Wide Guard

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This is DEFINITELY NOT a gimmick move. Maybe in 1 v 1 it's pretty useless, but in double and triple battles it allows your partners to set up without being destroyed.
This is DEFINITELY NOT a gimmick move. Maybe in 1 v 1 it's pretty useless, but in double and triple battles it allows your partners to set up without being destroyed.

Did you ever actually use it? Your opponent just laughs at you and kills your pokemon with single-target moves.
Did you ever actually use it? Your opponent just laughs at you and kills your pokemon with single-target moves.
I've found it to be extremely useful in my Mienshao in VGC, protecting my team against Water Spouts and rock slides. However, it does lose its usefulness after the opponent knows that you have it.
I love this move, as I participate in triple battles alot and it allows me to use surf without hurting my own team. The one thing I was raging over was that it WILL NOT BLOCK DARK VOID!!! I fought my friend and he runs a dark void Smeargle.
Turn one: Mienshao used Wide Guard
Foes Smeargle used Dark Void
Your entire team was put to sleep
Wait? You mean Wide Guard does not protect the effects of Dark void?! :(
I've found it to be extremely useful in my Mienshao in VGC, protecting my team against Water Spouts and rock slides. However, it does lose its usefulness after the opponent knows that you have it.

I agree, that's the only reason that I'm using Wide Guard on my Mienshao for the VGCs, the block the obvious Jellicent Water Spouts, Chendelure/Ulgamoth Heat Waves, and Rock Slides. Free set-up much?
A Pokemon uses Follow Me/Rage Powder on itself (eg. Amoonguss, Evo Stone Clefairy), the Wide Guard user (eg. Swampert, Alomomola) uses Wide Guard to protect its two team members, enemy attacks are aimed at the Protected Pokemon and so have no effect, and then the third Pokemon uses a set-up move (eg. Shell Break Cloyster, Dragon Dance Dragonite). This can be done twice if you don't mind the risk factor of a faield Wide Guard to get your set-upper to ridiculous heights, or Follow Me/Rage Powder can be substituted for a second Wide Guard user (the users preferably with high defenses) an they can alternate until they faint/don't need to anymore while the set-upper grows to crazy levels of sweepishness.
A Pokemon uses Follow Me/Rage Powder on itself (eg. Amoonguss, Evo Stone Clefairy), the Wide Guard user (eg. Swampert, Alomomola) uses Wide Guard to protect its two team members, enemy attacks are aimed at the Protected Pokemon and so have no effect, and then the third Pokemon uses a set-up move (eg. Shell Break Cloyster, Dragon Dance Dragonite). This can be done twice if you don't mind the risk factor of a faield Wide Guard to get your set-upper to ridiculous heights, or Follow Me/Rage Powder can be substituted for a second Wide Guard user (the users preferably with high defenses) an they can alternate until they faint/don't need to anymore while the set-upper grows to crazy levels of sweepishness.

The Follow Me/Rage Powder user is going to die really fast if you try that...
I remember battling some NPCs who used it in a double battle, and my attacks still landed. I don't think it will have much use in competitive play.
I remember battling some NPCs who used it in a double battle, and my attacks still landed. I don't think it will have much use in competitive play.

Yeah, it only effects multi-target moves, despite what many people think..

Quick Guard also dissappointed me. I tried it in Triples and I thought the effect was that it prevents all priority moves from hitting for 5 turns, but instead it only works for that turn. I guess it's okay against Fake Out users though.
Fake Out? Why bother? Protect still has higher priority than Fake Out and can actually protect against other moves. Not to mention everyone and their mom gets Protect.
Fake Out? Why bother? Protect still has higher priority than Fake Out and can actually protect against other moves. Not to mention everyone and their mom gets Protect.

You can't Protect and Trick Room/Tailwind/w/e at the same time... that is, Quick Guard also blocks priority for the entire team.
I've found it to be extremely useful in my Mienshao in VGC, protecting my team against Water Spouts and rock slides. However, it does lose its usefulness after the opponent knows that you have it.
Dang kong, you took my comment.

Anyways, I love this move in VGC. I use it in Carracosta+Tornadus leads to protect Tornadus from incoming Rock Slides while it sets up Rain Dance!
Sorry for the necropost, but does Wide Guard protect against wide ranging-moves (Surf, etc.) coming from your side? Example: in a Double/Triple battle, if I have a Water/Ground (in the center for Triples) that can use Surf/Earthquake, and one aside that can use Wide Guard, will it protect against my own moves?
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