ok so
Time to make moar nominations here
before, I Raided Galvantula and still wanted it to be UR.
Now, I'm gonna discuss even more rank mons. DISCLAIMER: I don't have Replays for URanked mons, so don't think I'm gonna nom them.
Cobalion Drop: Agree.
This Mon unfortunately has seen better days before, and it's now underwhelming imo. it's outclassed by Terrakion as the Stallbreaker of choice, and while a Steel Typing might be a good thing to have (especially considering it gives Cobalion a lot of switches with its High Defense Stat), it can't switch into other fighters like Infernape and Scarf Terrakion. It should drop to A-.
Amoonguss rise: Agree. Shroomy handles Fairies like MAlt, Sylveon and Florges (the former is especially useful to take care of) and it walls any defensive scizor (outside of Defensive SD which has U-Turn to pivot out of Amoonguss), and the fact that it learns Spore, has Foul Play and Stun Spore to not become setup bait, and HP Fire to take care of the aforementioned Scizor, Amoonguss is definitely a A candidate.
Mamoswine Drop: Disagree
Pretty much a Physical variant to Nidoking with an ice typing, a Ice Typing with a Stealth Rock neutrality is amazing. Mamoswine is a good Suicide Lead for HO's with this set:
Mamoswine @ Focus Sash
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Endeavor
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
Earthquake hits Gengar and Doublade for SE, Which means they cannot wall this Mamoswine Completely. Priority is Value for a Suicide Lead. This Mon beats Suicide Lead Azelf as this is forced to Boom on it as Fire Blast will not KO Mamo, as well as the Rarely Seen but Usable Aerodactyl Lead. Easily just ice shard to death. Also helps that Azelf doesn't run Fire Blast as often since Knock Off eclipses that now. It is pretty much forced to Knock + Boom in order to not lose to Mamoswine.
252 Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Azelf: 88-105 (30.2 - 36%) -- 40.6% chance to 3HKO
DON'T use Adamant if you're in this set. I'll show you why.
252+ Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Azelf: 97-115 (33.3 - 39.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
it's like the same damage. Lesson Learned.
252+ Atk burned Mamoswine Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Froslass: 120-142 (42.5 - 50.3%) -- 1.6% chance to 2HKO this is the only reason you would EVER run adamant mamoswine. To trade Froslass leads even when Burned. (Because of Destiny Bond)
Yeah, Mamoswine's role is that of a Suicide Lead and not a Wallbreaker. I like this more than the offensive set. Thus, I Disagree with Mamoswine Dropping.
Doublade Rise: HARD AGREE
This thing is Abnoxious right now. One of the best Bulky Sweepers in UU. Takes care of every dragon (bar Hydreigon, which you can just slap a Florges against) and walls every Fairy (bar Mixed MAlt i guess). You got a nice Wincon in your hands, with a Fighting, Normal AND Poison immunity (means handles Shroomy easily). Fighting Immunity is crucial in this tier, and it can Easily handle SD Terrakion. Here's Why.
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Earthquake vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Doublade: 265-315 (83 - 98.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Doublade Gyro Ball (129 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Terrakion: 446-528 (138 - 163.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
don't switch in if there's rocks on the field. Pair this with Gligar and there's no way you can sweep with Terrakion unless you kill both. Shadow Sneak is good Priority and, when you get a +2 Boost, there's not much Counterplay to this outside of Dark Types. So, I agree with A-.
Zeraora Drop: Disagree.
There's quite some reasons for this. One: DONT COMPARE ZERAORA TO MMANE. They perform different roles. MMane is a Intimidate Pivot that's overall strong, whereas Zeraora is a Fast Offensive Mon. Two: you can run Mixed Zeraora with Grass Knot and HP Ice to deal with Both Gligar and Hippowdon (and the less common Anti-Rotom-H goons). Three: don't compare it to Rotom-H either. They also perform different roles. Rotom-H is a Defogger that gets rid of Celebi quite easily with its resistance to Giga Drain and Immunity to EP. Four: I am good at using Zeraora. Five: Access to Close Combat is huge in being able to break through steel types (not named Blades) like Steelvally and Things like Mamoswine, Lucario, SCARF KROOKODILE on the switch, and Dark or Ice types overall is amazing for a Mon like Zeraora. Six: CB Fire Punch is viable to take care of SD Scizor. Seven: Kommo-o rising to OU means Zeraora has a easier time to not become setup fodder to it (at least when it was allowed.). Yeah, Quite lots of reasons to NOT Drop Zeraora.
Diancie Rise: no opinion, haven't used or seen it yet.
Reuni/Steelvally Rise: no opinion either. Same reasons as Diancie.
Anti-Rotom-H goons (Rhyperior Seismitoad and Swampert) all up a rank: Agree, but only in Swampert. No opinion in the other two. Same reasons as the other two.
Swampert's defensive utility as a rocker and ability to defeat Rotom-H without HP Grass (then again, it would run Defog and WoW anyway instead of HP Grass, as well as Volt Switch and Overheat, both of which Pert resists anyway) and beats electric types overall that doesn't hold Grass coverage. CB is also viable in the fact that it can break through things like two of it's rivals Seismitoad and Gastrodon, Non-Acid Armor Reuniclus, most variants of Hydreigon, and Especially Doublade. Rise Swampert.
Pidgeot Rise: HARD ASS DISAGREE. In fact, I think it should drop.
Work Up Refresh sets struggles to break through Hurricane resists (you never run MPidgeot without Roost) and Blissey, 3 attacks roost sets isn't the powerhouse you'd expect from a 135 SpA Mon with a 110 Base Power STAB Attack due to things like Aerodactyl tanking it (a huge problem if Sandstorm from Hippowdon is there), things that outspeed it i.e. Zeraora prey on it's bad bulk and can nearly KO it (Zeraora's STAB PF is a Guaranteed OHKO though(PF means Plasma Fists)). I'd really use other Megas like Mega Aero, Altaria, Manectric and even Beedrill over Pidgeot all day. It has seen better days before.
Weezing Ranked: Disagree.
C'mon. We got Steelvally, Jellicent, Articuno, Pyukumuku, Quagsire and all those things. WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER MON WHOSE TIER IS LOWER THAN RU! ok, here's the real reasons. Weezing's passivity and inability to deal with Special Attackers due to it's horrible Special Bulk is unappealing. Latias Is the second best Pokemon in the tier, and that just makes of Weezing Breakfast. Seriously though, why would you use that over Shroomy, Tentacruel, Jellicent (all as a wall) and Toxicroak? Don't rank weezing.
while I'm at it, time for my own nomination.
Double Mega Steel up a rank.
Their ability to use Stealth Rock alongside a fantastic Typing (lix) or ability (aggron) is a huge boon. Lix Being able to threaten all electric types (bar the annoying Rotom-H that I say every time) as well as being able to threaten Fire Types (especially in its Regular Forme with Sturdy), Toxic Spam Potential, Amazing Double STAB that is only resisted by a handful of mons (i.e. Rotom-H (WHY I MENTION THIS MON EVERY TIME)), tanking some SE physical moves from some mons like CC from scarf ape (quite surprising). Here's a calc.
252 Atk Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Steelix-Mega: 162-192 (45.7 - 54.2%) -- 47.3% chance to 2HKO
47.3% might look like a lot, but it's actually less than half chance, which means Steelix actually does Setup Rocks on Ape (unless obviously you switch in into a CC or Flare Blitz)
252 Atk Choice Band Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Steelix-Mega: 240-284 (67.7 - 80.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Even CB Apes fail to KO Steelix. This is one hella tank.
Aggron, on the other hand, has the ability Filter, which means it takes even less from Ape's CC. this, combined with the fact that it's regular forme ALSO has Sturdy, this Mon is a force to be reckoned with. Being able to wall mons like Non-Electrium Z Latias, Hydreigon and dragons overall is HUGE. It's lesser SpD than Steelix, lower HP (5 points less, which isn't much of a difference), and not having STAB Earthquake is not good sure, but 140 Attack makes up for it's lower SpD. Heavy Slam also is a boon too. Being able to KO Most fairies without relying on lower speed tiers (although you obviously need to be heavier) is always good for a team. So yeah, rise Both Mega Aggron and Mega Steelix to A-.
OOF, I wrote so much. That's all I have, see you in the next shift.