Unbreakable Vow Mafia - Game Over! Congratulations Villains!

1. Introduction

This is Unbreakable Vow Mafia, a game inspired by the Volke role from Fire Emblem Mafia and the game "Viva la Mafia" by dak and Jackal. The game will be hosted by Mekkah and thunda.

This game will contain 20 players, and they will be divided into five equal factions. Each faction will have 4 members, and they will be using hard pacts to use roles, rather than each individual having their role.

The rest of the game will be fairly standard fare mafia, with a lynch vote at day and roles being used at night.

It is in your best interest to read this entire post carefully.

2. Location

This game will essentially take place on two locations.

This thread is where lynches happen and night/day updates are posted. All roles target Smogon users, not the anonymous aliases.

DBZ Mafia Forums is where you will find subforums to discuss and create pacts with your team. You can also use that forum for public yet anonymous threatening, negotiating, or general dickery. As the sticky in the main forum says, you are prohibited from using your Unbreakable Vow alias outside of the designated forum. Once you log into your alias please post in your teams roll call thread to confirm you are active.

3. Pacts

3.1 What’s a pact?

A pact is basically a promise made and kept by two teams. Almost everything you can do in this game hinges on creating pacts, including being able to use night roles. But you may also use pacts to influence voting behaviour or vote count, and I’m sure there’s many more things you can think of.

3.2 Creating a pact

To create a pact, you first have to negotiate with both your allies and another team to agree on the conditions. After all, you have to make sure you’re all thinking the exact same – if you don’t, the pact won’t work.

When you finalized all the conditions, you post a new topic in your team’s pact subforum. The title of the thread should be Night/Day X – Pact with [Team Name]. The conditions should be stated in the main body, preferably in a very readable format. They should include the agreed terms very accurately so there is no room for misunderstanding.

Here’s an example pact by team Terrible MTV Programs:

Pact said:
Night 3 – Pact with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Night Roles
- A member of the Terrible MTV Programs will kill a user
- A member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will hook a user
1. The Terrible MTV Programs will kill Shiv.
2. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will not hook Earthworm.
3. No member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will vote for Earthworm during the entire game.
1. A random member of Terrible MTV Programs will be silenced for day 3, 4 and 5.
2. A random member of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be godkilled.
3. A random member of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be unable to execute night roles for the rest of the game.
The Night Roles section is meant to show which team now has permission to use which of the night roles (the possibilities are outlined in 3.3) Once you make a successful pact involving one of your team members using a night role, you must carry out this night role. This is the unbreakable part of the pact.

Conditions are specifics. They can include things such as targets for the night roles, including but not limited to prohibiting a team to target any user other than the one specified, or prohibiting them from targeting one certain user. Unlike the Night Roles section, the Conditions part can be disobeyed, but this means you will have to face the corresponding Punishment.

Punishments are the consequences of breaking the corresponding Condition. In the above example, if the Terrible MTV Programs kill AvatarST instead of Shiv, they have broken the first condition, which means they face the first punishment: the host will randomize one of their members to be silenced during day 3, 4 and 5. If you do not specify a Punishment for a Condition, that Condition can be broken at will. I recommend using the numbering system like in the above example.

Note that once any condition(s) has/have been broken once and punishment has been handed out, the pact is completely terminated. The teams involved will be told the pact has been broken, and they will be told whose fault it is, but they wont be told why it was broken. Broken pacts are made void at the deadline of the current Day/Night, and thus will not be in effect the following cycle. NEW! The word BROKEN will be edited into the topic title once a pact is broken.

Role pacts require putting an executive in the topic. This can be just a reply in the thread. In the above example, the Terrible MTV Programs will reply "Earthworm is killing Shiv". They could also choose to reply "Earthworm is killing AvatarST", but this breaks the conditions of the pact, and will invoke the punishment.

Executives must be decided before deadline is reached.

Aside from this, we encourage members of the team replying to the pact topic to show they agree, just to show there will be no unexpected surprises for any member.

A pact is in effect when it is finalised. A pact is finalised if there are two identical pacts, in the correct sub-forums, with correct team names, when deadline is reached. For example, if you make a pact during Day Three it will be finalised, and taken into effect, at the start of Night Four.

It is a good idea to specify the period of time for which Conditions and Punishments are in effect. Not doing so results into them lasting for the rest of the game!

Here's another example, this time a pact that does not involve night roles by Team Terrible MTV Programs:

Pact said:
Day 2 - Pact with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

1. No one aligned with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will vote for Brain during the whole game unless a role forces them to do otherwise.
2. Everyone aligned with the Terrible MTV Programs will vote for Accent during day 3 unless a role forces them to do otherwise.
- Breaking either of the conditions will result into one of the team members of the pact breakers losing their rights to post in the Smogon thread for the rest of the game unless forced to do otherwise. The team on who the punishment is invoked gets to choose this member.
I hope it's clear now what a nice and tidy pact looks like.

3.3 Possible Night Roles

The following roles (and none other) can be activated during the night using pacts.


Both parties agree to kill a person. It must be specified which team will send out the person to do the killing. Kills can be prevented if the person being killed is protected by a bodyguard, or if the person killing is hooked by a hooker. If a kill fails due to either of these, he will be given a message that his kill failed (but not why).


Both parties agree to hook a person. It must be specified which team will send out the person to do the hooking. If that person uses any night roles, they will fail, and he will be notified of this (but not why).


Both parties agree to protect a person. It must be specified which team will send out the person to do the protecting. If that person is targeted by any killing role, these killing roles will fail. A person can protect himself.


Both parties agree to inspect a person. It must be specified which team will send out the person to do the inspecting. You may let someone inspect themselves. The pact may specify who gets the inspection results, and whether these results will include the target's role name or alliance (cannot choose both). The inspected person will not be notified he is being inspected.


Both parties agree to safeguard a person. It must be specified which team will send out the person to do the safeguarding. If any night roles (other than killing and bodyguarding) target the person being safeguarded, they will fail. You may let someone safeguard themselves. If someone's role is blocked by a safeguard, he will be notified of it, but not who protected him.


Both parties agree to persuade a person into voting someone. It must be specified which team will send out the person doing the persuading. The target will be forced to vote this "someone". He will be notified of this, and disobeying this persuasion will result into a godkill. You may let someone persuade themselves and/or persuade them into voting themselves. Note that if the persuaded person is also being silenced, the persuasion will be ignored. If a persuaded person is persuaded by two different parties both persuasions will be negated.


Both parties agree to silence a person. It must be specified which team will send out the person to do the silencing. The silenced person will be prohibited from posting in the thread during the next day, at the punishment of a godkill. He will be notified he is silenced, but not by who. You may let someone silence themselves. Note that if a silenced person is also being persuaded, the persuasion will be ignored.

Negative Vote

Both parties agree of one team to turn a person into a negative voter for the next day. This team will choose one of their own members to have their vote count for -1 rather than +1 during the next day. No other mayor/negative voter powers can be used on this person for the rest of the night.

Mayor Vote

Both parties agree of one team to turn a person into a mayor for the next day. This team will choose one of their own members to have their vote count for +2 rather than +1 during the next day. No other mayor/negative voter powers can be used on this person for the rest of the night.

Every action's priority is fixed, except kills, which is cycled through. For example, on night 1, team The Kids That Once Had Their Toys Stolen have the highest kill priority, then Night 2 they have third highest, Night 3 lowest, Night 4 second highest, Night 5 fourth highest, while team Objects Uncommonly Found In Your Shed have a different pattern, etc.

3.4 Pact Restrictions

There’s obviously limits to when you can create pacts, how many of them, and what can be in them.

- A team may only create five (5) pacts every night.
- Out of these, only three (3) pacts can allow that team to use a night role.
- A single pact may only permit one night role per team.
- A team may only make one pact for every unique night role at that night, e.g. no more than 1 pact may involve hooking.
- By 'involving' an action we mean mentioning it once. A pact which allows two teams to both kill, or any other action, in a single night is not allowed. Team A Kills/Team B Protects is legit, Team A Kills/Team B Kills is not.
- Every night role may only be used once per night by each team.
- One member may carry out as many night roles as you wish.
- A team may also create three (3) pacts every day, but none of them may enable someone to use a night role.

There’s only a “common sense” limit on pacts that do not activate night roles. You can make pacts not to vote for certain users, to not use night roles on certain users, or even pacts to promise each other to make a pact. However, you cannot force anything out of bounds with pacts or their punishments, such as any team in play instantly losing or winning.

Any pacts that break these restrictions in some way or another will automatically fail. This means that if you make two different pacts that permit a member of your team to kill, both will fail automatically. The team that made the pact fail will be revealed, but not the reason why.

You may be tempted to make a pact with another team to not vote for members of each other’s team, but the problem here is that the other team would have to give you all of their member’s names, or else you risk breaking the pact. Therefore, I do not recommend making this type of pact.

4. Other Rules

These are mostly common sense rules, but you should read them because there are some new rules in there too.

- If there is a problem of any kind, contact Mekkah or thunda. This includes but is not limited to requiring a substitute for a player, questions about game mechanics, and problems with the anonymous forums. If we cannot answer, do not insist. We have good reasons. Or maybe we don't and we're trolling you, but you are not to ruin our trolls.
- Mekkah/thunda are the final authority on whether majority has been reached at day or not.
- If you change your vote, edit out the vote with "vote removed" and make a new post for your changed vote.
- (NEW!) If a person is godkilled during a day, any votes towards this person now count as "No lynch" as to prevent FUCK TIGER manoeuvres.
- (NEW!) Upon death, only a person's rolename and alias are revealed, but not their team.
- (NEW!) If there is no majority within deadline, the day ends at specified deadline, or 5 minutes after the last vote has been cast, whichever comes later.
- (NEW!) You are not allowed to delete posts you make in the Smogon thread.
- (NEW!) You are allowed to do strategic dead talking to your team, but you are not allowed to talk to anyone else.

And of course, at last but not at least, don't ruin this game if you found a way to. Mekkah/thunda reserve the right to change existing rules if something is suddenly discovered as broken.

5. Tips!

This is the first time this game has ever been played, so feel free to experiment at your own leisure. Here is some tips if you don't know where to start:
- Team names are not being revealed at the start of the game or upon death. This means you can false claim about any team name at the start and get away with it. However, inspections can turn up real team names, and you have to give out your team name in order to create a pact.
- Get in touch with your team ASAP and start planning. Determine who will be going out to negotiate pacts with other members, and who is staying hidden.
- Make non-ambiguous pacts. The easier they are to interpret, the easier it is for the hosts and everyone involved.
- There is no need to reveal your team members to anyone at all. If you do it, they won't be grateful for it.
- Try to negotiate with others quickly, particularly for a kill pact. As long as an uneven amount of teams is alive, there will be one team missing out on that one, and you don't wish to be that one.
- Don't reveal things to people who are not playing! They may get subbed in later and use this information against you.
- Be aware of all roles available, and what they are capable of, at all times. Not only you can use these, remember. They can be used against you as well.
- Make sure to specify periods of time for which conditions and punishments are in effect or they will be assumed as "for the rest of the game"
- Always read every pact you plan to post three times before you actually do post it. Everyone is out to trick you.

We wish everyone good luck and a ton of fun with this experimental game! If it turns out well, it may be turned into a large game at later date.
Player List

1. Accent
8. Fishin
10. Hipmonlee
13. jumpluff
20. Umbreon Dan

3. billymills - Vitaly Orlov - Killed by hairspray Night One
2. AvatarST - Sakura Kasugano - Didn't get into the rollercoaster for being too short Day One
6. Earthworm - Donkey - Struck by a bolt of thunda for breaking a rule Night Two
17. RB Golbat - Batman - Body slashed in two, with red glowing wounds Night Two
4. Brain - White Goodman - Caught fire for pact reasons Night Two
19. Stoo - Johnny Bravo - Caught fire for pact reasons Night Two
9. Gmax - Joey Tribbiani - Hit by the monopoly car Day Two
11. Jackal - Zapp Brannigan - Caught fire for pact reasons Day Two
5. dak - Jimmy Conway - Bones broken Night Three
14. moot - Barney Rubble - Caught fire for pact reasons Night Three
7. evan - Mulan - Brain killed by overflow of bad music Day Three
16. porygon3 - The Janitor - Blown up with make-up involved Night Four
15. Outlaw - Severus Snape - Killed by a pink boot Night Four
12. Jedil - Pink Ranger - Killed by a laser lynch Day Four
18. Shade - Jay - Killed by a laser lynch Day Four
This post will be used to answer frequently asked questions.

Q: Help! Where is my role PM?
A: There are no role PMs. The flavour of you and everyone on your team can be found in your private discussion forum. We thought it would be rather silly to send everyone a role PM when nobody really has a role.

Q: I have a posting restriction. Do I have to oblige it on Smogon or in the private forums?
A: No, only in the public anonymous forum.

Q: If someone is safeguarded, does bodyguarding (protecting) him still work?
A: Yes. Consider bodyguarding an additional exception to the roles safeguarding protects you against.

Q: Can we deadtalk in this game?
A: Yes, but only to your own team.

Q: Can I add a clause that cancels punishment for breaking a pact if the other team does it too?
A: Nah, that's missing the point of punishment and unbreakable vows.

Q: The lynch vote is a tie. What happens?
A: Everyone with the highest amount of votes dies.

Q: I didn't get in. :(
A: That's not a question, dipshit.

If you did not get in, sorry! However, if this game is a success, you'll likely see it returning as a big one, giving you a chance to participate on perhaps an even bigger success!

In addition, anyone who signed up but did not get in is eligible as a substitute. When we need a substitute, we will come to you asking if you want to sub in. The substitution will be publically announced.
Night 1

It is now Night One. You have 72 hours, as of the time of this post, to make any pacts you plan to make, as well as set targets for night roles. Good luck!

Please know future deadlines will be shorter.
mekkah is a confirmed fool

ps deadline will definitely be extended to some tomorrow, not sure exactly what time yet. long deadlines are needed for this system.
You all wake up after a long night negotiating and look around. Everything seems to be pretty normal, except for about 12 empty cans of hairspray lying on the ground.

Everyone walks closer to the scene and finds a man, lying on the floor. He has messy black hair of medium length and his eyes are crosses. He is dead. It seems he had been sprayed with an almost endless amount of hairspray until he choked to death.

After further inspection you find a Ukrainian ID in his pocket. The photo matches the body, unsurprisingly. The height says 5'11, the name says Vitaly Orlov.

The local doctor performs an autopsy and discovers this man was a coke addict. You wonder if this is what he died of, maybe it wasn't a murder... but the doctor confirms he was murdered by hairspray.

A nearby hooligan begins kicking Vitaly's dead body whilst hurling abuse at a flock of ducks in a pond, and eventually he finds a piece of paper in Mr. Orlovs pocket. Most of it is scratched out but you are able to make out two names... Robin van Persie and billymills. You assume the first is his secret alias, and the second is his real name.

After storing the body in the morgue you decided it is time to kill another user.

It is now Day One. Cast your votes by posting voting/lynching/whatever USER. You have 48 hours as of the time of this post to reach a deadline, or until a majority is reached. With 19 users alive majority is 10 votes. If requested, with good reason, deadline can be extended.

ps, if we didn't post anything saying otherwise in your pact topics you can assume they were succesful.

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