So with April drawing to a close and comes and May being right around the corner ( Trademarked time to shine may come) I thought I should try to make some sample teams for the meta
Now my teambuilding skills arent the best and the evs on the sets are preliminary. So here is a new team I am proposing for a sample for Trademarked.
Note: I also would love some sample teams to be submitted though as opposed to this one thats merely a prelim team I would like to see some examples of its effectiveness or just an explanation to shows me its effectivness.
Its just a basic balance team with an attempt to cover some of the things I find to be more threatening in the meta.
Salamence, is the physical wall and defogger. Noticeably geared towards dealing with kartana (save for laser focus variants if banded). With lots of stuff running sd or other attack boosting moves along with salamence having a decent typing for dealing stomacheing common physical types (save for rock and dragon the latter of which mag covers), i feel this set can at least work to some degree. Dragon tail also helps to mitigate the likely hood of something just setting up in salamence`s face.
Chansey acts as a rock setter on top of being a wish passer. Honestly if your really feeling it you can run wish as a trademark and stealth rocks in your regular moves. Its just to potentialy make salamence hazard removal and walling an easier task on top of keeping magearna alive as well. And of course a special attack sponge.
Magearna is anti meta in terms of having heart swap to deal with anything that may insta setup and try to run over your team. If mag can either resist or is immune to the oncoming hit(which isnt too hard since mag has so many resists to common types) it can be free switchin and if it doesnt, you could still revenge kill after mag gets in as high chances are the pokemon it faces will either do too little dmg at that point or be slower. Iron head is run for the sake of physical coverage if mag swaps with a physical attacker. Volt switch is for pivoting on the likely switch upon the mon being robbed of its dmg boost, ice beam is preliminary coverage and of course fleur cannon is strong stab. The evs are just to give it decent special bulk though i feel they can be better optimized as the meta develops.
Hoopa Unbound, is the wallbreaker and does it well. This takes from the set idea someone posted earlier regarding laser focus Hoopa unbound. Its basically an anti meta wallbreaker as most teams will be running the likes of self defensive stat buffing or opposing offensive stat dropping moves, and critting ignores both these factors. Hoopa U already boasts an extremely high atk stat of 170, and has decent coverage so very little is living after that on top of crit and choice band. Its stabs are especially frightening as very little will live or take less than half of their hp in dmkg after getting hit by one of em. Its speed is still not among the best but still just enough to outspeed most walls which is the only thing hoopa u should be aiming to attack at. Also have keep in mind laser focus will only be available for the first turn out and not subsequent ones. You could also run a mixed set with hoopa u as its special stat is high to do decent without being invested.
Landorus-Therian is both a double dancer on top of helping to revenge kill faster opponents. Stone edge is of course for stuff like zapdos, and anything else that may resists its primary stabs. Once all atk drop trademark mons are down this thing can clear a team out fairly easily as it has shown to do so in standard and best part is it only needs one turn to setup as opposed to the usual two.
Volcarona, the last mon on the team and honestly added more so for special coverage than anything else lol. May honestly be the most irrelevant mon on the team. However, it is still good in its own right. Calm mind lets it have a boost up before it uses quiver dance letting it reach to sweep ability faster. Will o wisp can also be used to deal with the pesky physical attackers volcarona dislikes (however have to beware of accuracy). Flame plate is run for lack of a better item since z slot is taken by lando for fly. Hidden power electric is run instead of giga drain for chipping pex, though as i write this, psychic or hp ground could easily do the same while still hitting other notable things (lol).
This is a sample team I am proposing and wouldnt mind some opinions to better it for general use. Just wanted to make something for people to use day one as thats something I find that happens with alot of new omotm, where people cant find samples to use. So please critique it and post your own so that it could potentially be considered for samples