the first episode, and the heavy focus on static shots with the hatch shading makes things not look too bad. but the main thing is that it keeps a lot of the core of berserk. I've long been of the opinion that it would be near impossible to do even a semi-decent screen translation of berserk in terms of the tone and overall feeling, and this is a lot better than expected. it sounds cool, it looks cool, Guts is my hero, and they actually did the rape horse. if this looked good it would be amazing. if this keeps looking bad it'll still be worth watching. I wouldn't tell anyone to start berserk here though; go read the manga and watch 97.

Kono Bijutsu-bu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
super pleasant to watch. cute anime girls. cute anime boys. light, pointless fluff. that scene of blondie trying to pick up her shoe with her feet while lying down was out of this world good.

Mob Psycho 100
stopped watching this about 5 minutes into the third episode because I don't like it. it's such horsecrap. shitty, kooky, jap humour with super funny facial expressions and crazy dudes doing overreacting things and acting wacky. bungy dogs with animation that goes off model. from my view it is uncomfortably unfunny (all of the 'jokes' continue for way longer than needed; you get the idea of what the joke is instantly but still have to sit there and watch the oh-so-amazing animation of a character moving their arms in a funny way while shouting something overly dramatic) and seems to lack even surface level depth. manga readers may tell you that it is a coming of age tale but, it's just a shithouse shounen crapheap that tries way too hard to be different as its only appeal. anime watchers will eat this up. seriously, just look at the older dude. them: 'haha he's pretending to be psychic lol! omg he did it again haha!', me: 'no thanks'.

damn this is way more enjoyable than I expected. it's super pleasant and just generally inoffensive. it's not the sort of show that I'd go out of my way to watch if it wasn't airing, but I'm glad that I decided to watch it while it is.

Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin
this is one of the goodies of the season so far. the way that it so blatantly fellates the main character in a truly genuine, non-ironic way is lovely. it has no real pretensions and isn't trying to be anything that it's not, and that's all I really ask for. my main gripe is the set up seeming to be unnecessarily complicated and not fleshed out at the same time. I see no need for those spirit things. what purpose can they serve? although. it's just a straight up showdown of BADEMPIRE v REPUBLIC where GOODGUY comes from BADREPUBLIC and still fights for them?? that's cool. characters aren't the greatest but they'll do. really hoping this show doesn't just fuck itself up and becoming an aping mess.

cute anime girls kinda doing things yeehaw. yun > hifume = aoba = cat > rest > most girls from other shows.

I really like the ideas behind this show, but I don't think that it's my kind of show. really really really hoping that they don't go into depth about how the whole letter to the past thing works and just leave it as a broad 'it just werks' system. the thing with people not changing even given the chance to is interesting and, off the top of my head, I can't think of any other japtoons that have done this. but it's kinda ugly. just something about the faces and the mouths in the first episode grossed me out a bit, especially the only-ever-see-the-top-teeth deal that they're going with. might get over this though if it keeps up the generally solid production.

Taboo Tattoo
like a weak high school darker than black with some SERIOUSLY bouncy anime boobs. I was worried early on this season about a lack of anime boobs but this show hits that quota. the quantity of the boobs isn't overly high, but when they come onto your screen they scream at you. it's all you can see. when she moves they bounce. when she talks they bounce. when she BREATHES they bounce. the rest of the show is secondary to those mamms. which is fortunate because I'd call it serviceable at best. yeah, the way they do crazy camera movement during fight scenes is cool. but it's suuuper basic. worth a watch if it's airing. worth downloading and thinking about watching for like two years before you finally end up watching maybe three episodes before you get distracted by something else for a few days and can't remember which ep you were at when you try to continue it after it's aired.

Time Travel Shoujou
it's not very good..... but hey I'll watch it.

Ace Attorney
damn this has exceeded my low expectations. still don't think it would be anything near good if you haven't played the games (go play the games) and I don't like some of the changes they've made due to time. the investigations are trivial, watching nicky boy walk around kurain village just finding every little bit of evidence with no effort made me livid with rage. it's not fair. he didn't even have to do the investigation phases of 1-5 (pls pls pls pls pls do an OVA of 1-5 pls pls). the only change I am a fan of is the removal of psyche-locks because fuck psyche-locks. but yeah. still looks absolutely awful at times. still looks amazing at times. the new OP is slightly better. buckle up for moe the clown boys.

PLEASE watch this show. it's the least bad show I've watched in a long time. and it'll be good I SWEAR.

the only reason I am continuing to watch this show is so I can complain about it. I dislike it an immense amount and people who like it make me irrationally angry. anything I write about it ends up fairly incoherent, so I'll give it props for inspiring some sort of feeling in me. it is so bad. it has no focus. subaru is a little fucking shit and the narrative of the show can't handle him. everything he does lately makes us want to dislike him because he's actually fucking retarded. this show is lucky that frodo is a certified dead meme. but everything that the show does and shows us seems to make us want to pity him. the extended scenes of him snivelling across the ground like human filth wailing about people dying over and over make me dislike him less and less. betelgeuse is a bad character and that scene in the cave felt like it took an hour when it could have been like two fucking sentences. I don't even want to know how terribly written the prose is for his character in the novels. subaru does not deserve any sort of pity and hearing people actually praise this gross disconnect like it's some kind of postmodern avant-garde masterpiece of storytelling and genre deconstruction is disgusting. nah g. the writer just fucked up. too many ideas haphazardly thrown into a mess of a stupid wannabe self-conscious heap of trash that then goes out of its way to appeal to people. like wtf. rem is a blue hair boobied twin demon maid that is stupidly dedicated to the MC. subaru is your typical dude who likes playin' video games and knows all your favourite tropes. felix???? he's a catboyflirtytrap for crying out loud (good shit btw). and people still have the gall to say that this show isn't just typical ln isekai (I am super glad that this season is the first time I've heard this term because shows that use it are awful and should kill themselves) drivel. I need this to finish and be forgotten about so that people can get back to watching real anime, like Anno-sama's Shin Seiki Evangelion. I can only hope that one day reinhard will whisk me away from my degenerative life and dress me up in pretty ballgowns.
to be fair I wasn't super invested in 91 Days from the start but I'm having a really hard time keeping up with who everyone is and what faction they're a part of

also, the scene where mafia bigwigs + the don are having dinner and some young punk comes in and stabs one of them with a fork and nobody seems to care really bothered me, it goes completely against pretty much every depiction of mafia I've seen (ie as an orderly, hierarchical society where respect is extremely important).
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Mob Psycho 100
stopped watching this about 5 minutes into the third episode because I don't like it. it's such horsecrap. shitty, kooky, jap humour with super funny facial expressions and crazy dudes doing overreacting things and acting wacky. bungy dogs with animation that goes off model. from my view it is uncomfortably unfunny (all of the 'jokes' continue for way longer than needed; you get the idea of what the joke is instantly but still have to sit there and watch the oh-so-amazing animation of a character moving their arms in a funny way while shouting something overly dramatic) and seems to lack even surface level depth. manga readers may tell you that it is a coming of age tale but, it's just a shithouse shounen crapheap that tries way too hard to be different as its only appeal. anime watchers will eat this up. seriously, just look at the older dude. them: 'haha he's pretending to be psychic lol! omg he did it again haha!', me: 'no thanks'.

I was going to drop this but then I finished episode 3 and the last 5 minutes were surprisingly quality

The pacing is still all over the place and none of the characters are particularly likeable whatsoever, but the animation is great and the more serious scenes of the show are well done. I have my fair share of issues with this show, but manga readers have been saying that it gets way better so I'll probably stick with it just like how I stuck with BnHA last season

This week's Shokugeki was great, btw. Now that it's not just 22 minutes of cooking each episode, the pacing feels way more natural and the show is much more enjoyable as a result.
Why did it take Rewrite 5.5 episodes just to begin properly advancing the plot zzzzz

Maybe it was necessary due to the whole G organisation thing (I've not read the VN so idk if it's important for the VN's routes) but yeah until around half way through this episode I thought it was kinda stupid--with this ep in particular being kinda crap until
they got to the rainbow swamp and the ghost girl appeared again later on.
Anyway it seems like it's gonna start getting somewhat serious now so I'm gonna keep sticking with it, but it's really not been as good as I had hoped it would be up until this point.

Edit: I have to say tho it's OP's second half is enough to make me think it's one of the better OPs of the season.

While I'm editing, my fave shows that started this season are prolly Shokugeki, Amanchu, 91 Days, Orange and Amaama to Inazuma. New Game! is p. ok but not anything spectacular, Re: Zero is p. good for the most part
if you ignore that they dedicated an entire fucking episode to Rem's confession and Subaru's rejection
and I kinda disagree with the notion that the cave scene was pointless as it being drawn out really heightened the impact of the scene at least IMO, and I think that ReLIFE is probably one of the most solid SoL shows I've come across in my (albeit kinda limited) experience with anime and is easily my favorite thing that came out at the start of this season. 91 days is spectacular for too many reasons and is defo AotS at atm; hopefully it won't go to shit before the end of it's run as I'm really enjoying it.
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also the circus case in ace attorney is absurdly bad, its actually so bad i blocked it from my memory. its probably the weakest case in the series and the fact that i have to slog thru it for the next few eps hurts.
also the circus case in ace attorney is absurdly bad, its actually so bad i blocked it from my memory. its probably the weakest case in the series and the fact that i have to slog thru it for the next few eps hurts.
That and the Furio Tigre one, which was supposed to be in the second game too.
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