Tyranitar (Analysis)

I fixed your thing Greed, let me know what you think.

Also, is there a mod that's going and changing set-names or something? If so, let me know about that please.
It sounds smooth now. Just remember not to misspell Bullet Punch


Other than that, I'd say Tyranitar is fine and dandy now.
Stone Edge, although sometimes painfully inaccurate puts a large dent in pretty much anything that doesn't resist it.
This is in the set comments of the Choice band set. If I'm not mistaken, there should be a comma after "inaccurate."
I feel like Dragon Dancing Tyranitar could be an EXTREMELY potent sweeper this gen, outspeeding so much of the meta by just a few points (so many of it's counters are outspeed and then OHKO'd). And ontop of that is has the surprise factor because it's so rare this gen. I really think Tyranitar is underrated as a dragon dance sweeper.
I'd like to know why isn't Low Kick considered as an alternative for Superpower; it gets the key Pokemon such as Terrakion and opposing Tyranitar for the same BP without the negative side-effect.
I am sorry, but your choice band set is horrible. Special wall ev spread? Not only does it get outsped by its main enemy skarm, but it cant 2hko it, ohko 252/4 toed, or do much at all. The set i use works great and is:
Tyranitar@ choice band
Adamant nature
Sand stream
Evs: 252 attack, 96 speed, 160 hp
Stone edge
Super power
This set is a lot more offensive while still being bulkier than a lot of pokemon. It is fast enough to outspeed skarmory with around 20 speed evs, which is very rare. It deals 47-55% to 252/252 impish skarm, a clean 2hko with rocks. It can also do 90-107% to 252/4 politoed, which will usually be an ohko with rocks or sand storm damage( both these are from stone edge btw). Puruit is there for obvious reasons, crunch is another reliable stab move slightly less powerfull than stone edge. Changing aqua tail to super power very important as well. It can hit ferro, hit enemy ttars harder ( the speed nearly guarantees you to outspeed them) it still hits terrakions coming in. Stone edge is barely weaker than a super effective aqua tail, and will still hit landorus and gliscor for a ton of damage. The thought of hippowdon is very ridiculous, i havent seen a single one in weeks.
I found a minor spelling error in the analysis:

Fire Blast combines with Crunch nicely, hitting common Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Skarmory, and Foretress who would otherwise love to set up in front of Tyranitar.

It should be Forretress, not "Foretress."
I think it should be mentioned that if Choice Banded Tyranitar predicts correctly and it uses Pursuit when the foe switches out, it won't be locked into it. (Sorry if it was already mentioned somewhere.)
Assuming I remember correctly, going Unnerve means you lose out on Aqua Tail and Superpower, and that's pretty noteworthy as a detriment.

Is Rock Polish not viable?
Assuming I remember correctly, going Unnerve means you lose out on Aqua Tail and Superpower, and that's pretty noteworthy as a detriment.

Is Rock Polish not viable?
Not when Dragon Dance pretty much lets Tyranitar outspeed most significant targets within it's Speed Range (especially Thundurus and Latios), and the Speed boost is rather pointless when you think about the bulky threats Tyranitar has to run into. Dragon Dance raises Attack, so Tyranitar stands a better chance against the likes of Dragonite and Gliscor.
On the Choice Band Set, I would take out 40 of the SDef evs and put them into speed. This will let t-tar outspeed standard taunt Jellicent and Crunch/Pursuit it before it can get off a Will-O-Wisp
In the item slot of the Choice Band set, "band" needs to be capitalized. I also think that an alternate, more offensive EV spread should be mentioned (probably 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe, unless there is a convenient defensive benchmark to hit) under the Choice Band set for the sake of outrunning and KOing Jellicent and Skarmory, as mentioned in previous posts.
im pretty sure that CurseTar cud work...mostly late game cuz of many Conkeldurr/Infernape/Lucario around...unless u can support that problem to prevent Tar from switchin out and losin tha boosts...otherwise ull have 2 scout with Tar for Fighting-types and switch back with something to help (Chandellure *cough*)...
Ok, why isn't Stone Edge/Rock Slide not ementioned anywhere in the first set? It seriously helps with taking down Volcorona, who can easily set up on the first set right now. Ice Beam really doesn't do all that much considering that it's main purpose was to surprise kill Gliscor, and pretty much any good player will not leave Gliscor in on a Tyranitar if it's first sent out, so Stone Edge or Rock Slide should be put into the 4th moveslot instead of Ice Beam, which should get an AC mention IMO.
The same could be said for Fire Blast and Ferrothorn or Superpower and Terrakion. Tyranitar doesn't need to get a surprise kill on Gliscor for Ice Beam to be useful; it's the threat of Ice Beam that matters more -- it acts as a deterrent to Gliscor/Landorus switching in or setting up. I think it should remain the primary option, while Stone Edge/Rock Slide can be mentioned in AC. Crunch does reasonable damage to Volcarona, anyway.