

I haven't seen another one, and being a Togetic lover I'd like to do this one.


BOLD things are useful.

Base Stats: 55HP/40Atk/85Def/80SpA/105SpD/40Spe

Level Up Moves
Lv 1 Sweet Kiss
Lv 1 Growl
Lv 1 Charm
Lv 1 Metronome
Lv 1Magical Leaf
Lv 5 Metronome
Lv 9 Sweet Kiss
Lv 13 Yawn
Lv 17 Encore
Lv 21 Follow Me
Lv 25 Bestow
Lv 29 Wish
Lv 33 AncientPower
Lv 37 Safeguard
Lv 41 Baton Pass
Lv 45 Double Edge
Lv 49 Last Resort
Lv 53 After You

Egg Moves
Future Sight
Lucky Chant
Mirror Move
Morning Sun
Nasty Plot
Psycho Shift
Secret Power
Stored Power

TM10-Hidden Power
TM11-Sunny Day
TM15-Hyper Beam
TM16-Light Screen
TM18-Rain Dance
TM30-Shadow Ball
TM31-Brick Break
TM32-Double Team
TM38-Fire Blast
TM40-Aerial Ace
TM49-Echoed Voice
TM68-Giga Impact
TM73-Thunder Wave
TM77-Psych Up
TM83-Work Up
TM85-Dream Eater
TM86-Grass Knot
TM94-Rock Smash

Generation IV TMs(illegal with DW ability)
TM01-Focus Punch
TM03-Water Pulse
TM34-Shock Wave
TM43-Secret Power
TM47-Steel Wing
TM60-Drain Punch
TM62-Silver Wind
TM82-Sleep Talk
TM83-Natural Gift

Tutored Moves

Body Slam
Defense Curl
Double Edge
Mega Kick
Mega Punch
Mud Slap
Seismic Toss

Gen IV
Air Cutter
Heal Bell
Heat Wave
Last Resort
Ominous Wind
Role Play
Signal Beam
Zen Headbutt

Prior Evolution(Togepi)
Tri Attack(XD Purification move for Togepi)
Helping Hand(XD Purification move for Togepi)
Uproar(Pt/HGSS Move tutor)

Ah, Togetic. Her complete awesomeness in the days of GSC (lol) was ruined when DPP brought its irritating evolution around, the infamous and infuriating Togekiss. This was essentially Togetic's death in Gen IV, but now is its revival. For being able to evolve into Togekiss has allowed Togetic to use the new item Eviolite, which boosts both of it's defenses by 50%. This gives Togetic defenses superior to its evolution (which was no slouch defensively anyway). So, what does Togetic have over, say, Porygon2, who otherwise seems the better NFE staller with useable Special Attack? Well, she has Heal Bell and Wish, which allows Togetic to be much more of a team player than Pory. She also is one of the only pokemon in OU to Baton Pass Nasty Plot, but with BreakPassing now the favoured form of passing Special Attack, this is pretty much redundant.

Set: TogeTank

-Charm/Protect/Heal Bell/Yawn
-Charm/Protect/Heal Bell/Yawn
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252HP/252Def/6SpD
Item: Eviolite

Defensive Tiers: Physical: 124.25 (to 2 d.p), Special: 122.38

Put it this way. The standard Impish 252/184/72 defensive Gliscor has a physical defensive tier of 123.45. This means Togetic takes physical hits better than one of the most distinguished physical walls in the metagame right now. While she lacks poison heal and Gliscor's resistances, she instead has Wish, Heal Bell, and Charm in her arsenal. Toxic obviously is your way of doing damage. She isnt the best wish passer with her relatively low HP, but she can do it and it distinguishes him from others. Heal Bell rids Togetic and her teammates of status, Charm halves the attack of your opponent and allows Togetic to survive more physical blows. If you are using Wish, Protect can be used to guarantee healing and stall for more Toxic damage. Finally, a very, very gimmicky option, but AncientPower or Silver Wind can be used in combination with Serene Grace for a 20% chance to increase all of Togetic’s stats.

Here are some damage calcs for you.

vs 252 Adamant Machamp DynamicPunch - 30.57 - 36.31%
vs 252 Adamant Machamp Stone Edge - 40.76 - 48.40%
vs 252 Jolly Garchomp Outrage - 33.44 - 39.49%
vs 252 Jolly Garchomp Outrage (-2) - 16.56 - 20.06%.

These calcs demonstrate TogeTank’s physical bulk. As you can see, with SR absent on your side of the field, Togetic is never 2HKOed by ScarfChomp’s Outrage, allowing you to Charm him or Roost.
An excellent partner for the Togetank is Magnezone. Togetic can’t touch Steel types, as they are immune to Toxic. Magnezone can trap and kill them effectively, especially Ferrothorn, who could Leech Seed Togetic, and Skarmory, who can set up Spikes and Stealth Rock on the poor hapless fairy.

Set:Baton Passer

-Nasty Plot
-Baton Pass
-Thunder Wave/Sweet Kiss/Substitute/Heal Bell/Charm/Protect/AncientPower
Nature: Bold
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252HP/252Def/6SpD
Item: Eviolite

Standard Baton Passer. Togetic is capable of Baton Passing Nasty Plot, unfortunately Volbeat and Gorebyss are now the preferred Special Attack passers with Tail Glow and Shell Smash respectively, so this set faces fierce competition. However, Togetic has a couple of things over these two - the ability to take hits very well even without boosts in its defensive stats, and the ability to heal to obtain multiple boosts. Simply stick Nasty Plot and Baton Pass on there, a recovery move of choice, and a final move of your choice. Protect is only there if you are using Wish, Thunder Wave and Sweet Kiss for annoying purposes, Substitute and Heal Bell to deal with status, and Charm to take on and set up on physical attackers. AncientPower (or Silver Wind) get a mention here for the 20% chance to see Togetic's stats skyrocket, then passing it to another teammate; therefore they are more viable on this set than the previous one.

As a side note, Togetic gets Super Luck from the Dream World. I can see no real practical use for this, as Togetic is not going to be attacking very often, and if she is, it'll be with Tri Attack or Fire Blast, which both benefit from Serene Grace.

I hope by doing this people will recognise Togetic’s pure awesomeness and usefulness. Even if he doesn’t make OU, maybe he’ll be a force in UU.
Probably won't be all too great in Ou as long as porygon2 is still around with it's more hp and trace. Also, sr weakness blah blah blah, 55 base hp blah blag blah
When I see a Togetic in the Team Preview, I immediately think my opponent sucks.

I'm sure others feel the same. Perhaps you can write about this in the first post: Togetic can help you play mind games with the opponent by making them think you suck. It's almost like Zoroark, but not quite.
Aside from being VERY Taunt-weak, Togetic actually isn't half as bad as i first thought. I still think she'll have issues, though, as there are many other physical walls who can also do many other things, and thus be more favorable, especially with Team Preview making variable set pokemon much more sought-after. Togetic becomes slightly predictable, as aside from a Tank, it has little other options, and also no way to hurt stuff reliably outside of Toxic (AncientPower and Silver Wind are, as the OP said, gimmicky).

I'd like to add, though, that Extrasensory should be considered, as that would give it some way to damage the horde of Fighting types this Generation, especially since some things run Guts to screw over Status users. (The guts comment is mainly directed at Heracross. I'm not sure about this, but i think Roobushin also has Guts?)
You could maybe Add (Come up with some) more possible sets.

Really not much too say just a standard Baton Passer really.
Nature: Bold
Ability: Serene Grass
EVs: 252HP/252Def/6SpD
Item: Eviolite
-Thunder Wave
-Nasty Plot
-Baton Pass
-Substitute/Sweet Kiss/Wish/Ancient Power/Charm
I don't know, I'm of the opinion that Togetic/W Eviolite is definitely usable. However, as a NastyPasser, it is outclassed by Shell Smash passers and Volbeat (I know which one I would use if I wanted to pass a SpA boost).

This may be a tad gimmicky (sigh, why am I drawn to these sets...) but what about a bulky Nasty Plot abuser? For a start, 80 SpA is most definitely usable, especially when boosting, and her(?) low Spe isn't an issue when the aim of the set is to be able to take hits.

Togetic@ Eviolite
252HP|252 SpA|4 Def
+Def Nature

-Nasty Plot
-Tri Attack
-Fire Blast/ Flamethrower

Max SpA EV's means Togetic reaches 518 SpA after one Nasty Plot, and 777 after two (which shouldn't be trouble at all). Roost off the damage taken whilst setting up and proceed to hit stuff. Tri Attack is used for STAB, and has a nice boost under Serene Grace to freeze, burn or paralyse 20% of the time, and Fire Blast/ Flamethrower are to take care of those pesky Steels.
The Machamp calculation is deceptive; if you Roost against him you lose your Flying type, becoming weak against Dynamic Punch.
The Machamp calculation is deceptive; if you Roost against him you lose your Flying type, becoming weak against Dynamic Punch.

I think that if I was to go with using that set knowing I would send it on a Machamp I would use Wish and Protect in lieu of Roost and have Charm as the last slot to cripple it/Force a switch.
Yeah, Conkelderp has Guts.

But one thing Togetic lacks over Togekiss, and is the main reason why Togekiss was so annoying in the first place, is Air Slash. Togekiss is mostly used to troll people with TWave+Air Slash, but even that is a poor man's Jirachi(or should we say, it's simply a tankier Jirachi with lower Speed). Togetic's only use is to tank and Toxic people, period.

As useless as it may be, it'd be great for OP to update with the following:

STAB moves are italicised, useful(IMO) stuff are bolded


TM10-Hidden Power
TM11-Sunny Day
TM15-Hyper Beam
TM16-Light Screen
TM18-Rain Dance
TM30-Shadow Ball
TM31-Brick Break
TM32-Double Team
TM38-Fire Blast
TM40-Aerial Ace

TM49-Echoed Voice

TM68-Giga Impact

TM73-Thunder Wave
TM77-Psych Up
TM83-Work Up
TM85-Dream Eater
TM86-Grass Knot
TM94-Rock Smash

Generation IV TMs(illegal with DW ability)
TM01-Focus Punch
TM03-Water Pulse
TM34-Shock Wave
TM43-Secret Power
TM47-Steel Wing
TM60-Drain Punch
TM62-Silver Wind
TM82-Sleep Talk
TM83-Natural Gift


Body Slam
Defense Curl
Double Edge
Mega Kick
Mega Punch

Mud Slap
Seismic Toss

Gen IV
Air Cutter
Heal Bell
Heat Wave
Last Resort
Ominous Wind
Role Play
Signal Beam

Zen Headbutt

Prior Evolution(Togepi)
Tri Attack(XD Purification move for Togepi)
Helping Hand(XD Purification move for Togepi)
Uproar(Pt/HGSS Move tutor)

There, should be about it. Serene Grace Tri Attack/Fire Blast may troll here, if possible. Trick also seems great. Psychic over Extrasensory honestly, unless you want the crapload of PP that Extrasensory has. Also, if you want reliable recovery and not for Machamp to own you, use Softboiled. :P
The Machamp calculation is deceptive; if you Roost against him you lose your Flying type, becoming weak against Dynamic Punch.

You are slower than Machamp at 40 base speed, so you get hit before you roost. Therefore the calculation is fine.

You could maybe Add (Come up with some) more possible sets.

Really not much too say just a standard Baton Passer really.
Nature: Bold
Ability: Serene Grass
EVs: 252HP/252Def/6SpD
Item: Eviolite
-Thunder Wave
-Nasty Plot
-Baton Pass
-Substitute/Sweet Kiss/Wish/Ancient Power/Charm

Thanks, I was gonna add a BP set later, but i'll just use this.

Yeah, Conkelderp has Guts.

But one thing Togetic lacks over Togekiss, and is the main reason why Togekiss was so annoying in the first place, is Air Slash. Togekiss is mostly used to troll people with TWave+Air Slash, but even that is a poor man's Jirachi(or should we say, it's simply a tankier Jirachi with lower Speed). Togetic's only use is to tank and Toxic people, period.

As useless as it may be, it'd be great for OP to update with the following:

STAB moves are italicised, useful(IMO) stuff are bolded


TM10-Hidden Power
TM11-Sunny Day
TM15-Hyper Beam
TM16-Light Screen
TM18-Rain Dance
TM30-Shadow Ball
TM31-Brick Break
TM32-Double Team
TM38-Fire Blast
TM40-Aerial Ace

TM49-Echoed Voice

TM68-Giga Impact

TM73-Thunder Wave
TM77-Psych Up
TM83-Work Up
TM85-Dream Eater
TM86-Grass Knot
TM94-Rock Smash

Generation IV TMs(illegal with DW ability)
TM01-Focus Punch
TM03-Water Pulse
TM34-Shock Wave
TM43-Secret Power
TM47-Steel Wing
TM60-Drain Punch
TM62-Silver Wind
TM82-Sleep Talk
TM83-Natural Gift


Body Slam
Defense Curl
Double Edge
Mega Kick
Mega Punch

Mud Slap
Seismic Toss

Gen IV
Air Cutter
Heal Bell
Heat Wave
Last Resort
Ominous Wind
Role Play
Signal Beam

Zen Headbutt

Prior Evolution(Togepi)
Tri Attack(XD Purification move for Togepi)
Helping Hand(XD Purification move for Togepi)
Uproar(Pt/HGSS Move tutor)

There, should be about it. Serene Grace Tri Attack/Fire Blast may troll here, if possible. Trick also seems great. Psychic over Extrasensory honestly, unless you want the crapload of PP that Extrasensory has. Also, if you want reliable recovery and not for Machamp to own you, use Softboiled. :P

This will be very useful, thanks! Also, while i was going through the tutor move list, i noticed counter. Could Togetic pull off a half decent surprise counter set, even with her low HP?
I don't I've said before, I just don't see Togetic getting much use outside of NU. While it does have good defenses with Eviolite and is usable, why exactly would you choose it over some of the other choices out there? Porygon2, Smashpassers, Mew, Chansey, Togekiss - it looks as if there's always something that outclasses Togetic at whatever you try to make it do.
I use Togetic on my triples team as a support 'mon and it is very good at what it does. Granted, it's pretty much dead after one turn, but once Primeape is at max attack, it does not matter.

Togetic @ Eviolite
EV's: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpD
-Follow Me
-Heal Bell

Primeape @ Lum Berry
EV's: 6 HP / 252 Att / 252 Spe
Ability: Anger Point
Nature: Adamant
-Rock Slide

Nature: Timid
-Frost Breath
I've been trying out Eviolite Togetic and I gotta say, it's fun to play with and works with prediction.

Set I've been using:
252 hp/252 def Bold
Nasty Plot
Baton Pass

Come in on a set upper or predict a set up move such as stealth rocks or calm mind and encore it. Now it either goes like this: They switch out or stay in thinking Togetic is not a threat. I either use Nasty Plot to pass onto my special attackers or I use Baton Pass to switch to something that can threaten the setter upper.

It works in these situations that aren't too uncommon. However the flaw is that because Togetic is slow and doesn't have Prankster, it requires prediction or coming on a really slow pokemon like Reuniclus to be able to stop set ups and bring your own set up in.

As for defensive capabilities, it takes uninvested supereffective hits pretty well. It's no Porygon or Chansey, but it can take good enough hits to be able to Wish and baton pass
I like Togetic more than Togekiss, but togekiss has a nice sp.atk coupled with reasonable bulk. Then Again, togetic has more bulk with evolite, and still a fairly decent 80 Sp.atk, but low speed. Togetic is taunt bait however on defensive sets, and offensive sets are outclassed by Togekiss.
I don't know, I'm of the opinion that Togetic/W Eviolite is definitely usable. However, as a NastyPasser, it is outclassed by Shell Smash passers and Volbeat (I know which one I would use if I wanted to pass a SpA boost).

This may be a tad gimmicky (sigh, why am I drawn to these sets...) but what about a bulky Nasty Plot abuser? For a start, 80 SpA is most definitely usable, especially when boosting, and her(?) low Spe isn't an issue when the aim of the set is to be able to take hits.

Togetic@ Eviolite
252HP|252 SpA|4 Def
+Def Nature

-Nasty Plot
-Tri Attack
-Fire Blast/ Flamethrower

Max SpA EV's means Togetic reaches 518 SpA after one Nasty Plot, and 777 after two (which shouldn't be trouble at all). Roost off the damage taken whilst setting up and proceed to hit stuff. Tri Attack is used for STAB, and has a nice boost under Serene Grace to freeze, burn or paralyse 20% of the time, and Fire Blast/ Flamethrower are to take care of those pesky Steels.
You can't use tri attack and nasty plot together.
It just hit me that Togetic can learn seismic toss in RSE. This would give you a way to deal a solid 100 damage each turn as well as prevent you from being complete taunt bait.

Something like:

Seismic Toss

edit: Throw heal bell in there somewhere for good measure.
Togetic gets Softboiled in FRLG, giving it reliable healing...
But Togetic is overall just a bad poke. All of it's redeeming qualities are kinda outclassed by many different things... If you want to run togetic, play middle cup. LOL.
Togetic gets Softboiled in FRLG, giving it reliable healing...
But Togetic is overall just a bad poke. All of it's redeeming qualities are kinda outclassed by many different things... If you want to run togetic, play middle cup. LOL.

Roost > Softboiled. Just sayin'.

Although technically, both don't really have a difference since Togetic is slow, but still.