I am sorry, but your choice band set is horrible. Special wall ev spread? Not only does it get outsped by its main enemy skarm, but it cant 2hko it, ohko 252/4 toed, or do much at all. The set i use works great and is:
Tyranitar@ choice band
Adamant nature
Sand stream
Evs: 252 attack, 96 speed, 160 hp
Stone edge
Super power
This set is a lot more offensive while still being bulkier than a lot of pokemon. It is fast enough to outspeed skarmory with around 20 speed evs, which is very rare. It deals 47-55% to 252/252 impish skarm, a clean 2hko with rocks. It can also do 90-107% to 252/4 politoed, which will usually be an ohko with rocks or sand storm damage( both these are from stone edge btw). Puruit is there for obvious reasons, crunch is another reliable stab move slightly less powerfull than stone edge. Changing aqua tail to super power very important as well. It can hit ferro, hit enemy ttars harder ( the speed nearly guarantees you to outspeed them) it still hits terrakions coming in. Stone edge is barely weaker than a super effective aqua tail, and will still hit landorus and gliscor for a ton of damage. The thought of hippowdon is very ridiculous, i havent seen a single one in weeks.