Unpopular opinions

Actually, the concept of "Light" is already covered by three types: Fighting symbolizes justice's triumph over crime; Psychic focuses on enlightenment of one's intellect; Fairy revolves around holy and celestial magic and is the closest to a "Light" or "Holy" type. People just like to bitch about Fairy's alleged girliness, when fairies of folklore are assholes, to put it lightly.

Fairies where never Holy or celestial, if anything they are the most pagan thing to ever appear according to most dominant religions.

A bone eater that controls bugs to derail carriages to their doom, fetus eaters, nymphomaniacs beings that kidnap young men, agents of chaos that force people in during winter, beings that cause miscarriages or get delight on making people froze/starve to death on mountains aren't benevolent at all.

The Youkai aren't any better, Mawile is based on one that fools men and eat them on their wedding night.

Fairy as light? No freaking thanks.

As to why fairy resist dark or dirty fighting? Well think of trying to fool a being with an otherworldly nature and a "purple and orange morality" it simply doesn't work, the unnatural origin of fairies leaves disciplined warriors and rogues on the left field alike.
Before the addition of the Fairy type in the Pokémon world, something just felt incomplete. Even if Fighting and Psychic already cover aspects of that common wish, the magical trait felt empty. Psychic has acted more like a "science" element since Kanto, even if some of the mons resembled mystical beings. Before this, I hated the idea that Pokémon were even magical, and that the term was intended for figurative use. Now that the "generic magic" element has been covered, the type chart is almost complete. We only need true wind elementals, and then we're good to go. Flyers don't necessarily need to blow gusts of wind.
I don't know, I'm not saying I want light type or anything, but I'd rather that it was a thing instead of fairy. Too late now though. Light just seems to fit in with the other types flavor-wise better than fairy. My major problem with fairy (and also dragon) is that it seems so specific. All the other types are super general and pretty much allow for anything- there are no parameters. There could be a fire type rhino or a ground type wolverine and it works, but for fairy type it HAS to be a fairy. Same with dragon type. If you're dragon type, you HAVE to be a dragon. Yeah there are some of both types that don't perfectly fit the description, but overall as a type they overwhelmingly do with only a few exceptions. In my biased opinion dragon gets a pass, cause dragons are sick af, but fairy will forever bug me. For me, having fairy (and dragon) type exist is like having walrus type and snow leopard type. Every other type is more or less elemental and then fairy and dragon come in and fuck everything up.
Honestly I'm glad the light type died down, every even number generation after GSC this thing gains a stupid amount of traction, and it all started from the mistranslation of the evil type.

Literally the only 2 dark moves that include darkness or blackness in their name are Dark void and arguably night daze, one being a black hole tricking the Pokémon into sleep by the absence of light (just like birds) the other one being a pulse of fog wich only parallels game wise are smog and a seed Flare.

Light type is stupid as it misses the original context just like dark dialga not hinting primals of the Sinnoh poster legends.

It's funny how many headcannon you can crush if you just stick to the source and original language.
Honestly I'm glad the light type died down, every even number generation after GSC this thing gains a stupid amount of traction, and it all started from the mistranslation of the evil type.

Literally the only 2 dark moves that include darkness or blackness in their name are Dark void and arguably night daze, one being a black hole tricking the Pokémon into sleep by the absence of light (just like birds) the other one being a pulse of fog wich only parallels game wise are smog and a seed Flare.

Light type is stupid as it misses the original context just like dark dialga not hinting primals of the Sinnoh poster legends.

It's funny how many headcannon you can crush if you just stick to the source and original language.

I hate to be that guy, but dark pulse and night slash also have darkness/blackness in their name. Also isn't evil synonymous with dark (at least in western culture)? Like Star Wars has the dark side which is indisputably the evil side but dosent have anything to do with actual darkness and it also has the light side which is about fairness, justice, good stuff, etc. no matter what the dark or "evil" type was trying to represent; be it night, evil, trickery, death, or any other number of things I don't see how light would not perfectly fit the opposite in any situation. But anyway, I digress, the light type will never come to be now that fairy exists, so there's no point arguing over it.
Honestly I'm glad the light type died down, every even number generation after GSC this thing gains a stupid amount of traction, and it all started from the mistranslation of the evil type.

Literally the only 2 dark moves that include darkness or blackness in their name are Dark void and arguably night daze, one being a black hole tricking the Pokémon into sleep by the absence of light (just like birds) the other one being a pulse of fog wich only parallels game wise are smog and a seed Flare.

Light type is stupid as it misses the original context just like dark dialga not hinting primals of the Sinnoh poster legends.

It's funny how many headcannon you can crush if you just stick to the source and original language.
I wouldn't say it was necessarily a mistranslation, but rather an adaptation. There is nothing inherently evil about all of the Dark-types like Absol which just had a bad rap for trying to warn people. Other stuff like Mightyena aren't necessarily evil just a bit aggressive looking
I hate to be that guy, but dark pulse and night slash also have darkness/blackness in their name. Also isn't evil synonymous with dark (at least in western culture)? Like Star Wars has the dark side which is indisputably the evil side but dosent have anything to do with actual darkness and it also has the light side which is about fairness, justice, good stuff, etc. no matter what the dark or "evil" type was trying to represent; be it night, evil, trickery, death, or any other number of things I don't see how light would not perfectly fit the opposite in any situation. But anyway, I digress, the light type will never come to be now that fairy exists, so there's no point arguing over it.

Dark Pulse = あくのはどう Evil Pulse, and Night Slash = つじぎり Crossroad Killing.

There was never a dark type, nor any parallel for the existence of a light type, just people glorifying their fanfictions and headcannons.

No they don't include dark at all dude. None of the dark type moves bar the two ones I listed include darkness as an element, not even in their descriptions both in Japanese and English. Only night Daze and Dark Void.

And nope, darkness was never a synonymous of evil, evil type is one about using trickery since that's the only consistent theme among their moves.

I wouldn't say it was necessarily a mistranslation, but rather an adaptation. There is nothing inherently evil about all of the Dark-types like Absol which just had a bad rap for trying to warn people. Other stuff like Mightyena aren't necessarily evil just a bit aggressive looking

They fight with biting and trickery, they gained those moves in their movepool or had the tools to use them in their level up movepool, hence the evil type, they fight in that way.

Evil is a typing, we gotta remember that, it isn't a trait just a fighting style and a typing to get STAB on it.
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Since Dark is called "Evil" in the source material, then doesn't that make Ghost the closest type to a darkness element, even if it's still far apart? It deals with shadows in many of its moves, such as Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw, and so on. The Pokémon themselves are more spectral in nature, rather than the corporeal undeads seen in many video games and tabletop games. That may explain why we don't have undead species among the Ghost type, such as cartoon skeletons.
Dunno man, the original 4 ghosts where 3 gas balls made into living shadows and a fairy like being that liked to cause mischief in the mountains.

They never really went into the darkness with the ghost type until the third gen with "the every player is dead" nincada, "possesed doll" bannete line and the "beacon" dusclops.

The only truly uncanny or evil ghost like being is spiritomb wich is evil type himself XD, the other ghosts where evolutions and a Youkai in drifblim.

All of the other ghosts are either predatory or parasitic in the dex feeding of life energy or playing with their prey, they sound more like animals with a penchant for life energy than something dealing with dark stuff for all the gen 5-6 ghosts.

Heck cofragrigus is a mimic and it's pretty Evo has a trait some crows exhibit, fixation on objects that exhibit "eye" like structures despite Yamask Sinnoh Hillbilly tier entry.

They do use shadows a lot. But seriously, only gen 3-4 ghosts where actually dark except for a cave dweller adapted mineral eating ghost and Mismagius wich again drew inspiration from the fairy myth.
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Dark Pulse = あくのはどう Evil Pulse, and Night Slash = つじぎり Crossroad Killing.

There was never a dark type, nor any parallel for the existence of a light type, just people glorifying their fanfictions and headcannons.

No they don't include dark at all dude. None of the dark type moves bar the two ones I listed include darkness as an element, not even in their descriptions both in Japanese and English. Only night Daze and Dark Void.

And nope, darkness was never a synonymous of evil, evil type is one about using trickery since that's the only consistent theme among their moves.

They fight with biting and trickery, they gained those moves in their movepool or had the tools to use them in their level up movepool, hence the evil type, they fight in that way.

Evil is a typing, we gotta remember that, it isn't a trait just a fighting style and a typing to get STAB on it.

Fighting dirty and using trickery is synonymous with darkness and evil in my book. The connotation of dark that I'm talking about has nothing to do with night, blackness, or the lack of light. Dark=evil and light=good, they are opposites no matter what connotation you use...
But if we had a Light element we could have a Lightweaver-

In all seriousness though I think we don't need a Light type not, since Fairy seems to fill that role.
Fighting dirty and using trickery is synonymous with darkness and evil in my book. The connotation of dark that I'm talking about has nothing to do with night, blackness, or the lack of light. Dark=evil and light=good, they are opposites no matter what connotation you use...

In your book, it's not different from headcannon or what the people who defended the light type since GSC have said.

I mean even with beat up as an example they still wanted a light type to happen.

They aren't opposites in many religious views nor public imaginary, just how you see it or how it has been marketed by many.
In your book, it's not different from headcannon or what the people who defended the light type since GSC have said.

I mean even with beat up as an example they still wanted a light type to happen.

They aren't opposites in many religious views nor public imaginary, just how you see it or how it has been marketed by many.

In the United States they are considered synonymous by everyone (99%) in the public eye, I'm sure majorly due to popular culture. I'm not quite sure what you're saying, so I will stop posting about the meaning of dark. As HelenTheHero said, fairy essentially fills the role that light type would play (for the most part) so talking about something that will never come to be is futile.

Edit: (PS- didn't mean to flame or offend, just incase I accidently did)
I don't know, I'm not saying I want light type or anything, but I'd rather that it was a thing instead of fairy. Too late now though. Light just seems to fit in with the other types flavor-wise better than fairy. My major problem with fairy (and also dragon) is that it seems so specific. All the other types are super general and pretty much allow for anything- there are no parameters. There could be a fire type rhino or a ground type wolverine and it works, but for fairy type it HAS to be a fairy. Same with dragon type. If you're dragon type, you HAVE to be a dragon. Yeah there are some of both types that don't perfectly fit the description, but overall as a type they overwhelmingly do with only a few exceptions. In my biased opinion dragon gets a pass, cause dragons are sick af, but fairy will forever bug me. For me, having fairy (and dragon) type exist is like having walrus type and snow leopard type. Every other type is more or less elemental and then fairy and dragon come in and fuck everything up.
Look at the range that Fairy has. It includes things like Klefki, Mr. Mime, Togekiss, Xerneas, Mawile, and many others. And even in myth, Fairies aren't just Tinkerbell-like. Some of them are hardcore.
Dunno man, the original 4 ghosts where 3 gas balls made into living shadows and a fairy like being that liked to cause mischief in the mountains.
Original 4?
Look at the range that Fairy has. It includes things like Klefki, Mr. Mime, Togekiss, Xerneas, Mawile, and many others. And even in myth, Fairies aren't just Tinkerbell-like. Some of them are hardcore.

Yeah, they do have a solid range. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but it just seems like everything in the fairy type is bound to a certain degree. It dosent bug me a whole ton, it mostly just minorly miffs me.

Edit: this should be bonus points for unintended alliteration. Haha Jk
Look at the range that Fairy has. It includes things like Klefki, Mr. Mime, Togekiss, Xerneas, Mawile, and many others. And even in myth, Fairies aren't just Tinkerbell-like. Some of them are hardcore.
Original 4?

One could argue misdreavus was planed as a gen 1 mon, 1 of the glitch mons had his bst.

So yes I did count misdreavus as part of the original ghosts. Since gen 2 only had him.
So what you're saying is you like to just make things up, but get very upset at others for just making things up, even though they didn't*? :D

*definition #10
Amu the glitch mon from RG had the same base stats as misdreavus if I recall 425-435 in GSC standards.

I'm not making this up, several of gen2 mons had some coding in gen1.

And you are pushing your headcannons, read the attack descriptions, then read the japanese names. The evil type is real, the dark type is a localization.

Nitpicking any further behind that fact is not different from defending a ship between 2 10 years old boys in a shounen demographic show.
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Ok, this argument is getting way off topic. Ships between 10 year old boys aside, let's move on to something else. I can tell that we're all sick of this topic.

New unpopular opinion: I actually kind of like the Gen V elemental monkeys. First off, they serve as a nice lesson for beginners in BW, and if you look around for a while, you can find all three of them. Secondly, they have cool movepools to play around with, like Grass Knot and Acrobatics. Finally, I like the concept that they're based off of.

The one issue I have with them is that their evolved forms all have the exact same base stats. Couldn't they have done something like making Simisage physically oriented, Simipour specially oriented, and Simisear mixed?

Still, I do enjoy them. Their first evolutions are pretty cute as well.
The one issue I have with them is that their evolved forms all have the exact same base stats. Couldn't they have done something like making Simisage physically oriented, Simipour specially oriented, and Simisear mixed?

Also the issue that Pansear starts with an outright awful STAB move, although they remedied that by buffing Incinerate in Gen VI.
Ok, this argument is getting way off topic. Ships between 10 year old boys aside, let's move on to something else. I can tell that we're all sick of this topic.

New unpopular opinion: I actually kind of like the Gen V elemental monkeys. First off, they serve as a nice lesson for beginners in BW, and if you look around for a while, you can find all three of them. Secondly, they have cool movepools to play around with, like Grass Knot and Acrobatics. Finally, I like the concept that they're based off of.

The one issue I have with them is that their evolved forms all have the exact same base stats. Couldn't they have done something like making Simisage physically oriented, Simipour specially oriented, and Simisear mixed?

Still, I do enjoy them. Their first evolutions are pretty cute as well.

Yeah, I think the first forms are ok- they work, but the evolutions just seen a bit too cut and paste. I mean obviously there is some variety, but I think they could've made each of them feel more individual with just a few aesthetic and stat changes.
Simisear is the only one that comes out poor, sage and pour do have very workable movepools for their type, specially pour thanks to scald in BW, simisage is all around good and pansear does kind of a cyndaquil with the early fireblast, but Simisear is indeed a disappointment in the same region that gave us early Magnemite and Lucario as well as early Magmar and Arcanine.
New unpopular opinion: I actually kind of like the Gen V elemental monkeys. First off, they serve as a nice lesson for beginners in BW, and if you look around for a while, you can find all three of them.

Uhh, more like: "If you see one of them, you can be damn sure the next two are right around the corner". Because every single time you meet an elemental monkey in Gen V, you meet all three. Either one trainer with all three, or consecutive trainers with one each. They never appear in isolation, maybe except for the Battle Subway.

Also, you meet the elemental monkeys all the time. It's like the designers tried to cram them into every route in the games. They had their own Gym. They came in their own giveaway. They were in Big Stadium and Small Court. Morimoto had all three. As do lots of other random trainers. They are easily among my least favourite Pokémon, because of how much they were shoved in our faces (and how much they outright sucked).
Uhh, more like: "If you see one of them, you can be damn sure the next two are right around the corner". Because every single time you meet an elemental monkey in Gen V, you meet all three. Either one trainer with all three, or consecutive trainers with one each. They never appear in isolation, maybe except for the Battle Subway.

Also, you meet the elemental monkeys all the time. It's like the designers tried to cram them into every route in the games. They had their own Gym. They came in their own giveaway. They were in Big Stadium and Small Court. Morimoto had all three. As do lots of other random trainers. They are easily among my least favourite Pokémon, because of how much they were shoved in our faces (and how much they outright sucked).
What I meant by "looking around for a while" was "being able to catch all three (in Pinwheel Forest)". Not that you'd want to, seeing as you've already got your Starter covering one of F/W/G (and the gift monkey covering another) but it's cool how rare they are.

Admittedly, they are pretty popular among Trainers, but I think this was the developers' way of reminding players about type matchups. Looking at it this way, the monkeys show new players what types do, compared to many other games where there weren't many F/W/G Pokémon at all apart from your rival's starter (see D/P). As you see them later in the game, you start learning new things about their types: Pansage resists Sandile's Mud-Slap, Panpour can be taken down by a Spark from Blitzle, etc., and they prepare you for said rival battles by teaching you like this. I'm sure many a new player has learned that after fighting that Panpour, they figured out that they could beat Cheren's Dewott with that same Blitzle. When you finally meet Morimoto in the GF building, it's a "final test" of sorts, and due to his team's high levels, it's harder to get around the monkeys by strength alone. You have to remember to use that Zebstrika from way back when, hold back on using Krookodile against Simisage, and so on.

Tl;dr The monkeys are actually quite an ingenious way to teach new players about type matchups. We experienced players might not like them as much due to their repetitive designs, not to mention that we already know about type matchups, but for new players, they can be a big help (especially considering the fact that you have to deal with two rivals in BW).

Defending these monkeys has made me like them more for some reason. I wonder why?

Edit: Although it isn't quite my .25K yet, I'd still like to thank everyone in the Orange Islands for teaching me to write long, informative, and above all fun to read posts. I won't tag anyone quite yet, though, because 250 isn't that big of a number (but it's a start!).
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