The UU Open VI - Round 1

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i'll admit that i didn't really look for you yesterday, but you never vm'd / pm'd me either when i was definitely online at various times throughout the day
yeah but you weren't there on the agreed time and the initiative of vming / pming should come from your side since you literally weren't available during the first 2 weeks.
So both my opponent and I didn't really put all that much effort into scheduling lol. I contacted them to see if they can play today, but just in case we can't play today would it be okay if we had an extension?
Cicada missed twice our scheduled time (on thursday 13th and friday 21st, schedule on discord but he can confirm)
He thefore told me to take the win after he missed our game on the 21st (, in french sry), i answered we could still see each other this week-end.
But although i was online the whole sunday, he didnt come at all so now i have to ask for activity (or extension but we didnt schedule anything for the upcoming days)
Could only play my opponent once due to him not showing up on the day after we played and told me when he couldn't play but not when he could play, so I only have done one match
Because I won this match I should take the win. Sorry megazard didn't want to do this like this.
I'm sorry I didn't see this until now but there is no way this warrants an activity post, let alone win. As a general rule of thumb, if you haven't responded to the other person who's actively trying to schedule, you normally don't deserve the activity win.

I'm gonna have to call activity on Skyzuma instead. My opponent refused to schedule at all, preferring to message me on Showdown whenever he saw me. We got one game in, which he won, but then he had to leave right after. I told him to just schedule with me through VMs, but he refused to use publicly viewable communication methods and made me use discord where he's now failed to give me any time he can play or put any effort into scheduling whatsoever or respond to me for the past week even though I gave him the times of "literally every morning until the deadline plus at any other time of day if you can let me know more than 2 minutes in advance" to work with. The fact that he would make an activity call that doesn't tag or alert me at all while not bothering to respond to my scheduling attempts also makes it seem like he simply had no intent to try to finish this series.
this is a continuation of our PMs on showdown because I wanted to move to a place where the logs would be saved and apparently smogon VMs weren't good

Ok so tommorow?
which time for u is minimum
like ive said
ill know later today and if you just told me when i could actually get back to you yes or no
Ok ok
just dm me
with the times
keep in mind we can still do on sunday
tomorrow is not good. pretty much any other morning should be alright, so if sunday works best for u then ok

and then i never heard back from him and forgot about this until I accidentally hit new posts

proof that he hasn't bothered to respond on discord despite having the time to post for activity
gonna call act on my opponent, he wasnt available until deadline day, we set up a time window of noon-3pm his time (gmt -5), but on thursday i told him that i might be a little late, until 4-4h30 his time. He only saw my thursday message today 1 pm his time and was online for 20 minutes to say "k lmk" to my "might be late" msg. 10 mins after that i was online to tell him exactly when ill be online, which was 3 pm his time as initially scheduled. now it's 5h30 pm his time and 1h30 AM for me, i waited an extra hour and im tired af now, he hasnt been online since his last vm and i looked for him using find user on main every 10 to 15 mins and was online on smogtours the whole time, it's all on his wall.
^Came on about 2 hours from scheduled time, but just gonna ask for extension if possible since I just missed my opp (he had to go to sleep when I finally made it) and have been quite busy b/t work and final projects these past 2 weeks
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