The Unscrupulous Tiering Director Tournament - Round 1 (Read post #208)

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VMed again today, my opponent is online but not saying anything. Noodlez did ask to battle "now" a few times but it was too late at night and I was just about to go to sleep.
Tiffanyy -> zdrup15
Ojama -> Soulwind
Ninja-Persian -> Perche No Fai
uraga -> FelixMinamimoto
Meh -> Brotom
Masterclass -> AuraRayquaza
More subs:

M Dragon -> CheezitKing
Shelmet -> SethZiBritannia
Joeyboy -> Orichalcos Owl
Litchi -> Cloudbreaker

If you haven't gotten your match done, please do so. If you anticipate that it will not get done, please PM me/post here with an explanation as to why; otherwise, I will likely coinflip it. Thanks.
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