Mystic Marsh - The Marsh's Mysterious Maze
Ohhh... kay... Right... Now you only have a Cyclohm left to defend yourself with. What do you do?
Arena Notes
-Type: Marsh
-Seismic attacks could have their BAP reduced to 75% of normal power
Majora's Wrath (F) @ Miracle Seed | Gleeok (M) @ Heat Rock
Typing: Grass | Electric/Dragon
Abilities:Chlorophyll/Leaf Guard/Regenerator | Shield Dust/Static/Overcoat
HP/EN: KO / 16 | 44 / 4
Stats: 4 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 43 | 2 / 5 / 5 / 3 / 69
SC/WC/BRT: 4 / 5 / 21 | 4 / 4 / 21
Boosts: -10% Evasion | -10% Evasion, -5 Sp. Attack
Status: N/A | Cooldown (1a)
Nest XXA
Mankey (F) | Mankey (M)
Typing: Fighting | Fighting
Abilities: Vital Spirit/Anger Point/Defiant | Vital Spirit/Anger Point/Defiant
HP/EN/CHP: KO / 33 / 110 | 82 / 39 / 110
Stats: 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 40 | 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 70
SC/WC/BRT: 1 / 3 / 14 | 1 / 3 / 14
Boosts: +6 Attack, -1 Defence, -1 Sp. Defence, -1 Speed | +1 Attack, -1 Defence, -1 Sp. Defence
Status: N/A | N/A
Diababa (F) @ Rare Candy | Mienfoo (F) | Croagunk (M) @ Fighting Gem (2) | Seadra (M) @ Wise Glasses
Typing: Grass/Ghost | Fighting | Poison/Fighting | Water
Abilities: Forewarn/Telepathy | Inner Focus/Regenerator/Reckless | Anticipation/Dry Skin/Poison Touch | Poison Point/Sniper/Damp
HP/EN: KO / KO | KO / KO | KO / KO | KO / KO
Stats: 6 / 5 / 2 / 6 / 81 | 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 65 | 4 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 50 | 3 / 2 / 4 / 2 / 85
SC/WC/BRT: 3 / 3 / 23 | 2 / 2 / 14 | 1 / 2 / 14 | 2 / 2 / 16
Boosts: N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A
Status: Fainted | Fainted | Fainted | Fainted
Player Options
Issue two actions per Pokémon.
Initiate a Capture Phase.
Mystic Marsh - The Marsh's Mysterious Maze
Ohhh... kay... Right... Now you only have a Cyclohm left to defend yourself with. What do you do?
Arena Notes
-Type: Marsh
-Seismic attacks could have their BAP reduced to 75% of normal power

Majora's Wrath (F) @ Miracle Seed | Gleeok (M) @ Heat Rock
Typing: Grass | Electric/Dragon
HP/EN: KO / 16 | 44 / 4
Stats: 4 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 43 | 2 / 5 / 5 / 3 / 69
SC/WC/BRT: 4 / 5 / 21 | 4 / 4 / 21
Boosts: -10% Evasion | -10% Evasion, -5 Sp. Attack
Status: N/A | Cooldown (1a)
Nest XXA

Mankey (F) | Mankey (M)
Typing: Fighting | Fighting
Abilities: Vital Spirit/Anger Point/Defiant | Vital Spirit/Anger Point/Defiant
HP/EN/CHP: KO / 33 / 110 | 82 / 39 / 110
Stats: 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 40 | 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 70
SC/WC/BRT: 1 / 3 / 14 | 1 / 3 / 14
Boosts: +6 Attack, -1 Defence, -1 Sp. Defence, -1 Speed | +1 Attack, -1 Defence, -1 Sp. Defence
Status: N/A | N/A

Diababa (F) @ Rare Candy | Mienfoo (F) | Croagunk (M) @ Fighting Gem (2) | Seadra (M) @ Wise Glasses
Typing: Grass/Ghost | Fighting | Poison/Fighting | Water
Abilities: Forewarn/Telepathy | Inner Focus/Regenerator/Reckless | Anticipation/Dry Skin/Poison Touch | Poison Point/Sniper/Damp
HP/EN: KO / KO | KO / KO | KO / KO | KO / KO
Stats: 6 / 5 / 2 / 6 / 81 | 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 65 | 4 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 50 | 3 / 2 / 4 / 2 / 85
SC/WC/BRT: 3 / 3 / 23 | 2 / 2 / 14 | 1 / 2 / 14 | 2 / 2 / 16
Boosts: N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A
Status: Fainted | Fainted | Fainted | Fainted
Gleeok used Hurricane (Mankey B)!
(Hit Roll [<=7000]: 2816/10000; Yes)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 630/10000; No)
It is Super Effective!
Mankey B took ((11+4.5)×1.5-2)=21.25 Damage!
(Effect Roll {Confusion} [<=3000]: 2405/10000; Yes)
(Duration Roll [<=3333 (2a)/<=6666 (3a)/<=9999 (4a)]: 5301/10000; 3a)
Mankey B became confused (3a)!
Gleeok used 8 Energy!
Majora's Wrath used Power Whip (Mankey B)!
(Hit Roll [<=8500]: 2647/10000; Yes)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 2602/10000; No)
Mankey B took (12+3+3+4)=22 Damage!
Mankey B's confusion levels were minimised!
Majora's Wrath used (8-1)=7 Energy!
Mankey B must recharge!
Mankey C used Rock Slide!
(Crit Roll {Majora's Wrath} [<=625]: 7520/10000; No)
Majora's Wrath took (6-1.5+4)=8.5 Damage!
(Crit Roll {Gleeok} [<=625]: 7755/10000; No)
Gleeok took (6-1.5+4)=8.5 Damage!
Mankey C used 6 Energy!
Majora's Wrath Fainted!
(Speed Tie Roll [<=5000 (Mankey A)/<=10000 (Mankey B)]: 4492/10000; Mankey B)
Mankey B snapped out of her confusion!
Mankey B used Close Combat (Gleeok)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 8911/10000; No)
Gleeok took (12+3-1.5+8)=21.5 Damage!
Mankey B's Defence fell (1s)!
Mankey B's Sp. Defence fell (1s)!
(Ability Roll {Static} [<=3000]: 6875/10000; No)
Mankey B used (8-1)=7 Energy!
Mankey C used Close Combat (Gleeok)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 4943/10000; No)
Gleeok took (12+3-1.5+4)=17.5 Damage!
Mankey C's Defence fell (1s)!
Mankey C's Sp. Defence fell (1s)!
(Ability Roll {Static} [<=3000]: 4425/10000; No)
Mankey C used (8-1)=7 Energy!
Gleeok used a Draco Meteor + Draco Meteor combo (Mankey B)!
(BEC=(9+13)=22, 45 > 22; Combo works)
(Hit Roll [<=8100]: 559/10000; Yes)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 159/10000; Yes)
A Critical Hit!
Mankey B took (29.25+3+3+4.5+2)=41.75 Damage!
Mankey B's Anger Point triggered!
Mankey B's rose to the maximum level!
Gleeok's Sp. Attack fell (4s)!
Gleeok used ((10+14)×1.75-1)=41 Energy!
Mankey B Fainted!
Mankey C's Attack fell (1s)!
Mankey C's Speed rose (1s)!
Gleeok used Hurricane (Mankey B)!
(Hit Roll [<=7000]: 2816/10000; Yes)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 630/10000; No)
It is Super Effective!
Mankey B took ((11+4.5)×1.5-2)=21.25 Damage!
(Effect Roll {Confusion} [<=3000]: 2405/10000; Yes)
(Duration Roll [<=3333 (2a)/<=6666 (3a)/<=9999 (4a)]: 5301/10000; 3a)
Mankey B became confused (3a)!
Gleeok used 8 Energy!
Majora's Wrath used Power Whip (Mankey B)!
(Hit Roll [<=8500]: 2647/10000; Yes)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 2602/10000; No)
Mankey B took (12+3+3+4)=22 Damage!
Mankey B's confusion levels were minimised!
Majora's Wrath used (8-1)=7 Energy!
Mankey B must recharge!
Mankey C used Rock Slide!
(Crit Roll {Majora's Wrath} [<=625]: 7520/10000; No)
Majora's Wrath took (6-1.5+4)=8.5 Damage!
(Crit Roll {Gleeok} [<=625]: 7755/10000; No)
Gleeok took (6-1.5+4)=8.5 Damage!
Mankey C used 6 Energy!
Majora's Wrath Fainted!
(Speed Tie Roll [<=5000 (Mankey A)/<=10000 (Mankey B)]: 4492/10000; Mankey B)
Mankey B snapped out of her confusion!
Mankey B used Close Combat (Gleeok)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 8911/10000; No)
Gleeok took (12+3-1.5+8)=21.5 Damage!
Mankey B's Defence fell (1s)!
Mankey B's Sp. Defence fell (1s)!
(Ability Roll {Static} [<=3000]: 6875/10000; No)
Mankey B used (8-1)=7 Energy!
Mankey C used Close Combat (Gleeok)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 4943/10000; No)
Gleeok took (12+3-1.5+4)=17.5 Damage!
Mankey C's Defence fell (1s)!
Mankey C's Sp. Defence fell (1s)!
(Ability Roll {Static} [<=3000]: 4425/10000; No)
Mankey C used (8-1)=7 Energy!
Gleeok used a Draco Meteor + Draco Meteor combo (Mankey B)!
(BEC=(9+13)=22, 45 > 22; Combo works)
(Hit Roll [<=8100]: 559/10000; Yes)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 159/10000; Yes)
A Critical Hit!
Mankey B took (29.25+3+3+4.5+2)=41.75 Damage!
Mankey B's Anger Point triggered!
Mankey B's rose to the maximum level!
Gleeok's Sp. Attack fell (4s)!
Gleeok used ((10+14)×1.75-1)=41 Energy!
Mankey B Fainted!
Mankey C's Attack fell (1s)!
Mankey C's Speed rose (1s)!
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Poké Balls: 16/50 free slots
8× Cherish Ball
3× Heal Ball
23× Ultra Ball
Berries: 25/30 free slots
2× Coba Berry
2× Payapa Berry
1× Wacan Berry
Battle Items: 14/20 free slots
1× Heat Rock (Cyclohm)
1× Miracle Seed (Tangrowth)
2× Muscle Band
1× Rare Candy (Necturna)
1× Wise Glasses (Seadra)
Gems: 19/20 free slots
1× Fighting Gem (Croagunk [2])
1× Water Gem
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots
+1× Croagunk
+1× Mienfoo
+1× Seadra
+2× Coba Berry
+2× Payapa Berry
+2× Muscle Band
+1× Wise Glasses
+1× Water Gem
-2× Potion
-1× Super Potion
-2× Ether
-1× Revive
-1× Heal Ball
-13× Ultra Ball
Frosty: 16 CC
Tangrowth: 15 MC, 1 KOC
Cyclohm: 3 KOC
Necturna: 4 KOC
Mienfoo: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 AC
Croagunk: 2 EC, 5 MC, 2 AC
Seadra: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 AC, 1 KOC
Its_A_Random: 50.5 UC (2 (Base), 29 × 0.5 (Non-Combat Updates/Capture Attempts), 22 × 1 (Combat Update with 1 Ref-controlled Pokémon), 8 × 1.5 (Combat Update with 2+ Ref-controlled Pokémon))
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Poké Balls: 16/50 free slots
8× Cherish Ball
3× Heal Ball
23× Ultra Ball
Berries: 25/30 free slots
2× Coba Berry
2× Payapa Berry
1× Wacan Berry
Battle Items: 14/20 free slots
1× Heat Rock (Cyclohm)
1× Miracle Seed (Tangrowth)
2× Muscle Band
1× Rare Candy (Necturna)
1× Wise Glasses (Seadra)
Gems: 19/20 free slots
1× Fighting Gem (Croagunk [2])
1× Water Gem
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots
+1× Croagunk
+1× Mienfoo
+1× Seadra
+2× Coba Berry
+2× Payapa Berry
+2× Muscle Band
+1× Wise Glasses
+1× Water Gem
-2× Potion
-1× Super Potion
-2× Ether
-1× Revive
-1× Heal Ball
-13× Ultra Ball
Frosty: 16 CC
Tangrowth: 15 MC, 1 KOC
Cyclohm: 3 KOC
Necturna: 4 KOC
Mienfoo: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 AC
Croagunk: 2 EC, 5 MC, 2 AC
Seadra: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 AC, 1 KOC
Its_A_Random: 50.5 UC (2 (Base), 29 × 0.5 (Non-Combat Updates/Capture Attempts), 22 × 1 (Combat Update with 1 Ref-controlled Pokémon), 8 × 1.5 (Combat Update with 2+ Ref-controlled Pokémon))
Player Options
Issue two actions per Pokémon.
Initiate a Capture Phase.