Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Nature: Bold
- Wish
- Protect
- Scald
- Toxic / Roar
Vaporeon is a Pokemon that we've all seen in usage for six generations now, but for some reason this fish really isn't getting much usage in UU. I'm not quite sure why. It's by far one of the two best Wish passers in the tier, having great defensive typing, above average Physical bulk (unlike Florges), a large HP stat, a great utility move in Scald and a lot more. This is a
fantastic partner for Mega evolutions, particularly MegaHeracross, as well as great "glue" for Bulky Offense teams. Its bulk and Scald / Toxic shut down a lot too, like MegaBlastoise. Also, Water Absorb is pretty neat and can score some free switch-ins on things like MegaBlastoise. Vaporeon is on my main team, and it's one of the primary reasons why it's successful. The set is pretty standard, so not much explanation needed. Toxic is for Vaporeon checks, but Roar racks up hazards and stops things like CroCune from setting up. Ice Beam is okay too, but there aren't as many Grass-types in the tier at the moment, and the current Dragons hate status / getting phazed.
Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EV's: 248 HP / 52 SpA / 208 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Encore
- Substitute
- Leech Seed / Toxic / Stun Spore
- Moonblast
Whimsicott, if you are not aware already, was blessed with a retyping in the shift from B/W to XY. Whimsicott is now Grass/Fairy, meaning that it gains an immunity to Dragon, resistances to Dark, Fighting, Water, Grass, Ground and a neutrality to Bug. All of those attacking types are fairly common in the metagame, meaning that Whimsicott finds itself as a solid answer to a number of top threats at the moment. Whimsicott resists both of Keldeo's STAB options, for example, while it can safely switch into Latias' Draco Meteor for free. Furthermore, a lot of Pokemon in the tier are resorting to Substitue on switch-outs, meaning that a priority Encore is both practical and invaluable in many occasions. All three moves in the third spot are viable, depending on what your team needs (or what you want to annoy). You may be looking at the EV spread, thinking "why are you investing in Speed when you have Prankster"? Good question. A Timid nature and 208 Speed EV's out-speeds positive nature Base 110's, which includes Latios (and right under Keldeo). With a 52 SpA investment, Moonblast is guaranteed (99.8% chance) to 2HKO offensive Latias after Stealth Rock damage. Out-speeding both Keldeo and Latias AND hitting them for STAB Super Effective is huge, and Moonblast's awesome BP of 95 (plus a chance to drop SpA) makes it a real force. If MegaAbsol ever becomes popular, 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe will work as well. Whimsicott may just be the current metagame's "anti-metagame" Pokemon.
Krookodile @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Nature: Adamant
- Stealth Rock
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Taunt / Aerial Ace
This one is kind of thinking even more outside of the box than normal. Krookodile is an odd Pokemon in the UU tier: it has a useful Speed stat, a decent support movepool, a good Attack stat, great STABs including a crucial Dark STAB, awesome abilities in both Moxie and Intimidate and access to Knock Off. It has a lot of tools that make it desirable. However, it's also a "jack of all trades, master of none" in a way as well. It has all of these things going for it, but in practice, it finds that it can't accomplish any one avenue efficiently. You have to be careful with Krookodile and not make the mistake of giving it a role it shouldn't be usef for. This, in my testing, is probably the best way of utilizing Krookodile, as an offensive Stealth Rock pivot and stallbreaker. Come in on Physical threats like Crobat, scare them off, abuse Knock Off and/or lay down SR, EQ when appropriate. It's not the easiest Pokemon to use, but in some cases it can be very effective. The last move gives it two distinct roles: Taunt enables it to play the roll of a stallbreaker, while Aerial Ace enables it to act as a lure for MegaHeracross, 2HKO'ing even max HP invested MegaHeracross cleanly.