Ok so, Toxicroak is mentioned because of Dry Skin. This means it can check Water types, unlike Weezing which just straight dies to them.Toxicroak was seemingly mentioned for some reason? it's niche is as a settup sweeper with SD/Nasty Plot.
Ok so, Toxicroak is mentioned because of Dry Skin. This means it can check Water types, unlike Weezing which just straight dies to them.Toxicroak was seemingly mentioned for some reason? it's niche is as a settup sweeper with SD/Nasty Plot.
It's not supposed to check themOk so, Toxicroak is mentioned because of Dry Skin. This means it can check Water types, unlike Weezing which just straight dies to them.
Yeah, this is just straight up wrong.Weezing Ranked: Disagree.
C'mon. We got Steelvally, Jellicent, Articuno, Pyukumuku, Quagsire and all those things. WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER MON WHOSE TIER IS LOWER THAN RU! ok, here's the real reasons. Weezing's passivity and inability to deal with Special Attackers due to it's horrible Special Bulk is unappealing. Latias Is the second best Pokemon in the tier, and that just makes of Weezing Breakfast. Seriously though, why would you use that over Shroomy, Tentacruel, Jellicent (all as a wall) and Toxicroak? Don't rank weezing.
Sub + Nasty Plot breaks stall and Gar cannot, and it doesn't need to slowly accumulate boosts like Reuniclus does. They don't even play the same role so idk why you're comparing the two anyway.
HOOPA IS BAD (Not Hoopa-Unbound, he is good): Stay UR![]()
Why are people even using this shit at all? The Sub Nasty Plot set that's been experienced on the ladder is a gimmick that doesn't deserve a niche. Said set is extremely slow, failing to outspeed anything notable bar Scizor, but why would you give a fuck when you could run Scarf Scizor or hit it with Bullet Punch? It doesn't face competition from Gengar, instead, it faces massive amounts of competition from other stallbreakers, such as Reuniclus, who, despite lacking a lot of immediate power and bulk, has better defensive utility, particularly on the physical side, and its mono-Psychic typing doesn't give it a quad weakness to Dark and Ghost, unlike Hoopa. Now yeah, A-muk's lack of presence in the tier and Terrakion being extremely common has given Hoopa new life, but the latter is Hoopa's greatest weakness, with Terrakion essentially outspeeding it and OHKOing it with Stone Edge, before it can even set up Substitute. Reuniclus, on the other hand, can survive a Stone Edge from Terrakion and can threaten to nearly 2HKO it with Psyshock.
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Reuniclus: 211-249 (49.8 - 58.8%) -- 72.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Hoopa: 369-435 (122.5 - 144.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
you see what I mean?
tl;dr: Hoopa is bad, Reuniclus is good.
Oh, and fuck Magician.
That's all. I might edit this later.
: Stay UR![]()
Not gonna echo anything more but it should be noted that the analysis set itself is a bit old and ghostium should ran over fightinium or whatever always. Psyshock is also not needed to break through blissey given hoopa’s raw power.
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7uu-871736128but yeah rank the strong boiX. (Hoopa) @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Magician
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
Pretty much the only stall mon you'd wanna hit with focus blast is blissey, which you can abuse as setup fodder. Focus blast easily KOs at +4, and ghostium allows you to bop gligar amoonguss sylveon and florges at +2. Thats my take on it anyhow.Why should Ghostium be "always" run over Fightium? It appears in the replay you show there is at least one benefit, an improved Gligar match up, but it would be hardly reasonable to say that benefit is big enough to "always" use Ghostium.
Please answer! I want to build with Hoopa for these stalling UULT losers but am unsure what set to use. Leaning towards Fightium because Focus Miss...
This argument for Hoopa-C is pretty much wrong.
HOOPA IS BAD (Not Hoopa-Unbound, he is good): Stay UR![]()
Why are people even using this shit at all? The Sub Nasty Plot set that's been experienced on the ladder is a gimmick that doesn't deserve a niche. Said set is extremely slow, failing to outspeed anything notable bar Scizor, but why would you give a fuck when you could run Scarf Scizor or hit it with Bullet Punch? It doesn't face competition from Gengar, instead, it faces massive amounts of competition from other stallbreakers, such as Reuniclus, who, despite lacking a lot of immediate power and bulk, has better defensive utility, particularly on the physical side, and its mono-Psychic typing doesn't give it a quad weakness to Dark and Ghost, unlike Hoopa. Now yeah, A-muk's lack of presence in the tier and Terrakion being extremely common has given Hoopa new life, but the latter is Hoopa's greatest weakness, with Terrakion essentially outspeeding it and OHKOing it with Stone Edge, before it can even set up Substitute. Reuniclus, on the other hand, can survive a Stone Edge from Terrakion and can threaten to nearly 2HKO it with Psyshock. Besides, the only relevant stall mon it "beats" is Blissey, but it's a stallbreaker that's literally worthless when facing anything else. Other stallbreakers such as Kyurem and Hydreigon provide more utility to a team, hit a wider variety of stall mons, can perform more roles, and have better speed tiers than Hoopa.
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Reuniclus: 211-249 (49.8 - 58.8%) -- 72.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Hoopa: 369-435 (122.5 - 144.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
you see what I mean?
tl;dr: Hoopa is bad, Reuniclus is good. Hoopa is shit when compared to Kyurem and Hydreigon.
Oh, and fuck Magician.
Thus, Hoopa has no distinguishable niche in the meta.
: Drop to B-![]()
Ok, this is an extremely controversial nom that I want to make (looking at you, you little christmASS tree called Mega Sceptile)
Mega Sceptile just hates this meta where fairy-types are the next best thing. Admittedly, it does outspeed all of them and can retaliate back with some of its coverage, which is nice, but as a mega evolution, you're honestly much better off using other mega evolutions, such as Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Altaria, Mega Sharpedo, Mega Slowbro, Mega Aggron, Mega Steelix, Mega Blastoise, Mega Houndoom, and even Mega Pidgeot and Mega Beedrill are better choices despite doing things, such as being able to combat the influx of powerful fairy-types which has happened here, offering more defensive utility, not having to rely on as much team support, and can simply provide more utility to a team. It's just too inconsistent to be viable right now, especially in a meta where powerful fairy-types have became the next best thing again. Not to mention it hates the influx of powerful poison-types which don't even care about anything it throws at it and can just kill it with their STAB moves. Admittedly, it has a better matchup versus Gligar, which is why it shouldn't go to C+, but honestly, this idiot rising was not the right decision in my opinion. #MegaBeedrillFTWMegaSceptileFTL
Hi, yeezyknows! I just wanna ask a few questions, if that's cool :)imagine, for a second, if a mon existed that countered latias, m-alt, AND primarina.
now then imagine if this mon could set spikes
why young lord yeezy, this mon would have to be at least b-rank, right? possibly one of the tier's best hazard setters, no?
well what if i told you this mon was unranked? you'd be intrigued, possibly outraged, correct?
this lord of a multifaceted mon is none other than big ferroseed himself, NU's preeminent B- rank mon.
I am proposing that ferroseed become ranked, in large part due to the following UUPL replay: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7uu-435416
In this game, featuring two premier smogon players: charmflash and lycans, ferroseed features prominently, practically countering m-alt despite being tricked lefties and frozen for a good majority of the match. ferroseed set hazards, and was a massive annoyance for lycans' build to handle, despite lycans massive skill as a player.
it's evident that ferroseed has usage and viability, and i'm proposing a C- rank rise for the mon. its ability to set spikes, while also serving to counter/hard check a bevy of A/S rank threats ultimately makes it worthy of a position alongside other highly niche mons.
UR --> C-/C
imagine, for a second, if a mon existed that countered latias, m-alt, AND primarina.
now then imagine if this mon could set spikes
why young lord yeezy, this mon would have to be at least b-rank, right? possibly one of the tier's best hazard setters, no?
well what if i told you this mon was unranked? you'd be intrigued, possibly outraged, correct?
this lord of a multifaceted mon is none other than big ferroseed himself, NU's preeminent B- rank mon.
I am proposing that ferroseed become ranked, in large part due to the following UUPL replay: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7uu-435416
In this game, featuring two premier smogon players: charmflash and lycans, ferroseed features prominently, practically countering m-alt despite being tricked lefties and frozen for a good majority of the match. ferroseed set hazards, and was a massive annoyance for lycans' build to handle, despite lycans massive skill as a player.
it's evident that ferroseed has usage and viability, and i'm proposing a C- rank rise for the mon. its ability to set spikes, while also serving to counter/hard check a bevy of A/S rank threats ultimately makes it worthy of a position alongside other highly niche mons.
UR --> C-/C
Hi, yeezyknows! I just wanna ask a few questions, if that's cool :)
Is the set gonna be the same set for NU, or is it gonna be different? EV's placed somewhere else, different moves?
Maybe a mixed wall set perhaps?
Drop to B-
Ok, this is an extremely controversial nom that I want to make (looking at you, you little christmASS tree called Mega Sceptile)
Mega Sceptile just hates this meta where fairy-types are the next best thing. Admittedly, it does outspeed all of them and can retaliate back with some of its coverage, which is nice, but as a mega evolution, you're honestly much better off using other mega evolutions, such as Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Altaria, Mega Sharpedo, Mega Slowbro, Mega Aggron, Mega Steelix, Mega Blastoise, Mega Houndoom, and even Mega Pidgeot and Mega Beedrill are better choices despite doing things, such as being able to combat the influx of powerful fairy-types which has happened here, offering more defensive utility, not having to rely on as much team support, and can simply provide more utility to a team. It's just too inconsistent to be viable right now, especially in a meta where powerful fairy-types have became the next best thing again. Not to mention it hates the influx of powerful poison-types which don't even care about anything it throws at it and can just kill it with their STAB moves. Admittedly, it has a better matchup versus Gligar, which is why it shouldn't go to C+, but honestly, this idiot rising was not the right decision in my opinion. #MegaBeedrillFTWMegaSceptileFTL
First nom (i will edit this later)
View attachment 172319
Time for my arguments of why I disagree SO HARD with this nomination.
First, why are you staying in with Sceptile in fairies or poison bois?
Let's talk about the megas you mentioned. Mega Aero can't lure in things, Mega Alt is Slower and also weak to fairy, Mega Shark relies on Protect to waste a slot that could be useful, Mega Slowbro is just slow af and passive, relying on boosts and recovery to deal actual damage and surviving, Aggron and Lix are passive af and once again rely on boosts to survive (aggron doesn't even have one), Mega Blastoise can't wall too much, Mega Houndoom is slower and actually has less defensive utility, Mega Pidgeot is even weaker than this Christmas Tree, Beedrill gets walled by everything in this tier and forced to u-turn on stealth rocks, and most importantly, ALL OF THOSE MEGAS DO DIFFERENT THINGS.
Sceptile also liked the extra prominence of lots of waters that it walls, which means it has actual defensive utility. Thus, Sceptile is more consistent than its B- Mega brothers.
Mega Sceptile: Stay B
: Drop to B-![]()
Ok, this is an extremely controversial nom that I want to make (looking at you, you little christmASS tree called Mega Sceptile)
Mega Sceptile just hates this meta where fairy-types are the next best thing. Admittedly, it does outspeed all of them and can retaliate back with some of its coverage, which is nice, but as a mega evolution, you're honestly much better off using other mega evolutions, such as Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Altaria, Mega Sharpedo, Mega Slowbro, Mega Aggron, Mega Steelix, Mega Blastoise, Mega Houndoom, and even Mega Pidgeot and Mega Beedrill are better choices despite doing things, such as being able to combat the influx of powerful fairy-types which has happened here, offering more defensive utility, not having to rely on as much team support, and can simply provide more utility to a team. It's just too inconsistent to be viable right now, especially in a meta where powerful fairy-types have became the next best thing again. Not to mention it hates the influx of powerful poison-types which don't even care about anything it throws at it and can just kill it with their STAB moves. Admittedly, it has a better matchup versus Gligar, which is why it shouldn't go to C+, but honestly, this idiot rising was not the right decision in my opinion. #MegaBeedrillFTWMegaSceptileFTL
252 SpA Cobalion Flash Cannon vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Mamoswine: 306-362 (84.7 - 100.2%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKOKeep A![]()
Here to provide a case for Cobalion on why it should stay A. While Terrakion is a brute force on its own behalf, Cobalion on the other hand is still a versatile and somewhat shocking threat. I believe that Steelium is the best item on Cobalion currently as that lets it bust through Gligar and Moltres. Cobalion still has a bit of a surprise factor when it comes to its item slot between Rocky Helmet and Shuca as well. People are seriously glossing over the Calm Mind set though as its a genuinely surprising set that is pretty nasty at beating counterplay like Tentacruel and Doublade with Gigavolt Havoc. It’s still got some decent defensive utility anyway as checking Scizor, Hydreigon, and unboosted Mega Altarias is still relevant in the tier. Cobalion’s surprise factor, defensive utility, and versatility between different sweeping sets is what offers it a niche over Terrakion and justifies its placement.
Scizorphobic vs Lycans is a solid replay that showcases Cobalion. Lycans is able to remove Mega Aerodactyl with little drawbacks by virtue of a Shuca Berry while punishing Phobic for missplaying his Azelf. On the other hand, Scizorphobic dominates the end-game with his Rock Polish Cobalion and forces him to sack his Mega Aerodactyl to Cobalion’s Z-move.
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7uu-896278876FLCL vs vivalospride shows Calm Mind Cobalion surprising Viv in the early game and immediately taking out Mamoswine while annoying Jellicent.