USUM UU Viability Ranking Thread V3

Obligatory Galv to C- at all.

Annoying as hell to switch into, chunks the hell out of a good portion of both setters and removers, and webs + this thing makes it a pain to deal with mid-game because it'll outrun a good portion of common removal as well.

B ---> B+
I just wanted to make a short post on Sylveon and nom it to B+, the same rank as Florges, as I don't think dropping Florges is the correct move. I personally don't see any huge reason to use Florges over Sylveon other than Synthesis. By no means am I saying this isn't an amazing advantage for Florges, because it eases your match-up against some set-up sweepers like SD Scizor with one turn recovery. However other than that I see few other benefits of using Florges over Sylveon other than the obvious SpD bulk it has. The argument about it being able to compress moves like Hidden Power [Fire] and Defog seems rather lackluster especially when 95% of the time you are using the standard Cleric + Wish passing set on Balance squads. While it could utilise Defog, I really don't think it performs this role well especially because it loses to a lot of common rockers being Mega-Aggron, MegaLix, Coba, Nihilego, Hippo etc. The most credit I could give it is beating the common Mixed SR Kommo-o set running around. Same thing for HP [Fire], yes it can run it but then you have to either give up Wish or Cleric support, hurting how much support it can provide to a team. Synthesis in most cases is enough to ease this very match-up of combating Scizor on these types of teams, so in most cases you won't opt for it unless you are desperate for a lure.

Sylveon still has many merits as a standard Wish + Cleric user over Florges thanks to it having a superior Def stat. This means it handles DD + Mixed Kommo-o, Terrakion, M-Shark, M-Alt better for example, most of which are very popular right now. Not to mention it has a much higher HP stat resulting in it passing fatter wishes for the teams it is ran on. The whole debacle of Pixilate not being as amazing of an ability thanks to Soundproof Kommo-o is nowhere near as relevant as before, especially when most of them are carrying Bulletproof for Gengar, MegaLix etc. Meaning there isn't much downside in using Hyper Voice over Moonblast unless you have some serious nightmares about getting 6-0'd by the DD set or god forbid losing to the BD set.

Overall the biggest upside I see of using Florges is Synthesis. Again, this isn't to shit on Florges as I acknowledge this gives it a significant advantage to allow it to compete against Sylveon for this role. But, I think this really all comes down to your team composition and how well you can handle/how weak you are too certain physical set-up breakers like Scizor. The idea of role compression with Defog or HP [Fire] isn't justifiable enough to set them apart imo. For these reasons I think Sylveon should share the same rank as Florges in B+.

I was going to give my thoughts on these two, but most things I want to say have already been covered so I just want to say I agree with the Roserade to C+ and Silvally-Steel to C/C+ noms.

Silvally Fairy Shadow Realm -> C- or higher
Silvally Fairy has been picking up quite a bit of steam recently as it is a solid answer to the rising SR Kommo-o as well as not being weak to rocks like the other Fairy defog user Togekiss. It also, of course, does not need to mega evolve for its Fairy-type like Mega Altaria. I personally prefer Multi Attack + Flamethrower but I have seen MA + Ice Beam and Boltbeam used too. Partingshot gives it a nice out against those switching in, bar Clear Body Tentacruel. Will find replays later, but I think the usage it has seen recently says enough on its own.

Also, Galvantula should not be ranked imo as someone who has actually used it. You pretty much need HP Ice to apply any real pressure to Gligar and Rotom-H is still untouchable regardless. Personally, I used Thunder / Sticky Web / Energy Ball / Disable to at least temporarily prevent removal and keep Galv's trait to hit Empoleon harder. It definitely helped but it gave more room to pokemon like Latias once they realized I wasn't carrying Bug Buzz.

Agree with rest, especially giving the other grounds more love.

but why was my reuni nom ignored completely ;w;
Obligatory Galv to C- at all.

Annoying as hell to switch into, chunks the hell out of a good portion of both setters and removers, and webs + this thing makes it a pain to deal with mid-game because it'll outrun a good portion of common removal as well.
I disagree with this nomination; Galvantula is simply not strong enough to justify using in a team over other Webbers like Araquanid, and it's outclassed by Zeraora and Mega Manectric as a Offensive Electric type. Galvantula's only thing over them is Sticky Web and it's but typing, whereas Mega Manectric has access to flamethrower, Zeraora has much better Coverage, and both are not weak to fire or rock, which, unlike Galvantula, can able them to Revenge Kill Mega Aerodactyl. Also Galvantula's Bug typing makes it neutral to Flying, which is even worse as Flying Types can defog on it and deal hard damage. And, Araquanid is a better Sticky Web user due to access to a better ability and typing in Water/Bug and Water Bubble, which makes it have much better offensive presence, and it can run better support moves than Galvantula.
That's all I can have for now, see you later.
Personally, I think that Alolan Muk is not deserving of a drop. The AV set being able to wall Hydreigon, wall AND PURSUIT TRAP Latias and hit Scizor with Fire Punch makes it a premier threat for unprepared teams. With a ground move switch in (like say Chesnaught or Gligar, who work as physical walls to help) and wish support to help (Alomomola, Blissey and Florges are all good options), this mon is a monster, counters the best mons in the meta with right play, and I think therefore should stay at B rank. The main problem for this mon is Nidoking, who Earth Powers it and Ice Beam the switch ins, but it is definitely possible to play around it.
Personally, I think that Alolan Muk is not deserving of a drop. The AV set being able to wall Hydreigon, wall AND PURSUIT TRAP Latias and hit Scizor with Fire Punch makes it a premier threat for unprepared teams. With a ground move switch in (like say Chesnaught or Gligar, who work as physical walls to help) and wish support to help (Alomomola, Blissey and Florges are all good options), this mon is a monster, counters the best mons in the meta with right play, and I think therefore should stay at B rank. The main problem for this mon is Nidoking, who Earth Powers it and Ice Beam the switch ins, but it is definitely possible to play around it.

To be fair, that sounds like it needs a lot of support to do its job well, which would be a big argument for it dropping.
Personally, I think that Alolan Muk is not deserving of a drop. The AV set being able to wall Hydreigon, wall AND PURSUIT TRAP Latias and hit Scizor with Fire Punch makes it a premier threat for unprepared teams. With a ground move switch in (like say Chesnaught or Gligar, who work as physical walls to help) and wish support to help (Alomomola, Blissey and Florges are all good options), this mon is a monster, counters the best mons in the meta with right play, and I think therefore should stay at B rank. The main problem for this mon is Nidoking, who Earth Powers it and Ice Beam the switch ins, but it is definitely possible to play around it.
Don't take this as me trying to be rude, but you just described why it SHOULD drop. It requires pretty ample support to be effective, which is not good when this mons role is completely outperformed by premier pokemon that don't require much support at all, such as krookodile and mega aerodactyl. That, mixed with its somewhat lacking physical bulk and lack of reliable recovery, makes it a candidate for a drop.
PikachuZappyZap you make interesting points but I have to disagree. You say the AV set, singling out Muk’s Assault Vest set, but to frank that is it’s only set. I have seen Curse Recycle variants but I find these underwhelming and easy to deal with. So right off the bat Muk has a lack of set versatility, therefore you know exactly what you’re dealing with when you see Muk bar low ladder cheese. Muk can switch in on Hydreigon but does it really wall it? After Rocks it is 3HKO’d by Draco Meteor. It takes about 45%-55% from Z Draco and 10% more from Z Earth Power which is a not so common, but, viable set. When it comes to Latias, Muk takes 63%-75% from a +1 Draco. AV Muk has no recovery. Now you can argue, oh just pair it with a Wish passer. That right there is tackling something at the core of VR, support. How much support a Pokémon needs is one of the qualities that dictates it’s ranking. So you arguing if you pair it with a Wish, Cleric, Ground switch in, you’re stating that Muk requires a lot of support making it a better fit for lower tiers on VR. Furthermore, Fire Punch on Muk is not new. Yes Muk can hit Scizor with Fire Punch but there are far more viable switch ins and you won’t be catching a Scizor with Fire Punch in most cases. Either way scizor outspeeds Muk a majority of the time and even if you are turbo Muk (Muk with a good amount invested in speed) you are sacrificing a lot of bulk making it an even worse switch in to special attackers. Finally, you say that Muk counters the best mons in the meta. Primarina, Fighting-types like Infernape, Lucario, Cobalion, Terrakion, Hydreigon, Krookodile, all of these Pokémon which are some of the best mons in the current meta give Muk a hard time. Specs Primarina 2HKO’s Muk after Rocks with Hydro Pump. Every Fighting-type resists Dark attack’s and takes advantage of Muk. Hydreigon doesn’t mind being trapped and Krookodile traps it. There are far better Pursuit trappers (e.g. Krookodile and Mega Aerodactyl) who profit from a higher speed tier and are easily paired with any other special wall like Sylveon, Florges, Diancie who are not so easily chipped. Back when Serperior in the tier Muk had some relevance and weight to it but as the meta has changed significantly, I do not see it as a threat. Even on stall Muk has seen less usage because it used to be there to switch in on Chandelure, Gengar, and Serperior. But, since Chandelure and Gengar have plummeted in usage, Pokémon like Hydreigon and Nihilego have become better at switching in on Chandelure and Hydreigon, and Serperior has been banned as I mentioned before, Muk has far less utility. I think Muk belongs in B- and I’d love to here others thoughts on this Pokémon.
Altaria-Mega to S rank

I honestly believe it's incredible and among the best right now because of people now using Adamant DD sets with new moves. Specifically, Adamant +1 Return OHKOs Moltres after SR while Facade sets completely annihilate Rotom-H that try to Toxic you or Burn you. Facade can also easily break stall teams if you can get yourself Burned by 2HKOing Quagsire.

Of course Scizor is the most obvious problem (but having fantastic match ups vs the other 2 S ranks shouldn't go understated). You can still beat Scizor 1v1 because of access to Fire moves, which also help in general vs Steels and Amoonguss.

To be clear, this is why I think Altaria should rise (I'm just testing the water with this post so I won't offer much support unless I see investing in a long post will make a difference):
  1. It's actually just underrated right now
  2. Its Adamant sets have been underused
  3. It has a good matchup vs many top threats and playstyles, especially as people rely on Moltres and Rotom-H to counter Altaria
Here's your 3/16/19 VR update, coinciding with the end of SPL and logging the metagame pre-UUPL. Enjoy!
Altaria-Mega A → A+
Celebi A- → A
Gligar B+ → A-
Sceptile-Mega B- → B
Zygarde-10% C+ → B-
Roserade C → C+
Shaymin C- → C+
Articuno C- → C
Gastrodon C- → C

Hydreigon S → A+
Togekiss A+ → A
Kyurem A- → B+
Nihilego A- → B+
Beedrill-Mega B → B-
Heracross B → B-
Haxorus B- → C+
Nidoqueen B- → C
Cofagrigus C+ → C
Metagross C → C-
Darmanitan C- → UR
Glalie-Mega C- → UR
Raikou C- → UR
Venomoth C- → UR

Rises Reasoning

  • Altaria has been the star of the metagame lately, with various renditions of its Dragon Dance set taking many games by storm. It is exceedingly hard to take into account all of its sets at once in the builder, as Refresh and Earthquake sets are both dealt with by very different counterplay, while also having to account for differences in the Fairy-stab. It’s ability to patch weaknesses versus many of the top ranked Offensive Pokemon like Hydreigon, Krookodile, and to a lesser extent Latias and Terrakion makes it a staple on Bulky Offense and even some Balance variants. Despite Dragon Dance being the most dominant set at the moment, Defog and Mixed sets are no pushovers either, with Fire Blast being crucial to pressuring Scizor and other Steels on non boosting sets. A versatile mon like Altaria clearly belongs in A+ with the other pillars of the meta.
  • Celebi is one of the most consistent fat breakers in the tier, with its excellent coverage options, Z-move potential, and bulk letting it nearly always threaten slower teams. The rise of the Z-Leaf Storm recover set has made even Blissey wary of trying to slow it down, and Dazzling Gleam variants have punished Hydreigon’s ability to run non choice sets more frequently. Its ability face tank Pursuit users like Krookodile and Mega Aerodactyl comfortably also can not be overstated in its ease of use as a breaker. Scarf sets have also started to see a little more consistent usage on offense teams, with access to U-turn separating it from Latias.
  • Gligar has officially reached infestation levels in the metagame, with its omnipresence singlehandedly reverting many of the metagame changes that Gliscor’s departure caused such as Manectric’s Hidden Power choice. Its splashablility as both a Rocker and Defogger can be tied to multiple archetypes ranging from Offense to Stall. Despite its severe weaknesses to Knock Off and general passivity, the sheer role compression Gligar provides is crucial in the teambuilder and worthy of a spot in the A ranks.
  • Sceptile has enjoyed Water-types like Slowbro and Primarina’s dominance. It generally can go to work versus teams opting for Primarina in the Fairy slot without a reliable answer, and Slowbro is a super common pivot that usually gives Sceptile free turns. Other than this, there hasn’t been a ton of change to directly favor Sceptile, but the VR team believes it was slightly underrated before hand. It is certainly more consistent of an Offensive Mega than its competition of Beedrill and Pidgeot in B-.
  • Zygarde has been a huge beneficiary of the rise in Froslass Spikes as an archetype, and while the Pokemon can be frustrating to use in practice at times, its sheer power under hazards is not to be underestimated, especially when Rotom Heat is providing it opportunities to generate its own switches. Gligar is forced to recover every turn and you can use this to swap to a different breaker. If the Gligar user elects to U-turn Zygarde will be that much more of a threat next time it comes in.
  • Roserade can take advantage of rising Fairy-types like Primarina and unboosted / support Mega Altaria to get chances to fire off powerful attacks with Poisonium-Z and its great coverage. It has seen notable tournament usage and having speed as a Sleep user gives it a very potent threat vs many Pokemon in the mid tiers of the Speedlist like Bisharp, Kommo-o and Rotom-Heat. It still is a very mediocre hazard setter, but as the offensive set has seen more play a rise is precedented.
  • Celebrate Shaymin was severely underrated by its current ranking, and has given itself a definite niche in comparison to Celebi. The ability to outspeed revenge killers like Krookodile and Hydreigon after a boost means it can take less support to generate its own sweeping at times vs more Offensive teams, along with the added bulk helping vs Scizor and Mamoswine’s priority. While it is not as efficient as Celebi in the fat matchup it does still have the potential to bust through a Blissey.
  • Articuno has become the Stall flavor of the month, with the most prominent team at the moment using its ability to Defog vs many threats, most notably Empoleon, as well as use Heal Bell to keep itself clear of Toxic and free up a moveslot option on either Blissey or Altaria depending on the team. Previous Stall staples have eclipsed their C- ranking while they were in the dominant team, and Articuno is no different.
  • Gastrodon’s not important enough to really be benefitting or decreasing from meta trends at the moment, although Manectric’s reversion to Hidden Power Ice does help it as an Electric check. It’s ability to act as a mixed tank for a very unique spread of threats (Aerodactyl and Nidoking, two vastly different offensive Pokemon for an example) give it a certain role in the builder for glueing teams. However, the times you will use it are few and far between and this is the peak it has for now compared to the Water / Ground types that carry Stealth Rock.
Drops Reasoning

  • Hydreigon has fallen from its heights as the most dominant Dragon-type, with numerous Fairy-types shooting up in usage to attempt and counter it. Primarina and Mega Altaria, and to a lesser extent Diancie have all made its job harder as a breaker and Defogger respectively. It still has very scary breaking power and is one of the best answers to Krookodile and Slowbro around, but it can give non-Fairy types like Terrakion room to work with Justified boosts, it is not quite as splashable as a Defogger with the current Stealth Rock users. Hydreigon can adapt to pretty much anything thrown at it and its possible we see more Z-Belch or Z-Flash Cannon to counteract the increased Fairy usage, but its not on par with Scizor or Latias at this time. DISCLAIMER: Hydreigon down nominations were found last phase of posting, and the VR team was not blacklisting this to silence you or be elitist. The discussion was toxic and circular, so even when you have a valid point please try and be civil with other people (this goes on both sides of that particular debacle). Hydreigon should not be dropping anymore until significant meta shifts / new Pokemon, and will continue to be blacklisted for now, posts around it will be deleted / infracted if necessary.
  • Togekiss has let other Fairy-types take the spotlight for awhile after dominating the Slam meta, with Rock-types like Aerodactyl still super relevant to limiting it, and lots of current glue mons being able to withstand its flagship NP Heal Bell set. It is still a super techable Pokemon with resist berries and different Choice Items or Fightinium-Z, but its Rock weakness also hurts it as a Dragon-check and it doesn’t have the immediate breaking power of Primarina or ability to win games like Altaria, both of which offer more useful secondary type resistances as well. Finally, Togekiss is limited as a Fighting-check with Terrakion, Infernape, and Lucario all easily being able to get through it.
  • Kyurem struggles to avoid giving Primarina free turns, and it is tougher to fit into teams these days with that in mind. It still can put out a lot of offensive pressure both with Sub Roost and Specs, but Specs has very limited switch-in opportunites, and Sub Roost finds itself giving free turns to Pokemon like the aforementioned Prima and Blissey. Kyurem also hates being Rock-weak as an Electric-check, meaning every Volt Switch from Rotom or Manectric it takes means that much more in the long game.
  • Nihilego is much harder to build as a Rock-type than Aerodactyl due to its extreme ease of being trapped, and its 4MSS issues have been exacerbated in the current metagame. It is still a solid Pokemon with a lot to offer, but there will be matchups you are unable to progress through the enemy team if running Protect, or immediately trapped if running 3 attacks or a Choice set.
  • Gliscor giveth, Gligar taketh away. A lot of things Beedrill loved about Gliscor leaving have reverted, and the infestation of Amoonguss usage hurts as there are more Poison-types to remove potential Toxic Spikes. It still has the same issues before of being at the mercy of Scarf Krookodile and CB Scizor, but now its offensive presence is more limited as well.
  • These Pokemon both have been largely eclipsed by Kommo-o and see their ranks fall. Haxorus is barely used, its only real documented role has been as a supplementary breaker on DragMag / Dragon spam cores, and this is enough for a spot on the B ranks. Stall’s trend towards Mega Aerodactyl also gives them a safer Option to revenge kill a chipped Haxorus, opening up a little more counterplay although this matchup is still stacked towards the Haxorus user. Heracross remains a slightly stronger niche of being able to avoid status penalties and access to the strongest unboosted power of the Fighting-types, but its bulk is severely lacking and it is very one dimensional and doesn’t consistently find itself on teams as a result of this.
  • Nidoqueen was severely overrated in her current spot and I honestly feel bad about not catching this one until it was brought to my attention. Her niches compared to Nidoking are very small, and only fulfill very specific situations in teams looking for more bulky countermeasures to VoltTurn cores. This isn’t GSC UU sadly :(
  • Cofagrigus has seen very low usage, and more competition as an Offensive Ghost-type from Gengar and Decidueye in recent months. It still has some potential to break holes especially in Offense teams, but taking two turns to setup is a big nuisance, as well as its reliance on the Z-move for many ohkoes. It is more fitting as a C rank threat than C+. Blissey’s usage on a variety of non-stall teams has worsened its utility there as well.
  • Metagross has seen some competition with Bisharp’s arrival, leading to its Assault Vest set being less unique; Bisharp’s better ability / typing allow it to succeed more consistently. Metagross still remains ranked with its higher bulk and possible lure potential, along with small advantages in specific situations on sets like CB that reward skilled builders.
  • We finally clean house with some Pokemon that should just not be worth of ranks at this point. Darmanitan mostly just existed for the meme if we're honest, and with Slowbro’s rise now there is even a mainstream presence that tanks its Flare Blitz. Should never really be considered over other fire types. Glalie has seen Froslass completely eclipse what little niches it has and be a much more competent spikes setter. Raikou's Toxic set that stopped it from being unranked for a couple months has become even worse with Gligar's dominance, as well as Steelix being viewed as on par with Aggron. Other Pokemon like Volcanion, Salazzle, and even Diancie can pull off toxic sets with less weaknesses and more strengths. Venomoth hasn't really seen any shifts, it's just bad. Krook and Sciz both revenge killing it easily has never made it's life easy and it’s way too inconsistent to be recommended as a viable Pokemon.
Discussion Points

Cobalion A → A-

Cobalion’s shortcomings as Steel-type with its neutrality to Flying- and Psychic-types attacks make it hard to build with when attempting to check threats like Latias and Togekiss that your Steel-type generally wants to handle. It still has a lot of merit as a hybrid Rocker and fantastic early/midgame Scizor check, but with Doublade / Gligar / Slowbro’s rise it has a lot harder times breaking through opposing teams and keeping pressure up.

Amoonguss A- → A

Amoonguss handles both the rising Fairy-types, Primarina and Mega Altaria, about as well as you could want. It can form a super annoying core with Slowbro that is tough to outlast, and is present on a multitude of playstyles from Stall to BO. It is facing some slight competition from Roserade now, but is vastly more applicable to different teams and can also tech with moves like Stun Spore and Foul Play to avoid becoming setup bait.

Mamoswine A- → B+

Mamoswine is still a threatening breaker, but often is tough to build with as it doesn’t really cover many threats when building. It can threaten many of the current meta answers to it like Rotom-Heat and Doublade with a simple Knock Off, but when not having Stealth Rock (and it is not a good Rocker), it becomes harder to cover the rest of the meta for Mamo’s team. The debate should be whether Mamoswine’s presence as a breaker is enough to outweigh the burden its teammates must cover compression wise.

Doublade B+ → A-

Doublade’s solidified itself as one of the ace Fighting-type checks in the tiers due to its titanic physical bulk, and it can often be paired with a second steel-type or other special tank to make up for its lack of Special Defense. It is still not super offensively threatening and prone to being worn down without Wish support, but it has many great chances to shine in the meta both on BO and HO, making it potentially worthy of a spot in the A ranks.

Zerora B+ → B / B-

Zeraora has struggled to find a spot on any of the dominant playstyles, being relegated to niche use on gimmick offenses and for teams that need a fast Electric already using a Mega slot. It still has some decent mixed offensive pressure but is severely matchup dependant. No one set has truly stuck as useful, and until that happens its tough for Zeraora to be shown as a crucial part of the tier.

Diancie B- → B

Diancie is quickly becoming more and more of a staple, with significant tournament usage due to its unique combination of attributes in being a Flying-check and a Fairy-type, as well as having access to Stealth Rock which no other Fairy does. It has curbed the usage of Hydreigon, and offers a 1 time switch that can threaten Mega Altaria. It does have its weaknesses as total setup bait for Roost Scizor, but it has been shown a lot of love and this discussion point is valid.

Hoopa UR → C-

Hoopa, after being unranked, has seen some slight usage on the ladder with experiments around a Sub Nasty Plot set that takes advantages of bulky Waters better than some of its Ghost-type competition like Decidueye by being able to tank Scald. It does have to watch out for the Knock Off that Empoleon and Tentacruel are running more and more often. Whether this is niche is enough to be ranked remains to be seen.


Other one's im too lazy to write are the Water / Ground rockers and Rhyperior back up one spot as they handle Heatom / Mane well again and can keep up vs Gligar, Reuniclus up, Steelvally up, and Porygon 2 / Fairyvally being ranked.
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Here are my thoughts.

Amoonguss A- → A Agree

Amoonguss is a good example of how VR can be a chain reaction at times. Hydreigon rises to S tier and becomes very centralizing so Fairy-types start gaining usage which puts Amoonguss in great standing. Pif just made a nice post about the current power of Mega Altaria and, although I don't agree with a suspect, I definitely agree that Mega Altaria is very strong right now. Amoonguss is one of few Pokemon that isn't bodied by a +1 Facade and has Regenerator to easily regain its health making it the number 1 Mega Altaria switch in currently. I agree with a rise to A.

Doublade B+ → A- Unsure

So we have Cobalion possibly dropping partly because of the rise in popularity of Doublade but then we had the rise of Gligar and the possible rise of Amoonguss, two solid switch ins to Doublade. Yes Doublade has become a great Fighting-type check and doesn't require a ton of support but there are also other rises that conflict. The drop in Hydreigon because of the rise in usage of Fairy-types is also in Doublade's favor. Overall I am mixed on this. I can see it going either way, staying or rising.

(insert furry there's no sprite) Zeraora B+ → B Agree

Zeraora has always been extremely underwhelming for me. With Amoonguss, Gligar, and Mega Altiaria being really solid checks and very good Pokemon right now, Zeraora isn't very threatening. Having low defense it is very easily Pursuit trapped in a meta that loves Pursuit trap. Zeraora to B- is probably the easiest and most straight forward drop this round.

Mamoswine A- → B+ Agree

Mamoswine is very similar to Nidoking in that it is a very offensive breaker that doesn't have any utility outside of the fact that it is a breaker and a Ground-type and a possible rocker. What differentiates Mamoswine and Nidoking and makes Mamoswine A- is bulk, priority, better STAB because Ice Ground is crazy good, and having Knock Off. I think a lot of people see Mamoswine as a hyper offense Pokemon but it is so much better on bulky offense if you realize how similar in concept it is to Nidoking. Hyper offense just doesn't have the space to accommodate Mamoswine making it dead weight. Priority is really annoying for Mamoswine and hyper offense as a whole. So if you look at Mamoswine from a hyper offense perspective yeah it should drop. But from a bulky offense perspective it is so much better. Easier to fit on a rocker so you can use Mamoswine as a full breaker. More support for Mamoswine to the point where you aren't cramming. Bulky offense has much better tools to handle priority. Mamoswine needs support but not enough to make it B+. Hyper offense just can't utilize its power well. This one could also go either way but I am favoring A-.

Diancie B- → B

Diancie rising goes hand in hand with Hydreigon dropping. Diancie is one of the big reasons Hydreigon dropped as it has increased in usage and viability due to the fact that it is a great check to Togekiss, Moltres, and Z move Latias sets. It does 1v1 Togekiss well, Sage and I tested it when I was unsure.
I find it a little weird that Venomoth got unranked when it was just recently received surprisingly well in Research Week, oh well. I'm not going to fight the VR team on it. Here I'm just going to discuss the various noms:

to A-: Agree. This thing is practically like the Nidoqueen to Terrakion's Nidoking at this point. It fills a similar slot with more defensive utility, but pretty much loses any ability to do anything remotely offensive against a team with a check to it's offensive counterpart. Cobalion has it REALLY bad in this case, as some of the most popular checks like Gligar, Doublade, the Slowbros, etc. Can stop this thing from doing ANYTHING for almost the entire game bar checking what it checks defensively, like Scizor and some Hydreigon. The defensive niches are what justify it over Terrakion and make it easier to slot on some teams, but beyond that, just use Terrakion. It at least has a chance to break all the anti-fighting measures the meta has adapted for it.

to A: Agree. Amoonguss is fantastic right now, it has a lot of solid resistances and bulk that let it switch in on waters, check the two most solid fairies in the tier, very softly check a couple common fighting types, etc. This combined with it's usual shenanigans like spore, regenerator, as well as some newer tech like stun spore and foul play make it a solid pick in the current meta.

to B-: Unsure??? Having it's rocker niche overshadowed completely by Kommo-o doesn't paint a pretty picture for Mamoswine. But it is in a boat right now where it's not QUITE as screwed as it was before. it's not as dumpstered by Manectric (A horrid matchup for a lot of the offensive teams that'd pick up Mamoswine) with it reverting to Hidden power Ice, and Knock Off does help it against some of it's most prominent answers that helped it to fall as far as A-. It doesn't like a lot of trends like fightings that can whip it around, but it also appreciates ice shard's ability to pick off some weakened threats like Latias and Altaria. As an ice type it also appreciates Zydog and Gligar cementing themselves as rising metagame stars. Its kind of in a wish-wash state where I can't really say either way whether it should go up or down, but there's my 5 cents on some metagame trends that have both helped and hurt it in recent times.

To A-: HARD AGREE. I've wanted this since the last VR discussion. Doublade is utterly fantastic as a role compression mon because it checks so much in one measly slot, Latias, Terrakion, Altaria, Aero, Cobalion, Kommo-o, the list goes on. Obviously I wouldn't use it to check all these mons at once, even with wish support, as that's an easy way to get your Doublade quickly overwhelmed, but it's status as a gluemon cannot be understated. If you put a Doublade on your team, it's going to ensure your matchup against something just got a lot easier. Hell, Doublade can often stack well with other checks to the things it checks, I've seen double steel cores with Doublade, I've seen it stacked with other Terrak checks like Gligar, it's a great security blanket when used in this style. Doublade really is one of those mons that you really can just tack on the end of a team if you have most of your primary niches checked off and it will make the team 10x better. Its splashability and it's ability to take so many massive meta threats head on makes it an amazing choice for this metagame that would be horribly understated by a B+ ranking.

to B/B-: Unsure??? But leaning toward agree. The mixed set is probably the best set right now. It can pressure a majority of the tier's grounds and can often force weaker checks like Gligar into absolutely crippling situations. It's not going to be cleaning up teams on it's own, but it definitely forces some very awkward situations when both building around it and playing against it. However on the flip side, it's generally hard to justify using on a team when it struggles to find a slot over Mega Manectric and Rotom-H, who have vastly superior defensive utility, as well as superior mixed attackers like Kommo-o who can often do more devastating damage. There's really nothing that takes Zera's super specific role per say, but that super specific role is generally uneeded on a lot of teams. This mon also doesn't appreciate the rise of some harder checks like Amoonguss and Altaria standing right at the front of the meta right now.

to B: Agree. Diancie has cemented itself as one of the best blanket checks in the current meta, battling flyings and a number of dragons pathetically easy, It's ability to keep up rocks against a number of top defoggers like Rotom-H and Altaria isn't too shabby for it either. Its also arguably one of the best bulky rock types, as it beats out Staka as a similar flying/dragon blanket check with a neutrality to fighting, and beats out Nihilego as a specially bulky rock with pressure on defog M-alt with a lack of pursuit weakness and higher phys def.

to C-: Agree. Remember all that crap I said last VR update about Sub Gengar loving Terrakion's presence? A lot of that applies to this one too. While it can't revenge kill Terrak like Gengar can, Terrakion's status in the meta has still scared off a lot of it's dominant checks like Muk while bringing in new bulky mons like Slowbro and Palossand that it loves to torture. Its ability to break most bulkier balances and stalls with it's Sub NP set and a nuclear special attack stat is also very appreciated in a meta where the bulkier teams keep having a new flavor of the week. This mon also appreciates a general fall of similar breakers like Chandelure and Decidueye due to Hydreigon, which Hoopa can actually battle behind a sub without burning a Z move on it. With the ghost competition not being as tight, a general shift in what walls are being run, Good Stall and Balance matchups, And a general lack of Hoopa's old checks in the current meta makes it more than deserving of a re-rank.


The anti-Rotom-H goons (Swamp Rhyp Seis) all bumped up a rank: Agree. I made this nom before on the last page so I'll keep it brief, but this trio is stronger than ever. Mane is full-time HP Ice now, Rotom-H is the most common defogger in the entire tier, only matched by Gligar, and all 3 of these guys beat both of the above, so on and so forth. These 3 are more than deserving to start sliding back into their old ranks before the HP grass wave took over.

up a rank: Agree. A-muk's lack of presence in the tier has made more useful in matchups vs various bulky teams, It's ability to take advantage of some various meta staples isn't too shabby either. It also holds a respectable amount of defensive utility for a stallbreaker, nothing too insane, but it can take a nick or two if necessary.

(Steel) up a rank: Agree. Its a great role compression mon with it's ability to come in on Lati, softly check Sciz, defog, and pivot all in one mon. It's luster as a steel-type defogger has also gone up a bit with the meta officially having screwed it's main competition Empoleon over.

(Fairy) ranked: Agree. What sets it aside from similar fairies like Florges and friends is the ability to pivot. Also it's fairly respectable movepool letting it pick what rockers it beats while other fairy defoggers are abeit limited in this regard. In addition, it's also the fastest fairy in the meta, the only one capable of breaking the base 80 benchmarks that the fastest 2 fairies after it, Altaria and Togekiss, are confined to.

Re-ranked: Agree. Its probably one of the better omni-boosters in the tier. The ability to change typing and a wide movepool gives it a lot of options for boosting up, it's good bulk also makes it less likely to get messed up by speed control.

These are some good nominations, I usually have a couple disagrees thrown in there but I'm on board with most of them give or take some unsures, but I can even see those going through.
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Hey, Dumb Ranking Person here back at it giving my opinions on some mons.
yeah, let's do it

Chesnaught (B- -> B): Agree
Oh boy, this has been a long time coming, hasn't it. The Spikes that Chesnaught provides are practically meta shaping on their own, but the ability to wall common Rockers like Hippowdon and punch others like Blissey gives Chesnaught an invaluable niche of a hazard lead anti-lead. If it weren't for Rotom-H, I would say to place this mon in B+.

Porygon2 (UR -> C-): Agree
With the combination of omni-boosting, type changing, and its ability to run a plethora of coverage moves and access to Recover, Porygon2 is not a mon to glance over. It can even run Eviolite to supplement bulkier teams with a backbone that's slightly more niche than other bulk mons in the tier.

Silvally-Fairy (UR -> C-): Agree
Fairyvally's niche is seriously underrated in UU, being the fastest fairy type and all. It has access to both hazard removal and pivoting in Defog and Parting Shot respectively, and it has the highly sought after fairy typing. I think the combination of where the meta is right now and the utility Fairyvally brings to it carves a spot for it in the meta.
Hoopa (UR -> C-): Disagree
Even though being a Fighting Immunity in UU is important, I still think Hoopa is largely out classed as a fighting switch-in by Gengar and special wallbreaker by Primarina. Also, the Nasty Plot set that's been experimented with is a bit too slow and finicky in my opinion, as it relies on too much team support.
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I would say Mega Pidgeot is WAY too good for B- and should rise to A- or B+. Nearly nothing is safe to switch into Hurricane; and only really Mega Aerodactyl and Terrakion check it. Even then, none of these 2 enjoy being hit by Hurricane too much: the former being crippled by Stealth Rock. It's massive speed tier lets it outspeed and kill offensive Pokemon that don't have the bulk
I would say Mega Pidgeot is WAY too good for B- and should rise to A- or B+. Nearly nothing is safe to switch into Hurricane; and only really Mega Aerodactyl and Terrakion check it. Even then, none of these 2 enjoy being hit by Hurricane too much: the former being crippled by Stealth Rock. It's massive speed tier lets it outspeed and kill offensive Pokemon that don't have the bulk
Aggron. Manectric. Steelix. Rotom-H. Blissey. Empoleon. Klefki. Nihilego. Doublade.

This is the short list of things that can make it hurt. Heat wave beats maybe two or three. Scarfed fightings dick it over, it’s too frail to take repeated priority without roosting, and its primary Stab is neutered against fat steels and rocks, of which there are many.

Keep it where it’s at.
View attachment 166543Hoopa (UR -> C-): Disagree
Even though being a Fighting Immunity in UU is important, I still think Hoopa is largely out classed as a fighting switch-in by Gengar and special wallbreaker by Primarina. Also, the Nasty Plot set that's been experimented with is a bit too slow and finicky in my opinion, as it relies on too much team support.

This argument baffles me. Hoopa isn't being considered because it switches into Fighting-types. It's being considered because of the Nasty Plot set that's been , the set on its UU analysis. While it is slow, that is largely inconsequential as it is faster than most, if not all defensive pokemon, while being bulky enough to setup and effectively muscle past most defensive cores. I have no idea what "finicky" or "relies on too much team support" means exactly, so please elaborate. Lastly, on the point of competition, I consider the Primarina comparison specifically pretty fallacious. Primarina, is a wallbreaker, and Hoopa is a stallbreaker. Primarina uses high power to immediately pressure teams, but lacks reliable setup to get past harder checks such aa Blissey or Articuno. Hoopa, while it doesn't have the immediate power outside of the Z-move, and can use Nasty Plot to break past more traditional answers to Ghost-types on Stall / slower Balance variations. This is an extremely important distinction.

Hoopa to C-
I'll give my thoughts on some of the discussion slate on mons I've used it have faced enough to have an opinion on. My team that I've been using most is a webs Bisharp hyper offense team.

Cobalion: A- to B+. agree I've used this mon a lot with the double dance steelium z set. Against offensive teams and some balance builds, this mon just wins a games after certain conditions are met. However, far too often it's just death fodder against teams that have a Alomomola, Slowbro or Doublade. It also needs significant chip to hope of KO'ing balance staples like Gligar or Hippowdon. Without taunt, it's completely useless against stall. I realize some of these issues are because I use Steel z over fight z (Alomomola and Hippowdon), but I don't think it makes much difference as Fight Z has more problems against Amoonguss, Primarina, Latias, and other metagame staples.

Mamoswine: A- to B+, disagree. In the discussion slate post, it said hyper offense really struggles to use Mamoswine, but I've found that to be far from the case. It performs far more consistently for me than Cobalion which has the same nomination. It doesn't always get a KO itself, but it's capable of weakening bulky mons that other members of the team need weakened in order to sweep. It's dual STAB is incredible and it has enough bulk to switch into attacks as well as immediately threatening my opponent after a KO and putting them in difficult positions.

Amoonguss: B+ to A-, disagree. Spore is one of the best moves in the game, but after the opponent has chosen its sleep fodder, usually the weakest mon in a matchup, Amoonguss becomes set up fodder for many terrifying mons that only need 1 turn like Kommo'o, Bisharp, and Latias to be able to get KO Amoonguss and threaten the rest of its team. It's still very good, but not worthy of A- rank imo.

Doublade: B+ to A-, Agree. This mon's incredible typing, paired with a ludicrous defense as well as very usable attack makes it insanely difficult to deal with for offensive teams, including mine which features a Mamo and Bisharp which should cause it major problems. It's weaknesses are very easily patched with other high tier caliber mons like Hydreigon, Primarina, and Sylveon.

Zeraora: A- to B+: agree. This is the type of mon my team should great on since I usually use webs. However, it seems it struggles a great deal in many matchups. In theory, it should function as an anti-offense mon. In practice, far too many priority moves pick it off against offense and it struggles to deal with most fat mons against balance or offensive bulky pivots.

Diancie: C+ to B-, unsure. I've never had any problem against, it but that's by team design. It offers very nice role compression as a rocker, a check to bird spam, and a good check against many of the dragons. It has obvious limitations, but that's why we're debating it being in B- and not A-.
Gonna visit the Mega Altaria to S nomination because I think it’s pretty intriguing and pif makes some pretty good points. For one, its definitely made a huge enough jump in the recent stages of this meta to the point that most of us would currently consider Mega Alt as the alpha mega in this tier; it’s clear enough that dedicated answers to its DD sets are necessary on most teams to prevent it from completely curbstomping teams after even a single boost. As to the sets pif mentioned, I do believe Adamant DD (with enough speed to outspeed 115s at +1) is currently its most potent set right now as it has shown to make the most out of its matchups against all playstyles through the maximization of offensive pressure, while not losing too much ground on speed as there are only a few threats between 242 and 284 speed that pose as considerable threats, none of which are common (jolly bisharp) or big meta staples.

My biggest concern about Mega Altaria is its ability to circumvent its consistent checks and counters; while Fire Blast is certainly an effective method to hit both Steels and Amoonguss, I would argue that it's a bit less effective as, let's say, Z-Thunder Latias is at breaking through most Steels, and its weaknesses are a bit more pronounced than those of both Latias and Scizor.
tl;dr Mega Alt is a borderline S rank threat
I hate this stupid annoying mushroom and I hope it dies in a fire. W/e, move it up to A.
Amoonguss: B+ to A-, disagree. Spore is one of the best moves in the game, but after the opponent has chosen its sleep fodder, usually the weakest mon in a matchup, Amoonguss becomes set up fodder for many terrifying mons that only need 1 turn like Kommo'o, Bisharp, and Latias to be able to get KO Amoonguss and threaten the rest of its team. It's still very good, but not worthy of A- rank imo.
Fungus is already A-, but I still find your argument fairly faulty. It isn't sitting in the A ranks just because of Spore; while I do agree that it is a huge attribute, I would argue that it is not currently its biggest one. Its unique ability to not only be one of the best answers to the fastest rising threat in Mega Altaria but also a serviceable switch-in to one of Mega Alt's biggest answers in Scizor should be huge enough evidence of how valuable its defensive characteristics are. While it indeed leaves itself extremely vulnerable to big threats including the examples you mentioned, the defensive pressure it brings to the table more than makes up for its offensive shortcomings.
As one of the bigger Zeraora ladder spammers, I can easily say that Gligar’s, [broken ass] Mega Altaria's and [broken ass] Amoonguss's heightened presences in this meta hurts Zeraora a lot, and with what's possibly the most severe case of 4mss in this meta, it risks either being a huge liability against those two among a bunch of other threats or a huge liability against most Ground-types if it's not running gk (man, if only gamefreak actually gave it u-turn smh). I'm cool with a downgrade to B here.
Should have never been nuked in the first place tbh.
RANK P2: bolt beam covers basically everything apart from rotom h, lax, blissey, and a few others. the power is insane aswell as the sweeping potential, being able to outspeed most of the unboosted tier

prior team support for those mons means that p2 most likely removes a huge chunk of their team, and it gives no fucks with setting up against mons like tentacruel, glig, drei etc

and its kinda cute

Weezing: UR -> C

im gonna get alot of angry messages from anyone in the UU room on PS, but who cares. Weezing is a very niche, but yet cool pokemon. It can fit on Stall and Defensive teams. It has good utility such as Toxic spikes, Will-O-Wisp, Pain Split, Haze, and Taunt. It also has good coverage in Flamethrower and Thunderbolt (depending on what you want to hit), as well as a decent STAB in Sludge Wave (used over Sludge Bomb to not get walled by Chesnaught).

I've generally ran Mixed Defensive Varients, which allow Weezing to handle Mega Altaria, SD Lucario (if you can land wisp), Krookidile, as well as Nidoking (to an extent, as Ice Beam still has a small chance to 2HKO), on top of some other Special Attackers like Z Celebrate Shaymin.

My friend Mygrein collected some replays of Weezing in action (Ty again Myg, I appreciate it), team was built by both of us and vivalospride did a small check over it. I also got a few with a stall team Twilight helped me fix after they realized I somehow ended up with a Palossand and a Steelvally lol.

tl;dr - Weezing can provide a small niche on stall and defensive teams for checking settup sweepers, ground types barring Zydog, and annoying slow things with taunt and wisp, therefore, rank it to C.
Aggron. Manectric. Steelix. Rotom-H. Blissey. Empoleon. Klefki. Nihilego. Doublade.

This is the short list of things that can make it hurt. Heat wave beats maybe two or three. Scarfed fightings dick it over, it’s too frail to take repeated priority without roosting, and its primary Stab is neutered against fat steels and rocks, of which there are many.

Keep it where it’s at.
If anything, it should drop to C+.

It’s been pretty ass lately. Work up + refresh sets have been too gimmicky against anything that can take a boosted Hurricane, and there’s a list for that. The current set can be walled by the aforementioned mons and some others, such as Diancie, and even Bronzong. It’s been REALLY underwhelming for the most part.
ok so
Time to make moar nominations here
before, I Raided Galvantula and still wanted it to be UR.
Now, I'm gonna discuss even more rank mons. DISCLAIMER: I don't have Replays for URanked mons, so don't think I'm gonna nom them.


Cobalion Drop: Agree.
This Mon unfortunately has seen better days before, and it's now underwhelming imo. it's outclassed by Terrakion as the Stallbreaker of choice, and while a Steel Typing might be a good thing to have (especially considering it gives Cobalion a lot of switches with its High Defense Stat), it can't switch into other fighters like Infernape and Scarf Terrakion. It should drop to A-.


Amoonguss rise: Agree. Shroomy handles Fairies like MAlt, Sylveon and Florges (the former is especially useful to take care of) and it walls any defensive scizor (outside of Defensive SD which has U-Turn to pivot out of Amoonguss), and the fact that it learns Spore, has Foul Play and Stun Spore to not become setup bait, and HP Fire to take care of the aforementioned Scizor, Amoonguss is definitely a A candidate.


Mamoswine Drop: Disagree
Pretty much a Physical variant to Nidoking with an ice typing, a Ice Typing with a Stealth Rock neutrality is amazing. Mamoswine is a good Suicide Lead for HO's with this set:

Mamoswine @ Focus Sash
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Endeavor
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake

Earthquake hits Gengar and Doublade for SE, Which means they cannot wall this Mamoswine Completely. Priority is Value for a Suicide Lead. This Mon beats Suicide Lead Azelf as this is forced to Boom on it as Fire Blast will not KO Mamo, as well as the Rarely Seen but Usable Aerodactyl Lead. Easily just ice shard to death. Also helps that Azelf doesn't run Fire Blast as often since Knock Off eclipses that now. It is pretty much forced to Knock + Boom in order to not lose to Mamoswine.
252 Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Azelf: 88-105 (30.2 - 36%) -- 40.6% chance to 3HKO
DON'T use Adamant if you're in this set. I'll show you why.
252+ Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Azelf: 97-115 (33.3 - 39.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
it's like the same damage. Lesson Learned.
252+ Atk burned Mamoswine Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Froslass: 120-142 (42.5 - 50.3%) -- 1.6% chance to 2HKO this is the only reason you would EVER run adamant mamoswine. To trade Froslass leads even when Burned. (Because of Destiny Bond)
Yeah, Mamoswine's role is that of a Suicide Lead and not a Wallbreaker. I like this more than the offensive set. Thus, I Disagree with Mamoswine Dropping.


Doublade Rise: HARD AGREE
This thing is Abnoxious right now. One of the best Bulky Sweepers in UU. Takes care of every dragon (bar Hydreigon, which you can just slap a Florges against) and walls every Fairy (bar Mixed MAlt i guess). You got a nice Wincon in your hands, with a Fighting, Normal AND Poison immunity (means handles Shroomy easily). Fighting Immunity is crucial in this tier, and it can Easily handle SD Terrakion. Here's Why.
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Earthquake vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Doublade: 265-315 (83 - 98.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Doublade Gyro Ball (129 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Terrakion: 446-528 (138 - 163.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
don't switch in if there's rocks on the field. Pair this with Gligar and there's no way you can sweep with Terrakion unless you kill both. Shadow Sneak is good Priority and, when you get a +2 Boost, there's not much Counterplay to this outside of Dark Types. So, I agree with A-.


Zeraora Drop: Disagree.
There's quite some reasons for this. One: DONT COMPARE ZERAORA TO MMANE. They perform different roles. MMane is a Intimidate Pivot that's overall strong, whereas Zeraora is a Fast Offensive Mon. Two: you can run Mixed Zeraora with Grass Knot and HP Ice to deal with Both Gligar and Hippowdon (and the less common Anti-Rotom-H goons). Three: don't compare it to Rotom-H either. They also perform different roles. Rotom-H is a Defogger that gets rid of Celebi quite easily with its resistance to Giga Drain and Immunity to EP. Four: I am good at using Zeraora. Five: Access to Close Combat is huge in being able to break through steel types (not named Blades) like Steelvally and Things like Mamoswine, Lucario, SCARF KROOKODILE on the switch, and Dark or Ice types overall is amazing for a Mon like Zeraora. Six: CB Fire Punch is viable to take care of SD Scizor. Seven: Kommo-o rising to OU means Zeraora has a easier time to not become setup fodder to it (at least when it was allowed.). Yeah, Quite lots of reasons to NOT Drop Zeraora.

Diancie Rise: no opinion, haven't used or seen it yet.

Reuni/Steelvally Rise: no opinion either. Same reasons as Diancie.


Anti-Rotom-H goons (Rhyperior Seismitoad and Swampert) all up a rank: Agree, but only in Swampert. No opinion in the other two. Same reasons as the other two.
Swampert's defensive utility as a rocker and ability to defeat Rotom-H without HP Grass (then again, it would run Defog and WoW anyway instead of HP Grass, as well as Volt Switch and Overheat, both of which Pert resists anyway) and beats electric types overall that doesn't hold Grass coverage. CB is also viable in the fact that it can break through things like two of it's rivals Seismitoad and Gastrodon, Non-Acid Armor Reuniclus, most variants of Hydreigon, and Especially Doublade. Rise Swampert.


Pidgeot Rise: HARD ASS DISAGREE. In fact, I think it should drop.
Work Up Refresh sets struggles to break through Hurricane resists (you never run MPidgeot without Roost) and Blissey, 3 attacks roost sets isn't the powerhouse you'd expect from a 135 SpA Mon with a 110 Base Power STAB Attack due to things like Aerodactyl tanking it (a huge problem if Sandstorm from Hippowdon is there), things that outspeed it i.e. Zeraora prey on it's bad bulk and can nearly KO it (Zeraora's STAB PF is a Guaranteed OHKO though(PF means Plasma Fists)). I'd really use other Megas like Mega Aero, Altaria, Manectric and even Beedrill over Pidgeot all day. It has seen better days before.


Weezing Ranked: Disagree.
C'mon. We got Steelvally, Jellicent, Articuno, Pyukumuku, Quagsire and all those things. WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER MON WHOSE TIER IS LOWER THAN RU! ok, here's the real reasons. Weezing's passivity and inability to deal with Special Attackers due to it's horrible Special Bulk is unappealing. Latias Is the second best Pokemon in the tier, and that just makes of Weezing Breakfast. Seriously though, why would you use that over Shroomy, Tentacruel, Jellicent (all as a wall) and Toxicroak? Don't rank weezing.

while I'm at it, time for my own nomination.


Double Mega Steel up a rank.
Their ability to use Stealth Rock alongside a fantastic Typing (lix) or ability (aggron) is a huge boon. Lix Being able to threaten all electric types (bar the annoying Rotom-H that I say every time) as well as being able to threaten Fire Types (especially in its Regular Forme with Sturdy), Toxic Spam Potential, Amazing Double STAB that is only resisted by a handful of mons (i.e. Rotom-H (WHY I MENTION THIS MON EVERY TIME)), tanking some SE physical moves from some mons like CC from scarf ape (quite surprising). Here's a calc.
252 Atk Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Steelix-Mega: 162-192 (45.7 - 54.2%) -- 47.3% chance to 2HKO
47.3% might look like a lot, but it's actually less than half chance, which means Steelix actually does Setup Rocks on Ape (unless obviously you switch in into a CC or Flare Blitz)
252 Atk Choice Band Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Steelix-Mega: 240-284 (67.7 - 80.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Even CB Apes fail to KO Steelix. This is one hella tank.
Aggron, on the other hand, has the ability Filter, which means it takes even less from Ape's CC. this, combined with the fact that it's regular forme ALSO has Sturdy, this Mon is a force to be reckoned with. Being able to wall mons like Non-Electrium Z Latias, Hydreigon and dragons overall is HUGE. It's lesser SpD than Steelix, lower HP (5 points less, which isn't much of a difference), and not having STAB Earthquake is not good sure, but 140 Attack makes up for it's lower SpD. Heavy Slam also is a boon too. Being able to KO Most fairies without relying on lower speed tiers (although you obviously need to be heavier) is always good for a team. So yeah, rise Both Mega Aggron and Mega Steelix to A-.

OOF, I wrote so much. That's all I have, see you in the next shift.


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Weezing Ranked: Disagree.
C'mon. We got Steelvally, Jellicent, Articuno, Pyukumuku, Quagsire and all those things. WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER MON WHOSE TIER IS LOWER THAN RU! ok, here's the real reasons. Weezing's passivity and inability to deal with Special Attackers due to it's horrible Special Bulk is unappealing. Latias Is the second best Pokemon in the tier, and that just makes of Weezing Breakfast. Seriously though, why would you use that over Shroomy, Tentacruel, Jellicent (all as a wall) and Toxicroak? Don't rank weezing.
As the person who nommed it, this is fallacious reasoning at it's finest.

First off, why are you staying in with Weezing vs Latias?

Second off, Amoongus gets hit by earthquake from alt and can lose 1v1 to things like Fire Blast mixed Altaria, as well as cannot burn things and clear stat boosts with haze. Not saying its bad, as amoongus is probably one of the best alt answers n the tier. Weezing also is a Physical Wall, which means you wouldn't try and take on special attackers anyways. Tentacruel is a Primarina check and a spinner, Jellicent is a physical wall like Weezing, but checks different things, etc. Toxicroak was seemingly mentioned for some reason? it's niche is as a settup sweeper with SD/Nasty Plot.

Third and finally, it's passivity shouldn't really be a problem considering you would only use it on Stall or highly defensive-oriented teams. And it's "appeal" factor is one of the reasons I'm only asking it to be ranked at C.