Theorymon's World of Free, 100% Redistributable VGC Ubers (and a bit more)!

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Oh btw guys, I was a doofus and accidently listed Albus's Kyogre as having 31 Speed, when it thankfully has a Speed IV of 1. Sorry about that!
Hello Theorymon, thank you for the giveaway. Please help me with a Quiet Dialga.

Lv 1 Kangaskhan
IGN: Anne
Msg: Theorymon

Thanks in advance.
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Pokemon Wanted: Timid Kyurem
Deposited a level 1 male Espurr
Message: Theorymon
IGN: Sigma

Pokemon Wanted: Quiet Groudon
Deposited a level 30 male Abra
Message: Theorymon
IGN: Xemnas

Thanks x 100!
Deposited: male lv17 zangoose
Requested: Kyogre (quiet)
IGN: jAqua D
Message: Theorymon GVWY

Deposited: male lv26 gible
Requested: Kyurem (modest)
IGN: jAqua D
Message: Theorymon GVWY

Re-Deposited: female lv49 gothorita
Requested: Articuno
IGN: jAqua D
Message: Theorymon GVWY

Thank you!
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Wanted: Kuryem Modest :)
Deposited a Magnemite lv 25 IGN Nordlie message Theorymon
thanks you for the Zygrade it looks great pal !
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Pokemon Wanted: Articuno
Deposited a level 1 female Espurr
Message: Theorymon
IGN: Sigma

Pokemon Wanted: Zygarde
Deposited a level 30 male Abra
Message: Theorymon
IGN: Xemnas

Articuno sounds like it will be a blast and maybe Zygarde will turn into an absolute beast in Z? XP
Playing on cart is a lot of fun, especially on Battle Spot. But even beyond that, VGC is one of the hypest parts of Pokemon to me, its a time where regardless of whether you're from Smogon, Nugget Bridge, Serebii, or whatever, we can all watch and root for some great trainers!

I also happen to love using Ubers, so the VGC 2016 rules have obviously made me very happy! One issue though: that pesky Pentagon rule. It's such a pain in the ass to soft reset for stuff. Really, I think soft reseting is the dumbest barrier into on cart competitive Pokemon!

So this thread is sorta my way of protesting this dumb mechanic: Using only the cloning powers of a Powersav, I'm cloning 100% redistrutable legendary Pokemon, and will give them out for free for as long as I live! Feel free to put these Pokemon in your own trade threads (provided they are free, scamming people isn't cool!), wonder trade them, feed them to a horde of angry Arceus, whatever floats your boat!

Let's just get the rules outta the way first!

The Rules and Details

1. These Pokemon are being given away via GTS.

2. In your posts in this thread, Please give me your In Game Name, GTS message, and whatever Pokemon you deposited. Preferably, you want to deposit an obscure, trashy Pokemon so you won't get sniped.

3. There is no "stock", I'll just keep cloning more! After you got a Pokemon via a previous post, feel free to upload a new mon and post to ask for another!

4. Unlike otherwise noted, these Pokemon have been soft reseted by me.

5. That being said, this thread does accept donations. If you're Pokemon is a Kalos Native 100% redistrutable mon for VGC (or legendary in general, more on that), then it'll get featured in this thread!

6. I'll usually be on around 7-10 PM EST the most consistently, but I'll try to give out mons in the morning when I get the chance!

The VGC Uber Pokemon!


IVs: 31/xx/27/31/28/31
EVs:4HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid Ability: Pressure
Level: 100

-Calm Mind
-Aura Sphere
-Ice Beam
OT: Testingmon ID: 37296
This has the nickname of Deuxmiaou. I was the doofus and deleted the game it came from, so I can't rename it, sorry! Also, this probably isn't the optimal Mewtwo set, but I'm not sure what people use on it the most since I haven't seen much, and this moveset was for a singles Ubers tournament back in XY.


Ho-Oh(Guy Fawkes)
IVs: 31/31/30/xx/30/31
Nature: Adamant Ability: Pressure
Level: 50

-Brave Bird
-Sacred Fire
OT: Pancake ID: 61762
This is lucariojr 's awesome Ho-Oh! I can't nickname it, but come on Guy Fawkes is a nice silley name right? Also, this has no EVs, since I wasn't sure if I wanted to outspeed Smeargle or not :P


IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/1
Nature: Quiet Ability: Drizzle
Level: 45

-Ice Beam
OT: Albus ID: 33747
Albus Magus 's excellent Trick Room Kyogre he was giving away on Nugget Bridge is now here! Also, be sure to thank Rambo and Nelson Tangela, who where aiding in the giveaway!

This Kyogre is untouched, for those of you who want to be quirky and use Level 49 Kyogre to underspeed Groudon, or want to use a fancy EV spread of some sort.


IVs: 31/10/30/31/31/1
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Nature: Quiet Ability: Drought
Level: 90

-Earth Power
-Hidden Power
OT: Theorymon ID: 64264
Get this: I got this freaking thing on my first Master Ball o_O! Not only is this perfect for TR teams that want Special Groudon, this thing also got Hidden Power Ice. Probably my luckiest Soft Reset ever! Also thankfully, a Speed IV of 1 is the same as 0 at level 50. Just note that sadly, I rare candied the Groudon to make sure it had the IVs it did, so this is above level 45 :(


IVs: 31/31/31/26/31/31
Nature: Adamant Ability: Drought
Level: 45

-Lava Plume
-Bulk Up
OT: Jibaku ID: 28343
This is Jibaku 's amazing Adamant Groudon he got really early this year, glad its finally useful! Totally untouched too, as there are some interesting ways you can EV Groudon. For example, I know Jibaku himself is a big fan of heavy Special Defense investment!


IVs: 31/31/31/20-21/30/1
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Nature: Brave Ability: Drought
Level: 100

-Bulk Up
-Rock Slide
OT: Joseph ID: 37476
This is the really nice Groudon lucariojr soft reseted recently. He named it Gordon, so you too can imagine Groudon smashing some headcrabs!


IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Nature: Modest Ability: Drought
Level: 50
-Earth Power
-Dragon Pulse
OT: Victor ID: 57754
Hey look, its the first Post-thread donation! vzxt was kind enough to donate this pretty much flawless Modest Groudon whose name is Jasper! I left it untouched except for giving it special attacks and raising it to level 50 via Rare Candy so I could make the more relearner give it Eruption in Pokemon X (handy how much earlier it learns it there).

This Groudon is perfect for those that wanna outspeed TR Groudons while still being a Special Attacker. I personally like to give it 236 Speed EVs to outspeed +speed Smeargle, but theres probably other interesting EV spreads out there too!


EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly Ability: Air Lock
Level: 100

-Dragon Dance
-Bulk Up
-Extreme Speed
OT: Theorymon ID: 64264
Yeah I know the SpA is sorta a bummer, but after I got great stats otherwise, I was like "screw it Im keeping it", since I wanted move tutor access already! If it means much, I found it still worked well with Waterfall, and you can still roast Scizor and Ferrothorn with Fire attacks if you wish...

Also, make sure you go into the Dragon cave to move tutor Dragon Ascent! I wish I didn't forget to remove that so I could GTS it before cloning all these Rayquaza rofl. If you really need Dragon Ascent because of SRing hell, feel free to requiest a private trade!


IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/1
Nature: Quiet Ability: Pressure
Level: 50

-Aura Sphere
-Iron Tail
-Roar of Time
-Flash Cannon
OT: Noelle ID: 50305
This is Zari 's amazing TR Dialga soft reset! The 30 SpA is OCD inducing, but Dialga doesn't lose out on any KOs I know of with that thankfully. Just make sure if you wanna max the SpA, to use 248 SpA EVs so you don't waste anything!

This is untouched because TR Dialga has a lot of interesting potential EV spreads. While theres max HP max SpA, I recall seeing a japanese Pokeblog talking about a very physically bulky Weakness Policy variant that could OHKO Xerneas with a +2 Iron Head, which seemed interesting!


IVs: 31/xx/31/29/30/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Modest Ability: Pressure
Level: 74

-Draco Meteor
-Ice Beam
-Scary Face (Changes into Fusion Flare when fused with Reshiram)
-Earth Power
OT: Landon ID: 54158
tennisace was kind enough to donate his slightly imperfect (but still excellent) redisturtable Modest Kyurem to this thread! Thankfully, White Kyurem with 29 SpA still nabs a 2HKO on uninvested Xerneas with no item, so that's pretty nice!

Just remember, you'll need a Reshiram to get White Kyurem, and you need both a Zekrom and a Reshiram to get to the Gnarled Cave in the sky, which has the DNA Splice hidden via the Dowising Rods.


IVs: 31/xx/31/29/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid Ability: Pressure
Level: 74

-Draco Meteor
-Ice Beam
-Scary Face (Changes into Fusion Flare when fused with Reshiram)
-Earth Power
OT: Pancake ID: 61762
lucariojr once again saves the day with an awesome soft reset! BTW if you're a fan of Undertale like I am, I bet its nickname, "Snowdrake", might make you imagine Kyurem as a bad teenaged stand up comedian!

Just remember, you'll want a Reshiram to get White Kyurem, and you need both a Zekrom and a Reshiram to get to the Gnarled Cave in the sky, which has the DNA Splice hidden via the Dowising Rods.


IVs: 31/xx/31/31/29/31
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid Ability: Fairy Aura
Level: 100

-Focus Blast
OT: Theorymon ID: 00635
This is actually my first succesful soft reset EVER, reseted back in the early days of XY! Also yeah, that moveset is weird, let me explain: It was just something I was testing in Battle Spot Singles Free Battle, since the time I was playing there, a lot of the good teams were so anti Geomancy Xerneas that I wanted to try a different kind of Xerneas. Obviously you'll want to dramatically change this set for VGC!


IVs: 25/31/31/28/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 4 Atk / 248 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Hasty Ability: Dark Aura
Level: 100

-Dark Pulse
-Sucker Punch
-Oblivion Wing
OT: Testingmon ID: 37296
Not my best Soft Reset, but I rushed it since I needed this Yveltal for that XY 3vs3 Ubers tournament waaaaay back then! Also, sadly I can't rename this Yveltal since I deleted the file I caught it from.

Fun fact: The reason this Yveltal is named Yacaw goes back to XY's reveal. We at #Pokemon (now known as the IRC channel #Smogon) were super hyped about the XY reveal, but since we had no names for the legendaries on day 1, we coined our own: Yacaw for Yveltal, and Xeindeer for Xerneas!


IVs: 31/29/30/xx/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly Ability: Dark Aura
Level: 80

-Sucker Punch
-Foul Play
OT: Yacaw ID: 53489
This was sorta a special request for a friend of mine: He wanted to use a fast bulky Foul Play Yveltal, and wanted a physical version for Sucker Punch priority. 29 Atk is a bit annoying, but I got this thing pretty fast!
You are seriously some sort of saviour. The quick response time must be applauded!

IGN: Brendon
Requested: Yveltal, Lv. 80
Deposited: Spoink, ♂, Lv. 19
Message: Theorymon
If I could request "jasper" the modest groudon please
Depositing a lv1male horsea
Message:VGC16 HERO
Thanks again
Ok I'll get back to trading stuff tomorrow. Sorry I got side tracked everyone! There will be a couple of new mons added tomorrow as well!
IGN: Green
Deposit: Lvl 1 Female Trubbish
Request: Quiet Kyogre
GTS message: Theorymon

Thanks again for the giveaway!
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Hi, I'd really love that Kyogre! (with 1 speed it's far better ;) )

IGN: Quentin
Deposit: Lvl 13 female zigzagoon
Request: Quiet Kyogre
GTS message: Theorymon :)

Again, thank you so much!
oh right better post it here too
Deposited a female lv1 Aron
IGN: Marine
Message: Theorymon
for that: :)
IVs: 31/29/30/xx/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly Ability: Dark Aura
Level: 80

-Sucker Punch
-Foul Play

Hey Theorymon! Since you told I could ask for the second mon :)

IGN: Abhishek
Deposited Mon : Nuzleaf (Male) (Level 17)
Message: rayq theorymon
Pokémon Requested: Rayquaza (The Jolly DD Bulk up one)
Many thanks!!!
Deposited: female lvl 4 Zigzagoon
Requested: Kyogre
IGN: DoubleD
Message: Theorymon

Deposited: male lvl 1 Snubbull
Requested: Groudon (Adamant)
Message: Theorymon

Thank you very much..!
This is a redeposit. I deleted my above request to eliminate confusion. Follow this post please.

Deposited a lv. 15 (M) Spinda.
IGN: Stephen
Request: Kyogre
Message: Theorymon

Thanks so much! I can see this giveaway going viral. I hope you have someone who can help you out. I don't want you to overwork yourself.
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