The Workshop


formerly PokefanKIV
Requester: PokefanKIV
For: Just for fun or avatar ig
Art Direction: a Solgaleo and Lunala back to back, kinda facing you but still of to the side. It should be daytime on Solgaleo’s side (left) and nighttime on Lunala’s side (right). I also want an Ultra Necrozma in the background behind the two, looking forward, with the kinda zoomed-in silhouettes you see in manga in between them, with Dusk Mane Necrozma looking to the left behind Solgaleo and Dawn Wings Necrozma looking to the right. Please also make the Solgaleo and Lunala in the form when they’re glowing up (like when they use Sunsteel Strike/Moongeist Beam).
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free فلسطين
is a Top Social Media Contributoris a Top Artistis a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributor
Hey, idk how to format it here (I didn’t see any rules about that, but yet again, I kinda glossed over it), but anyway, can someone please maybe make-
a Solgaleo and Lunala back to back, kinda facing you but still of to the side. It should be daytime on Solgaleo’s side (left) and nighttime on Lunala’s side (right). I also want an Ultra Necrozma in the background behind the two, looking forward, with the kinda zoomed-in silhouettes you see in manga in between them, with Dusk Mane Necrozma looking to the left behind Solgaleo and Dawn Wings Necrozma looking to the right. Please also make the Solgaleo and Lunala in the form when they’re glowing up (like when they use Sunsteel Strike/Moongeist Beam).
I know this is a lot, and I’m sorry for bothering you guys
Also, if the staff see this and there is a specific way to format this, please let me know or just change it to what it should be
Hi, this is for relevant smogon threads such as tournaments and team compendiums. If this is meant to be for a tour/compendium or other, please structure your post like how other requesters have - just go to page 78 for reference. tyty
Requester: dex & Clementine
Tournament name: SS OU Suspect Money Tournament
Projected Deadline (Sign-Up thread goes live): Signups will be going up in the next month or two.
Art Direction: We will be hosting an SS OU money tournament but with Cinderace legal and Heavy-Duty Boots illegal. Something featuring Cinderace would be coolio!

Enjoy! If any changes need to be made shoot me a DM whenever :’)
Requester: Voltix
For: Doubles LC 2024 Circuit
Art Direction: The art is mainly intended to be the banner of every tour of the circuit. I would like to give the artist full freedom about the concept, but ideally the art should feature Doubles LC Pokemon like Girafarig, Misdreavus, Stantler, Cutiefly, Vullaby, Foongus, Grookey, etc... any other pokemon from the Tier 2 or even Tier 3 of the Viability Ranking (link given) should work as well. Any doubts or suggetions, you can DM me or contact me on discord (voltix#2487)
Needed for: Ideally by February 26th or March 4th if possible.


(credit to RavioliQueen)
Requester: Voltix
For: Doubles LC 2024 Circuit
Art Direction: The art is mainly intended to be the banner of every tour of the circuit. I would like to give the artist full freedom about the concept, but ideally the art should feature Doubles LC Pokemon like Girafarig, Misdreavus, Stantler, Cutiefly, Vullaby, Foongus, Grookey, etc... any other pokemon from the Tier 2 or even Tier 3 of the Viability Ranking (link given) should work as well. Any doubts or suggetions, you can DM me or contact me on discord (voltix#2487)
Needed for: Ideally by February 26th or March 4th if possible.

Will be taking this!


heralds disaster.
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributor
Following up on our last request and its excellent response, we'd like to run it back.

Requester: Lou (me)
For: BBP's Battle Tree OP.
Art Direction: A trainer and their Pokemon doze peacefully beneath a monumental tree. What might they imagine?

The thread linked is outdated, and the finished piece would be used as the header for its Gen 9 replacement. However, it's still going to be the same style of play as before, so the linked thread is still a good starting point. If it helps, here's an example challenge where a player is expected to both write for and battle against the referee. The Battle Tree has a more relaxed place of play compared to BBP's other battle facilities; so the piece should reflect that mood.

The best reference for this sort of scene might be found in the TCG—they have made an effort to include this sort of slice-of-life scene in full-art cards recently, rather than only battle-focused scenes.

If the piece is made to be a bit wider than 16:9, that would make the thread more pleasant to view on both mobile (where it would dominate less of the screen) and PC (where users would be able to enjoy its detail).

This request doesn't have any particular deadline.


Comfortably Numb
is a Site Content Manageris a Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
Requester: Rarelyme
For: SV RU Tera Index
Art Direction: Zarude with a Tera taking the shape of a ? on its head. Zarude could be like peeking at the bottom of the rectangle and looking up at the ? or we could see its full body and it would be scratching its chin looking kinda lost. I would also like it to have "SV RU Tera Index" visibly written somewhere. No real deadline as well :)
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Requester: Rarelyme
For: SV RU Tera Index
Art Direction: Zarude with a Tera taking the shape of a ? on its head. Zarude could be like peeking at the bottom of the rectangle and looking up at the ? or we could see its full body and it would be scratching its chin looking kinda lost. I would also like it to have "SV RU Tera Index" visibly written somewhere. No real deadline as well :)
Will take this!
Following up on our last request and its excellent response, we'd like to run it back.

Requester: Lou (me)
For: BBP's Battle Tree OP.
Art Direction: A trainer and their Pokemon doze peacefully beneath a monumental tree. What might they imagine?

The thread linked is outdated, and the finished piece would be used as the header for its Gen 9 replacement. However, it's still going to be the same style of play as before, so the linked thread is still a good starting point. If it helps, here's an example challenge where a player is expected to both write for and battle against the referee. The Battle Tree has a more relaxed place of play compared to BBP's other battle facilities; so the piece should reflect that mood.

The best reference for this sort of scene might be found in the TCG—they have made an effort to include this sort of slice-of-life scene in full-art cards recently, rather than only battle-focused scenes.

If the piece is made to be a bit wider than 16:9, that would make the thread more pleasant to view on both mobile (where it would dominate less of the screen) and PC (where users would be able to enjoy its detail).

This request doesn't have any particular deadline.
taking this:tyke:
Requester: Voltix
For: Doubles LC 2024 Circuit
Art Direction: The art is mainly intended to be the banner of every tour of the circuit. I would like to give the artist full freedom about the concept, but ideally the art should feature Doubles LC Pokemon like Girafarig, Misdreavus, Stantler, Cutiefly, Vullaby, Foongus, Grookey, etc... any other pokemon from the Tier 2 or even Tier 3 of the Viability Ranking (link given) should work as well. Any doubts or suggetions, you can DM me or contact me on discord (voltix#2487)
Needed for: Ideally by February 26th or March 4th if possible.

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btw, i did another version before this one, but i didnt really like it so i remade it into the one above
1094 sin título_20240214102304.png
Requester: velvet
For: SS OU Creative & Underrated Sets
Art Direction: I think having Dragapult in the art would be nice with a scarf around it (choice scarf set essentially) and Corviknight next to it. Tysm :>
Requester: velvet
For: SS OU Creative & Underrated Sets
Art Direction: I think having Dragapult in the art would be nice with a scarf around it (choice scarf set essentially) and Corviknight next to it. Tysm :>
I'll attempt doing this one! Later today i'll be adding a WIP.
Requester: velvet
For: SS OU Creative & Underrated Sets
Art Direction: I think having Dragapult in the art would be nice with a scarf around it (choice scarf set essentially) and Corviknight next to it. Tysm :>
Alright, I got a little excited and pretty much finished it. The BG is a placeholder so pls let me know how would you like me to do it.
Would you like at add the text yourself or should I do it? If so, what exactly would you like me to write down?
Please feel free to use it in case you liked it. Otherwise no worries

btw its the first time I take a request here so pls let me know if I did anything wrong

Alright, I got a little excited and pretty much finished it. The BG is a placeholder so pls let me know how would you like me to do it.
Would you like at add the text yourself or should I do it? If so, what exactly would you like me to write down?
Please feel free to use it in case you liked it. Otherwise no worries

btw its the first time I take a request here so pls let me know if I did anything wrong

Oh shoot I completely forgot, yes SS OU Creative & Underrated Sets somewhere at the bottom of the art or the empty space above corviknight should work. Tysm and happy first time request o/
Requester: Rarelyme
For: SV RU Tera Index
Art Direction: Zarude with a Tera taking the shape of a ? on its head. Zarude could be like peeking at the bottom of the rectangle and looking up at the ? or we could see its full body and it would be scratching its chin looking kinda lost. I would also like it to have "SV RU Tera Index" visibly written somewhere. No real deadline as well :)
1100 sin título_20240221230355.png
Requester: velvet
For: Victim of the Week (SS OU)
Art Direction: was thinking smth like Heatran and Urshifu facing each other with the title above them. Should have this out during the weekend or Monday (February 24-26th)

:nidoking: KB note: Please remember to provide a thread link when making a request! If the thread is not yet live, please share when you believe the thread will be made! Thank you!
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Oh shoot I completely forgot, yes SS OU Creative & Underrated Sets somewhere at the bottom of the art or the empty space above corviknight should work. Tysm and happy first time request o/
A couple options here:

Let me know if you want me to change anything
hope you like it!
Requester: velvet
For: Victim of the Week (SS OU)
Art Direction: was thinking smth like Heatran and Urshifu facing each other with the title above them. Should have this out during the weekend or Monday (February 24-26th)

:nidoking: KB note: Please remember to provide a thread link when making a request! If the thread is not yet live, please share when you believe the thread will be made! Thank you!
If no one else picks this up I could do it in the 1st/2nd of march. Is it too late tho? Also, could you send the link for the thread that I already made the art for when its up?
Requester: velvet
For: Victim of the Week (SS OU)
Art Direction: was thinking smth like Heatran and Urshifu facing each other with the title above them. Should have this out during the weekend or Monday (February 24-26th)

:nidoking: KB note: Please remember to provide a thread link when making a request! If the thread is not yet live, please share when you believe the thread will be made! Thank you!
There we go

Feel free to use it if you like it. Also let me know if you want me to take that junky hp bar off (I left it in cuz i think its funny)
If you do use it, please send the thread link when its up :)

There we go

Feel free to use it if you like it. Also let me know if you want me to take that junky hp bar off (I left it in cuz i think its funny)
If you do use it, please send the thread link when its up :)

Gotcha! Tysm I’ll likely have the thread up sometime this week.

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