Sticky X/Y Sprite Project

I was able to get in touch with the person who made the color spectrums out of the Gen 5 style sprites. They said they intend to recreate it "soon" before Gen 9 comes out. As someone who is pretty excited myself, I was wondering if there was any interest in a "quid pro quo" to get the Furfrou Trims made because in my own research, those appear to be the only ones missing?

Anything to help out really. Let me know!
Man, I wish I could contribute in some way, I absolutely love what this project is doing and the effort y'all have put in to making this possible. I hope you guys have enough time and motivation to finish this project. I'd love to play a rom hack one day with all these mons in one place! Maybe I can learn to animate sprites..

Goodluck fellas
Thanks for the support, I want to take this opportunity to let you know that this weekend there were no more animations because I had some commitments but on Monday I should finish Meawstic and Hoopa unbound form.

The XY sprite project is still alive. It's just incorporated into the Gen 8/9 project. I recommend that you apply to the official sprite project if you want your work considered for implementation. Please don't start an unofficial "revival" of a project that's still ongoing.
The XY sprite project is still alive. It's just incorporated into the Gen 8/9 project. I recommend that you apply to the official sprite project if you want your work considered for implementation. Please don't start an unofficial "revival" of a project that's still ongoing.
Yeah, for example, I've already animated Xerneas and Yveltal. (including xerneas here for reference). Assumptions shouldn't be made, since this is run by higher ups here.


  • xerneas.gif
    71.2 KB · Views: 213
The XY sprite project is still alive. It's just incorporated into the Gen 8/9 project. I recommend that you apply to the official sprite project if you want your work considered for implementation. Please don't start an unofficial "revival" of a project that's still ongoing.
Yeah, for example, I've already animated Xerneas and Yveltal. (including xerneas here for reference). Assumptions shouldn't be made, since this is run by higher ups here.
Huh... Ik that there is a Gen 8 Sprite project going on, but I haven't heard of a Gen 9 one till now. Can you maybe send a link to the forum (if there is one)?
Huh... Ik that there is a Gen 8 Sprite project going on, but I haven't heard of a Gen 9 one till now. Can you maybe send a link to the forum (if there is one)?
The gen 9 related stuff is lumped in with the generation 8 thread. We thought it would save ourselves the trouble of needing to make a new thread every 3-4 years by just sticking to having one specific thread for things going forward.
Yes, the gen 6 sprites are still being animated. Yes, they will be compatible with EBS/EBDX.
Yeah... about that, hate to say this cause I am no animator and I can't do much help, but EBDX runs sprite sheets at 10 fps (or each frame has a 100ms delay in between). Don't know why, but it might be because most pokemon BW sprites run at 10/20fps (that is from what I have seen so far). I checked the sprites in the spreadsheet using Aseprite and some of them are 6.5 to 12.5 fps. You can set SpriteSpeed to 1 for individual pokemon in the EBDX PBS (default is 2), but that'll only help for sprites that run at 20 fps (or each frame has a 50ms delay in between). Sure they would still support it if converted to spreadsheets, but it'll make some unexpectedly fast or very clicky (unless you don't mind it too much).
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You can edit the framerates of the animations in a sprite sheet by increasing the amount of frames it has. Thats what I do at least. So all animations are still compatible with EBDX, you just need to stretch it to make them work.
Yeah... about that, hate to say this cause I am no animator and I can't do much help, but EBDX runs sprite sheets at 10 fps (or each frame has a 100ms delay in between). Don't know why, but it might be because most pokemon BW sprites run at 10/20fps (that is from what I have seen so far). I checked the sprites in the spreadsheet using Aseprite and some of them are 6.5 to 12.5 fps. You can set SpriteSpeed to 1 for individual pokemon in the EBDX PBS (default is 2), but that'll only help for sprites that run at 20 fps (or each frame has a 50ms delay in between). Sure they would still support it if converted to spreadsheets, but it'll make some unexpectedly fast or very clicky (unless you don't mind it too much).
manually adjust the amount of frames, then. In addition, I don't see any sprites of ours that are: decimals (aka .5), so can you provide some examples of those?

Another note is that not all sprites are even QC'd (Quality Controlled), so in other words, they aren't even READY to be animated.
Plus, even if the animations werent compatible, that doesn't mean that you are free to "continue" the project on your own accord. It's worth mentioning that we primarily animate these for their usage in Showdown, not EBDX, although they work both ways. Plus, the reason this project has been quiet for a while is because us animators can't do as much work on Gen 6 due to the amount of sprites that are still awaiting QC. Plus we're focusing on later generations. But if you really insist on animating for this project, you could've just applied like all the animators that have contributed already, instead of deciding to take over this project with your own animations, which for half of them arent even A: smogon sprites, or B: consistent with their backs, or even in some cases, C: outright stolen.
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Plus we're focusing on later generations. But if you really insist on animating for this project, you could've just applied like all the animators that have contributed already, instead of deciding to take over this project with your own animations, which for half of them arent even A: smogon sprites, or B: consistent with their backs, or even in some cases, C: outright stolen.
... wait am I included in the scolding? Well, I kinda did provide a list of sprites missing for them, so my apologies for getting involved.

I don't see any sprites of ours that are: decimals (aka .5), so can you provide some examples of those?
Well... I can provide a list of all that have frame rates not in natural numbers/integers:
  • 12.5 fps (80ms)
    • Talonflame
    • Zygarde Cell
    • Zygarde Core
  • 9.0909... fps (110ms)
    • Carbink
    • Vivillion
    • Dedenne
  • 8.333...fps (120ms)
    • Fletchling
  • 7.14285714... fps (140ms)
    • Pancham
  • 6.666... fps (150ms)
    • Goomy
    • Primal Groudon
Well to be fair, for 80ms, 110ms, 140msand 150ms, there really isn't much of a way to fix considering the duration of each frames would also be in decimals (and 110ms is the closest you can get to 9 fps, so that won't make too much of a difference), but yea.
I've managed to get the framerates looking fine for my project. If there's enough demand for it, I can post the sprite sheets on smth like relic castle for those who need them. But yeah, the project is still going, all animations are compatible, and we're working on shit for this. So we don't need people not part of the project inserted themselves without applying.
I've managed to get the framerates looking fine for my project. If there's enough demand for it, I can post the sprite sheets on smth like relic castle for those who need them. But yeah, the project is still going, all animations are compatible, and we're working on shit for this. So we don't need people not part of the project inserted themselves without applying.

Hello, it's been a while since I've been here because of the warnings from those involved in the original project, I was the one who took the initiative, so if there's anyone for you to scold, it's ME, the participation of others is a consequence of my initiative, unlike what you said NO sprite or animation was stolen, they were all taken from this gen 6 project and the ones I got on the internet were credited in the files that I made available with the animations, not to mention the animations that I made some adjustments and I made it very clear that they were not from my authorship, NOTHING was misused and if it was it can be fixed, I "restarted" the project because I saw the active gen 7 and 8 pages so I believed that the gen 6 project had been abandoned since there was none notice that he and the gen 7 project were merged with the gen 8 project, again I'm sorry and ask you to leave the others involved out of this, and just for the record some "poor" animations de were made by amateurs like me, that is, I was unable to have quality control, and finally, I already looked for someone to officially participate in the project and I'm waiting for a response a few days ago.
Hello, it's been a while since I've been here because of the warnings from those involved in the original project, I was the one who took the initiative, so if there's anyone for you to scold, it's ME, the participation of others is a consequence of my initiative, unlike what you said NO sprite or animation was stolen, they were all taken from this gen 6 project and the ones I got on the internet were credited in the files that I made available with the animations, not to mention the animations that I made some adjustments and I made it very clear that they were not from my authorship, NOTHING was misused and if it was it can be fixed, I "restarted" the project because I saw the active gen 7 and 8 pages so I believed that the gen 6 project had been abandoned since there was none notice that he and the gen 7 project were merged with the gen 8 project, again I'm sorry and ask you to leave the others involved out of this, and just for the record some "poor" animations de were made by amateurs like me, that is, I was unable to have quality control, and finally, I already looked for someone to officially participate in the project and I'm waiting for a response a few days ago.
i support bluexc , he hasn't done anything all that wrong,he is just helping out all of us include gen 6 animated pokemon in our own projects.he is doing amazing work.what is your discord bluexc?
Right, I've seen many of the animations you posted before on sites like deviantart. And you didn't make them, so yes they are stolen. Just because you gave credit, does not mean that you had any right to try and submit said animations to the project. And the slight adjustments you made don't change the fact that the original was stolen to begin with.

The activity on later gens is entirely because we had stuff to post for them. Once again, we are focusing more on those for the reasons stated already. Besides those projects were quiet for over a year, mainly due to most of the animators taking a break from the project; leaving little to be posted. But again, nothing gives you the right to start this project up again on your own accord. You are free to post your animations elsewhere, but not here because you aren't part of the project.

The others involved in the revival are equally as guilty as you are for the false revival, as they helped to contribute. It doesn't matter who started it, everyone who tried to contribute is also at fault here. And nowhere did anyone say that the animations were poor quality. At least not here from where I can see.

Let's not do the whole "I support X they did nothing wrong" too. Its very clear that they aren't in the right seeing as no one on the sprite project team are on their side. Once again, you need to be an approved animator to contribute animations to the project. This is done for a variety of reasons. With approved animators, we know what they're capable of, and can trust that they will provide the high quality animations we need for Showdown, and won't be a complete shot in the dark when they take the responsibility for their respective animations. So whether or not they are doing good work is irrelevant if they aren't an approved animator to begin with.

Also, kind request to keep other conversations, like the asking for discord, out of the thread to avoid clogging it with useless information. Hope this clears anything up that was left unanswered.
Hi there, I'm the one currently in charge of the Smogon Sprite Project, having taken over from leParagon around the time of Legends: Arceus and I just want to clear a few things up so the matter can be put to bed.

Firstly, please, please, please read the first post. It links to the gen 7 and gen 8+ projects, so there shouldn't need to be any questions about if gen 9 is being worked on, and if so where. It also links to the spreadsheets where you will be able to find all currently finished sprites and animations and the appropriate credits.

Secondly, it clearly states that sprites and animations need to be from approved spriters–this is for numerous reasons. One, it allows us to provide proper credit for people's work and ensures things aren't borrowed from 3rd parties without consent. Two, it helps us organise–In the early days of this project, 3 or 4 people would all submit sprites for the same Pokémon, meaning there was an overabundance of some Pokémon, and next to nothing for others. Three, it allows us to ensure a level of consistency in our work–we're recreating Pokémon in the BW sprite/animation style, so we need to know that our artists are able to match that level of quality and fit in those restrictions. We also need them to be open to feedback and QC as well, since there are people who have posted stuff in a very much "take it or leave it" kind of manner, which isn't helpful in this regard.

Thirdly, It also clearly states that to become an approved spriter, you need to apply by contacting either myself, or Antiant through DM. However applications are currently closed for spriters. If you haven't contacted us or been approved, please don't assume that you can start posting stuff. We don't want there to be any confusion about what is and isn't part of the project.

Fourthly, the primary objective of the project is to create BW-styled sprites for use in Showdown, we don't do requests or prioritise things for people's fan games. However, we do try to make our stuff compatible with fan games and rom hacks, like making our animations EBDX compatible and a 15 colour limit.

Yes, the Project for XY is still ongoing, although it has taken a back seat as of late since we have been working on more recent gens. But I can promise there are still gen 6 sprites and animations being worked on, so there is no need to try and revive the project. If you want to help, feel free to apply.

If you want to help each other animate sprites, either from here or elsewhere, that aren't approved for use by the project, feel free to create your own thread for just that. But to contribute to the project, it needs to be done within our established rules.