Why the hell would you want to use Volcarona in Rain in the first place? I mean, what viable reason could there be for using Volcarona in Rain?
Other than Hurricane, but then again, it isn't even STAB.
You'd use it in the rain if the opponent made it rain. :/ Most people will assume you'd switch out and start setting up. But hurricane allows for a guaranteed surprise attack! Two or more in a row if u used quiver dance before the rain inducer gets going and raise ur speed. It does respectable DMG as well. Better than neutral HP by a long shot. Helps against opposing Volcarona too! The chance to miss is the only downside but it's not that bad. It's comparable to iron tail sort of.
So...carry Volcarona suited for Rain...just to troll Rain teams...
Also: Morning Sun is basically crap because you won't be able to keep Sun up AND boost at the same time if you're facing a Rain or Sandstormm team.
That's an excellent point. And with many pokemon being SR weak you can get them.
I think HP Rock is better than HP ground by a bunch now that I think of it.
+Still hit chandelure
Heatran neutrally is shaky to me still, because of his availible bulk that he could run, and then a neutral hit might take a while to kill him. And those toxic heatrans are SO irritating. But I would rather hit more things with hp rock than only heatran.