The UU Open VI - Round 1

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Would like to call for activity on my opponent, he has not been online since the 7th, when he created his account, and has not responded to any contacts as such.
I'm calling for activity on my opponent he has not been active on both of the times we scheduled and now will fail to meet the deadline.
calling act, our first scheduled time got hijacked by wcop and delays and I think he went to sleep after on that day (understandably, considering timezones), but since that day I haven't heard from him at all and I haven't gotten any response to multiple VMs, one of which I sent on a backup day when he never showed up, and another I sent this weekend.

Anyway! We're roughly 2 and a half hours away from Round 1's deadline and there are still a lot of incomplete games. I know a lot of you have already called activity on your opponents or have even received wins from people who weren't motivated enough to play their games. If that's the case, I'm going to urge you to contact me through either a Smogon PM or a Discord Message (my Discord tag is Pearl#9022, and I'm usually idling in the Smogon Tournaments Discord server) with a link to your activity post in this thread (or an activity claim with due proof if you haven't posted anything yet). This isn't necessary, as I'm going to go through all of the pairings even if there's no message on either part, but it would make my job as a host a lot smoother if you did, as it means I won't have to go through 36 pages worth of posts.

As for extension requests, they will be handled on a case-by-case basis with the assistance of a tournament director, and pairings that were made through substitutions anytime after the first week will be automatically provided with an extension if they couldn't get their matches done in due time. The extension deadline will be Wednesday (July 26), 11:59PM EDT. If, for some reason, any of the people who've received an extension can't play during this time window due to conflicting schedules or any other extraordinary situation, they can try to negotiate with me for a slightly broader deadline (think like, 1 more day if you can give me a guarantee that the games will get done), but I can't give any guarantees that this will be possible, as delaying such a large tournament could be very detrimental in the bigger picture.

For those of you who've already won and somehow happened to stumble upon this post (read: if I missed your win post and you're getting tagged due to that or if you're just an avid follower of the prestigious UU Open VI): good job guys! Please do check the first post to see if your name has already been bolded. If it isn't in bold, let me know through the same procedure I mentioned above. If I bolded your opponent's name by accident, then I'm very sorry, but it's a little complicated to keep track of everything manually :[

Neo Renato Alejandro Zarif Redneckdino69 theglob77 Kjcan24 Kyouryu John cryalot Laga GABite2002sp MajorBowman thunder109050 Michael_Denvit dogknees London Beats Darkmao askHMC 21Jackie21 Rhett Sargent Akaru Kokuyo pokemon sparrow SHINYSPAM Ciele Garchomp for president Assassin Rogue Unlucky_076 StanislasLeLama K Legacy Jordan Moore Trwogonoga Aldroc overworld99 Chase5423 Lord Ninjax Sandstorm571 gorex Hikari Ervli HotFuzzBall PokeARi Jinover nadando Heldinho TaylorSwiftFan1 Cr4zyM4p Get this Money Frat Dude shade Funbot28 BreloomMyHomie Updated Kanto TechnoBlast majaspic22 Pyroniz Post Moves jusmone123 tdcash96 blizzardy chriskfein9418 Bundy300 SOMALIA dragonuser SceptileTheReptile Ultra mudkip PD Icy_Koko Kyleos JhawkKing NazSanity HANTSUKI A Hero's Destiny Filthy UU Vubon snagaa Level 51 KionetVahTargaryen TrainerRetro Alloy Darkdiglett TSR Korby byGiann haru. inkdexpi Heliodor Midnight Howl obii The Dark Sakura SGarcia cielbakasan Ethan_Millett Shiba Mael nLTk nightcore Keahi Mithril Samspark Simiatic drsheep19 nickgod HSA artik insult Kennyth Topflygon Doritos678 dusk raimon TBNRthink Senpai D.M Teamgetoverit17 Ninjadog~ Vagg_Slayerr Roseguardin silver97 FlamingVictini sparktrain Shaddow spratan74 Bhris Brown KingPiloswine EV Sceptile DoubleJ drewdunn123 danerod Toxzn DanteSkart NimoNimal Eclipse BloodyBisharp Wizardo22 Teamcali15 cavaliers16 col49 togkey Bax Ed Lonny1309 Bored_6886 Arii Stella Kickasser Kelvinsweg123 Bruno de Lucas Will-I-am Marcelinho Rodrigues Kstreak Trestyn al3xisz 6A9 Ace Matador Xman Natural Talent BTXGamer Pridy Chill Shadow drewone2 TheWarbler Pokemon_pro4real ilesaural Nui -herO- Rafael1112 everybody TUO Rare Poison Cynde Gengar2591 Coco19955 Jordn Seniel TheFlawlessWin DanteKyouma Poek CarryMadolche Pak SimplySam ZDen dannyy705 matthewleiria Xlewing L0ST Flex81 Arthur C Paes IsaacGS459 pythonSL tazz dingbat Vileman Gyslexic Duy Nama Jeff ZombeStrike22 CheekyShroom ABoy&HisTyphlosion omg-a-turtle-17 Chlorox SmashBrosBrawl Shingu Luthier
Hybuyn Monsieur Onion
Kevin Pogantsch Lucio283139
Kaori Zaettsu
Kebab mlml LBLOL7
Zeden daniel_s7
Sam-testings LeoLancaster
Aggronus306 WhiteQueen
Enki uu iz da shizzle
11bug PhatYT
Elegyy Andy Skabelund
Flame Road kidusrox
geeezer Zee69
iuguns qsns
thisrandomdude PenguinAssault
Realistic Waters Jayminape
King Dark swordman
Arifeen ScrubBatman
Mazar Jad Yazbeck
trc Rumor
Kordial askov
WYAH? Aidan Kelleher
Kiyo Duhking
FMG IsumiTora
MysteryCooldude Fancy Shorts
Cdumas Cicada
DeMoNtAe Thyme
Its Time dream light
L4 L3Y3ND4 benbe
OpTic_baccycones LuigiRace
Fish1899 Jahosefah
Roy Vey GrabTheSpeed
Pokeninja500 Whis
JayStaice BlazingDark
Alfredo_Rivero GarchomptheG
SohamSpur Aurora
UmPM TurtleKing
SkySky DestinyUnknown
FreezeWaffle His
GunGunJ doroknel
GingaGreninja11 chimpact
BluBirD252 tylr
Kairak Coconut
fran17 Jonahjonah
ThunderOBolt Rafooa11
dice Tony
RedMaxx shok32
Floppy Raiza
DonPatozzo Nozzermat
Alken09 Sonzinho
PkmSilver FireJirachi
LuxCalum Juanitoh
Tito Linarez Bro Kappa
Shadow2Dennis Mylo Xyloto
Sweepage Shadestep
Gene Sp ProfessorMasterChief
coyotegrimm baister09
The Excadrill PokeBeast5
manjin JoshTheKun
Myzozoa Chechen U Out
malefic MonkRanton
Rai :3 VladDracula X
Confide junior300403
Blade7055 Toxigen
Silverwhiteblue nurve
Hassin627 I Shuckle
swaggygiorgi blalib
irishbatman475 Mikaav
mackanmaxi5 Accelgor
Witherfan parivard
Xenonheat ceraa
LolBron James -Sora-
Kink SilentVerse
CieNeGa RanaldRoo
imsosorrylol Mtdp76
NoivernSkrub Lashum
Balto ujfalusi95
sassyaccident Cherub Agent
Megazard Skyzuma
Eternally klinkinator
Competitively Altervisi
White Hair Killer Al-kun
Purifier Pillow Wisp
Hugo Barrington coR.
MetalosseVGC2017 alreadyajd
i reached out late to my opponent after he reached out to me early on in the week, heard back from him and after i tried to set up a time, i didnt receive a response. unsure of what to do as im very new to all of this. help appreciated lol
Opponent seems pretty intent on giving me the win, so I guess I'll take it. Apologies for the last minute-ness of it :(
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