Making one post for three separate requests to not spam the thread, it absolutely doesn't need to be the same person doing all three!
Requester: Hiro' on behalf of
RoA Staff
Tournament name: ORAS Grand Slam
Projected Deadline (Sign-Up thread goes live): February 3rd
Art Direction: This is a tournament based on (at least) five different tiers from Gen 6; I was thinking about using Primal Groudon, Mienfoo and Pawniard as mascots but it's not a hard requirement. For the record, other Pokémon with significant usage are Xerneas, Yveltal, Flygon, Salamence-Mega, Venusaur, Slowking, Diancie, Drapion, etc. The text can be "ORAS Slam" if it's easier to fit; everything else is left to artist discretion.
Requester: Hiro' on behalf of
RoA Staff
Tournament name: BW Grand Slam
Projected Deadline (Sign-Up thread goes live): February 17th
Art Direction: This is a tournament based on five different tiers from Gen 5; preferably, I would like Genesect to be the mascot. For the record, other Pokémon with significant usage are Garbodor, Druddigon, Qwilfish, Monferno, Seismitoad, Durant, Golurk etc. The text can be "BW Slam" if it's easier to fit; everything else is left to artist discretion.
Requester: Hiro' on behalf of
RoA Staff
Tournament name: GSC Grand Slam
Projected Deadline (Sign-Up thread goes live): February 24th
Art Direction: This is a tournament based on five different tiers from Gen 2; preferably, I would like Croconaw to be the mascot. For the record, other Pokémon with significant usage are Snorlax, Mewtwo, Magby, Hitmontop, Venomoth, Cloyster, Weezing, Bayleef, Onix etc. The text can be "GSC Slam" if it's easier to fit; everything else is left to artist discretion.
Thank you!