Pet Mod VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open

If you've lost track of time like I have, you may be surprised to find that it already should be time for vetoes!

Due to me being busy, I was unfortunately unable to get a sub review out and due to wanting to have a roomtour on Sunday I do actually have to do vetoes today so it can't be pushed back.

As always, during the Veto Phase, we'll give people a chance to fix potentially broken submissions. Any sub that's vetoed and isn't appropriately nerfed/replaced will not be eligible for voting. Like the last few veto phases, new subs CAN be made and existing non-vetoed subs can be edited during the veto phase, but note that they could be vetoed without warning if they're broken.
Name: Gourmand
Effect: When the pokemon with this ability switches out, it gives the next pokemon a +1 boost to their highest stat
Permanent (Yes or No): Yes
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :tatsugiri: :appletun: :Dachsbun: :polteageist: :sinistcha: :tsareena:
Justification: These pokemon now have a lot of utility especially since now they are able to provide good utility for the team. BY raising someone's highest stat by 1 it allows them to give something such as dragapult a speed raise, or an attack raise for iron moth. This gives these pokemon more potential to shine on a team to support them
Even when stuck on bad mons, giving a free stat boost to any mon on switch-in is would push a lot of things right over the edge (physical attackers getting Intrepid Sword, anything fast getting a free Scarf, etc.).

Name: X-Scissor
Power: 45
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15
Category: Physical
Type: Bug
Effect: Hits twice. The first hit lowers the foe's Defense by 1.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror, Blade
Potential Pokémon With This Move: current distribution
Justification: inspired by joltemons crush claw. the effect itself is decently strong but xscissor being bug type should balance it out
Despite being a Bug move, this essentially being a 112.5 BP Fire Lash is pretty crazy, especially considering how widely distributed it is. I recommend making this 35 BP (40 might be fine but let us know if you do that first)

Name: Fist Bump
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 10
Category: Status
Type: Fighting
Effect: The user switches out, and the replacement has by 25% of their maximum HP restored. If the user has the Iron Fist ability, the replacement and their allies' HP is restored by half of its max. HP. Fails if the user is the only Pokémon in the party that is able to battle.
Priority: 0
Flags: Heal
Potential Pokemon with this Move: :Ledian: :Chimchar: :Pancham: :Mr. Mime-Galar: :Pawmi: :Iron Hands:
Justification: Pivot move for the punchies.
The Iron Fist effect is way too powerful, giving two mons on your team 50% recovery at the same time is extremely powerful for any bulky team. Even then, the base effect is also just a smidge too much, as 25% healing on a pivot is really significant. Life Dew's current effect is similar, but this having both the healing and pivoting at the same time is what pushes this over the egde. I recommend removing the Iron Fist effect and making the default effect only a 12.5% heal

Name: Draco Meteor/Leaf Storm/Overheat/Tsunami
Power: 140
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 (Max 8)
Category: Special
Type: Dragon/Grass/Fire/Water
Effect: Lowers the users spa by 2
Priority: 0
Flags: unchanged
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Same for Draco Meteor/Leaf Storm/Overheat. Tsunami: :blastoise: :empoleon: :samurott: :samurott: :greninja: :inteleon: :slowbro: :slowking: :milotic: :ludicolo: :gyarados: :gastrodon: :clawitzer: :rotom-wash: (hydro pump gets replaced with tsunami as its form move)
Justification: I have legit only seen Jolteon use a (non stab) -2 spa move. Let’s change that. This definitely makes rain a lot stronger breaking wise but forces an extra move on some pokemon that would rather have other slots.
The likes of Walking Wake and Dragapult probably just about get sent over the edge with 140 BP Draco, plus the Water one would be super tough to distribute in a meta where Water-types and especially Rain are very strong

Name: Wild Charge | Volt Tackle
Power: 120 | 150
Accuracy: 100
PP: 15 | 10
Category: Physical
Type: Electric
Effect: Uses takes 1/3 damage dealt as recoil. 10% change to paralyze the target. | User takes 1/2 damage dealt as recoil. 30% change to paralyze the target.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current distribution
Justification: Basically, Wild Charge becomes the new Volt Tackle, and Volt Tackle, being the mascot's signature move gets buffed to match.
This can't be one sub since they aren't clones of each other due to their differing BP


Name: Iron Bundle

Abilities: Neuron Drive
New Moves:
Removed Moves: Freeze-Dry
Justification: removing freeze-dry from bundle's movepool makes it significantly worse since it has a surprisingly small movepool to work with.
While bulky Waters are now able to take it on, Ice/Water STAB with its STAB is still pretty insane, especially if boosted by Rain, since Bundle is simply too strong for something with its insane Speed tier. I recommend removing Hydro Pump and giving it Surf, which will hopefully just barely be manageable

:sv/iron bundle: & :sv/flutter mane:
:iron bundle: IRON BUNDLE
Type: Ice/Fairy (instead of Ice/Water)
Abilities: Neuron Drive (from Slate 02) | Sand Rush (hidden ability)
Added Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Peekaboo, Psychic Terrain, Rapid Spin, Sandstorm, and Wish.
Removed Moves: Air Cutter, Aurora Veil, Flip Turn, Hydro Pump, Water Pulse, and Whirlpool.

:flutter mane: FLUTTER MANE
Type: Ghost/Rock (instead of Ghost/Fairy)
Abilities: Protostasis (from Slate 02) | Levitate (hidden ability)
Added Moves: Defog, Eerie Spell, Flash Cannon (because screw Ninetales-Alola), Meteor Beam, Sandstorm, Snowscape, and Stealth Rock.
Removed Moves: Calm Mind, Charge Beam, Dark Pulse (flinch is cringeworthy when you can avoid it), Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Energy Ball, Moonblast, Mystical Fire, Psybeam, Psyshock, Stored Power, and Wish.

Justification: My contribution to the seemingly obligatory Slate 09 theme of "nerf adjustments only please". And, yeah. I know these technically aren't direct analogs of each other officially, but they unofficially might as well be given they're two overpowered Paradox mons that each represent an opposing side and are both based on rather underwhelming Gen 2 mons, even if :delibird: Delibird is far more underwhelming than :misdreavus: Misdreavus of course. Besides also sharing BSTs and being the only two banned Paradox mons (:walking wake: Walking Wake wipes its brow), if you squint, then I guess you can also pretend they're both united by being holidays mons too. Just shush and let me have this since it seems like a waste to do both of them separately, though I will understand if I have to do so even given what the Slate already looks like it's shaping up to be. I also admittedly was going to go with :spectrier: Spectrier and :glastrier: Glastrier, but gods, even if you take away Grim Neigh and butcher its movepool harder than I did Flutter Mane, Spectrier is still just too damn fast with too much power to the point it would end up overpowering literally ever other (special) Ghost; sorry, Glastrier. Finally, they would both be mons to help check and murder Gliscor, meaning that they get to jump on that hate train too. Yay!

:iron bundle: Iron Bundle Justification: Somehow easier to justify than Flutter Mane perhaps despite me buffing its typing simply because I want an Ice/Fairy mon that isn't a goddamn Aurora Veil bot and nothing else. I think it keeping Freeze-Dry is actually fine for all its Speed and SpA between a) already being nerfed to go off of Neuron Drive but having no Psychic attacks at all still to take advantage of that (or any other) terrain and b) my further nerfs to ensure that it can't get around its dual STAB being not very effective against both Fire and Steel types at all by way of taking away all of its Water types. Besides, keeping Freeze-Dry will benefit its Sand ability--a "Sandy Claws" joke, honestly--by giving Sand a "natural" way to body Water types since poor :brambleghast: Brambleghast stays losing. Not much else to say about it except that it still has U-Turn despite losing Flip Turn, so it can still pivot while being forced to use a move that both Fire and Steel types also resist; Rapid Spin and Wish are minor concessions to that nerfing as well as Delibird having both, while Moonblast may be a bit much but doesn't worry me as much as Meteor Beam on Flutter Mane does. Oh. I will note that this gives us another (special) Ice type without stepping that heavily on the just upgraded :froslass: Froslass's non-existent toes since this has greater Speed but far less coverage and, with Froslass using Sheer Heart, less power too even ignoring the secondary type differences and movepool differences.

:flutter mane: Flutter Mane Justification: In trying to bring down a Ghost mon that wouldn't be a huge pain, a greatly nerfed :flutter mane: Flutter Mane is probably the least evil option, especially since :decidueye-hisui: Decidueye-Hisui getting made Ghost/Fighting means bringing down :annihilape: Annihilape would just obviate it and :giratina: Giratina is too fat even if it might somehow be legitimately less problematic than Spectrier overall. I was originally going to make nerfed Flutter Mane into a Ghost/Flying type given its being based on a flying head (and given :drifblim: Drifblim unfortunately rather sucks still)...until I realized that doing that would mean it would just end up making another spin locker that also blocked Defog given Wind Breaker would end up its go-to STAB, with the flinch from Air Slash not being that much of a lesser evil. Ghost/Psychic and Ghost/Dark were then considered before realizing that, respectively, either it would just forever obviate the already struggling :Hoopa: Hoopa on top of that type combination sucking or be stuck with another flinching move--Dark Pulse--as one of its strongest moves. So Ghost/Rock it is as a unique typing that somewhat fits given its jewels and already having Power Gem. In a weird way, the weird and unique Ghost/Rock typing might be for the best since it can help both Snow and Sand without being overpowering in either (...I hope) as well amusingly being able to stunt on the most common Gliscor set and use it as a set-up fodder with Levitate and Substitute (and Hex). Not much else to say about it except that I am admittedly a bit wary about Meteor Beam and Sand Clock as well as thankful that it didn't already have Protocrysalis.
While it can't hit Steels, Ice/Fairy is still an absolutely stellar offensive type combination, so when combined with Ice Beam + Freeze-Dry + Moonblast + Bundle's stats, Bundle is still an insane offensive threat. Removing Moonblast could balance it but I'm not 100% sure. For Flutter Mane, it's mostly fine but Meteor Beam with its stats would probably go insane in Sand with Booster Energy or in Snow with a Protostasis boost and Power Herb, so just remove Meteor Beam and it's fine

And that's all! You will all have 24 hours (maybe slightly less due to my schedule) to make any necessary fixes, as well as any additional submissions or edits to other subs. See you then!
Name: Snatch
Power: 30
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10


Effect: For the rest of the turn, user steals certain support moves to use itself. These include all already Snatchable moves as well as: Spikes, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, Healing Stones, Shelter, Latent Venom, Shed Tail, Fillet Away, Revival Blessing, Aromatic Mist
Priority: 2
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Pokemon that got it naturally or as an egg move previously (:sneasel::sneasel-hisui::shuppet::munchlax::meowth::meowth-alola::meowth-galar::poochyena::ekans::zorua::zorua-hisui::fletchling::litleo::noibat::salandit:) + Pokemon that got it by TM/Tutor (:cleffa::drowzee::happiny::mewtwo::mew::aipom::umbreon::murkrow::misdreavus::houndour::ralts::shroomish::sableye::gulpin::spoink::spinda::seviper::duskull::chingling::stunky::croagunk::spiritomb::froslass::rotom::darkrai::sandile::gothita::vullaby::fennekin::froakie::mareanie::oranguru::passimian::mimikyu::bruxish:) + :cacnea::impidimp::moltres-galar::nuzleaf::grimer-alola::zarude::sprigatito::brute bonnet::maschiff::greavard::munkidori:
Justification: screw it, green-eyed stealth buff. Made into an attacking move since at least you'll get some chip damage if you don't steal anything and you can use it for all your normal priority move needs.
Name: Tera Shard
Effect: Current effects + the following:
- If the type of the Tera Shard matches one of the types that the holder normally has, the STAB bonus on moves of that type is now 2x instead of 1.5x (2.25x if the holder has Adaptability)
- Moves under 60 BP (after Technician) that match the type of the Tera Shard that aren't multi-hit moves or priority moves have their BP increased to 60
- The holder's type can't be changed or removed in any way (being Soak, Double Shock, Burn Up, Outclass, Magic Powder, Protean/Libero, Color Change, Transform, and Roost)
- The move Tera Blast becomes 100 BP
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): No
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): No
Fling Power & Effect: N/A
Justification: Council could do this ourselves but imo we don't have a huge reason to do so since it's not like Tera Shard is a bad item or anything, so I'll just leave this up to you guys. Makes offensively using Tera Shard a bit easier since you can get essentially Adaptability as an item. Also added the boost to Tera Blast as a consolation prize it not changing type anymore while essentially giving Normal-types Return back (but it's actually Photon Geyser)
Name: Grimmsnarl

Abilities: Prankster / Frisk / Green-Eyed
New Moves: Moonlight, Knock Off, Iron Defense, Defog, Swords Dance, Power Trip, Encore, Healing Stones
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Now that Ninetales-A and the Light Clay ban has put this thing out of a job, here's an attempt to make it into a sort of weird bulk Fairy/Kingambit hybrid. Ik the buff look quite lowkey for an NU mon, but recovery, SD, and Knock Off are all super huge, particularly recovery since Grimm can always heal at the start of the turn because of Prankster. Prankster in general really makes up for Grimm's meh bulk, as priority Bulk Up, Iron Defense, TWave, Taunt, and Encore along with Moonlight can all save it from dying, while it gets the coveted Prankster Parting Shot as well

Name: Yanmega

Abilities: Speed Boost / Tinted Lens / Frisk
New Moves: Earth Power, Power Gem, Hurricane, Sand Tomb, Dig, Bulldoze, Desert Storm, Stealth Rock, Energy Ball, Dragon Pulse
Removed Moves: N/A

Name: Darkrai

Abilities: Bad Dreams
New Moves: Comeuppance
Removed Moves: Hypnosis, Psychic, Trick
Justification: Aight this is gonna sound a little mean but I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I saw an earlier sub this slate also nerf Darkrai but did it by giving it Defeatist, which I feel like is way too big of a nerf cuz Darkrai is genuinely almost balanced in this meta when we have AV Magearna, Meloetta-P, and no Tera. So, in the case that people REALLY want Darkrai in (which I'm not really interested in personally but eh), I wanted to put out a less harsh option that'd make Darkrai balanced but viable. Just got rid of Hypnosis (cuz I always thought it was dumb that after they nerfed Dark Void's accuracy that Hypnosis became the better option), Psychic (to make it easier for Fighting-types to check it), and Trick (to make walls safer against Specs sets). Even this might be too harsh of a nerf tbh but Darkrai still has 135/125 special offense, good coverage, a ton of stallbreaking tools, and Nasty Plot.

Name: Lilligant

Abilities: Chlorophyll / Sheer Heart / Healer
New Moves: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Trick
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Very minor buffs, but this is an attempt to give us a special Chlorophyll user until Venusaur comes back in December, as that aspect of the only decent Sun (imo) is extremely lacking, while Lilligant-H is kinda underwhelming as the best physical Chlorophyll user. Unovan Lilligant is a contender for the best special Chlorophyll, lacking the secondary STAB of Shiftry or Victreebel, but boasting a higher SpA stat and just now getting Weather Ball for the first time. Adding Moonblast to this gives Lilligant much appreciated coverage for Dragon-types while Trick is a great option if you wanna go Choiced on Chlorophyll or even Sheer Heart sets.
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Voting is now open!

The following submissions CANNOT be voted for:
Fist Bump
Adrenaline (is an exact copy of the already existing Muscle Memory)
Draco Meteor / Leaf Storm / Overheat / Tsunami
Iron Bundle (DenebStargazer)

In each category, you may vote for 6 submissions, with 2 self-votes in each category (so you can vote for 24 submissions with 8 total self-votes). Please specify which votes are self-votes. You don't have to list who made the submission unless someone else subbed something with the same name/species. The order you put it in does not matter, every vote is worth 1 point
Blaze Kick (SV)
Aura Sphere (SV)
Triple Axel
Tail Slap

Eviolite (SV)
Black Belt (SV)
Life Orb
King's Rock
Choice Specs

Speed Boost (SV)
Justified (SV)
Sheer Force
Skill Link
Volt Absorb

Combusken (SV)
Lucario (SV)
For the sake of making vote counting easier, PLEASE use the same exact format listed in the spoiler box above

Voting will end in 24 hours!
Boulder Crash
Prescription (SV)
Fissue (SV)

Clear Amulet
Protective Pads
Normal / Fighting / Dark / Psychic / Fairy / Dragon / Bug / Electric / Rock / Ground / Ghost / Poison / Steel / Bug / Flying / Grass / Fire / Water / Ice Gem(SV)
King's Rock (SV)
Tera Shard

Synchronize (BEAF)
Mirror Armor (SV)
Gourmand (SV)
Cud Chew
Flare Boost / Toxic Boost

Brambleghast (sand rush + desert storm = perfect subs :eyes: )
Basculegion-F (SV)
Tyranitar (SV)
there should be an easily accessible hall of fame detailing past winners or sth
Powder Bomb (SV)
Boulder Crash

Teal Mask | Hearthflame Mask | Wellspring Mask | Cornerstone Mask (SV)
Clear Amulet

Embody Aspect (SV)
Gale Force
Flash Flood | Flash Freeze
Receiver / Power of Alchemy

Ogerpon (SV)
Bloodmoon Ursaluna
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Ugh. Figures my computer basically had severe enough issues yesterday that I couldn't even get an item up and then I only like five items. At least I was able to fix the veto-worthy things I guess:

Smack Down
Root Pull
Tail Slap / Rock Blast / Pin Missile
Muddy Water / Mud Bomb / Mud Wrestle / Mud Flattener (self-vote)

King's Rock
Protective Pads
Clear Amulet
Teal Mask | Hearthflame Mask | Wellspring Mask | Cornerstone Mask
Tera Shard

Cud Chew
Flare Boost / Toxic Boost
Prehistoric Might
Flash Flood | Flash Freeze
Electric Current | Misty Mirage | Psychic Insight

Gholdengo (DenebStargazer)
Iron Bundle & Flutter Mane (self-vote)
Pipebomb (Beaf Cultist)
Smack Down (Beaf Cultist)
Root Pull (Gekokeso)
Tail Slap / Rock Blast / Pin Missile (PQRDG)
Misty Explosion (Catzzadilla)
Snatch (Yoshiblaze)

Tera Shard (Yoshiblaze)
Clear Amulet (Beaf Cultist)

Power Spot (chemicalmines)
Synchronize (Beaf Cultist)
Boomerang (Gekokeso)
Cud Chew (Gekokeso)
Precognition (zxgzxg)

Mamoswine (chemicalmines)
Gastrodon (Gekokeso)
Gholdengo (DenebStargazer)
Brambleghast (DenebStargazer)
Tornadus || Tornadus-Therian (zxgzxg)
Darkrai (Yoshiblaze)
Root Pull (SV)
Boulder Crash
Tail Slap / Rock Blast / Pin Missile

Tera Shard
Clear Amulet
Diancite Stone Fragment
Uno Reverse Card

Boomerang (SV)
Cud Chew (SV)
Mirror Armor
Synchronize (Beaf Cultist)

Volcanion (SV)
Gastrodon (SV)
Darkrai (Yoshiblaze)
Iron Bundle & Flutter Mane
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Pipebomb (SV)
Smack Down (SV)
Lash Out (Ayecrusher King)
Misty Explosion (Catzzadilla)
Snatch (Yoshiblaze)

Clear Amulet (SV)
Diancite Stone Fragment (Orangesodapop)

Synchronize (SV)
Cud Chew (Gekokeso)
Permafrost (DenebStargazer)
Carnivore (DenebStargazer)
Prehistoric Might (Actively Aroa)

Gliscor (SV)
Flutter Mane (DenebStargazer)
Sneasler (Actively Aroa)
Darkrai (Yoshiblaze)
Boulder Crash (Swagodile)
Celebrate (Sigilyph Bro)
Lash Out (Ayecrusher King)
Prescription (HydreigonTheChild)
Smack Down (Beaf Cultist)
Tail Slap / Rock Blast / Pin Missile (PQRDG [sv])

King's Coin (zxgzxg)
Tera Shard (Yoshiblaze)
Uno Reverse Card (Catzzadilla)

Cud Chew (Gekokeso)
Flare Boost / Toxic Boost (PQRDG [sv])
Gourmand (HydreigonTheChild)
Permafrost (DenebStargazer)
Power Spot (chemicalmines)
Prehistoric Might (Actively Aroa)

Bloodmoon Ursaluna (PQRDG [sv])
Kommo-o (LOrd Fernado)
Mamoswine (chemicalmines)
Slaking (Catzzadilla)
Sneasler (Actively Aroa)
Tyranitar (HydreigonTheChild)
Pursuit (SV)
Return (SV)
Smack Down
Root Pull

Clear Amulet
King's Coin

Permafrost (SV)
Gale Force
Cud Chew
Prehistoric Might

Gholdengo (SV)
Brambleghast (SV)
Gliscor (Beaf Cultist)
X-Scissor (SV)
Pursuit (DenebStargazer)
Root Pull (Gekokeso)

King's Coin (zxgzxg)
Diancite Stone Fragment (Orangesodapop)

Power Spot (SV)
Stonewall (zxgzxg)
Permafrost (DenebStargazer)
Mirror Armor (HydreigonTheChild)

Mamoswine (SV)
Sneasler (Actively Aroa)
Flutter Mane (DenebStargazer)
Tornadus (zxgzxg)
Smack Down

Clear Amulet
Tera Shart
Diancite Shard

Prehistoric Might (SV)
Cud Chew

Sneasler (SV)
Last edited:
Powder (SV)
Misty Explosion (SV)
Snatch (Yoshiblaze)
X-Scissor (ChemicalMines)
Tail Slap | Rock Blast | Pin Missile (PQRDG)
Burning Jealousy (Ayecrusher King)

Uno Reverse Card (SV)
King's Coin (zxgzxg)
King's Rock (HydreigonTheChild)
Clear Amulet (Beaf Cultist)

Stench (SV)
Electric Current | Misty Mirage | Psychic Insight (SV)
Synchronize (Beaf Cultist)
Cud Chew (Gekokeso)
Prehistoric Might (Actively Aroa)
Permafrost (DenebStargazer)

Slaking (SV)
Gliscor (Beaf Cultist)
Sneasler (Actively Aroa)
Volcanion (Gekokeso)
Gholdengo (SV)
Yanmega (Yoshibased)
Root Pull (Gekokeso)
Smack Down (Beef Cutlet)
Celebrate (Sigilyph Bro)

Costar (HydreigonTheChild)
Carnivore (DenebStargazer)
Green-Eyed (Mintly)
Inner Power (Mintly)
Stonewall (SV)
Precognition (SV)

Diancite Stone Fragment (OrangeSodaPop)
King's Coin (SV)
Tera Shard (Yoshiblaze)

Tyranitar (HydreigonTheChild)
Camerupt (Swagodile)
Gholdengo (DenebStargazer)
Tornadus (SV)
Snatch (SV)
Lash Out
Root Pull
Tail Slap / Rock Blast / Pin Missile
Smack Down
Muddy Water / Mud Bomb / Mud Wrestle / Mud Flattener

Tera Shard (SV)
Clear Amulet
Diancite Stone Fragment
Protective Pads

Cud Chew

Darkrai (Yoshiblaze; SV)
Yanmega (SV)
Iron Bundle / Flutter Mane

Voting is now closed and results will be posted shortly!
The second-to-last set of winners!

The cutoff this time around was 6!
Smack Down - 9
Root Pull - 7
Snatch - 7
Tail Slap+ - 7

Boulder Crash - 4
Pursuit - 4
Celebrate - 3
Headshot - 3
Lash Out - 3
Misty Explosion - 3
Pipebomb - 3
Return - 3
X-Scissor - 3
Mud moves - 2
Powder Bomb - 2
Prescription - 2
Burning Jealousy - 1
Fissue - 1
Powder - 1
Slowing Sap - 1

Clear Amulet - 10
Tera Shard - 8

Diancite Stone Fragment - 5
King's Coin - 5
King's Rock - 3
Protective Pads - 3
Uno Reverse Card - 3
Masks - 2
Diancite Shard - 1
Gems - 1

Cud Chew - 10
Permafrost - 6
Prehistroic Might - 6
Synchronize - 6

Stonewall - 4
Boomerang - 3
Flare Boost+ - 3
Flash Flood+ - 3
Gale Force - 3
Mirror Armor - 3
Power Spot - 3
Precognition - 3
Carnivore - 2
Electric Current+ - 2
Gourmand - 2
Green-Eyed - 2
Stench - 2
Ambidextrous - 1
Commander - 1
Costar - 1
Embody Aspect - 1
Inner Power - 1
Receiver+ - 1
Synchronise - 1

Brambleghast - 7
Darkrai (YB) - 6
Sneasler - 6

Gholdengo (D) - 4
Mamoswine - 4
Tornadus - 4
Volcanion - 4
Gastrodon - 3
Gliscor (B) - 3
Grimmsnarl - 3
Iron Bundle / Flutter Mane - 3
Slaking - 3
Yanmega - 3
Tyranitar - 3
Baxcalibur - 2
Flutter Mane - 2
Ursaluna-BM - 2
Basculegion-F - 1
Camerupt - 1
Gholdengo (C) - 1
Kommo-o - 1
Lilligant - 1
Ogerpon - 1
Sinistcha - 1
Name: Smack Down
Power: 65
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15


Effect: Grounds the opponent. If they would use a pivoting move this turn, that move fails.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): same as in base
Potential Pokémon With This Move: base distrib
Justification: Funny pivoting denial. Balanced by having regular priority so you've gotta run it on faster guys.
Name: Root Pull
Power: 90
PP: 16
Accuracy: 100%
Category: Physical
Type: Grass
Effect: 100% chance to drop speed by 1. If it hits a flying type, drops speed by 2.
Priority: 0
Flags: Mirror, Protect,
Distribution: :rillaboom: :Zarude: :Chesnaught: :Tsareena: :breloom: :brute bonnet:
Description: Resub. If a grass type isn't Ogerpon or Meowscarada its grass type move options are honestly tragic. Root Pull is a better Seed Bomb that makes it so that usual suspects like Thundurus and Jugulis don't get free switch ins and crack your team open. F for Rillaboom.
Name: Snatch
Power: 30
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10


Effect: For the rest of the turn, user steals certain support moves to use itself. These include all already Snatchable moves as well as: Spikes, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, Healing Stones, Shelter, Latent Venom, Shed Tail, Fillet Away, Revival Blessing, Aromatic Mist
Priority: 2
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Pokemon that got it naturally or as an egg move previously (:sneasel::sneasel-hisui::shuppet::munchlax::meowth::meowth-alola::meowth-galar::poochyena::ekans::zorua::zorua-hisui::fletchling::litleo::noibat::salandit:) + Pokemon that got it by TM/Tutor (:cleffa::drowzee::happiny::mewtwo::mew::aipom::umbreon::murkrow::misdreavus::houndour::ralts::shroomish::sableye::gulpin::spoink::spinda::seviper::duskull::chingling::stunky::croagunk::spiritomb::froslass::rotom::darkrai::sandile::gothita::vullaby::fennekin::froakie::mareanie::oranguru::passimian::mimikyu::bruxish:) + :cacnea::impidimp::moltres-galar::nuzleaf::grimer-alola::zarude::sprigatito::brute bonnet::maschiff::greavard::munkidori:
Justification: screw it, green-eyed stealth buff. Made into an attacking move since at least you'll get some chip damage if you don't steal anything and you can use it for all your normal priority move needs.
Name: Tail Slap / Rock Blast / Pin Missile
Power: 25
Accuracy: 100
PP: 30 (48)
Category: Physical
Type: Normal / Rock / Bug
Effect: Hits 2-5 times in one turn.
Flags: Unchanged. (Contact on Tail Slap, Bullet on Rock Blast)
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :Ambipom: :Furret: :Floatzel: (TS) :Scizor: :Lokix::sandslash: (PM) [Rock Blast distribution is probably fine as is]
Justification: Correcting these three multihit moves to work the same as their cousins Bullet Seed and Icicle Spear. Did you know Tail Slap has 85% accuracy? And only 10 PP? And also that it is in the game, but only known by Fezandipiti? Honestly no idea why it had to be so punishing, so that change is here. Also Rock Blast and Pin Missile (with 90% and 95% accuracy respectively) just becoming a bit more reliable.
Name: Clear Amulet
Effect: If the holder's stat stages would be lowered, the attacker's stats are lowered instead.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: same as in base
Justification: Terrible singles item, so I buffed it to be based on a better ability.
Name: Tera Shard
Effect: Current effects + the following:
- If the type of the Tera Shard matches one of the types that the holder normally has, the STAB bonus on moves of that type is now 2x instead of 1.5x (2.25x if the holder has Adaptability)
- Moves under 60 BP (after Technician) that match the type of the Tera Shard that aren't multi-hit moves or priority moves have their BP increased to 60
- The holder's type can't be changed or removed in any way (being Soak, Double Shock, Burn Up, Outclass, Magic Powder, Protean/Libero, Color Change, Transform, and Roost)
- The move Tera Blast becomes 100 BP
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): No
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): No
Fling Power & Effect: N/A
Justification: Council could do this ourselves but imo we don't have a huge reason to do so since it's not like Tera Shard is a bad item or anything, so I'll just leave this up to you guys. Makes offensively using Tera Shard a bit easier since you can get essentially Adaptability as an item. Also added the boost to Tera Blast as a consolation prize it not changing type anymore while essentially giving Normal-types Return back (but it's actually Photon Geyser)
Name: Cud Chew
Effect: If this pokémon is holding a berry, it consumes it on switch in and activates its effect. When switching out it recycles its item.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Normal Distribution + :tauros: (replaces intimidate), :camerupt: (replaces anger point)
Justification: Resub. Run sitrus berry or lum berry for inverse regen / natural cure, get free choice bands / specs / vests or even gamble with starf berry. Possibilities are near endless.
Name: Permafrost
Effect: Water-type moves targeting this Pokemon become Ice-type. Being hit by an Ice-type attack raises this Pokemon's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :articuno: :glalie: :glaceon: :rotom-frost: :cryogonal: :avalugg: :avalugg-hisui:
Justification: Gives defensive Ice-types some honest to god much needed defensive utility.
Name: Prehistoric Might
Effect: On switch-in, if opposing Pokémon has any positive stat changes their speed is lowered by 2
Mold Breaker: No
Suggested Distribution: :arcanine-hisui:, :walking wake:, :mamoswine:, :kleavor:, :yanmega:, :avalugg:, :avalugg-hisui:, :stonjourner:, :regidrago:, :piloswine:
Thoughts And Reasoning: Woo, hyper offense counters a bit. I decided for this ability to go on ancient-esque mons who tended to not be set up sweepers. A lot of these Pokémon have pretty middling speed, and while this doesnt reverse the stat changes for set up sweepers you are now an offensive blockade who can easily end sweeps early. I think Mamoswine and Walking Wake will be awesome users of this with little downsides, I think other users of it will become very good but not without a cost. Examples being Mantis Claw Kleavor now easily outspeeding faster less bulky hitters, while losing a bit of damage potential from no sharpness. Arcanine-H can now nuke with big base power moves, as its below average offensive speed tier doen't matter as much when the opponent is at -2 speed, while losing out on rock head. Overall I think this boosts up bulky offenses apabilities, and is a step and chiseling away at HO's throne.
Name: Synchronize
Effect: Indirect damage dealt to this Pokemon is also dealt to the opponent.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No (but technically yes if battle spines existed in move/item form)
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Original distrib
Justification: Was trying to think of ways to deny hazards, but honestly it'd be better to just punish the opponent for setting them, so I made this. Run Toxic Orb if fake. Also destroys Garg.
:sm/brambleghast: (resub lol)
Name: Brambleghast

Abilities: Wind Rider / Sand Rush / Infiltrator
New Moves: Pin Missile, Poison Jab, Sandstorm, Sand Tomb, Spiky Shield, Whirlwind, Wrap
Removed Moves:
Justification: Always thought it was kinda weird the tumbleweed mon had nothing to do with sandstorms, the desert weather. Also that its movepool is more like a move puddle (not that the additions here are particularly exciting for it, I just wanted to add more flavour while I was here). Adds a sand abuser to the meta that doesn't immediately get dumpstered by Waters.
Name: Darkrai

Abilities: Bad Dreams
New Moves: Comeuppance
Removed Moves: Hypnosis, Psychic, Trick
Justification: Aight this is gonna sound a little mean but I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I saw an earlier sub this slate also nerf Darkrai but did it by giving it Defeatist, which I feel like is way too big of a nerf cuz Darkrai is genuinely almost balanced in this meta when we have AV Magearna, Meloetta-P, and no Tera. So, in the case that people REALLY want Darkrai in (which I'm not really interested in personally but eh), I wanted to put out a less harsh option that'd make Darkrai balanced but viable. Just got rid of Hypnosis (cuz I always thought it was dumb that after they nerfed Dark Void's accuracy that Hypnosis became the better option), Psychic (to make it easier for Fighting-types to check it), and Trick (to make walls safer against Specs sets). Even this might be too harsh of a nerf tbh but Darkrai still has 135/125 special offense, good coverage, a ton of stallbreaking tools, and Nasty Plot.
Name: Sneasler
Abilities: Pressure, Muscle Memory|| Poison Touch
Added Move: N/A
Removed Moves: Acrobatics
Justification: Sneasler has been consistently on top of the meta since first slate, and unburden sweeping has been the reason. It hits hard with SD, can bypass THE physical wall, Great Tusk with acro, as well as crab. Its combination of insanely strong physical attack stat, insanely strong base power moves, and insane speed made it constantly throwable on any HO team, grassy seed in terrain, air balloon in spike stack and weather, now with Kee and Maranga Berry, even some baseball bat usage has made it insanely dominant in every type of offensive team. This will not bury Sneasler, I think banded sets will be very good with muscle memory, and set up sets with SD will still be using it, but it will no longer OHKO so many meta relavent walls as well as outspeeding every offensive mon bar itself.
With that, we can begin a 24 hour discussion phase as council discusses the distribution of the winning moves and abilities. You can talk about the metagame impacts you think all the winners will have, give distribution suggestions (though remember that this isn't a distribution phase like the Sylve and JolteMons of old). After that, as announced earlier, we'll extend the discussion phase until the weekend where we'll have a playtesting roomtour on Sunday! Which'll give us a chance to take a quick look at the metagame before we begin the final slate!

That's all for now, see you tomorrow!

Smack Down - Uh maybe better... but feels like beaf really hates pivoting moves more or less. Its prob fine tho

Root Pull - gives better grass stab and is also like drum beating but with better distribution which is fine for me... but i like the synergy with loom and brute bonnet in that it allows them to spore the target after that with stab.

Snatch - green eye buff real!

pin missle / tail slap / rock blast - sure they are nice buffs


Clear amulet - mirror armor but as an item... its cool i guess. Dont have much to say besides it feels like a "fuck you shaymin"

Tera shard - soooo outclass valiant even better? real!


Cud Chew - sounds annoying esp on smth like tauros blaze who can just switch in and out and maybe fish with starf berry procs to just fuck with you

Permafrost - ice is better defensively so i guess yay but idt it really changes the viability of these mons at all

Prehistoric Might - sure... this makes HO worse tho and we have alr nerfed it several times which is funny..

Synchronize - I do wonder how mew spamming recover and killing things while poisoned will be like... and is indirect damage rocks, sand, poison, and salt cure? geez


Bramleghast - Sounds ok on sand esp with desert storm but its spamming poltergeist and requires items to be intact to work at all... which makes it much harder to force progress against def teams. I feel its also just way to wallable esp by the many bulky pokemon. It is also paper thin unlike exca. Its prob viable to some point... but i doubt its beyond that

Darkrai - voiced my concern over discord. I dont like it, TDB / Blunder is bullshit ... you either face one set and have to guess assuming it may be one or the other,... or even standard LO. With a blunder policy proc it becomes annoying asf esp with 83% dark void and having to sack a counter and then having to sack another one. Or guessing wrong and TDB nuking you with focus blast... sure its inconsistent but idt its a valid reason when it can just click buttons and hoping you get lucky or they get unlucky idt is valid counterplay. But ill entertain this idea... i want to see it in action

Sneasler - havent seen an unburden sneasler in ages so the change is just "why" we have more counters than ever to it and its not like it can hax its way via dire claw... o feels like a wack change... tho it makes spamming cc funnier
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ok this slate is honestly pretty amazing considering how dogshit most of the subs were lol

:hard-stone: My guy. Pivoting denial is pretty situational but this is also just a flat buff to base Smack Down, which is a cool move, therefore this is good sub.
:big-root: I really don't see the appeal. Nothing listed runs this besides Bonnet who doesn't even have roots so epic flavor fail (maybe also Chesnaught but shitmon lol). Grasses aren't exactly starved for good physical STABs (Wood Hammer, Power Whip, Bullet Seed), it's just that Grass is shit offensively, and this does nothing to change that.
:black-glasses: Voted this for the Green-Eyed buff. Haha zxg we got Rebound after all.
:loaded-dice: QoL change but i doubt it affects anything. If I see anyone running Ambipom I will literally kill them in Minecraft.

:clear-amulet: Sure is an item. ik this was my sub but I'll be real, I made this in like 5 seconds because all the other item subs were horrendous and I wanted something inoffensive to win. This will have no impact on the meta.
:kommonium-z: One of the things I didn't want winning ngl. Yall voted this because 'Tera Shard bad' or smth but like legitimately this item was already amazing and so buffing it just feels super unnecessary and fucks with the balance of the mod in a major way. Like, Tera Water Slowbro was already great, and now I have to deal with nuclear Scalds on top of that?? Not fun!

:tauros-paldea-blaze: I know I voted for it but this abil is highkey too much. Every flavor of pre-nerf Intrepid Sword, Literally Just Regen, free chip on switch-in, the sheer versatility of this ability is ridiculous and there's literally no way to punish it besides maybe NGas?? We're gonna have to give this to shitmons, so hopefully something ends up viable with this, though my hopes aren't high. Also for the love of god remove this from Blaze breed Tauros.
:avalugg: Very cool abil (laugh). Defensive Ices are rejoicing but Tera Shard Avalugg can't run Overcoat if it runs this which is muy sad!
:walking-wake: Great tool for the mons that get it. I think this is a bit too high-skill for current vape, but I'm looking forward to seeing some hype tournament plays using this.
:umbreon: Don't give this back to Umbreon (mostly cause its other abils are cooler but also it would be pretty toxic lol). Mew stocks are way up.

:brambleghast: Mind-numbingly dogshit in OU. Where is SD deneb????
:darkrai: Folks have expressed concern about this guy and I can definitely see it. Mon competes pretty hard with Juggy who is already pretty overwhelming, so darkspam isn't necessarily something I wanna enable, but we'll have to see how this plays out.
:sneasler: Definitely worse than it was before but this is for the better. Poison Touch sets are still very annoying tho lol.
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Sneasler feels like a sub crafted by and voted for by people who never played a game of Vaporemons past like, Home meta (aka Launch slate).

We are also now just voting for flavor subs now? Brambleghast sure is a Pokémon that will be used on multiple teams.

Everything else seems unnote worthy to comment on
I'll try to be around Sunday provided this computer cooperates. [/:gholdengo: Gholdengo gets away with it again]:

Smack Down
= Beaf Cultist was too merciful. He (?) should have just had the would-be pivoting mon outright die. /s Jokes aside and speaking of death, this makes Slingshot even worse when I unsure if anyone's even used it yet. R.I.P. Oh well. At least there's another 100% physical Rock attack above 50 BP. Yay.

Root Pull = I still like this buff even if I would have also been fine with either of the previous Seed Bomb subs having won in general. I guess that's unnecessary now.

Snatch = I of course approve this as someone who tried to bring it back earlier, though it being an actual attack now feels...odd, especially with Green-Eyed. Buffing that ability is probably what I feel the most uncertain about with regards to this, but eh...I guess we'll see how it goes.

Tail Slap / Rock Blast / Pin Missile = The former two are nice buffs and Pin Missile getting it too is nice quality of life for it, but I have to wonder if anything will actually use Pin Missile still short of indeed giving it to :scizor: Scizor which...I guess makes sense. [/always uncomfortable whenever :scizor: Scizor is buffed even if it's middling this Gen] (:lokix: Lokix could probably use it well too I guess but pretty much always two other Bug moves too, so that's awkward.)

Clear Amulet
= This is fine. Look forward to using it. Intimidate haters rise up? Also, now I can finally Mirror Armor use without having to compromise my morals and use :corviknight: Corviknight. Hurray. [/not sarcasm, Corviknight can burn]

Tera Shard 2.0 = Here's hoping that a) this buff makes it more worth using without b) making anything super busted. Either way Tera Blast is actually usable again now in theory? Yay...?

Cud Chew
= Finally some type of berry-related ability wins since they're all pretty damn terrible, with Harvest still being the best somehow this Gen. I imagine that the weakness Berries still work with this even if they don't benefit from the first part, though I guess that is probably for the best as far as potentially free and instant damage from Jaboca Berry and Rowap Berry go. (We should totally give this to :slaking: Slaking over Truant, clearly. ...But, no, really, we should probably just give this to everything stuck with Gluttony outside of maybe :Snorlax: Snorlax [and :munchlax: Munchlax] since there's no real point in buffing Gluttony seperately, especially at this point.) [/in before this has glitchy interaction with Knock Off]

Permafrost = I briefly considered voting for this but felt it didn't do enough to keep Ice from sucking defensively unfortunately even if this in theory at least helps rein in the reign of Rain. [/Rayne] Not much else to say except that physical-Ice mons will benefit from it less than special-oriented ones just because Ice-type Scald will still have a Burn chance. Fun. [/:avalugg: Avalugg(-Hisui) can't be saved]

Prehistoric Might = While I'm glad this won, of the listed mons, I think only :walking wake: Walking Wake and :mamoswine: Mamoswine will really be able to make good of it since everything else either wants a different ability seemingly or is still likely to be slower even after the Speed drop (or in poor :stonjourner: Stonjourner's case just pain sucks). At least Walking Wake finally gets a hidden ability that won't break it though. Yay. [/:avalugg-hisui: Avalugg(-Hisui) still can't be saved]

Synchronize = Honestly, this seems far more worrisome in a vacuum in terms of potential future annoyance than Cud Chew currently does. It's also a bit funny that this might be the biggest buff to Sand since Sand Clock or the second buff of Meteor Beam. That's...sad, especially given Brambleghast finally won.

:brambleghast: DenebStargazer's Brambleghast = Wow, I really must have been out of this because I could have sworn that DenebStargazer at least had given it Shadow Claw and Swords Dance too. Then again, it's been submitted so many times--oh my gods, Beaf Cultist was right--that the changed movepool that Brambleghast still so desparately needs just started to mentally blur together after a while. I'm glad it won just so that it can stop coming up, but man those movepool additions are as anemic as its initial movepool, especially given how unreliable Poltergeist actually is. This especially in the same Slate that Cud Chew also finally won. R.I.P. monkey's paw Sand Rusher I guess.

:darkrai: Darkrai = Unlike the confusion above borne of tiredness and seeing things that weren't there, I'm just plain...confused as to who wanted this and why, especially since even Yoshiblaze himself clearly didn't. And yet here we are, adding another Dark mon when there's already plenty of good ones. Like...why? Genuine question there. We all know that the Dark Void nerf was stupid, but that doesn't suddenly make Darkrai worthwhile to drop. The kindest thing I can say is at least it wasn't :chi-yu: Chi-Yu or :chien-pao: Chien-Pao (or :spectrier: Spectrier) that dropped, but that's about it.

:sneasler: Sneasler = Yeah, this is likely far less necessary than in normal OU between the nerf to Dire Claw from Slate 01, lack of Tera Shard surprise, and Cutting Remark existing to explode it no matter how fast it is in theory, but this is at least a sidegrade instead of an outright nerf. Unburden on something already so fast just felt stupid anyway. [/stealth :hawlucha: Hawlucha hate]
damn I thought people liked brisk wind
I mentioned this before in the Discord, but while Brisk Wind was a solid sub it has a lot of overlap with Thunderclap (Raging Bolt's sig move) coming in the next DLC, so it's going to have an uphill battle between people waiting for the inevitable Thunderclap redistribution and the concept of priority BoltBeam being really fucked up
(you didn't sub anything this slate so it wasn't up for voting anyways)

Also shoutouts to Sand Rush Brambleghast, only took a morbillion resubs from multiple people to finally get in, can't wait for it to be mid :bat:
Another beautiful slate without a Gliscor nor Gholdengo nerf, #never punished.

:hard-stone: Honestly I think the only interesting thing is the slight bp buff, most stuff is too slow for the pivots this works the best for
:big-root: My thing. More widespread root pull that will give physical grass types a way better stab than seed bomb and a more reliable option than Power Whip, especially since thanks to the speed drop you don't have to worry for possible switch ins getting an opportunity to use you as a setup opportunity.
:black-glasses: Green Eyes, is probably absurd now, Hoopa is gonna go crazy.
:loaded-dice: These are Ok, Tail Slap is nothing special, but the other two are nice, even if Rock Blast is outclassed by Chisel on anything it gets it. Redistribution will make or break this.

:clear-amulet: I assumed this would transfer own stat drops from stuff like CC but even if it doesn't it should just be ok. This will have no impact on the meta.
:kommonium-z: Offensive tera shard real once again. If anything this is just weaker than boosting items on any mon without strong coverage so this will mostly benefit Outclass mons and defensive pivots.

:tauros-paldea-blaze: Another one of mines. I think concerns about this ones are a bit overblown since the penalty of not running an item makes it so it can't stack boosts with items or wear lefties or hbd but its defintely an ability to not give it to anything too crazy. Possibly the most versatile ability in the mod.
:avalugg: Decent ability but I don't see it being too useful.
:walking-wake: Its ok, should be a mostly niche ability that can come in clutch on worse case scenarios.
:umbreon: This thing has a bunch of hilarious applications. If nything I expect this one to be a bit more concerning than anything Cud Chew could do, but it should also be fun to use.

:brambleghast: Ngl I forgot that I voted this. Hopefully people will stop trying to sub buffs for Bramble now.
:darkrai: Defintely see the concerns, but right now this just seems like a Jugulis sidegrade, which the meta has adapted decently to.
:sneasler: Not sure what compelled people to vote this, at least consumable items no longer have to play the game of "Will this break unburden Sneasler?"